765 resultados para Romantic Titan
von Freidrich Kind. - Musik von Carl Maria von Weber
Compte rendu de la présentation de la pièce « Count Basil » de Joanna Baillie montée par la compagnie Horizon Theatre lors du Congrès 2004 de la North American society for the study of romanticism (NASSR).
Cette thèse propose l’émergence d’une poésie de l’entre deux dans la littérature expérimentale, en suivant ses développements du milieu du vingtième siècle jusqu'au début du vingt-et-unième. Cette notion d’entre-deux poétique se fonde sur une théorie du neutre (Barthes, Blanchot) comme ce qui se situe au delà ou entre l'opposition et la médiation. Le premier chapitre retrace le concept de monotonie dans la théorie esthétique depuis la période romantique où il est vu comme l'antithèse de la variabilité ou tension poétique, jusqu’à l’émergence de l’art conceptuel au vingtième siècle où il se déploie sans interruption. Ce chapitre examine alors la relation de la monotonie à la mélancolie à travers l’analyse de « The Anatomy of Monotony », poème de Wallace Stevens tiré du recueil Harmonium et l’œuvre poétique alphabet de Inger Christensen. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la réalisation d’une poésie de l’entre-deux à travers une analyse de quatre œuvres poétiques qui revisitent l’usage de l’index du livre paratextuel: l’index au long poème “A” de Louis Zukofsky, « Index to Shelley's Death » d’Alan Halsey qui apparait à la fin de l’oeuvre The Text of Shelley's Death, Cinema of the Present de Lisa Robertson, et l’oeuvre multimédia Via de Carolyn Bergvall. Le troisième chapitre retrace la politique de neutralité dans la théorie de la traduction. Face à la logique oppositionnelle de l’original contre la traduction, il propose hypothétiquement la réalisation d’une troisième texte ou « l’entre-deux », qui sert aussi à perturber les récits familiers de l’appropriation, l’absorption et l’assimilation qui effacent la différence du sujet de l’écrit. Il examine l’oeuvre hybride Secession with Insecession de Chus Pato et Erin Moure comme un exemple de poésie de l’entre-deux. A la fois pour Maurice Blanchot et Roland Barthes, le neutre représente un troisième terme potentiel qui défie le paradigme de la pensée oppositionnelle. Pour Blanchot, le neutre est la différence amenée au point de l’indifférence et de l’opacité de la transparence tandis que le désire de Barthes pour le neutre est une utopie lyrique qui se situe au-delà des contraintes de but et de marquage. La conclusion examine comment le neutre correspond au conditions de liberté gouvernant le principe de créativité de la poésie comme l’acte de faire sans intention ni raison.
Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as perceções dos estudantes universitários face à conjugalidade dos pais e as suas perceções sobre as relações amorosas e a satisfação com a vida. Metodologia: o protocolo de avaliação era composto por 4 questionários: Questionário sobre a Conjugalidade dos Pais (Crespo et al, em preparação); a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (Neto, 1993), Questionário sobre Experiências em Relações Próximas (Moreira et al, 2006) e o questionário sociodemográfico para a caracterização da amostra. Participantes: Participaram neste estudo 172 estudantes. Noventa e um são do sexo masculino e 81 do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 58 anos, com uma média de 23.04 (DP=6.78). Dos 172 participantes, apenas 96 estão numa relação amorosa (47 do sexo masculino e 49 do sexo feminino). Resultados: Os homens e os participantes deste estudo que fazem parte de famílias intactas percecionaram uma conjugalidade dos pais mais satisfatória; por outro lado, os participantes numa relação amorosa e os que fazem parte de famílias intactas percecionaram maior satisfação com a vida. Os participantes entre os 25 e os 58 anos, percecionaram maior evitamento nas suas relações. Conclusões: Deste trabalho conclui-se que os participantes têm uma perceção da conjugalidade dos pais positiva e estão, na globalidade, satisfeitos com a vida mas percecionam grande evitamento e preocupação nas suas relações amorosas. Conclui-se ainda que não existe uma correlação entre a perceção da conjugalidade dos pais e as experiências em relações próximas, nem com a perceção de satisfação com a vida. / Objectives: This study examines the general perceptions of university students about their parents’ marital relationship, their romantic relationships and life satisfaction. Methodology: The research protocol for this study comprised The Questionnaire about Parents’ Marital Relationship (Crespo et al., in preparation), the Life Satisfaction scale (Neto, 1993), the Questionnaire on Experiences in Close Relationships, (Moreira et al., 2006) and a sociodemographic questionnaire.. Participants: 172 students participated in this study, of which 91 were male and 81 female, aged between 18 and 58 years old, with an average age of 23.04 (SD = 6.78). From the total of 172 participants, only 96 were in a romantic relationship; out of these 47 were male and 49 female. Results: Men and participants from intact families reported a better perception of parents’ marital relationship; participants in a romantic relationship and from intact families had greater life satisfaction and participants between 25 and 58 years old perceived more avoidance in their relationships. Conclusion: Participants have a positive perceptions of parents’ marital relationship are satisfied with life, however they perceive anxiety and avoidance in their romantic relationships. We also conclude that there is no correlation between the perception of parents’ marital relationship and their experiences in close relationships and perception of life satisfaction.
