851 resultados para SUPERNOVA REMNANT
Major-, trace-, and rare-earth element analyses of the basaltic rocks recovered from the basement of the Sulu Sea and of lithic clasts from the pyroclastic unit representing the acoustic basement of the Cagayan Ridge, are presented. The major and trace elements were measured by X-ray fluorescence techniques, and rare-earth elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis. These data show that the Sulu Sea basalts are back-arc tholeiites and the lithic clasts are basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites typical of volcanic arc suites erupted on continental crust. Petrogenetic modeling is used to show that the Sulu Sea basalts were derived from a heterogeneous mantle, probably representing subcontinental lithosphere, with contributions from a subduction component. The Sulu Sea is interpreted as a back-arc basin formed by rifting of an Oligocene to early Miocene volcanic arc leaving the Cagayan Ridge as a remnant arc. This event occurred during northward subduction of the Celebes Sea basement beneath the Oligocene to early Miocene arc.
Analyses of the isotopic composition of Pb in (1) western Pacific Ocean sediments [Jurassic(?) to Pleistocene in age, including clays and biogenic oozes], (2) Pacific Ocean basaltic rocks, (3) Mariana frontal arc volcanic rocks (Eocene to Miocene), and (4) Mariana active arc volcanic rocks [Pliocene (?) to Holocene] indicate that Pacific Ocean sediments could not have been a significant component of the source material for the Mariana arc volcanic rocks. Calculations involving the average concentrations and isotopic compositions of Pb in oceanic sediments, sea-floor basaltic rocks, and the Mariana arc volcanic rocks suggest that the sediment component must have been less than 1 percent of this source material. The Pb isotopic compositions of the Mariana arc volcanic rocks lie, within experimental error, along the trend of available Pacific Ocean basalt analyses in versus 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams. Isotopic analyses of Pb in Pacific Ocean sediments do not lie along this trend; they have higher 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values for comparable 206Pb/204Pb ratios. Clayey sediments generally have higher 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb ratios than biogenic oozes regardless of the age of the sediment. Comparison of combined Sr and Pb isotopic analyses for (1) mantle-derived materials erupted through oceanic crust, (2) altered ocean-floor basaltic rocks, and (3) volcanic rocks from oceanic island arcs suggests that the Mariana arc volcanic rocks were derived, at least in part, from altered Pacific lithosphere subducted beneath the Mariana arc. Unaltered basalts from the Mariana inter-arc basin (Mariana Trough) have Pb and Sr isotopic compositions that are very similar to those reported for some Hawaiian volcanic rocks but distinct from Mariana active and frontal arc compositions. These observations, in addition to existing major-and trace-element data, support a mantle origin for the interarc basin volcanic rocks. Dacites dredged from the Mariana remnant arc (South Honshu Ridge) have Pb isotopic compositions that are within experimental error of the active-arc analyses, consistent with a genetic relation.
Advanced liver surgery requires a precise pre-operative planning, where liver segmentation and remnant liver volume are key elements to avoid post-operative liver failure. In that context, level-set algorithms have achieved better results than others, especially with altered liver parenchyma or in cases with previous surgery. In order to improve functional liver parenchyma volume measurements, in this work we propose two strategies to enhance previous level-set algorithms: an optimal multi-resolution strategy with fine details correction and adaptive curvature, as well as an additional semiautomatic step imposing local curvature constraints. Results show more accurate segmentations, especially in elongated structures, detecting internal lesions and avoiding leakages to close structures
Cloud forests are unusual and fragile habitats, being one of the least studied and least understood ecosystems. The tropical Andean dominion is considered one of the most significant places in the world as rega rds biological diversity, with a very high level of endemism. The biodiversity was analysed in an isolated remnant area of a tropical montane cloud forest known as the ?Bosque de Neblina de Cuyas?, in the North of the Peruvian Andean range. Composition, structure and dead wood were measured or estimated. The values obtained were compared with other cloud forests. The study revealed a high level of forest biodiversity, although the level of biodiversity differs from one area to another: in the inner areas, where human pressure is almost inexistent, the biodiversity values increase. The high species richness and the low dominance among species bear testimony to this montane cloud forest as a real enclave of biodiversity.
