881 resultados para Sarkovskii ordering
Chert, Porcellanite, and other silicified rocks formed in response to high heat flow in the lower 50 meters of 275 meters of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504, Costa Rica Rift. Chert and Porcellanite partly or completely replaced upper Miocene chalk and limestone. Silicified rock occurs as nodules, laminae, stringers, and casts of burrows, and consists of quartz and opal-CT in varying amounts, associated with secondary calcite. The secondary silica was derived from dissolution of opal-A (biogenic silica), mostly diatom frustules and radiolarian tests. Temperature data obtained at the site indicate that transformation of opal-A to opal-CT began at about 50°C, and transformation from opal-CT to quartz at about 55°C. Quartz is most abundant close to basement basalts. These silica transformations occurred over the past 1 m.y., and took place so rapidly that there was incomplete ordering of opal-CT before transformation to quartz; opal-CT formed initially with an uncommonly wide d spacing. Quartz shows poor crystallinity. Chemical data show that the extensively silicified rocks consist of over 96% SiO2; in these rocks, minor and trace elements decreased greatly, except for boron, which increased. Low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents in all studied rocks preclude the presence of significant volcanic or terrigenous detritus. Mn content increases with depth, perhaps reflecting contributions from basalts or hydrothermal solutions. Comparisons with cherts from oceanic plateaus in the central Pacific point to a more purely biogenic host sediment for the Costa Rica Rift cherts, more rapid precipitation of quartz, and formation nearer a spreading center. Despite being closer to continental sources of ash and terrigenous detritus, Costa Rica Rift cherts have lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Mn concentrations.
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo
La propuesta de revisar cuestiones vinculadas al papel de la Universidad en las políticas territoriales, a sus compromisos para una gestión asociada y a sus responsabilidades en la construcción y aplicación de la información en municipios de su área de influencia; ha impulsado la formulación de dos proyectos de investigación: uno 'INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL (2da etapa). Construcción de agendas de ordenamiento ambiental desde criterios múltiples' y otro 'INDICADORES DE SUSTENTABILIDAD TERRITORIAL. Contenidos de aplicación multicriterio y presupuestos filosóficos de base'
The province of Mendoza, in the west of the Argentine Republic is in a favorable political conjuncture to strengthen the territorial planning in the municipalities. This is due to the approval of the Provincial Law 8051 of Territorial Ordering and Municipal Ground Uses that establish terms to formulate a Plan Provincial Territorial Ordering and Plans; against this background the municipalities have an annotated time to elaborate their own Plan. On the other hand the civil society is giving awareness signs on its protagónico paper like controller of the public policies, generating propitious scopes for the participativas social practices and circulation of the knowledge. This verifies in the social reactions front to decisions that can affect the atmosphere and the resources of the territory. In spite of this favorable context to fortify the instances of social participation it jeopardize with projects based on territorial intelligence, are observed very different institutional answers. The greater obstacles are within such municipalities, lack territorial conscience in the municipal agents and the handling of the information is fragmented. Taking into account the marks from reference that affect the provincial territorial policy, an investigation was made in order to analyze the practices of participativa planning in municipal scopes. Interviews, studies of case and qualification of municipal agents were combined, which allowed triangular results and of obtaining a socioterritorial differentiation of the municipalities of Mendoza. This result is a departure point to consider at the time of making proposals for a work agenda or trying transformations towards a new form to govern, where the associate management is multiplied. Before a same frame of provincial reference, the particular answers of the municipalities are improving, but the majority requires to cross a gradual own way with the qualification of the human resource and with a renovation of guidelines in relation to the local community
En noviembre de 2007 fue sancionada la Ley Nacional No. 26.331 ("Ley de bosques"), que insta a cada provincia a realizar un Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos. Salta fue una de las primeras jurisdicciones en llevarlo adelante, a través de la Ley No. 7.543 sancionada en diciembre de 2008. En este artículo, a partir del análisis legal, documental y hemerográfico, y de entrevistas realizadas en el marco de nuestra investigación doctoral, ofrecemos una cronología y un análisis del caso salteño, con el objetivo de indagar en los proyectos territoriales en tensión que se hicieron presentes en torno a la definición de la política ambiental de cuidado de los bosques nativos, y sugerimos una serie de perspectivas a futuro en vistas de los posibles re-(des)ordenamientos territoriales
