796 resultados para Savola, Mika


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common cause of morbidity among children. Evidence on seasonality, especially on the frequency of viral and bacterial causative agents is scarce; such information may be useful in an era of changing climate conditions worldwide. To analyze the frequency of distinct infections, meteorological indicators and seasons in children hospitalized for CAP in Salvador, Brazil, nasopharyngeal aspirate and blood were collected from 184 patients aged < 5 y over a 21-month period. Fourteen microbes were investigated and 144 (78%) cases had the aetiology established. Significant differences were found in air temperature between spring and summer (p = 0.02) or winter (p < 0.001), summer and fall (p = 0.007) or winter (p < 0.001), fall and winter (p = 0.002), and on precipitation between spring and fall (p = 0.01). Correlations were found between: overall viral infections and relative humidity (p = 0.006; r = 0.6) or precipitation (p = 0.03; r = 0.5), parainfluenza and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = -0.5), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and air temperature (p = 0.048; r = -0.4) or precipitation (p = 0.045; r = 0.4), adenovirus and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = 0.5), pneumococcus and air temperature (p = 0.04; r = -0.4), and Chlamydia trachomatis and relative humidity (p = 0.02; r = -0.5). The frequency of parainfluenza infection was highest during spring (32.1%; p = 0.005) and that of RSV infection was highest in the fall (36.4%; p < 0.001). Correlations at regular strength were found between several microbes and meteorological indicators. Parainfluenza and RSV presented marked seasonal patterns.


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Empirical antibiotic use is prescribed in managing children with pneumonia worldwide. We assessed the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. Among 159 hospitalized children, pneumonia was diagnosed based on clinical complaints plus pulmonary infiltrate. Aetiology was investigated for 9 viruses and 4 atypical and 3 typical bacteria. PCT and IFN-alpha were measured in the serum sample collected on admission. Eight patients had bacteraemic infections, 38 had non-bacteraemic typical infections, and 19 patients had atypical bacterial infections. Viral and unknown aetiology was established in 57 (36%) and 34 (21%) cases, respectively. Three patients with bacterial infection without collected blood culture were excluded. IFN-alpha (IU/ml) was detectable in 20 (13%) cases. The difference among median PCT values of the bacteraemic (4.22; 1.56-7.56), non-bacteraemic typical bacterial (1.47; 0.24-4.07), atypical bacterial (0.18; 0.06-1.03) and only viral (0.65; 0.11-2.22) subgroups was significant (p = 0.02). PCT was >= 2 ng/ml in 52 (33%) cases. The presence of IFN-alpha was associated with PCT <2 ng/ml (90% vs. 64%, p = 0.02). The negative predictive value (95% confidence interval) of PCT >= 2 ng/ml was 95% (89-100%), 89% (78-100%), 93% (85-100%) for differentiation of bacteraemic from viral, atypical bacterial and non-bacteraemic typical bacterial infection, respectively, and 58% (49-68%) for differentiation between bacterial and viral infection. PCT may be useful in identifying bacteraemia among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. IFN-alpha was uncommonly detected.


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We report an investigation for 16 bacteria and viruses among 184 children hospitalized with pneumonia in Salvador, Brazil. Etiology was established in 144 (78%) cases. Viral, bacterial, and mixed infections were found in 110 (60%), 77 (42%), and 52 (28%) patients, respectively. Rhinovirus (21%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (21%) were the most common pathogens. Our results demonstrate the importance of viral and pneumococcal infections among those patients.


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The details of the mechanism of persistent luminescence were probed by investigating the trap level structure of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials (R: Y, La-Lu, excluding Pm and Eu) with thermoluminescence (TL) measurements and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The TL results indicated that the shallowest traps for each Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) material above room temperature were always ca. 0.7 eV corresponding to a strong TL maximum at ca. 90 A degrees C. This main trap energy was only slightly modified by the different co-dopants, which, in contrast, had a significant effect on the depths of the deeper traps. The combined results of the trap level energies obtained from the experimental data and DFT calculations suggest that the main trap responsible for the persistent luminescence of the Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials is created by charge compensation lattice defects, identified tentatively as oxygen vacancies, induced by the R(3+) co-dopants.


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Bakgrund: På somatiska vårdavdelningar är fallrisken hög då det gäller patienter med demenssjukdom. Olika faktorer leder till att denna patientgrupp riskerar att inneha hög fallfrekvens på sjukhus. Syftet är att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan med hjälp av omvårdnadsåtgärder kan förebygga fall hos patienter med demenssjukdom på somatiska vårdavdelningar. Metod som valts är en litteratur översikt som är baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ- och kvantitativansats. Resultat: Att identifiera vilka faktorer som leder till ökad fallrisk är ett viktigt arbete för sjuksköterskan för att kunna sätta in rätt omvårdnadsåtgärder. Upprättandet av individanpassat fallpreventionsprogram kan förebygga fall genom att patientens styrkor och svagheter identifieras. Vårdmiljön har en stor betydelse för patienter med demenssjukdom för att motverka risken för fallolyckor. Genom att samverka med andra professioner kan sjuksköterskan få ett större urval av omvårdnadsåtgärder i det fallförebyggande arbetet. Olika sorters hjälpmedel kan användas i omvårdnaden och därmed förebygga fall och framförallt fallskador. Slutsats: Fallolyckor innebär svåra skador hos äldre patienter med demens med en lång vårdtid och ökat lidande som följd. Det bör därför ligga i sjuksköterskans intresse att mer systematiskt använda sig av någon av tidigare nämnda omvårdnadsåtgärder då de hjälper till att förhindra fallolyckor i hög grad.


