990 resultados para Sanitary


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Consolidation of international guidelines for the management of canine populations in urban areas and proposal of performance indicators The objective of this study is to propose a generic program for the management of urban canine populations with suggestion of performance indicators. The following international guidelines on canine population management were revised and consolidated: World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Society for the Protection of Animals, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Management programs should cover: situation diagnosis, including estimates of population size; social participation with involvement of various sectors in the planning and execution of strategies; educational actions to promote humane values, animal welfare, community health, and responsible ownership (through purchase or adoption); environmental and waste management to eliminate sources of food and shelter; registration and identification of animals; animal health care, reproductive control; prevention and control of zoonoses; control of animal commerce; management of animal behavior and adequate solutions for abandoned animals; and laws regulating responsible ownership, prevention of abandonment and zoonoses. To monitor these actions, four groups of indicators are suggested: animal population indicators, human/animal interaction indicators, public service indicators, and zoonosis indicators. The management of stray canine populations requires political, sanitary, ethologic, ecologic, and humanitarian strategies that are socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. Such measures must also include the control of zoonoses such as rabies and leishmaniasis, considering the concept of "one health," which benefits both the animals and people in the community.


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Abstract Background Purified water for pharmaceutical purposes must be free of microbial contamination and pyrogens. Even with the additional sanitary and disinfecting treatments applied to the system (sequential operational stages), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Pseudomonas picketti, Flavobacterium aureum, Acinetobacter lowffi and Pseudomonas diminuta were isolated and identified from a thirteen-stage purification system. To evaluate the efficacy of the chemical agents used in the disinfecting process along with those used to adjust chemical characteristics of the system, over the identified bacteria, the kinetic parameter of killing time (D-value) necessary to inactivate 90% of the initial bioburden (decimal reduction time) was experimentally determined. Methods Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Pseudomonas picketti, Flavobacterium aureum, Acinetobacter lowffi and Pseudomonas diminuta were called in house (wild) bacteria. Pseudomonas diminuta ATCC 11568, Pseudomonas alcaligenes INCQS , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 3178, Pseudomonas picketti ATCC 5031, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 937 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 were used as 'standard' bacteria to evaluate resistance at 25°C against either 0.5% citric acid, 0.5% hydrochloric acid, 70% ethanol, 0.5% sodium bisulfite, 0.4% sodium hydroxide, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, or a mixture of 2.2% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 0.45% peracetic acid. Results The efficacy of the sanitizers varied with concentration and contact time to reduce decimal logarithmic (log10) population (n cycles). To kill 90% of the initial population (or one log10 cycle), the necessary time (D-value) was for P. aeruginosa into: (i) 0.5% citric acid, D = 3.8 min; (ii) 0.5% hydrochloric acid, D = 6.9 min; (iii) 70% ethanol, D = 9.7 min; (iv) 0.5% sodium bisulfite, D = 5.3 min; (v) 0.4% sodium hydroxide, D = 14.2 min; (vi) 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, D = 7.9 min; (vii) mixture of hydrogen peroxide (2.2%) plus peracetic acid (0.45%), D = 5.5 min. Conclusion The contact time of 180 min of the system with the mixture of H2O2+ peracetic acid, a total theoretical reduction of 6 log10 cycles was attained in the water purified storage tank and distribution loop. The contact time between the water purification system (WPS) and the sanitary agents should be reviewed to reach sufficient bioburden reduction (over 6 log10).


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Objective: To evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in an adult healthy population. Methods: The study was performed by interviewing 253 blood donors, from 19 to 65 years of age, in a hematological centre in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, southeast Brazil. A survey was applied to blood donors in order to evaluate the possible factors associated to the presence of antibodies, including individual (gender and age), socioeconomic (scholarship, familial income and sanitary facilities) and habit information (contact with soil, geophagy, onycophagy and intake of raw/undercooked meat) as well as the presence of dogs or cats in the household. ELISA test was run for detection of the anti-Toxocara spp. IgG antibodies. Bivariate analysis followed by logistic regression was performed to evaluate the potential risk factors associated to seropositivity. Results: The overall prevalence observed in this study was 8.7% (22/253). Contact with soil was the unique risk factor associated with the presence of antibodies (P=0.0178 ; OR=3.52; 95% CI=1.244-9.995) Conclusions. The results of this study reinforce the necessity in promoting preventive public health measures, even for healthy adult individual, particularly those related to the deworming of pets to avoid the soil contamination, and hygiene education of the population.