El ordenamiento territorial y la lucha contra la desertificación constituyen dos vertientes del conocimiento con gran entidad en sí mismos y no es frecuente encontrar una articulación entre sus respectivos enfoques y perspectivas ni tampoco propuestas operativas que sinergicen sus resultados. La integración de ambas vertientes podría resultar en desarrollos teóricos, metodológicos y propuestas de intervención capaces de mitigar las condiciones de inequidad y pobreza que se ponen en evidencia en amplios territorios de tierras secas de la Argentina. Una metodología integradora de estos enfoques debería ser capaz de articular un mismo objeto de estudio e intervención, a través de las estrategias de desarrollo y lucha contra la pobreza. Los ejemplos y la validación de esta propuesta fueron se basan en estudios de casos en desarrollo sobre las transformaciones territoriales en las tierras secas del centro-oeste de la Argentina
The province of Mendoza, in the west of the Argentine Republic is in a favorable political conjuncture to strengthen the territorial planning in the municipalities. This is due to the approval of the Provincial Law 8051 of Territorial Ordering and Municipal Ground Uses that establish terms to formulate a Plan Provincial Territorial Ordering and Plans; against this background the municipalities have an annotated time to elaborate their own Plan. On the other hand the civil society is giving awareness signs on its protagónico paper like controller of the public policies, generating propitious scopes for the participativas social practices and circulation of the knowledge. This verifies in the social reactions front to decisions that can affect the atmosphere and the resources of the territory. In spite of this favorable context to fortify the instances of social participation it jeopardize with projects based on territorial intelligence, are observed very different institutional answers. The greater obstacles are within such municipalities, lack territorial conscience in the municipal agents and the handling of the information is fragmented. Taking into account the marks from reference that affect the provincial territorial policy, an investigation was made in order to analyze the practices of participativa planning in municipal scopes. Interviews, studies of case and qualification of municipal agents were combined, which allowed triangular results and of obtaining a socioterritorial differentiation of the municipalities of Mendoza. This result is a departure point to consider at the time of making proposals for a work agenda or trying transformations towards a new form to govern, where the associate management is multiplied. Before a same frame of provincial reference, the particular answers of the municipalities are improving, but the majority requires to cross a gradual own way with the qualification of the human resource and with a renovation of guidelines in relation to the local community
La privación del trabajo remunerado tiene profundas consecuencias sobre el tiempo vivido de las personas. El trabajo es consumidor de tiempo, estructura el desarrollo de la jornada, impone limitaciones a otras actividades y ejerce una fuerte impronta en la vida cotidiana. El desempleo no solo conduce a liberar tiempo sino que, fundamentalmente, da lugar a una desestabilización del tiempo de referencia. Sin embargo, el tiempo de los desempleados es también objeto de encuadres y prescripciones que tienden a imponer una forma específica a la experiencia del desempleo. A partir de ello, es posible considerar que la desocupación no puede ser disociada de una perspectiva temporal. En este sentido, este artículo explora el ordenamiento temporal de las actividades instrumentales en un grupo de desocupados asistidos por el Estado en la Ciudad de Rosario. Así, se considera actividades instrumentales a aquellas que, teniendo por contenido y función la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales que hacen posible la supervivencia de la especie, se caracterizan por ser socialmente heterónomas, producto de una división social del trabajo que se explica en líneas complejas de diferenciación y desigualdad. Dentro de ellas se analizan dos conjuntos: el primero constituido por el trabajo remunerado, las actividades de contraprestación y los estudios; y el segundo integrado por el trabajo doméstico y familiar, y el trabajo voluntario
El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y analizar las explotaciones caracterizadas, hasta cierto grado de delimitación, por su pequeña envergadura económico-productiva, por hallarse establecidas en superficies reducidas y por utilizar en forma predominante fuerza de trabajo personal y/o familiar de los titulares de las EAPs en el desarrollo de las labores agropecuarias. Para ello construimos la categoría operativa que denominamos "pequeña producción de base familiar", la que fue utilizada como referencia a efectos de ordenar y orientar conceptualmente la indagación estadística. Producto de este ejercicio resultó posible establecer el perfil socioeconómico del universo analizado y sus características estructurales en términos de cantidad de EAPs, superficies, tenencia de la tierra, procesos y volúmenes de producción, fuerza de trabajo, etc. Por último, se proponen argumentos y problematizaciones analíticas de los resultados obtenidos, incluidas comparaciones con los registros correspondientes a 1988, sumándonos al debate acerca de la caracterización y evolución de un estrato de productores sobre el cual la literatura especializada registra fuertes controversias interpretativas.
