992 resultados para Schmidt, Minna Moscherosch.
During migratory journeys, birds may become displaced from their normal migratory route. Experimental evidence has shown that adult birds can correct for such displacements and return to their goal. However, the nature of the cues used by migratory birds to perform long distance navigation is still debated. In this experiment we subjected adult lesser black-backed gulls migrating from their Finnish/Russian breeding grounds (from >60°N) to Africa (to < 5°N) to sensory manipulation, to determine the sensory systems required for navigation. We translocated birds westward (1080 km) or eastward (885 km) to simulate natural navigational challenges. When translocated westwards and outside their migratory corridor birds with olfactory nerve section kept a clear directional preference (southerly) but were unable to compensate for the displacement, while intact birds and gulls with the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve sectioned oriented towards their population-specific migratory corridor. Thus, air-borne olfactory information seems to be important for migrating gulls to navigate successfully in some circumstances.
We put constraints on the properties of the progenitors of peculiar calcium-rich transients using the distribution of locations within their host galaxies. We confirm that this class of transients do not follow the galaxy stellar mass profile and are more likely to be found in remote locations of their apparent hosts. We test the hypothesis that these transients are from low-metallicity progenitors by comparing their spatial distributions with the predictions of self-consistent cosmological simulations that include star formation and chemical enrichment. We find that while metal-poor stars and our transient sample show a consistent preference for large offsets, metallicity alone cannot explain the extreme cases. Invoking a lower age limit on the progenitor helps to improve the match, indicating these events may result from a very old metal-poor population. We also investigate the radial distribution of globular cluster systems, and show that they too are consistent with the class of calcium-rich transients. Because photometric upper limits exist for globular clusters for some members of the class, a production mechanism related to the dense environment of globular clusters is not favoured for the calcium-rich events. However, the methods developed in this paper may be used in the future to constrain the effects of low metallicity on radially distant core-collapse events or help establish a correlation with globular clusters for other classes of peculiar explosions.
The blocking of ion transport at interfaces strongly limits the performance of electrochemical nanodevices for energy applications. The barrier is believed to arise from space-charge regions generated by mobile ions by analogy to semiconductor junctions. Here we show that something different is at play by studying ion transport in a bicrystal of yttria (9% mol) stabilized zirconia (YSZ), an emblematic oxide ion conductor. Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) provides structure and composition at atomic resolution, with the sensitivity to directly reveal the oxygen ion profile. We find that Y segregates to the grain boundary at Zr sites, together with a depletion of oxygen that is confined to a small length scale of around 0.5 nm. Contrary to the main thesis of the space-charge model, there exists no evidence of a long-range O vacancy depletion layer. Combining ion transport measurements across a single grain boundary by nanoscale electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM), broadband dielectric spectroscopy measurements, and density functional calculations, we show that grain-boundary-induced electronic states act as acceptors, resulting in a negatively charged core. Ultimately, it is this negative charge which gives rise to the barrier for ion transport at the grain boundary
Kumphawapi, which is Thailand’s largest natural freshwater lake, contains a >10,000-year-long climatic and environmental archive. New data sets (stratigraphy, chronology, hydrogen isotopes, plant macrofossil and charcoal records) for two sedimentary sequences are here combined with earlier multi-proxy studies to provide a comprehensive reconstruction of past climatic and environmental changes for Northeast Thailand. Gradually higher moisture availability due to a strengthening of the summer monsoon led to the formation of a large shallow lake in the Kumphawapi basin between >10,700 and c. 7000 cal. BP. The marked increase in moisture availability and lower evaporation between c. 7000 and 6400 cal. BP favoured the growth and expansion of vegetation in and around the shallow lake. The increase in biomass led to gradual overgrowing and infilling, to an apparent lake level lowering and to the development of a wetland. Multiple hiatuses are apparent in all investigated sequences between c. 6500 and 1400 cal. BP and are explained by periodic desiccation events of the wetland and erosion due to the subsequent lake level rise. The rise in lake level, which started c. 2000 cal. BP and reached shallower parts c. 1400 cal. BP, is attributed to an increase in effective moisture availability. The timing of hydroclimatic conditions during the past 2000 years cannot be resolved because of chronological limitations.