La cuenca del Duero constituye un vasto territorio ibérico cuyo paisaje se encuentra actualmente muy alterado por la mano del hombre y es prácticamente imposible localizar alguna manifestación de su cubierta vegetal natural. Aunque la historia de la vegetación en los sectores central y oriental es relativamente bien conocida, en su mitad occidental los registros paleoecológicos estudiados hasta la fecha son prácticamente inexistentes. Esto hace que se desconozca la respuesta de la vegetación a las diferentes oscilaciones climáticas que se han producido desde el Último Máximo Glaciar, cuál fue el impacto de las diferentes culturas sobre el medio, cuándo se produjo una alteración profunda de la vegetación natural y cuál ha sido la historia de los incendios. Este último aspecto, el papel e importancia de los incendios, reviste un especial interés en la península Ibérica dada su situación geográfica y climática dentro de la cuenca Mediterránea, donde el fuego es un factor ecológico de primer nivel. Las distintas técnicas paleoecológicas son las más adecuadas para abordar todas estas preguntas. De este modo, los avatares de la vegetación a través del tiempo se han reconstruido mediante el análisis polínico y de macrofósiles, el impacto humano se ha trazado utilizando indicadores polínicos ligados a actividades antrópicas y esporas de hongos coprófilos, estudiándose los incendios a partir del registro de partículas microscópicas de carbón. La alta resolución temporal y taxonómica alcanzada en estos análisis, así como la amplia superficie abarcada con los yacimientos estudiados, hacen que la información obtenida sea altamente detallada y complete el conocimiento que se tiene sobre la cuenca del Duero. El Tardiglaciar se registra por primera vez en la Meseta Norte Ibérica en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales, donde una vegetación esteparia prácticamente desarbolada domina durante los periodos fríos. Durante el interestadial Bølling/Allerød la expansión forestal (pinos, abedules) fue muy leve y tardía y fue interrumpida bruscamente por el Dryas Reciente. Al final del Dryas Reciente o al inicio del Holoceno se produjo una acusada y rápida expansión de los bosques. Esta dinámica sugiere que no hubo refugios glaciares importantes en esta zona de la Meseta durante el “Mystery Interval”, aparentemente el periodo más frío y seco. Los incendios fueron muy escasos, aumentando de forma muy brusca al inicio del Holoceno por el aumento de biomasa y las condiciones relativamente cálidas y secas. A partir de los registros de Ayoó y El Maíllo se consolida la importancia del gradiente oceanicidad-continentalidad en el Sistema Central y la Meseta Norte, que se manifiesta principalmente en la dominancia más prolongada de los pinares hacia el interior. Además, otra de las principales contribuciones de la presente tesis es proporcionar evidencia sobre la sucesión de distintos tipos de bosques en el noroeste de la Meseta, precisando el marco temporal en el que suceden. Así, se ha constatado que hubo un máximo desarrollo del bosque caducifolio durante el Holoceno medio en Ayoó de Vidriales y una baja incidencia del fuego que sugieren que el clima fue más húmedo que en el Holoceno inicial. El estudio de macrofósiles leñosos ha permitido detectar procesos que con el análisis polínico habrían pasado desapercibidos, como la persistencia hasta el Holoceno final de Pinus sylvestris en la sierra del Teleno y la sustitución de P. sylvestris por P. pinaster en la sierra de Francia durante el Holoceno inicial. También el estudio de los carbones procedentes de los arenales de Tierra de Pinares han proporcionado la prueba definitiva de la naturalidad de los pinares de P. pinaster. El impacto humano se detecta temprano en las secuencias del oeste de la cuenca del Duero, durante el Neolítico, aunque ha sido mucho más acusado desde la Edad del Hierro (ca 2700-2500 años cal BP). Para la detección del impacto humano temprano ha sido clave el análisis de esporas de hongos coprófilos, cuyo análisis fue incorporado en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales. Una de sus principales consecuencias fue el establecimiento de comunidades de matorral (brezales, piornales) sobre amplias extensiones del occidente de la cuenca del Duero, vinculado al recrudecimiento de los regímenes de incendios. A pesar de que los incendios han sido ecológicamente importantes desde el inicio del