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The English language has become an international language and is globally used as a lingua franca. Therefore, there has been a shift in English-language education toward teaching English as an interna-tional language (EIL). Teaching from the EIL paradigm means that English is seen as an international language used in communication by people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. As the approach to English-language education changes from the traditional native-speaker, target country context, so does the role of culture within English-language teaching. The aim of this thesis is to in-vestigate and analyse cultural representations in two Swedish EFL textbooks used in upper-secondary school to see how they correspond with the EIL paradigm. This is done by focusing on the geograph-ical origin of the cultural content as well as looking at what kinds of culture are represented in the textbooks. A content analysis of the textbooks is conducted, using Kachru’s Concentric Circles of English as the model for the analysis of the geographical origin. Horibe’s model of the three different kinds of culture in EIL is the model used for coding the second part of the analysis. The results of the analysis show that culture of target countries and "Culture as social custom" dominate the cultural content of the textbook. Thus, although there are some indications that the EIL paradigm has influ-enced the textbooks, the traditional approach to culture in language teaching still prevails in the ana-lysed textbooks. Because of the relatively small sample included in the thesis, further studies need to be conducted in order to make conclusions regarding the Swedish context as a whole.


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Teaching the cultural aspect of foreign language education is a complex and sometimes difficult task, especially since English has become an international language used in different settings and contexts throughout the world. Building on the idea that the spread of the English language and its international status in the world has made English an important school subject to develop students’ cross-cultural and intercultural awareness, this paper has studied what research reveals about the influence this has had on cultural representations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks. Findings from a systematic literature review that analyzed four different international studies on the topic are presented. The study showed that EFL textbooks often present stereotypical and overgeneralized representations of culture and that the cultural aspect of EFL education is not adequately addressed since focus tends to lean towards language proficiency. Results also indicated that though steps are made to include cultural representations from different international contexts, the target culture of countries where English is the first language remains dominant in EFL textbooks. The findings are discussed in correlation with the Swedish national curriculum and syllabus.


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A degradação ambiental vem modificando nosso cenário de forma acelerada e interferindo negativamente no processo saúde-doença de toda a comunidade. No entanto, o meio ambiente vem sendo concebido como um simples cenário, algo externo ao ser humano, não onde estamos inseridos e no qual acontecem suas interações e inter-relações. A complexidade dos problemas ambientais clama pela adoção de medidas que superem práticas assistencialistas, levando à adoção de práticas transdisciplinares que avancem na promoção da saúde. Neste artigo procura-se discutir, nesta perspectiva, a necessidade de inserção nos cursos de graduação em saúde a temática saúde e meio ambiente, adotando como exemplo um curso de enfermagem do interior paulista que inseriu uma disciplina relacionada ao tema. Analisa também o papel do enfermeiro na relação com o meio ambiente segundo a representação social dos alunos, trabalhada a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Nota-se que é fundamental discutir essa temática ambiental entre os profissionais da saúde, a fim de que eles se empoderem desse conhecimento e consigam identificar problemas relacionados à questão ambiental, propondo ações resolutivas e preventivas, juntamente com a comunidade, procurando amenizar os riscos ambientais a que todos estão expostos. Reforça-se a profundidade do papel dos profissionais de saúde diante dos problemas ambientais, buscando a saúde em uma perspectiva ampliada de promoção da saúde.


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Experience report carried out at a university hospital involving a patient victimized by an accident with a spider of the Loxosceles gaucho genus. This type of accident can be classified as mild, moderate and severe, depending on the period of time elapsed between the occurrence of the accident and the moment of care provision. We aimed at applying nursing care systematization in a comprehensive and humanized manner. The following nursing diagnoses were established: acute pain, damaged skin integrity, risks for infection, constipation and low self-esteem. The therapeutic relationship favored student/patient interactions and enabled the recognition of the needs that deserved nursing interventions. The nursing process was a valuable instrument and provided important elements for the patient's daily development and planning adjustment by prioritizing care quality.