As experiências precoces de vergonha, na infância e adolescência, cujas memórias assumem características traumáticas, e de centralidade para a identidade, estão associadas a maior propensão para a vergonha e psicopatologia na adultez. O presente estudo visou clarificar o impacto das características traumáticas e da centralidade, das memórias de vergonha, e das memórias precoces de calor e segurança, na qualidade de vinculação aos pais e ao par amoroso, apreciando a orientação sexual. Nesse sentido, 123 sujeitos, homossexuais masculinos (N = 53) e heterossexuais masculinos e femininos (N = 70), completaram a bateria de questionários de autorresposta, para avaliar as caraterísticas traumáticas e a centralidade das memórias de vergonha, as memórias precoces de calor e segurança, a qualidade de vinculação ao pai, à mãe e ao par amoroso, recolhidos a partir de amostra de conveniência não aleatória da população geral. Os resultados mostram que os homossexuais, comparativamente com os heterossexuais, apresentam níveis mais elevados de caraterísticas traumáticas e de centralidade para a identidade, das memórias de vergonha, a par de níveis inferiores de memórias precoces positivas. As caraterísticas traumáticas e de centralidade, das memórias de vergonha, surgem associadas, com intensidade tendencialmente superior nos homossexuais, à restrição da aquisição de autonomia, conferida pelo pai, à sua desvalorização e à ansiedade de separação materna. O vínculo inseguro, aos progenitores, perpetua-se à adultez e ao par amoroso. Relativamente aos heterossexuais, apurámos que o laço emocional e a ansiedade de separação e dependência, paterna e materna, surgem associados a maior confiança e menor evitamento, respetivamente, ao par amoroso. Paralelamente, a ansiedade de separação e dependência materna surge, ainda, associada a maior dependência daquela figura. Este estudo conclui que as experiências precoces de vergonha, na infância e adolescência, podem funcionar como memórias com caraterísticas traumáticas e autobiográficas, constituir marcos de referência centrais no que concerne à identidade e história de vida, sobretudo em homossexuais, com atribuição de significado a outras experiências de vida, nomeadamente no que respeita à vinculação ao par romântico. / Early experiences of shame, in childhood and adolescence, whose memories assume traumatic characteristics, and centrality to identity, are associated with greater propensity to shame and psychopathology in adulthood. The present study aimed to clarify the impact of traumatic features and centrality to identity of shame memories, and of early memories of warmth and safety, on quality of attachment to parents and the loving couple`s bond, considering sexual orientation. Accordingly, 123 subjects, male homosexuals (N = 53) and male and female (N = 70) heterosexuals, completed the battery of self-report questionnaires, to assess trauma characteristics and centrality of shame memories, early memories of warmth and safeness, quality of attachment to the father, mother and loving couple, collected from a non-random convenience sample from general population. The results point that homosexual men, compared with heterosexuals, show higher levels of traumatic characteristics and centrality to identity of shame memories, along with lower levels of early positive memories. Traumatic characteristics and centrality of shame memories arise associated, tendentiously with higher intensity in homosexuals, to restriction of autonomy`s acquisition, conferred by the father, his devaluation and maternal separation anxiety. The unsecured bond, to parents, perpetuates into adulthood and loving couple. Regarding heterosexuals, we found that emotional bond and separation anxiety and dependency, paternal and maternal, arise associated with greater confidence, and less avoidance, respectively, to the loving couple. Further, separation anxiety and mother`s dependency also appears associated with greater dependency to that figure. This study concludes that early experiences of shame, in childhood and adolescence, might function as memories with traumatic and autobiographical characteristics, produce landmarks of central reference regarding identity and life`s history, particularly in homosexual, with attribution of meaning to other life experiences, particularly in the linking to the romantic couple.