Holoceno, los cambios introducidos por el hombre en sus regímenes sobrepasaron la resiliencia de los bosques originales, lo cual condujo a su sustitución sostenida por matorrales. ABSTRACT The Duero Basin constitutes a vast Iberian territory which is currently strongly disturbed due to human activities, so it is very difficult to find any remnant of the natural vegetation. Vegetation history for the eastern and western sectors of the Basin is relatively well-known but, in contrast, there is an almost complete lack of palaeoecological record in the western area. Consequently, there exists a profound ignorance about vegetation responses to the climatic oscillations occurred since the Last Glacial Maximum, the environmental impact of the different cultures, when a severe disturbance of the natural vegetation took place and fire history. The last question, the role and importance of fire, has a special interest in the Iberian Peninsula due to its geographic and climatic framework, the Mediterranean Basin, where fire is a major ecological factor. The diverse palaeoecological techmiques are the most suitable tools to address all these questions. Thus, vegetation shifts through time have been reconstructed using pollen and macrofossil analyses, human impact has been tracked by means of anthropogenic pollen indicators and dung fungal spores, while fire history has been studied from the quantification of microscopic charcoal particles. The high taxonomic and time resolution attained along with the extensive surface covered by the studied sites provide detailed information very useful to complete the knowledge on landscape dynamics in the Duero Basin. The Lateglacial is recorded for the first time in the Northern Iberian Plateau in the sequence from Ayoó de Vidriales, showing that almost treeless steppic vegetation dominated during the cold periods. Tree expansion (pines, birches) was late and slight during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial and was sharply interrupted by the Younger Dryas (YD) climatic reversal. By the end of the YD or the onset of the Holocene, a rapid forest expansion occurred. This forest dynamics suggests an absence of important glacial refugia for trees in this area of the Plateau during the Mystery Interval, apparently the coldest and driest period. Fires were fairly rare, increasing abruptly at the beginning of the Holocene due to the relatively warm and dry climate and the accumulation of biomass. The records from Ayoó and El Maíllo reinforce the role of the oceanicity-continentality gradient in the vegetation history of the Iberian Central Range and the Iberian Northern Plateau, reflected mainly in the longer dominance of pine forests towards inland areas. Further, another important contribution of this PhD Thesis is providing evidence on the succession of different forest types in the northestern fringe of the Plateau, specifying the chronological framework. A maximum of deciduous forest development and low fire activity have been detected in Ayoó de Vidriales during the mid-Holocene, suggesting that climate was wetter than in the early Holocene. The study of woody macrofossils has allowed detecting processes which would have remained unnoticed using pollen analysis alone, such as the persistence of Pinus sylvestris until the late Holocene in the Teleno Mountains and the early Holocene replacement of P. sylvestris with P. pinaster in the sierra de Francia range. The study of macroscopic charcoal fragments from palaeosols of the Tierra de Pinares has also provided the definitive proof of naturalness for the P. pinaster stands gorwing over this area at present. Early human impact, during the Neolithic, has been detected in the sequences from the western sector of the Duero Basin, although human disturbance has been more severe from the Iron Age onwards (ca 2700-2500 cal yr BP). The analysis of coprophilous fungi incorporated in the sequence of Ayoó de Vidriales has played a key role in recognizing that early human impact. One of the main consequences of human disturbance was the establishment of shrubland communities (heaths, brooms) over huge areas of the western Duero Basin, linked to severe and/or frequent fires. Despite fires has been ecologically important since the onset of the Holocene, human-induced changes in fire regimes have exceeded the resilience of original forests leading to a sustained replacement with shrublands.
