889 resultados para Schooling of Newly Arrived Immigrant Pupils
Image from publication: Annual catalogue of the officers and pupils...Ann Arbor, Mich. : School District Board
A collection of newly published articles, supplemented by offprints from various publications.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
The aim of this research is to provide insight into how middle school learners experience an inclusive multicultural learning environment. Increasing diversity is challenging European educational systems, which have the arduous task to foster inclusion of learners with diverse educational needs. In order to explore the participants’ descriptions, a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with six learners was employed. Learners’ positions in the educational scenery are central and unique; they are the main experts on their own situations and therefore precious contributors to educational research. Results have been discussed according to a sociocultural perspective. The analysis of my data suggests that the learners perceive their inclusive environment as beneficial. Moreover, they perceive their cultural diversity as strength, reckon social interaction and teamwork with peers as favorable conditions for learning, feel competent in multicultural communication and believe that respect and acceptance towards others are necessary common values. Some implications of multiculturalism in special education are discussed according to the results of a recent European study, which shows that in all the participating European countries, Sweden included, there is a consistent discrepancy in the proportions of learners with immigrant background within special education. Assessment methods developed for mono-cultural learners appear to be a valid reason why multicultural learners are over-or under-represented in special education. Research also shows that inclusion of diversity in educational environment enables the development of social skills in all learners.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper reports on an exploration of the concept of 'supervision' as applied to allied health professionals within a large mental health service in one Australian State. A two-part methodology was used, with focus group interviews conducted with allied health professionals, and semi-structured telephone interviews with service managers. Fifty-eight allied health professionals participated in a series of seven focus groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the Directors or Managers of mental health services in all 21 regions in the state. Allied health professionals and service managers both considered supervision to be an important mechanism for ensuring staff competence and best practice outcomes for consumers and carers. There was strong endorsement of the need for clarification and articulation of supervision policies within the organization, and the provision of appropriate resourcing to enable supervision to occur. Current practice in supervision was seen as ad hoc and of variable standard; the need for training in supervision was seen as critical. The supervision needs of newly graduated allied health professionals and those working in rural and regional areas were also seen as important. The need for a flexible and accessible model of supervision was clearly demonstrated.
Based on a self-similar array model of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), the pore structure of SWNT bundles is analyzed and compared with that obtained from the conventional triangular model and adsorption experimental results. In addition to the well known cylindrical endo-cavities and interstitial pores, two types of newly defined pores with diameters of 2-10 and 8-100 nm are proposed, inter-bundle pores and inter-array pores. In particular, the relationship between the packing configuration of SWNTs and their pore structures is systematically investigated. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
Cell deletion is a physiological process for the development and maintenance of tissue homeostasis in metazoa. This is mainly achieved by the induction of various forms of programmed cell death followed by the recognition and removal of the targeted cells by phagocytes. In this review, we will discuss cell deletion in relation to the development and function of the innate immune system, particularly of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), its ontogeny and potential role in tissue remodeling in the embryo and adult. Ongoing studies are addressing the roles of professional phagocytes of the MPS and neighboring tissue cells in dying cell removal, and candidate molecules that might attract mononuclear phagocytes to the dying cells. The potential phagocyte must discriminate between living and dying cells; current concepts for this discrimination derive from the observation of newly exposed ligands on the dying cells and new evidence for direct inhibition of uptake by viable cells.
O texto analisa o projeto social da Igreja Metodista no bairro do Brás junto aos imigrantes Bolivianos. Revisa-se a literatura sobre as primeiras movimentações com imigrantes no Brasil para focar logo, o bairro do Brás, a Igreja Metodista e o projeto com imigrantes Bolivianos. A origem do bairro do Brás, sua importância e a sua relação histórica com movimentação migratória fazem parte das reflexões. O surgimento da igreja e suas características missionárias são apresentados antes de um aprofundamento no estudo do projeto social com os Bolivianos. Revisa-se a relação entre a igreja e os imigrantes americanos e europeus que chegaram ao Brasil no final do século XIX. A partir de 1980 inicia-se o fenômeno do crescimento da presença do imigrante boliviano nos bairros centrais da metrópole paulista, e como consequência desta presença, há cerca de dez anos a Igreja Metodista desenvolve o projeto visando dar assistência social e religiosa aos filhos e filhas de imigrantes Bolivianos. Para o estudo dessa questão realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e aplicação de entrevistas de questionário aos responsáveis pelo projeto, um casal que acompanha o projeto desde seu início, três pastores, sendo um deles de origem boliviana e quatro jovens Bolivianos que participam do projeto. Na pesquisa detectam-se fatos e informações relevantes para a análise critica em relação a preconceitos, limitações na comunicação, na integração cultural, falta de um planejamento estratégico entre outros aspectos burocráticos característicos da organização interna da Igreja Metodista. O desenvolvimento do contexto urbano do bairro do Brás, a procura de assistência social por parte do imigrante Boliviano e os limites estruturais da igreja aparecem como novos desafios à tradição e pratica missionária da Igreja Metodista.