Hardly a day goes by without the release of a handful of news stories about autonomous vehicles (or AVs for short). The proverbial “tipping point” of awareness has been reached in the public consciousness as AV technology is quickly becoming the new focus of firms from Silicon Valley to Detroit and beyond. Automation has, and will continue to have far-reaching implications for many human activities, but for driving, the technology is here. Google has been in talks with automaker Ford (1), Elon Musk has declared that Tesla will have the appropriate technology in two years (2), GM is paired-up with Lyft (3), Uber is in development-mode (4), Microsoft and Volvo have announced a partnership (5), Apple has been piloting its top-secret project “Titan” (6), Toyota is working on its own technology (7), as is BMW (8). Audi (9) made a splash by sending a driverless A7 concept car 550 miles from San Francisco to Las Vegas just in time to roll-into the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show. Clearly, the race is on.
INTRODUCTION: The current study aimed to describe the relational and reproductive trajectories leading to adolescent pregnancy in Portugal, and to explore whether there were differences in this process according to adolescents' place of residence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected between 2008 and 2013 in 42 public health services using a self-report questionnaire developed by the researchers. The sample consisted of a nationally representative group of pregnant adolescents (n = 459). RESULTS: Regardless of having had one (59.91%) or multiple sexual partners (40.09%), the majority of adolescents became pregnant in a romantic relationship, using contraception at the time of the conception and knowing the contraceptive failure which led to pregnancy (39.22%). In some regions other trajectories were highly prevalent, reflecting options such as planning the pregnancy (Alentejo Region/ Azores Islands), not using contraception (Centro Region/Madeira Islands) or using it incorrectly, without identifying the contraceptive failure (Madeira Islands). On average, romantic relationships were longer than 19 months and adolescents' partners were older than themselves (> 4 years) and no longer in school (75.16%); these results were particularly significant when the pregnancy was planned. DISCUSSION: The knowledge gained in this study shows that prevention efforts must be targeted according to the adolescents' needs in each region and should include high-risk male groups. CONCLUSION: Our results may enable more efficient health policies to prevent adolescent pregnancy in different country regions and support educators and health care providers on sexual education and family planning efforts.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The provocation and point of this paper is that universities of the North during the era of neoliberalism of have been sucked of their human life-giving capacities. What remains are closed doors and bare walls. Lest we give the impression of a hopelessly romantic view of the university (and embark upon a lament for some paradise lost), let us be clear from the outset: there is no such place – and there never has been. As will be outlined below, a consideration of the history of the university reveals it was born and has persistently drawn its life breath from oxygen formed in the tension ridden mix of an impulse to human freedom and accommodation to powers of church, state and capital. But, we contend, history is now the witness to the almost complete dissolution of that tension: to the exhaustion of emancipatory impulses in the service of indoctrination, regulation and accumulation. In the church-state-capital triad, it is the latter that has emerged hegemonic. Importantly, we argue, its dominance has emerged with the rise of what Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy describe as monopoly capital: the move from competitive (small entrepreneurial business) forms to monopolistic (large corporate business) regimes of accumulation (Baran & Sweezy 1966). A central feature of monopoly capitalism is its need for significant financial support of national states and the harnessing of public resources such as universities to feed accumulation. It is no surprise that neoliberalism, despite its neoclassical economic pronouncements, is a ‘big state’ advocate (Harvey 2005). Our argument is that neoliberalism, as the political workhorse of monopoly capitalism, has overseen a makeover of universities so they might behave like a monopoly capitalist corporation. Our time is the time of the near global domination of capital. The university has succumbed. In its colonisation – its capitalisation – the university has not only reinvented itself as a willing ally of capital but has also set about remaking itself in its image.