En esta tesis se presenta un método numérico para resolver las ecuaciones de Euler para flujos multimaterial en malla euleriana. Este solver se ha acoplado en el código hidrodinámico en dos dimensiones con transporte de radiación desarrollado en el Instituto de Fusión Nuclear de la UPM bajo la dirección del profesor Pedro Velarde, ARWEN. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: Desarrollo e implementación de un método de Godunov unsplit de alto orden multimaterial en 2D para malla euleriana en geometría cartesiana y geometría cilíndrica. Se presenta una extensión del trabajo realizado por Miller y Puckett (36) a una formulación unsplit. Además, se ha prestado especial atención al acoplamiento con el transporte de radiación y la conducción de calor. El método presentado se ha probado en una gran cantidad de problemas. Aplicación del código multimaterial al estudio de experimentos reales: • Simulación de una propuesta de experimento de laboratorio para reproducir la etapa de arrancamiento de material de la interacción entre el gas proveniente de la explosión de una supernova y la estrella secundaria en un escenario degenarado (SD). • Formación de jets en el laboratorio producidos por la colisión de dos plasmas. ABSTRACT We present a solver for the Euler equations for multimaterial flows in eulerian mesh. This solver has been coupled in the 2D AMR radiation transport code developed at Instituto de Fusión Nuclear (UPM) under the direction of professor Pedro Velarde, ARWEN. The main goals of this thesis are: Development and implementation of an 2D unsplit high-order Godunov method for multimaterial flows in eulerian mesh for cartesian and axialsimetry geometry. We present an extension of the work of Miller and Puckett (36) to an unsplit formulation. Also, we have paid special attention to the coupling with radiation transport and heat conduction. The method has been tested in a wide variety of problems. Application of the multimaterial solver to the study of real experiments: • Simulation of a proposal of a laboratory experiment aimed to reproducing the stripping stage of the interaction between the gas ejected during a supernova explosion and the secondary star in the Single Degenerate scenario. • Experiments of plasma jets in the laboratory obtained by the collission of two hot plasmas.
Esta tesis doctoral busca estudiar el espacio desde la premisa de que el espacio es, fundamentalmente, lo intermedio. El entre, lo que hay entre las cosas mismas y que les da, precisamente, su definición como cosas en un constante proceso de delimitación. Este entre, lo que hay entre las cosas, no es sin embargo un resto que queda, sino bien al contrario el principio activo que hace que las cosas, desde lo que hay alrededor, se configuren en su ser sensible y puedan percibirse. El entre, lo intermedio, no es así una línea, un corte puro, sino un intervalo, un espacio en sí mismo, un ámbito en que se desarrolla un proceso. Es por tanto un espacio de formación, en el que las cosas aún no son y ya están siendo, un intervalo ambiguo pleno de virtualidades, unas desplegadas otras que permanecen en espera, siempre en movimiento. Es la hipótesis principal de esta tesis que en el llamado Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura del siglo veinte esta condición ambigua del límite se pone de manifiesto como la raíz articuladora de los cambios espaciales y formales que definen su ser y su estética. Para desarrollar esta hipótesis, se parte de una doble premisa: por una parte, como un entre que es en sí misma, la arquitectura se encuentra delimitada por las disciplinas artísticas contemporáneas, especialmente pintura y escultura y a la vez las delimita. Por tanto, se explorarán una serie de momentos claves en las vanguardias de comienzos del siglo veinte en paralelo a una serie de arquitecturas contemporáneas para estudiar esta doble dialéctica entre límites. Por otra parte, y entendiendo que lo propio de la arquitectura es el espacio, se estudiarán en profundidad las concepciones espaciales que en la física y la estética del finales del siglo diecinueve y principios del veinte se desarrollan, para comprender cómo estas nuevas concepciones, centradas en las ideas de relatividad y de espacio-tiempo como magnitudes interlimitadas, determinan a su vez las concepciones espaciales que se desarrollan simultáneamente en las artes plásticas y en la arquitectura. La tríada espacio/tiempo/luz regirá este recorrido, en un doble camino: a través de la física y la teoría del arte, y a través de la arquitectura y las artes plásticas. Se trata por tanto de incardinar la arquitectura en su contexto artístico y científico, y comprobar cómo la comprensión del espacio como un entre, como un intervalo del límite y no como un absoluto trascendente, se generaliza en dichos ámbitos en una exploración paralela que condiciona los resultados en todos ellos y que define, por tanto, la arquitectura de la modernidad como una arquitectura del entre. El encuadre enmarca como motivo principal el Movimiento Moderno a través de la figura de Le Corbusier. Se muestra el modo en que los recursos y mecanismos empleados provocan el encuentro del espacio indecible a través de la polifonía de las artes. Desde el espaciamiento del límite, su borradura, su ambigüedad, producidos mediante el entrelazamiento de los recursos artísticos, la continuidad de lo lineal, el encabalgamiento, el