Enquadrado numa perspectiva sócio-construtivista em Didáctica de Línguas (DL), o presente trabalho propõe-se identificar e descrever as imagens face às línguas estrangeiras, em particular à língua Alemã, e sua aprendizagem, que se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar. Com base nas imagens identificadas, pretende-se compreender de que forma elas se relacionam com a dimensão afectiva presente no processo de ensinoaprendizagem, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que o aprendente vai construindo com o alemão, objecto de estudo. Neste quadro, foram traçadas as seguintes questões de investigação para este trabalho: (1) Que imagens face às línguas escolares (inglês, francês, espanhol, português e, em particular, alemão), se manifestam numa determinada comunidade escolar (considerando os alunos, encarregados de educação, professores, administração da escola e funcionários)?; Como se (inter-) relacionam estas imagens nos diferentes públicos considerados?; (2) De que forma se manifestam as imagens face à língua alemã e sua aprendizagem na interacção em sala de aula de Alemão (LE)? Quais as marcas discursivas que as identificam e tecem?; De que forma estão estas imagens associadas às emoções e (3) Quais as emoções associadas às imagens do Alemão e sua aprendizagem em contexto de sala de aula? A investigação recente em DL sugere que as imagens que um determinado sujeito constrói face a uma dada língua permitem compreender as suas atitudes e comportamentos face à mesma, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à relação afectiva que vai construindo com a língua em causa e sua aprendizagem (cf. ARAÚJO E SÁ & SCHMIDT 2008, DE PIETRO & MÜLLER 1997, MÜLLER 1998, PERREFORT 2001). Estas imagens, enquanto constructos sociais, elaboram-se, revitalizam-se e cristalizam-se na e pela interacção verbal em sala de aula. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho discute os conceitos de imagem/representação face às línguas, relacionandoos com a dimensão afectiva (inegavelmente) presente nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem das LE e à luz de uma abordagem interaccional em DL. A investigação desenrolou-se em duas fases. Numa primeira, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário a toda uma comunidade escolar (incluindo todos os públicos anteriormente referidos), numa escola secundária com terceiro ciclo em Albergaria-a-Velha, no distrito de Aveiro. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados segundo uma abordagem mista (quantitativa e qualitativa). Os resultados apontam para imagens fortemente escolarizadas, na medida em que os inquiridos parecem considerar as línguas estrangeiras sobretudo enquanto objectos de apropriação em contextos escolares. Identificaram-se imagens homogéneas e consistentes das línguas estrangeiras, evidenciando-se, no que à língua alemã diz respeito, a sua dificuldade. Os resultados relacionam-se com os obtidos noutras investigações realizadas em terreno nacional em DL, corroborando alguns e complementando outros (ARAÚJO E SÁ 2008, SIMÕES 2006, PINTO 2005, MELO 2006 e Projecto Imagens das Línguas na comunicação intercultural: contributos para o desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue). Numa segunda fase, acompanhou-se uma turma de alemão (LE) ao longo de um ano lectivo completo, tendo-se procedido à vídeo-gravação das aulas e, posteriormente, à identificação do que designámos por ‘episódios significativos’, para constituição do corpus de análise. A análise interaccional destes episódios permitiu a identificação de diferentes marcas discursivas (verbais, para-verbais e não-verbais) que indiciam, por um lado, a circulação e (re)construção de imagens face ao alemão e sua aprendizagem e, por outro, a presença de um conjunto de emoções associadas a estas imagens, nos discursos dos aprendentes e da professora. No que diz respeito à imagem da dificuldade do alemão e da sua aprendizagem, cristalizaram-se seis indicadores: (1) a compreensão oral e a pronúncia, (2) o léxico e as palavras compostas (3) os números, (4) a leitura, (5) o sistema de regras gramaticais e, finalmente, (6) a auto-imagem dos alunos enquanto aprendentes de alemão. Os resultados sugerem ainda a associação destas imagens a emoções tendencialmente ‘negativas’ (por exemplo a arrelia e o embaraço), isto é, que se traduzem numa atitude de distanciamento e de evitamento linguístico. Face às conclusões obtidas, propõe-se um conjunto de princípios enquadradores para uma educação em línguas ‘afectivamente consciente’ e capaz de promover imagens mais positivas das línguas e das suas aprendizagens, designadamante do alemão. Considerando-se a diminuição acentuada dos aprendentes de alemão (LE) em contexto escolar nacional nos últimos dez anos, aponta-se para a necessidade de melhor compreender a relação entre a falta de popularidade escolar desta língua e a imagem da sua dificuldade (de aprendizagem).
Background The Well London programme used community engagement, complemented by changes to the physical and social neighbourhood environment, to improve physical activity levels, healthy eating and mental wellbeing in the most deprived communities in London. The effectiveness of Well London is being evaluated in a pair-matched cluster randomised trial (CRT). The baseline survey data are reported here. Methods The CRT involved 20 matched pairs of intervention and control communities (defined as UK census lower super output areas; ranked in the 11% most deprived LSOAs in London by Index of Multiple Deprivation) across 20 London boroughs. The primary trial outcomes, sociodemographic information and environmental neighbourhood characteristics were assessed in three quantitative components within the Well London CRT at baseline: a cross-sectional, interviewer-administered adult household survey; a self-completed, school-based adolescent questionnaire; a fieldworker completed neighbourhood environmental audit. Baseline data collection occurred in 2008. Physical activity, healthy eating and mental wellbeing were assessed using standardised, validated questionnaire tools. Multiple imputation was used to account for missing data in the outcomes and other variables in the adult and adolescent surveys. Results There were 4107 adults and 1214 adolescent respondents in the baseline surveys. The intervention and control areas were broadly comparable with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The environmental characteristics of the intervention and control neighbourhoods were broadly similar. There was greater between cluster variation in the primary outcomes in the adult population compared to the adolescent population. Levels of healthy eating, smoking and self-reported anxiety/depression were similar in the Well London population and the national Health Survey for England. Levels of physical activity were higher in the Well London population but this is likely to be due to the different measurement tools used in the two surveys. Conclusions Randomisation of social interventions such as Well London is acceptable and feasible and in this study the intervention and control arms are well balanced with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The matched design has improved the statistical efficiency of the study amongst adults but less so amongst adolescents. Follow-up data collection will be completed 2012.