Sixty artists explore the nocturnal. Curated by Tom Hammick. The evening hour too gives us the irresponsibility which darkness and lamplight bestow. We are no longer quite ourselves. – Virginia Woolf, Street Haunting: A London Adventure, 1930 Towards Night is an exhibition exploring the nocturnal through paintings, prints and drawings by over sixty artists. Drawing on the nineteenth century European Romantic tradition, the show surveys contemporary and historical connections to wonderment and dystopia at dusk, twilight, night and dawn. Towards Night juxtaposes key paintings and prints by Constable, Friedrich, Munch, Nolde, Palmer and Turner, some of the best known visionaries of the Romantic tradition with contemporary artists who work with the transformative aspects of nightfall to convey emotional responses of awe, anxiety and solitude, love and loss, revelry, insomnia, and journey’s end. The exhibition opens with direct and positive responses to the natural world; Marc Chagall’s exotic dreamlike evening in The Poet Reclining (1915) sits close to eighteenth century Indian miniatures depicting brightly painted figures offset against darkening monsoon clouds, and William Crozier’s Balcony at Night, Antibes (2007), of a plant, blue and iridescent against the cool night sky. As the exhibition progresses, the dystopias become darker and more disturbing, and the connections between artists and works intensify: Emma Stibbon’s Rome Aqueduct (2011) takes on a heightened sense of pathos alongside Caspar David Friedrich’s Winter Landscape (1811); Peter Doig’s cinematic Echo Lake (1998) conjures up an increased sense of contemporary angst; and Prunella Clough’s False Flower (1993), a magical tree defying brutalism by growing out of concrete, becomes more miraculous near Night Shift (2015) Nick Carrick’s tomblike high rise. Tom Hammick’s Violetta Alone (2015) and Michael Craig Martin’s Ash Tray (2015), reinforce hedonistic aspects of night-time revelry alongside Four AM, Betsy Dadd’s young woman drinking in the early hours of the morning and L.S. Lowry’s drunken people in a pub in The Crowd (1922). In the final room, a cluster of works explores dreams and insomnia, from Louise Bourgeois’ Spirals (2010) to Munch’s lovers embracing in The Kiss (1902). Tom Hammick, curator of the show said “This exhibition has grown way beyond its original conception, to become a magnificent survey of painting and printmaking from over two hundred years based around the central tenet of night. The exhibition is a kind of painterly response to the way figurative artists use their artistic heroes as starting points for their own work, both compositionally and emotionally.” Artists featured in Towards Night: Christiane Baumgarter, Michael Craig-Martin, Julian Opie, Will Gill, Merlin James, Howard Hodgkin, WillIam Scott, Patrick Caulfield, George Shaw, Stephen Chambers, Basil Beattie, Betsy Dadd, Christopher Le Brun, L.S Lowry, Andrew Cranston, David Willetts, James Fisher, Emma Stibbon, Vija Celmins, William Blake, William Crozier, Tom Hammick, Georgia Keeling, Helen Turner, Humphrey Ocean, Julian Bell, Craigie Aitchison, Mark Wright, Ken Kiff, Matthew Burrows, Andrzej Jackowski, Sarah Raphael, Nick Bodimeade, Nick Carrick, Mary Newcomb, Hurvin Anderson, Peter Doig, Phoebe Unwin, Danny Markey, Sara Lee, Simon Burton, Susie Hamilton, Marc Chagall, Alfred Wallis, Emil Nolde, J.M.W. Turner, Prunella Clough, Samuel Palmer, Louise Bourgeois, Caspar David Friedrich, Alex Katz, Ewan Gibbs, Susie Hamilton, Andrzej Jackowski, Amanda Vesey, Edward Stott, Gertrude Hermes, Rose Wylie, Sidney Nolan, John Constable, J.M.W. Turner, Emil Nolde, Hiroshige, Edvard Munch, Samuel Palmer, Eileen Cooper, Charles Neame-Spencer, Samantha Cary.