maridaje, la ambivalencia, la relatividad del color y la luz, el intersticio. Ello se analiza a través de la obra de le Corbusier, destacando la dialéctica entre Le Cheminée y Nature morte aux nombreux objets; Ma maison y el pabellón del Zurichhorn; Unité y L’espace indicible. Aclaradas las premisas fundamentales y las consecuencias inmediatas para la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, la cuarta parte y final de la tesis, mucho más breve que las anteriores, expone una primera aproximación a las consecuencias que todo esto ha tenido en un momento liminal también: el comienzo de la postmodernidad. En realidad se trata de una apertura a lo que ha de venir, pues establecida la operatividad de la hipóteisi inicial, se trata aquí solamente de abrir el camino a una interpretación que en realidad escapa del alcance de esta tesis. Así se deja apuntado cómo, a través de la obra de tres arquitectos, teóricos y artistas trabajando en los años setenta y comienzos de los ochenta del pasado siglo, una comprensión más clara de la revolución moderna precipitada por esta nueva comprensión del espacio como límite-entre queda patente. Chamberworks de Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts de Peter Eisenman y Manhattan Transcripts de Bernard Tschumi servirían de privilegiados ejemplo. Como queda patente que las consecuencias de todo ello aún las estamos sintiendo en nuestra contemporaneidad. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to study the space from the premise that space is mainly the in-between. The in-between, what is in-between the things themselves and gives them precisely its definition as things in a constant process of delimitation. This in-between, what is in between things, is not a remnant that remains, but on the contrary it is the active ingredient that produces things from what is around, that configures them in a sensitive to be perceived. The in-between, the intermediate, is not a line, a pure cut, but an interval, a space in itself, an area in which a process is developed. It is therefore a space in development, where things are still not and already been, delimiting an ambiguous range full of potentialities, some present and others that remain only as virtualities. It is the main hypothesis of this thesis that in the so-called Modern Movement in the architecture of the twentieth century this ambiguous boundary condition is revealed as the result of the articulatation of spatial and formal changes. To develop this hypothesis, I posit this double premise: On the one hand, as an in-between which is in itself, architecture is defined by contemporary artistic disciplines, especially painting and sculpture and simultaneously defines them. Therefore, a number of key moments in the avantgarde of the early twentieth century in parallel with a number of contemporary architecture to study this double dialectic between boundaries will be explored. On the other hand, and considering that the “essence” of the architecture is space, I will study in depth the spatial concepts in physics and aesthetics of late-nineteenth century and early twentieth century to understand how these new concepts centered on the ideas of relativity and space-time as interlimited magnitudes in turn determine the spatial conceptions that take place simultaneously in the visual arts and architecture. The space / time / light triad governs this journey in a double way: through physics and theory of art, and through architecture and the arts. The aim is to anchor architecture in its artistic and scientific context, and to see how the understanding of space as an in-between interval and not as an absolute transcendent determines the results in all of them, defining, therefore, the architecture of modernity as an architecture of the in-between. The frame of the study is centered in the modern movement through the figure of Le Corbusier and how rthe different resources and mechanisms employed provoke an unspeakable space of encounter through the polyphony of the arts. From the spacing of the limit, its erasure, its ambiguity, produced by the intertwining of artistic resources to continuity of the linear, the marriage, the ambivalence, the relativity of color and light, the gap. All this is analyzed through the work of Le Corbusier, highlighting the dialectic between Le Cheminée and Nature morte aux nombreux objets, Ma maison and Zürichhorn pavilion, Unité and L’espace indicible. Once the basic premises and immediate consequences for the architecture of the Modern Movement are set, the fourth and final part of the thesis aims to explore the impact that all this has had in another liminal time: the beginning of postmodernism. Of course, this part is shorter, in fact it is more a prospective survey and an opening of possibilities than a truly articulated body of theory, since the conceptual core of this thesis has been developed in the central part. Hence, through the work of three architects, theorists and artists working in the seventies and early eighties of last century, a clearer understanding of the modern revolution precipitated by this new understanding of space as a boundary- between is proposed. Chamberworks by Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts by Peter Eisenman and Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi will exemplify this approach. The consequences of all this are still haunting our contemporaneity.