Esta dissertação - Entre números e palavras: diferenças que colidem no fracasso escolar - procura observar, inicialmente, as diretrizes curriculares e os sistemas avaliativos, com ênfase sobre o Currículo Oficial, instituído em 2008, e o Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar (SARESP) do Estado de São Paulo, para, posteriormente, buscar compreender as relações que se estabelecem quando observados pelo discurso dos professores, que em sala de aula são o ponto de contato entre o currículo e os alunos. Para tanto, além da análise dos documentos curriculares e dos sistemas de avaliação oficiais, referendamo-nos em pressupostos teóricos relacionados ao campo curricular, tendo como principal viés os conceitos de Capital Cultural e Habitus desenvolvidos por Pierre Bourdieu. A partir destas discussões e conceitos se organizam as entrevistas realizadas com professores de Língua Portuguesa do 9º ano do ensino fundamental da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo, em que buscamos problematizar o Currículo Oficial, as metas e resultados de desempenho estabelecidos pelo SARESP, as relações de poder e ideologia presentes nas diretrizes curriculares no encontro com o Capital Cultual dos alunos. Deste modo, este estudo observa um amplo conjunto de práticas que mobilizam as ações educativas, com reflexos sobre o funcionamento da escola, bem como sobre os professores e os alunos; bem como, problematiza a constituição de diretrizes curriculares, o estabelecimento de currículos oficiais e sua unicidade, os resultados advindos das avaliações sistêmicas, as relações de poder e ideologias que atravessam os documentos oficiais e sua influência sobre a formação escolar dos alunos.
Rainbow trout eggs Salmo gairdneri, Richardson, were incubated under a range of different environmental conditions. Recovery of bacteria from egg surfaces revealed that increased water temperature, slow water flow rates and high egg density all significantly increased egg surface bacterial populations. Live eggs were mainly colonized by Cytophaga sp., pseudomonas fluorescens and Aeromonas hydrophila. In contrast, dead eggs supported considerable numbers of fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. Analysis of potential nutrient sources for bacteria colonizing live egg surfaces revealed that small amounts of amino acids, phosphate and potassium may be lost by incubating eggs. Subsequently these nutrients were shown to be capable of supporting limited bacterial growth and reproduction. Dead eggs `leaked' increased amounts of the above nutrients which in turn supported higher bacterial numbers. In addition, biochemical analysis of eggs revealed amino acids and fatty acids that might be utilized by bacteria colonizing dead egg surfaces. Assessment of adhesion properties of bacteria frequently recovered from egg surfaces revealed high cell surface hydrophobicity as an important factor in successful egg colonization. Analysis of egg mortalities from groups of rainbow trout and brown trout (S.trutta L.) eggs maintained under two different incubation systems revealed that potentially a close correlation existed between egg surface bacterial numbers and mortalities in the egg during incubation. Innoculation of newly-fertilized eggs with bacteria demonstrated that groups of eggs supporting high numbers of P.fluorescens suffered significantly higher mortalities during the early part of their incubation. Exposure of incubating eggs to oxolinic acid, chlortetracycline and chloramphenicol demonstrated that numbers of bacteria on egg surfaces could be significantly reduced. However, as no corresponding increase in egg hatching success was revealed, the treatment of incubating eggs with antibiotics or antimicrobial compounds can not be recommended. In commercial hatcheries bacteria are only likely to be responsible for egg deaths during incubation when environmental conditions are unfavourable. High water temperatures, slow water flow rates and high egg density all lead to increased bacterial number of egg surfaces, reduced water circulation and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under such circumstances sufficient amounts of dissolved oxygen may not be available to support developing embryos.
Background: In 2008, the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) scale was generated through a combination of laboratory data, literature review, and expert opinion. This scale identified an increased risk in mortality and worsening cognitive function in multiple populations, including 13,000 older adults in the United Kingdom. We present an updated scale based on new information and new medications available to the market. Methods: We conducted a systematic review for publications recognizing medications with adverse cognitive effects due to anti-cholinergic properties and found no new medications since 2008.Therefore we identified medications from a review of newly ap-proved medications since 2008 and medications identified throughthe clinical experience of the authors. To be included in the updatedACB scale, medications must have met the following criteria; ACBscore of 1: evidence from in vitro data that the medication has antag-onist activity at muscarinic receptors; ACB score of 2: evidence fromliterature, prescriber’s information, or expert opinion of clinical anti-cholinergic effect; ACB score of 3: evidence from literature, pre-scriber’s information, or expert opinion of the medication causingdelirium. Results: The reviewer panel included two geriatric pharmacists,one geriatric psychiatrist, one geriatrician, and one hospitalist.Twenty-three medications were eligible for review and possible inclu-sion in the updated ACB scale. Of these, seven medications were ex-cluded due to a lack of evidence for anticholinergic activity. Of the re-maining 16 medications, ten had laboratory evidence ofanticholinergic activity and added to the ACB list with a score of one.One medication was added with a score of two. Five medicationswere included in the ACB scale with a score of three.Conclusions: The revised ACB scale provides an update of med-ications with anticholinergic effects that may increase the risk of cog-nitive impairment. Future updates will be routinely conducted tomaintain an applicable library of medications for use in clinical andresearch environments.