This article shows in which way the so-called climate theories, which have been developed since Antiquity, change over the course of time and influence the different theories on the origin of language. Via Montesquieu and Rousseau, the “climate theories” have influenced Johann Gottfried Herder, who bases on the romantic concept of Volk. By this means, a lot of ideas come into being which are fundamental for the foundation and development of the national philologies in Europe.
We review the reservoirs of methane clathrates that may exist in the different bodies of the Solar System. Methane was formed in the interstellar medium prior to having been embedded in the protosolar nebula gas phase. This molecule was subsequently trapped in clathrates that formed from crystalline water ice during the cooling of the disk and incorporated in this form into the building blocks of comets, icy bodies, and giant planets. Methane clathrates may play an important role in the evolution of planetary atmospheres. On Earth, the production of methane in clathrates is essentially biological, and these compounds are mostly found in permafrost regions or in the sediments of continental shelves. On Mars, methane would more likely derive from hydrothermal reactions with olivine-rich material. If they do exist, martian methane clathrates would be stable only at depth in the cryosphere and sporadically release some methane into the atmosphere via mechanisms that remain to be determined. In the case of Titan, most of its methane probably originates from the protosolar nebula, where it would have been trapped in the clathrates agglomerated by the satellite's building blocks. Methane clathrates are still believed to play an important role in the present state of Titan. Their presence is invoked in the satellite's subsurface as a means of replenishing its atmosphere with methane via outgassing episodes. The internal oceans of Enceladus and Europa also provide appropriate thermodynamic conditions that allow formation of methane clathrates. In turn, these clathrates might influence the composition of these liquid reservoirs. Finally, comets and Kuiper Belt Objects might have formed from the agglomeration of clathrates and pure ices in the nebula. The methane observed in comets would then result from the destabilization of clathrate layers in the nuclei concurrent with their approach to perihelion. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations show that methane-rich clathrate layers may exist on Pluto as well. Key Words: Methane clathrate-Protosolar nebula-Terrestrial planets-Outer Solar System.
Annual ryegrass is one of the species that best meets the needs of ranchers of southern Brazil during the winter period of the year. The breeding of ryegrass for many years has been developing superior materials, diploid and tetraploid, which, despite its higher prices for seed are being used by producers because of their better performance and quality. The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of different cultivars of Italian ryegrass - diploid and tetraploid, grazing, climate conditions of southwestern Paraná. The experiment was conducted in the city of Pato Branco / PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications. The observed cultivars were: LE 284, Camaro, Bakarat, Estações, Ponteio and Nibbio (diploid) and Winter Star, KLM 138, Escorpio, Titan, Barjumbo and Potro (tetraploid). The grazing was mob-grazing type time respecting input of 25 cm and 10 cm high output. It was observed that the cultivars that had high period of pasture use were those that produced larger amounts of forage. For all cultivars the highest forage accumulations occur between the months of August, September and October. Tetraploid have lower population density of tillers, but this does not affect the IAF among cultivars nor the interception of solar radiation before and after the completion of a grazing. NDF and ADF contents linearly increase with advancing in ryegrass cultivars development cycle. On average, tetraploid cultivars produce larger amounts of forage in relation to diploid cultivars.
Considered as a romantic incarnation of author’s ideas, L’Etranger put us in front of the absurd through the problematic character of Meursault, often studied and commented as subject of this philosophical attitude. The absurd presupposes a relationship between man and the world and is thus inevitably linked to perception: a sensory experience then founds the discourse of the novel, establishing Meursault as percipient/enunciator subject. We will use the resources offered by semiotics of discourse in its phenomenological version for analyzing the perceptual path of Meursault and especially to consider the question of Camus’s absurd under a new light