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Toxocariasis is a worldwide public-health problem that poses major risks to children who may accidentally ingest embryonated eggs of Toxocara. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in children and adolescents and the variables that may be involved, as well as environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs, in urban recreation areas of north central mesoregion, Paraná State, Brazil. From June 2005 to March 2007. a total of 376 blood samples were collected by the Public Health Service from children and adolescents one to 12 years old, of both genders. Samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA method for detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Serum samples were previously absorbed with Ascaris suum antigens, and considered positive with a reagent reactivity index ≥1. Soil samples from all of the public squares and schools located in the four evaluated municipalities that had sand surfaces (n = 19) or lawns (n = 15) were analyzed. Of the 376 serum samples, 194 (51.6%) were positive. The seroprevalence rate was substantially higher among children aging one to five years (p = 0.001) and six to eight years (p = 0.022). The clinical signs and symptoms investigated did not show a statistical difference between seropositive and seronegative individuals (p > 0.05). In 76.5% of the investigated recreation places, eggs of Toxocara were detected in at least one of the five collected samples. Recreation areas from public schools were 2.8 times more contaminated than from public squares. It is important to institute educational programs to inform families and educators, as well as to improve sanitary control of animals and cleaning of the areas intended for recreation in order to prevent toxocariasis.


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A Academia de Direito de São Paulo, fundada em 1827 por Decreto Imperial, em toda a sua jornada de grade disciplinar evoluiu em consonância aos necessários procedimentos, caminhando na construção de uma tutela doutrinal e jurisprudencial, atendendo não-só a sociedade como, também, à correta busca de uma nação voltada à segurança no intuito de assegurar uma democracia plena de Direito. Desde a criação dos cursos jurídicos não há uma cadeira em seu currículo - incluso as extintas por decretos governamentais - que não fosse de suma importância no período de sua vigência, a exemplo da intitulada Hygiene Publica lecionada por Augusto Cezar de Miranda Azevedo, Catedrático por Decreto de 21 de março de 1891, dando origem ao Direito Sanitário atualmente vinculado à Medicina, área de Saúde Pública, ou Direito Nacional e Direito Natural, dando margem ao Direito do Estado e à Introdução à Ciência do Direito. A Cadeira de Direito das Gentes, inicialmente inserida em parceria ao Direito Natural, deu margem ao Direito Internacional Público lecionada por José Maria Avelar Brotero, em 1828, tornando-se, na História da Academia de Direito como das mais importantes disciplinas da grade curricular.


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In Brazil, the large quantities of solid waste produced are out of step with public policies, technological developments, and government budgets for the division. In small municipalities, the common lack of technological knowledge and financial conditions for suitable waste disposal has resulted in a large number of illegal dumps. Therefore, small sanitary landfill facilities are working with simplified operations focusing on cost reduction and meeting the economic and technological standards of the city without endangering the environment or public health. Currently, this activity is regulated at a federal level although there is some uncertainty regarding the risk of soil and aquifer contamination as theses facilities do not employ liners. Thus, this work evaluates a small landfill to identify changes in soil and groundwater using geotechnical parameters, monitoring wells, and geophysical tests performed by electrical profiling. It is verified that based on current conditions, no contaminants have migrated via underground water aquifers, and overall no significant changes have occurred in the soil. It is concluded that, despite its simplicity, the method investigated is a viable alternative for the final disposal of municipal solid waste from small cities, especially in developing countries.


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[ES] La irrupción actual de los teléfonos inteligentes (smartphones) equipados con diversos sensores y herramientas nativas, propicia la posibilidad de crear una gran gama de aplicaciones para mejorar la vida de personas con discapacidades. Con este proyecto se pretende cubrir estos objetivos: explorar las distintas posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma Android para implementar métodos de interacción hombre-máquina adaptados a personas con discapacidad visual. Identificar las problemáticas que afectan a las personas con discapacidad visual en el ámbito sociosanitario. Desarrollar una aplicación de carácter social que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Como resultado del trabajo, se ha desarrollado una aplicación software llamada LeeMed, que consiste en una app para la plataforma Android, dirigida a personas con discapacidad visual, para la consulta de prospectos de medicamentos a través de múltiples interfaces humanas. El trabajo ha abordado tres tipos de interfaces: la oral (órdenes de voz), la gestual y la convencional de menús y opciones (GUI)