Este estudo avaliou a colagem de braquetes linguais nas faces linguais de pré-molares superiores com diferentes espessuras de PADs, confeccionados com a resina fotopolimerizável Transbond XT nas espessuras de 1,0 mm e 2,0 mm e comparando-os com a menor espessura possível. Foi utilizado o adesivo Sondhi Rapid Set para a colagem indireta. Avaliou-se a força de resistência sob cisalhamento cinco minutos após a colagem em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos Kratos, com velocidade de cruzeta de 1,0 mm/min. A força média da resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento para o Grupo I foi de 9,69 MPa (DP 4,02 MPa), para o Grupo II foi de 6,15 MPa (DP 2,69 MPa) e para o Grupo III foi de 5,73 MPa (DP 1,62 MPa). O Grupo I, com menor espessura do PAD, apresentou força de resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento significativamente maior do que os Grupos II e III (PADs com 1,0 e 2,0 mm respectivamente). Estes por sua vez, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de p<0,05. O índice 1 de Adesivo Remanescente predominou nos Grupos I e II, caracterizando um maior número de fraturas do tipo adesiva. No Grupo 3 predominou o Índice 2, com fraturas do tipo coesiva.(AU)
Este estudo avaliou a colagem de braquetes linguais nas faces linguais de pré-molares superiores com diferentes espessuras de PADs, confeccionados com a resina fotopolimerizável Transbond XT nas espessuras de 1,0 mm e 2,0 mm e comparando-os com a menor espessura possível. Foi utilizado o adesivo Sondhi Rapid Set para a colagem indireta. Avaliou-se a força de resistência sob cisalhamento cinco minutos após a colagem em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos Kratos, com velocidade de cruzeta de 1,0 mm/min. A força média da resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento para o Grupo I foi de 9,69 MPa (DP 4,02 MPa), para o Grupo II foi de 6,15 MPa (DP 2,69 MPa) e para o Grupo III foi de 5,73 MPa (DP 1,62 MPa). O Grupo I, com menor espessura do PAD, apresentou força de resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento significativamente maior do que os Grupos II e III (PADs com 1,0 e 2,0 mm respectivamente). Estes por sua vez, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de p<0,05. O índice 1 de Adesivo Remanescente predominou nos Grupos I e II, caracterizando um maior número de fraturas do tipo adesiva. No Grupo 3 predominou o Índice 2, com fraturas do tipo coesiva.(AU)
Lipoproteins are emulsion particles that consist of lipids and apolipoproteins. Their natural function is to transport lipids and/or cholesterol to different tissues. We have taken advantage of the hydrophobic interior of these natural emulsions to solubilize DNA. Negatively charged DNA was first complexed with cationic lipids containing a quaternary amine head group. The resulting hydrophobic complex was extracted by chloroform and then incorporated into reconstituted chylomicron remnant particles (≈100 nm in diameter) with an efficiency ≈65%. When injected into the portal vein of mice, there were ≈5 ng of a transgene product (luciferase) produced per mg of liver protein per 100 μg injected DNA. This level of transgene expression was ≈100-fold higher than that of mice injected with naked DNA. However, such a high expression was not found after tail vein injection. Histochemical examination revealed that a large number of parenchymal cells and other types of cells in the liver expressed the transgene. Gene expression in the liver increased with increasing injected dose, and was nearly saturated with 50 μg DNA. At this dose, the expression was kept at high level in the liver for 2 days and then gradually reduced and almost disappeared by 7 days. However, by additional injection at day 7, gene expression in the liver was completely restored. By injection of plasmid DNA encoding human α1-antitrypsin, significant concentrations of hAAT were detected in the serum of injected animals. This is the first nonviral vector that resembles a natural lipoprotein carrier.