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo
En este artículo indagamos en las características productivas de la provincia de Salta en los años previos a la sanción de la Ley Nacional No. 26.331 de "Presupuestos Mínimos de Protección Ambiental de los Bosques Nativos" y de la puesta en marcha del Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos. Luego de reseñar las transformaciones en el agro que desde inicios de la década de 1970 tienen lugar en la Argentina, avanzamos en la caracterización del proceso y sus particularidades en el este salteño, en donde en las últimas décadas se ha dado un rápido avance de la frontera agropecuaria por sobre territorios antes marginales para la producción agrícola y ganadera empresarial
La propuesta de revisar cuestiones vinculadas al papel de la Universidad en las políticas territoriales, a sus compromisos para una gestión asociada y a sus responsabilidades en la construcción y aplicación de la información en municipios de su área de influencia; ha impulsado la formulación de dos proyectos de investigación: uno 'INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL (2da etapa). Construcción de agendas de ordenamiento ambiental desde criterios múltiples' y otro 'INDICADORES DE SUSTENTABILIDAD TERRITORIAL. Contenidos de aplicación multicriterio y presupuestos filosóficos de base'
Detailed major- and trace-element chemistry is presented for 41 sediment samples from DSDP Site-223 borehole cores. A marked change in chemical (and mineralogical) character is shown at the end of the Early Miocene Epoch which relates to tectonic events and associated changes in sedimentary regime. Enrichment in the contents of such elements as Mg, Cr and Ni compared with average values for fine-grained sediments occurs throughout the sequence and is particularly marked in the upper group of samples. A basic-ultrabasic provenance is suggested - the Oman ophiolites. Leaching with combined acid-reducing agent indicated typical lithogenous-character ordering for the elements and emphasised the enrichment of Mg, Cr, Ni (and Li, Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe and Ti) over values for near-shore muds and terrigenous material. Factor analysis on the bulk chemical data identifies the main lithogenous and biogenous components, subdividing the latter. It separates the upper and lower group of chemically dissimilar sediments and delineates a Mn-hydroxide phase. It also shows the essentially independent roles of Na, Ba and P.
