1000 resultados para Savolainen, Raimo: Sivistyksen voimalla : J. V. Snellmanin elämä


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Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with melphalan and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is used to treat bulky, locally advanced melanoma and sarcoma. However, TNF toxicity suggests a need for better-tolerated drugs. Cilengitide (EMD 121974), a novel cyclic inhibitor of alpha-V integrins, has both anti-angiogenic and direct anti-tumor effects and is a possible alternative to TNF in ILP. In this study, rats bearing a hind limb soft tissue sarcoma underwent ILP using different combinations of melphalan, TNF and cilengitide in the perfusate. Further groups had intra-peritoneal (i.p.) injections of cilengitide or saline 2 hr before and 3 hr after ILP. A 77% response rate (RR) was seen in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and perfused with melphalan plus cilengitide. The RR was 85% in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and ILP using melphalan plus both TNF and cilengitide. Both RRs were significantly greater than those seen with melphalan or cilengitide alone. Histopathology showed that high RRs were accompanied by disruption of tumor vascular endothelium and tumor necrosis. Compared with ILP using melphalan alone, the addition of cilengitide resulted in a three to sevenfold increase in melphalan concentration in tumor but not in muscle in the perfused limb. Supportive in vitro studies indicate that cilengitide both inhibits tumor cell attachment and increases endothelial permeability. Since cilengitide has low toxicity, these data suggest the agent is a good alternative to TNF in the ILP setting.


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The increasing incidence of children identified and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) poses a major challenge to Title V and other programs as they try to meet the diverse and sometimes complex needs of these children. However, those state that have initiated coordinated efforts to meet the needs of these children cross systems have had the opportunity to form and/or strengthen relationships with new partners. In addition, these coordinated efforts will allow states to develop new policies, programs and financing mechanisms addressing the health of children with ASD, which may also strengthen the system of care for all Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.


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Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.


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Debe reconocerse que en estos años próximos al fin del milenio la publicación de estudios sobre el mundo ibérico goza de excelente salud, cuando menos en volumen. Artículos, ponencias y comunicaciones amenazan con abrumar al lector más impenitente. Por ello resulta aleccionador acudir al meritorio trabajo de Fernando Quesada: "La cultura ibérica: una aproximación bibliográfica (1992-1993)", RE/b, 1, 1994, 335-377, que reúne la producción en revistas y series no excesivamente locales -imposibles de controlar, por otro lado-, y comprobar un balance de unos doscientos títulos anuales. Ahora bien, si consideramos el número de monografías, nos situaremos en un plano selectivo, que rondará la docena al año. Diversos factores -y entre ellos la desidia de diferentes niveles administrativos y académicos- parecen confabularse para que no se disponga de un conjunto de memorias impresas proporcional al volumen de excavaciones realizadas en las dos últimas décadas.


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Aquest llibre reuneix un estudi arqueològic extraordinàriament acurat referit a tot un seguit d'actuacions detectades a partir del registre arqueològic, que caracteritzen l'espai urbà de l'antiga Iluro durant el període de l'Antiguitat tardana. S'hi estudia amb molt deteniment cadascuna de les accions detectades -així com tot el mobiliari ceràmic relacionat- amb la finalitat de situar-les correctament en el temps, però també per entendre, a tra©s de la cultura material, la dinàmica que pren la ciutat a les darreries de l'Antiguitat; per a poder intuir, més que saber, quina societat es desenvolupa darrere d¿aquests contenidors plens de productes alimentaris arribats d¿un ultramar llunyà i alhora molt proper; una societat capaç de respondre a l¿estímul exterior amb una producció pròpia que competirà o substituirà una gran part de la que ve de fora.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Family Health and the Child Health Specialty Clinics embarked on a five-year needs assessment in March 2008 with a daylong strategic planning session involving key administrative and staff personnel from both agencies. As part of the strategic planning, the participants began preparation of a comprehensive assessment to identify the need in Iowa for: preventive and primary care services for pregnant women, mothers, and infants; preventive and primary care services for children; and services for children and youth with special health care needs.


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In recent years, several vasopressin antagonists have been developed that block V-1 receptors either selectively or nonselectively.(1,2) To date, one combined V-1/V-2 antagonist (primarily a V-2 antagonist, as determined on the basis of human receptor binding data), conivaptan, has been approved for the treatment of euvolemic hyponatremia.(3,4) We have previously shown that the vascular properties of a vasopressin V-1 antagonist can be investigated safely and reliably in healthy subjects. We used the measurement of skin blood flow after intradermic injection of exogenous arginine vasopressin on a skin area prevasodilated with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).(3,5) This technique enables the documentation of the dose-dependent effects of vasopressin or vasopressin antagonists. In this study, we have characterized the V-1a pharmacodynamic profile of increasing doses of RWJ-676070, a new orally active dual V-1a/V-2 receptor antagonist, in healthy subjects.(5)