Pichia pastoris PEX17 was cloned by complementation of a peroxisome-deficient strain obtained from a novel screen for mutants disrupted in the localization of a peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP) reporter. PEX17 encodes a 267-amino-acid protein with low identity (18%) to the previously characterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex17p. Like ScPex17p, PpPex17p contains a putative transmembrane domain near the amino terminus and two carboxyl-terminal coiled-coil regions. PpPex17p behaves as an integral PMP with a cytosolic carboxyl-terminal domain. pex17Δ mutants accumulate peroxisomal matrix proteins and certain integral PMPs in the cytosol, suggesting a critical role for Pex17p in their localization. Peroxisome remnants were observed in the pex17Δ mutant by morphological and biochemical means, suggesting that Pex17p is not absolutely required for remnant formation. Yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of Pex19p was required for interaction with Pex17p lacking the carboxyl-terminal coiled-coil domains. Biochemical evidence confirmed the interaction between Pex19p and Pex17p. Additionally, Pex17p cross-linked to components of the peroxisome targeting signal–receptor docking complex, which unexpectedly contained Pex3p. Our evidence suggests the existence of distinct subcomplexes that contain separable pools of Pex3p, Pex19p, Pex17p, Pex14p, and the peroxisome targeting signal receptors. These distinct pools may serve different purposes for the import of matrix proteins or PMPs.
The presence of magnetite crystal chains, considered missing evidence for the biological origin of magnetite in ALH84001 [Thomas-Keprta, K. L., Bazylinski, D. A., Kirschvink, J. L., Clemett, S. J., McKay, D. S., Wentworth, S. J., Vali, H., Gibson, E. K., Jr., & Romanek, C. S. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 4049–4081], is demonstrated by high-power stereo backscattered scanning electron microscopy. Five characteristics of such chains (uniform crystal size and shape within chains, gaps between crystals, orientation of elongated crystals along the chain axis, flexibility of chains, and a halo that is a possible remnant of a membrane around chains), observed or inferred to be present in magnetotactic bacteria but incompatible with a nonbiological origin, are shown to be present. Although it is unlikely that magnetotactic bacteria were ever alive in ALH84001, decomposed remains of such organisms could have been deposited in cracks in the rock while it was still on the surface on Mars.
Human activities have greatly reduced the amount of the earth's area available to wild species. As the area they have left declines, so will their rates of speciation. This loss of speciation will occur for two reasons: species with larger geographical ranges speciate faster; and loss of area drives up extinction rates, thus reducing the number of species available for speciation. Theory predicts steady states in species diversity, and fossils suggest that these have typified life for most of the past 500 million years. Modern and fossil evidence indicates that, at the scale of the whole earth and its major biogeographical provinces, those steady states respond linearly, or nearly so, to available area. Hence, a loss of x% of area will produce a loss of about x% of species. Local samples of habitats merely echo the diversity available in the whole province of which they are a part. So, conservation tactics that rely on remnant patches to preserve diversity cannot succeed for long. Instead, diversity will decay to a depauperate steady state in two phases. The first will involve deterministic extinctions, reflecting the loss of all areas in which a species can ordinarily sustain its demographics. The second will be stochastic, reflecting accidents brought on by global warming, new diseases, and commingling the species of the separate bio-provinces. A new kind of conservation effort, reconciliation ecology, can avoid this decay. Reconciliation ecology discovers how to modify and diversify anthropogenic habitats so that they harbor a wide variety of species. It develops management techniques that allow humans to share their geographical range with wild species.
Observations of supernova explosions halfway back to the Big Bang give plausible evidence that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating since that epoch, approximately 8 billion years ago and suggest that energy associated with the vacuum itself may be responsible for the acceleration.
Recent x-ray observations have shown that a substantial fraction of newly born neutron stars have magnetic fields of several 1014 G. They reveal themselves as soft gamma repeaters and anomalous x-ray pulsars and may account for the missing radio pulsars in young supernova remnants.