Sixty-five chert, porcellanite, and siliceous-chalk samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 were analyzed by petrography, scanning electron microscopy, analysis by energy-dispersive X-rays, X-ray diffraction, X-ray spectroscopy, and semiquantitative emission spectroscopy. Siliceous rocks occur mainly in chalks, but also in pelagic clay and marlstone at Site 464. Overall, chert probably constitutes less than 5% of the sections and occurs in deposits of Eocene to Barremian ages at sub-bottom depths of 10 to 820 meters. Chert nodules and beds are commonly rimmed by quartz porcellanite; opal-CT-rich rocks are minor in Leg 62 sediments 65 to 108 m.y. old and at sub-bottom depths of 65 to 520 meters. Chert ranges from white to black, shades of gray and brown being most common; yellow-brown and red-brown jaspers occur at Site 464. Seventy-eight percent of the studied cherts contain easily recognizable burrow structures. The youngest chert at Site 463 is a quartz cast of a burrow. Burrow silica maturation is always one step ahead of host-rock silicification. Burrows are commonly loci for initial silicification of the host carbonate. Silicification takes place by volume-f or-volume replacement of carbonate sediment, and more-clay-rich sediment at Site 464. Nannofossils are commonly pseudomorphically replaced by quartz near the edges of chert beds and nodules. Other microfossils, mostly radiolarians and foraminifers, whether in chalk or chert, can be either filled with or replaced by calcite, opal-CT, and (or) quartz. Chemical micro-environments ultimately control the removal, transport, and precipitation of calcite and silica. Two cherts from Site 465 contain sulfate minerals replaced by quartz. Site 465 was never subaerially exposed after sedimentation began, and the formation of the sulfate minerals and their subsequent replacement probably occurred in the marine environment. Several other cherts with odd textures are described in this paper, including (1) a chert breccia cemented by colloform opal-CT and chalcedony, (2) a transition zone between white porcellanite containing opal-CT and quartz and a burrowed brown chert, consisting of radial aggregates of opal-CT with hollow centers, and (3) a chert that consists of silica-replaced calcite pseudospherules interspersed with streaks and circular masses of dense quartz. X-ray-diffraction analyses show that when data from all sites are considered there are poorly defined trends indicating that older cherts have better quartz crystallinity than younger ones, and that opal-CT crystallite size increases and opal-CT cf-spacings decrease with depth of occurrence in the sections. In a general way, depth of burial and the presence of calcite promote the ordering in the opal-CT crystal structure which allows its eventual conversion to quartz. Opal-CT in porcellanites converts to quartz after reaching a minimum d-spacing of 4.07 Å. Quartz/opal-CT ratios and quartz crystallinity vary randomly on a fine scale across four chert beds, but quartz crystallinity increases from the edge to the center of a fifth chert bed; this may indicate maturation of the silica. Twenty-four rocks were analyzed for their major- and minor-element compositions. Many elements in cherts are closely related to major mineral components. The carbonate component is distinguished by high values of CaO, MgO, Mn, Ba, Sr, and (for unknown reasons) Zr. Tuffaceous cherts have high values of K and Al, and commonly Zn, Mo, and Cr. Pure cherts are characterized by high SiO2 and B. High B may be a good indicator of formation of chert in an open marine environment, isolated from volcanic and terrigenous materials.
The hydrothermal deposits that we analyzed from Leg 70 are composed of ferruginous green clays and fragments of manganese-hydroxide crust. Data from X-ray diffraction, IR-spectroscopy, electron diffraction, and chemical analyses indicate that the hydrothermal green clays are composed of disordered mixed-layer phases of celadonite-nontronite. Electron diffraction shows that the parameters of the unit cells and the degree of three-dimensional ordering of mixed-layer phases with 80% celadonite interlayers are very close to Fe-micas of polymorphic modification IM-celadonite. In some sections, there is a tendency for the number of celadonite layers to increase with depth. The manganese-hydroxide crust fragments are predominantly composed of todorokite (buserite). An essential feature of hydrothermal accumulation is the sharp separation of Fe and Mn. Ba/Ti and Ba/Sr ratios are typical indicators of hydrothermal deposits. Sediments composing the hydrothermal mounds were deposited from moderately heated waters, which had extracted the components from solid basalts in environments where there were considerable gradients of temperature, eH, and pH. The main masses of Fe and Mn were deposited in the late Pleistocene. Postsedimentary alteration of deposited hydrothermal sediments led to their slight recrystallization and, in the green clays, to celadonitization. Further, factor analysis (by Varentsov) of chemical components from these hydrothermal deposits revealed paragenetic assemblages. Green clays corresponding to a definite factor assemblage were formed during the main stage of hydrothermal mineral formation. Manganese hydroxide and associated components were largely accumulated during an early stage and at the end of the main stage.