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Loaded with 16% of the world’s population, India is a challenged country. More than a third of its citizens live below the poverty line - on less than a dollar a day. These people have no proper electricity, no proper drinking water supply, no proper sanitary facilities and well over 40% are illiterates. More than 65% live in rural areas and 60% earn their livelihood from agriculture. Only a meagre 3.63% have access to telephone and less than 1% have access to a computer. Therefore, providing access to timely information on agriculture, weather, social, health care, employment, fishing, is of utmost importance to improve the conditions of rural poor. After some introductive chapters, whose function is to provide a comprehensive framework – both theoretical and practical – of the current rural development policies and of the media situation in India and Uttar Pradesh, my dissertation presents the findings of the pilot project entitled “Enhancing development support to rural masses through community media activity”, launched in 2005 by the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lucknow (U.P.) and by the local NGO Bharosa. The project scope was to involve rural people and farmers from two villages of the district of Lucknow (namely Kumhrava and Barhi Gaghi) in a three-year participatory community media project, based on the creation, implementation and use of a rural community newspaper and a rural community internet centre. Community media projects like this one have been rarely carried out in India because the country has no proper community media tradition: therefore the development of the project has been a challenge for the all stakeholders involved.


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L’infezione da virus dell’ epatite E (HEV) nei suini e nell’uomo è stata segnalata in diversi Paesi. Nei suini, il virus causa infezioni asintomatiche, mentre nell’uomo è responsabile di epidemie di epatite ad andamento acuto nei Paesi a clima tropicale o subtropicale con condizioni igieniche scadenti, di casi sporadici in quelli sviluppati. HEV è stato isolato anche in diversi animali e l’analisi nucleotidica degli isolati virali di origine animale ha mostrato un elevato grado di omologia con i ceppi di HEV umani isolati nelle stesse aree geografiche, avvalorando l’ipotesi che l'infezione da HEV sia una zoonosi. In America del Sud HEV suino è stato isolato per la prima volta in suini argentini nel 2006, mentre solo dal 1998 esistono dati sull’ infezione da HEV nell’uomo in Bolivia. In questa indagine è stato eseguito uno studio di sieroprevalenza in due comunità rurali boliviane e i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli dello studio di sieroprevalenza sopra menzionato condotto in altre zone rurali della Bolivia. Inoltre, mediante Nested RT-PCR, è stata verificata la presenza di HEV nella popolazione umana e suina. La sieroprevalenza per anticorpi IgG anti-HEV è risultata pari al 6,2%, molto simile a quella evidenziata nello studio precedente. La prevalenza maggiore (24%) si è osservata nei soggetti di età compresa tra 41 e 50 anni, confermando che l’ infezione da HEV è maggiore fra i giovani-adulti. La ricerca di anticorpi anti HEV di classe IgM eseguita su 52 sieri ha fornito 4 risultati positivi. Il genoma virale è stato identificato in uno dei 22 pool di feci umane e l'esame virologico di 30 campioni individuali fecali e 7 individuali di siero ha fornito rispettivamente risultati positivi in 4/30 e 1/7. La Nested RT-PCR eseguita sui 22 pool di feci suine ha dato esito positivo in 7 pool. L’analisi delle sequenze genomiche di tutti gli amplificati ha consentito di stabilire che gli isolati umani appartenevano allo stesso genotipo III di quelli suini e presentavano con questi una elevata omologia aminoacidica (92%).