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Currently the mobile services represent an essential tool in daily life of the population. However, while offering greater convenience to its users, there is growing concern about the harmful effects to human health, derived from daily exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields from radio base stations (RBS), since even today, there is no study proving that longterm exposure to low-level fields are not harmful to health. In Presidente Prudente has not been a study reporting values of measurements of electromagnetic fields from base stations installed in the city. Based on these data, this study aimed to assess the levels of electromagnetic exposure in the city of Presidente Prudente regarding recommended by international bodies, as well as propose measures that can reduce public exposure to electromagnetic fields. For measuring values of electromagnetic fields, we used appliance Electromagnetic Field Meter Portable Digital - DRE-050, the Instrutherm, following the methodology suggested and adapted from the Adilza Condessa Dode’study. In total, 49 points were mapped corresponding to the areas at risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by the substations of power grid, transmission towers and telecommunication towers located in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP)


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In this work, the persistent luminescence mechanisms of Tb3+ (in CdSiO3) and Eu2+ (in BaAl2O4) based on solid experimental data are compared. The photoluminescence spectroscopy shows the different nature of the inter- and intraconfigurational transitions for Eu2+ and Tb3+, respectively. The electron is the charge carrier in both mechanisms, implying the presence of electron acceptor defects. The preliminary structural analysis shows a free space in CdSiO3 able to accommodate interstitial oxide ions needed by charge compensation during the initial preparation. The subsequent annealing removes this oxide leaving behind an electron trap. Despite the low band gap energy for CdSiO3, determined with synchrotron radiation UV-VUV excitation spectroscopy of Tb3+, the persistent luminescence from Tb3+ is observed only with UV irradiation. The need of high excitation energy is due to the position of F-7(6) level deep below the bottom of the conduction band, as determined with the 4f(8)-> 4f(7)5d(1) and the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions. Finally, the persistent luminescence mechanisms are constructed and, despite the differences, the mechanisms for Tb3+ and Eu2+ proved to be rather similar. This similarity confirms the solidity of the interpretation of experimental data for the Eu2+ doped persistent luminescence materials and encourages the use of similar models for other persistent luminescence materials. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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The fading of persistent luminescence in Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,R3+ (R: Y, La-Nd, Sm-Lu) was studied combining thermoluminescence (TL) and room temperature (persistent) luminescence measurements to gain more information on the mechanism of persistent luminescence. The TL glow curves showed the main trap signal at ca. 80 degrees C, corresponding to 0.6 eV as the trap depth, with every R co-dopant. The TL measurements carried out with different irradiation times revealed the general order nature of the TL bands. The results obtained from the deconvolutions of the glow curves allowed the prediction of the fading of persistent luminescence with good accuracy, though only when using the Becquerel decay law. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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The present status and future progress of the mechanisms of persistent luminescence are critically treated with the present knowledge. The advantages to be achieved by a further need as well as the pitfalls of the excessive use of imagination are shown. As usual, in the beginning of the present era of persistent luminescence since the mid 1990s, the imagination played a more important role than the sparse solid experimental data and the chemical common sense and knowledge was largely ignored. Since some five years, the mechanistic studies seem to have reached the maturity and - perhaps deceivingly - it seems that there are only details to be solved. However, the development of red emitting nanocrystalline materials poses a challenge also to the more fundamental studies and interpretation. The questions still luring in the darkness include the problems how the increased surface area affects the defect structure and how the "persistent energy transfer" really works. There is still some light to be thrown onto these matters starting with agreeing on the terminology: the term phosphorescence should be abandoned altogether. The long lifetime of persistent luminescence is due to trapping of excitation energy, not to the forbidden nature of the luminescent transition. However, the technically well-suited term "afterglow" should be retained for harmful, short persistent luminescence. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Objective: In chronic renal failure patients under hemodialysis (HD) treatment, the availability of simple, safe, and effective tools to assess body composition enables evaluation of body composition accurately, in spite of changes in body fluids that occur in dialysis therapy, thus contributing to planning and monitoring of nutritional treatment. We evaluated the performance of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and the skinfold thickness sum (SKF) to assess fat mass (FM) in chronic renal failure patients before (BHD) and after (AHD) HD, using air displacement plethysmography (ADP) as the standard method. Design: This single-center cross-sectional trial involved comparing the FM of 60 HD patients estimated BHD and AHD by BIA (multifrequential; 29 women, 31 men) and by SKF with those estimated by the reference method, ADP. Body fat-free mass (FFM) was also obtained by subtracting the total body fat from the individual total weight. Results: Mean estimated FM (kg [%]) observed by ADP BHD was 17.95 +/- 0.99 kg (30.11% +/- 1.30%), with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 16.00 to 19.90 (27.56 to 32.66); mean estimated FM observed AHD was 17.92 +/- 1.11 kg (30.04% +/- 1.40%), with a 95% CI of 15.74 to 20.10 (27.28 to 32.79). Neither study period showed a difference in FM and FFM (for both kg and %) estimates by the SKF method when compared with ADP; however, the BIA underestimated the FM and overestimated the FFM (for both kg and %) when compared with ADP. Conclusion: The SKF, but not the BIA, method showed results similar to ADP and can be considered adequate for FM evaluation in HD patients. (C) 2012 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.