Introduction: The objectives of this study were to examine relationships between neighbourhood-level and individual-level characteristics and physical activity in deprived London neighbourhoods. Methods: In 40 of the most deprived neighbourhoods in London (ranked in top 11% in London by Index of Multiple Deprivation) a cross-sectional survey (n = 4107 adults aged > = 16 years), neighbourhood audit tool, GIS measures and routine data measured neighbourhood and individual-level characteristics. The binary outcome was meeting the minimum recommended (CMO, UK) 5×30 mins moderate physical activity per week. Multilevel modelling was used to examine associations between physical activity and individual and neighbourhood-level characteristics. Results: Respondents living more than 300 m away from accessible greenspace had lower odds of achieving recommended physical activity levels than those who lived within 300 m; from 301–600 m (OR = 0.7; 95% CI 0.5–0.9) and from 601–900 m (OR = 0.6; 95% CI 0.4–0.8). There was substantial residual between-neighbourhood variance in physical activity (median odds ratio = 1.7). Other objectively measured neighbourhood-level characteristics were not associated with physical activity levels. Conclusions Distance to nearest greenspace is associated with meeting recommended physical activity levels in deprived London neighbourhoods. Despite residual variance in physical activity levels between neighbourhoods, we found little evidence for the influence of other measured neighbourhood-level characteristics.
Introduction The objectives of this study were to examine relationships between neighbourhood-level and individual-level characteristics and physical activity in deprived London neighbourhoods. Methods In 40 of the most deprived neighbourhoods in London (ranked in top 11% in London by Index of Multiple Deprivation) a cross-sectional survey (n = 4107 adults aged > = 16 years), neighbourhood audit tool, GIS measures and routine data measured neighbourhood and individual-level characteristics. The binary outcome was meeting the minimum recommended (CMO, UK) 5×30 mins moderate physical activity per week. Multilevel modelling was used to examine associations between physical activity and individual and neighbourhood-level characteristics. Results Respondents living more than 300 m away from accessible greenspace had lower odds of achieving recommended physical activity levels than those who lived within 300 m; from 301–600 m (OR = 0.7; 95% CI 0.5–0.9) and from 601–900 m (OR = 0.6; 95% CI 0.4–0.8). There was substantial residual between-neighbourhood variance in physical activity (median odds ratio = 1.7). Other objectively measured neighbourhood-level characteristics were not associated with physical activity levels. Conclusions Distance to nearest greenspace is associated with meeting recommended physical activity levels in deprived London neighbourhoods. Despite residual variance in physical activity levels between neighbourhoods, we found little evidence for the influence of other measured neighbourhood-level characteristics.
l seminario sigue la línea establecida en el curso sobre los “Clásicos de la literatura de la metrópolis” impartido durante el semestre de 2008-2. En este semestre, se analizan novelas, cuentos, crónicas y películas latinoamericanos producidos a partir de 1960. Interpretamos textos desde el ciclo novelístico de Santa María, de Juan Carlos Onetti, pasando por el llamado boom de la década de 1960 (Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Julio Cortázar) y las crónicas mexicanas de los años 70 y 80 (Carlos Monsiváis, Cristina Pacheco, Elena Poniatowska) hasta llegar al análisis de novelas y cuentos más recientes de autores como Carmen Boullosa, Guillermo Fadanelli, Juan Forns, Ricardo Piglia, Guillermo Samperio, Fernando Vallejo, Rafael Ramírez Heredia. Además, analizamos películas recientes como: El callejón de los milagros, La virgen de los sicarios, Ciudade de Deus y Amores perros.
Participan: José Enrique Covarrubias, Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Vicente Quirarte, Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle, Cecilia Tercero, Renata von Hanffstengel
ln a context where widespread failings in the nature of terrorism research are well recognised - yet where the quantity of work is still enormous - is it possible to fairly assess whether the field is progressing or if it has become mired in mediocre research? Citation analysis is widely used to reveal the evolution and extent of progress in fields of study and to provide valuable insight into major trends and achievements. This study identifies and analyses the current 100 most cited journal articles in terrorism studies. A search was performed using Google Scholar for peer reviewed journal articles on subjects related to terrorism and counter-terrorism. The most cited papers were published across 62 journals which reflected the interdisciplinary nature of terrorism studies. Compared to other articles, the most cited papers were more likely to be the result of colloborative research and were also more likely to provide new data. 63 of the top 1-00 articles have been published since 2001. The findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of terrorism research and current debates on progress in the field.