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Nel corso degli ultimi anni le problematiche legate al ruolo vettore delle zanzare stanno emergendo sia per quanto riguarda l’uomo che gli animali allevati e selvatici. Diversi arbovirus come West Nile, Chikungunya, Usutu e Dengue, possono facilmente spostarsi a livello planetario ed essere introdotti anche nei nostri territori dove possono dare avvio a episodi epidemici. Le tecniche di monitoraggio e sorveglianza dei Culicidi possono essere convenientemente utilizzate per il rilevamento precoce dell’attività virale sul territorio e per la stima del rischio di epidemie al fine dell’adozione delle opportune azioni di Sanità Pubblica. Io scopo della ricerca del dottorato è inserito nel contesto dei temi di sviluppo del Piano regionale sorveglianza delle malattie trasmesse da vettori in Emilia Romagna. La ricerca condotta è inquadrata prevalentemente sotto l’aspetto entomologico applicativo di utilizzo di dispositivi (trappole) che possano catturare efficacemente possibili insetti vettori. In particolare questa ricerca è stata mirata allo studio comparativo in campo di diversi tipi di trappole per la cattura di adulti di zanzara, cercando di interpretare i dati per capire un potenziale valore di efficacia/efficienza nel rilevamento della circolazione virale e come supporto alla pianificazione della rete di sorveglianza dal punto di vista operativo mediante dispositivi adeguati alle finalità d’indagine. Si è cercato di trovare un dispositivo idoneo, approfondendone gli aspetti operativi/funzionali, ai fini di cattura del vettore principale del West Nile Virus, cioè la zanzara comune, da affiancare all’unica tipologia di trappola usata in precedenza. Le prove saranno svolte sia in campo che presso il laboratorio di Entomologia Medica Veterinaria del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” di Crevalcore, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali della Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università di Bologna.


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Background The reduction in the amount of food available for European avian scavengers as a consequence of restrictive public health policies is a concern for managers and conservationists. Since 2002, the application of several sanitary regulations has limited the availability of feeding resources provided by domestic carcasses, but theoretical studies assessing whether the availability of food resources provided by wild ungulates are enough to cover energetic requirements are lacking. Methodology/Findings We assessed food provided by a wild ungulate population in two areas of NE Spain inhabited by three vulture species and developed a P System computational model to assess the effects of the carrion resources provided on their population dynamics. We compared the real population trend with to a hypothetical scenario in which only food provided by wild ungulates was available. Simulation testing of the model suggests that wild ungulates constitute an important food resource in the Pyrenees and the vulture population inhabiting this area could grow if only the food provided by wild ungulates would be available. On the contrary, in the Pre-Pyrenees there is insufficient food to cover the energy requirements of avian scavenger guilds, declining sharply if biomass from domestic animals would not be available. Conclusions/Significance Our results suggest that public health legislation can modify scavenger population trends if a large number of domestic ungulate carcasses disappear from the mountains. In this case, food provided by wild ungulates could be not enough and supplementary feeding could be necessary if other alternative food resources are not available (i.e. the reintroduction of wild ungulates), preferably in European Mediterranean scenarios sharing similar and socio-economic conditions where there are low densities of wild ungulates. Managers should anticipate the conservation actions required by assessing food availability and the possible scenarios in order to make the most suitable decisions.