A dolgozat a visszutas logisztikát, az újrahasznosítást igyekszik beilleszteni a vállalati termeléstervezés keretei közé. A szükséglettervezési rendszerek (material requirements planning, MRP) célja a készletek és beszerzendő anyagok, alkatrészek időben ütemezett gyártásának és beszerzésének megtervezése. A klasszikus MRP rendszereket az utóbbi időben próbálja a tudomány az újrahasznosítással kibővíteni. Mivel ebben az esetben az új, és újrafelhasználható anyagokat külön kell nyilvántartani, ezért az MRP-táblák és készletek növekednek. A rendelési tételnagyságok meghatározása is nehezebb, összetettebb tételnagysághoz vezet. A dolgozatban egy visszutas logisztikai készletmodellt ismertetünk, valamint annak dinamikus kiterjesztését, amely alapja lehet az SAP-ba beépíthető rendelés állomány meghatározó heurisztikának. ____ The aim of the paper is to extend production planning with reverse logistics and reuse. Material requirements planning (MRP) systems plan and control invetory levels and purchasing activities of the firm. In the last decade scientists on this field try to involve reverse logistics activities in MRP systems. Size of MRP-tables is growing in this case because of the alternative use of newly purchased products and reusable old items. Determination of order quantities will be more complex with these two modes of material supplies. An EOQ-type reverse logistics model is presented in the paper with a dynamic lot size generalization. The generalized model can be seen as a basic model to build in production planning and control system like SAP.
Recent advances in airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology allow rapid and inexpensive measurements of topography over large areas. Airborne LIDAR systems usually return a 3-dimensional cloud of point measurements from reflective objects scanned by the laser beneath the flight path. This technology is becoming a primary method for extracting information of different kinds of geometrical objects, such as high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs), buildings and trees, etc. In the past decade, LIDAR gets more and more interest from researchers in the field of remote sensing and GIS. Compared to the traditional data sources, such as aerial photography and satellite images, LIDAR measurements are not influenced by sun shadow and relief displacement. However, voluminous data pose a new challenge for automated extraction the geometrical information from LIDAR measurements because many raster image processing techniques cannot be directly applied to irregularly spaced LIDAR points. ^ In this dissertation, a framework is proposed to filter out information about different kinds of geometrical objects, such as terrain and buildings from LIDAR automatically. They are essential to numerous applications such as flood modeling, landslide prediction and hurricane animation. The framework consists of several intuitive algorithms. Firstly, a progressive morphological filter was developed to detect non-ground LIDAR measurements. By gradually increasing the window size and elevation difference threshold of the filter, the measurements of vehicles, vegetation, and buildings are removed, while ground data are preserved. Then, building measurements are identified from no-ground measurements using a region growing algorithm based on the plane-fitting technique. Raw footprints for segmented building measurements are derived by connecting boundary points and are further simplified and adjusted by several proposed operations to remove noise, which is caused by irregularly spaced LIDAR measurements. To reconstruct 3D building models, the raw 2D topology of each building is first extracted and then further adjusted. Since the adjusting operations for simple building models do not work well on 2D topology, 2D snake algorithm is proposed to adjust 2D topology. The 2D snake algorithm consists of newly defined energy functions for topology adjusting and a linear algorithm to find the minimal energy value of 2D snake problems. Data sets from urbanized areas including large institutional, commercial, and small residential buildings were employed to test the proposed framework. The results demonstrated that the proposed framework achieves a very good performance. ^
This dissertation comprises three individual chapters. Chapter Two examines how free riding across neighbors influenced the diffusion of color television sets in rural China. Chapter Three tests for asymmetric information between a firm’s management and other investors concerning its patent output. Chapter Four discusses how knowledge stocks influence a patenting firm’s later diversification. Chapter Two documents the existence of a type of network effects—free riding across neighbors—in the consumption of color television sets in rural China, which reduces the propensity of non-owners to purchase. I construct a model of the timing of the purchase of a durable good in the presence of free riding, and test its key implications using household survey data in rural China. Chapter Three tests for asymmetric information between a firm’s management and other investors about its patent output by examining insider trading patterns and stock price changes in R&D intensive firms. It demonstrates that management has considerable information about its patent output beyond what is known to investors. It also shows that the predictive power of insider trading patterns on patent output comes from purchases rather than sales. Chapter Four discusses two sequential channels through which knowledge stocks may influence a firm’s later diversification. One is that firms with more knowledge are more likely to enter a new industry. The other is that firms’ businesses have a better chance of surviving, conditional on being formed. By examining U.S. public patenting firms in manufacturing sectors for 1984-1996, I find that knowledge stocks predict the likelihood of new industry entry when controlling for firm size. However, this predictive power is weakened when diversification effects are included. On the other hand, a survival study of newly established segments shows that initial knowledge stocks have significant positive effects on segment survival, whereas diversification effects are insignificant.