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The lack of access to sufficient water and sanitation facilities is one of the largest hindrances towards the sustainable development of the poorest 2.2 billion people in the world. Rural Uganda is one of the areas where such inaccessibility is seriously hampering their efforts at development. Many rural Ugandans must travel several kilometers to fetch adequate water and many still do not have adequate sanitation facilities. Such poor access to clean water forces Ugandans to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy collecting water - time and energy that could be used for more useful endeavors. Furthermore, the difficulty in getting water means that people use less water than they need to for optimal health and well-being. Access to other sanitation facilities can also have a large impact, particularly on the health of young children and the elderly whose immune systems are less than optimal. Hand-washing, presence of a sanitary latrine, general household cleanliness, maintenance of the safe water chain and the households’ knowledge about and adherence to sound sanitation practices may be as important as access to clean water sources. This report investigates these problems using the results from two different studies. It first looks into how access to water affects peoples’ use of it. In particular it investigates how much water households use as a function of perceived effort to fetch it. Operationally, this was accomplished by surveying nearly 1,500 residents in three different districts around Uganda about their water usage and the time and distance they must travel to fetch it. The study found that there is no statistically significant correlation between a family’s water usage and the perceived effort they must put forth to have to fetch it. On average, people use around 15 liters per person per day. Rural Ugandan residents apparently require a certain amount of water and will travel as far or as long as necessary to collect it. Secondly, a study entitled “What Works Best in Diarrheal Disease Prevention?” was carried out to study the effectiveness of five different water and sanitation facilities in reducing diarrheal disease incidences amongst children under five. It did this by surveying five different communities before and after the implementation of improvements to find changes in diarrheal disease incidences amongst children under five years of age. It found that household water treatment devices provide the best means of preventing diarrheal diseases. This is likely because water often becomes contaminated before it is consumed even if it was collected from a protected source.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In the frame of an eradication program for bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) in Swiss livestock, the question was raised whether free-ranging wildlife could threaten the success of this sanitary measure. Therefore, we conducted serological and virological investigations on BVD virus (BVDV) infections in the four indigenous wild ruminant species (roe deer, red deer, Alpine chamois and Alpine ibex) from 2009 to 2011, and gathered information on interactions between wild and domestic ruminants in an alpine environment by questionnaire survey. RESULTS: Thirty-two sera out of 1'877 (1.7%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-2.4) were seropositive for BVDV, and a BVDV1 sub genotype h virus was found in a seropositive chamois (0.05%, 95% CI 0.001-0.3). The seropositive animals originated from sub-alpine or alpine regions and significantly more seropositive red deer, chamois and ibex than roe deer were found. There were no statistically significant differences between sampling units, age classes, genders, and sampling years. The obtained prevalences were significantly lower than those documented in livestock, and most positive wild ruminants were found in proximity of domestic outbreaks. Additionally, BVDV seroprevalence in ibex was significantly lower than previously reported from Switzerland. The survey on interspecific interactions revealed that interactions expected to allow BVDV transmission, from physical contacts to non-simultaneous use of the same areas, regularly occur on pastures among all investigated ruminant species. Interactions involving cervids were more often observed with cattle than with small ruminants, chamois were observed with all three domestic species, and ibex interacted mostly with small ruminants. Interactions related to the use of anthropogenic food sources were frequently observed, especially between red deer and cattle in wintertime. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first report of BVDV RNA isolated from an Alpine chamois. Nevertheless, our results suggest that BVDV infections are only sporadic in Swiss wild ruminants, despite regular occurrence of interactions with potentially infected livestock. Overall, serological, virological and ethological data indicate that wildlife is currently an incidental spill-over host and not a reservoir for BVDV in Switzerland.


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The introduction of the so-called “duty free quota free” treatment (DFQF) for all products from least developed countries (LDCs), in particular by the European Communities (EC) and by Switzerland, raised expectations of increased agricultural exports for these 49 countries. Despite the high tariff differential LDCs now enjoy over their competitors, especially for agricultural products and particularly in Switzerland, the results until 2007 are dismal: with the exception of sugar exports to the EC, LDCs have not been able to substantially increase their agricultural exports to Europe. This study analyses the result-ing tariff situation and the remaining non-tariff barriers. In many instances it is not cus-toms duties but the sanitary and phytosanitary barriers which turn out to be the single most important hurdle preventing trade. For instance, almost no LDC-based company can supply animal-based products. Similarly, certain private standards set by proces-sors and retailers prevent imports, particularly from LDCs, far more effectively than tar-iffs. Several gateways into this “European cordon sanitaire” are proposed. Only if offered in the context of a package of various carefully coordinated measures, DFQF could yet have a real impact on trade from LDCs. As it stands, this treatment constitutes only a nice-to-have but still largely ineffective instrument of trade development.


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Recent changes in sanitary policies within the European Union (EU) concerning disposal of carcasses of domestic animals and the increase of non-natural mortality factors, such as illegal poisoning, are threatening European vultures. However, the effects of anthropogenic activities on demographic parameters are poorly studied. Using a long-term study (1994–2011) of the threatened Pyrenean Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus population, we assess the variation in the proportion of breeding pairs, egg-laying dates, clutch size, breeding success, and survival following a sharp reduction in food availability in 2005 due to the application of restrictive sanitary policies decreasing livestock carcass availability. We found a delay in laying dates and a regressive trend in clutch size, breeding success, and survival following policy change. The maintenance of specific supplementary feeding stations for Bearded Vultures probably reduced the negative effects of illegal poisoning and food shortages, which mainly affected subadult survival. A drop in food availability may have produced changes in demographic parameters and an increase in mortality due to an increased exposure to contaminated food. As a result, supplementary feeding as a precautionary measure can be a useful tool to reduce illegal poisoning and declines in demographic parameters until previous food availability scenarios are achieved. This study shows how anthropogenic activities through human health regulations that affect habitat quality can suddenly modify demographic parameters in long-lived species, including those, such as survival, with high sensitivity to population growth rate.