772 resultados para Right to information
A guide to information on European Economic Data, with hyperlinks to further sources of information within European Sources Online and on external websites
A guide to information on European Statistical Data, with hyperlinks to further sources of information within European Sources Online and on external websites
A guide to information sources on the 'Brexit Debate' in the United Kingdom - the decision to hold a referendum in the United Kingdom on the 23 June 2016 as to whether the country should remain or leave the European Union. The guide is a structured listing of information sources from the EU, the UK government, UK Parliament, the main campaigning groups, think tanks, news sources and other sources on this important topic. Note that the images within the guide are all hyperlinks to the full text of the sources. The guides is being constantly updated during 2016.
Esta dissertação analisa a prática da Comunicação Social no Brasil, uma das questões mais importantes para a estruturação e manutenção do poder na sociedade, evidenciada, mais uma vez, com a crise institucional iniciada em 2014, que colocou o direito à produção e divulgação de informações e opiniões no centro do debate nacional. Para tanto, tomou-se como referência as condições políticas, administrativas e operacionais presentes na experiência da Agência de Comunicação Comunitária do Complexo de Manguinhos, aglomerado de favelas e conjuntos habitacionais populares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
La recherche d'informations s'intéresse, entre autres, à répondre à des questions comme: est-ce qu'un document est pertinent à une requête ? Est-ce que deux requêtes ou deux documents sont similaires ? Comment la similarité entre deux requêtes ou documents peut être utilisée pour améliorer l'estimation de la pertinence ? Pour donner réponse à ces questions, il est nécessaire d'associer chaque document et requête à des représentations interprétables par ordinateur. Une fois ces représentations estimées, la similarité peut correspondre, par exemple, à une distance ou une divergence qui opère dans l'espace de représentation. On admet généralement que la qualité d'une représentation a un impact direct sur l'erreur d'estimation par rapport à la vraie pertinence, jugée par un humain. Estimer de bonnes représentations des documents et des requêtes a longtemps été un problème central de la recherche d'informations. Le but de cette thèse est de proposer des nouvelles méthodes pour estimer les représentations des documents et des requêtes, la relation de pertinence entre eux et ainsi modestement avancer l'état de l'art du domaine. Nous présentons quatre articles publiés dans des conférences internationales et un article publié dans un forum d'évaluation. Les deux premiers articles concernent des méthodes qui créent l'espace de représentation selon une connaissance à priori sur les caractéristiques qui sont importantes pour la tâche à accomplir. Ceux-ci nous amènent à présenter un nouveau modèle de recherche d'informations qui diffère des modèles existants sur le plan théorique et de l'efficacité expérimentale. Les deux derniers articles marquent un changement fondamental dans l'approche de construction des représentations. Ils bénéficient notamment de l'intérêt de recherche dont les techniques d'apprentissage profond par réseaux de neurones, ou deep learning, ont fait récemment l'objet. Ces modèles d'apprentissage élicitent automatiquement les caractéristiques importantes pour la tâche demandée à partir d'une quantité importante de données. Nous nous intéressons à la modélisation des relations sémantiques entre documents et requêtes ainsi qu'entre deux ou plusieurs requêtes. Ces derniers articles marquent les premières applications de l'apprentissage de représentations par réseaux de neurones à la recherche d'informations. Les modèles proposés ont aussi produit une performance améliorée sur des collections de test standard. Nos travaux nous mènent à la conclusion générale suivante: la performance en recherche d'informations pourrait drastiquement être améliorée en se basant sur les approches d'apprentissage de représentations.
Presents the story of the struggle for women's right to vote in Mandatory Palestine. Includes portraits of individual leaders, discusses the Zionist roots of feminism and nationalism, the views of the Ultra Orthodox Jewish sector, and comparative information on contemporary suffrage movements elsewhere in the world. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.
House Resolution (HR) 1010 adopted June 2004, encourages the Illinois EPA to establish a Right-to-Know Committee and to obtain citizens' input on the most effective and efficient means of providing notice to residents exposed to or potentially exposed to contamination from air, land or water. In keeping with the spirit of the resolution, Illinois EPA is conducting this pilot notification project with the assistance of the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Cook County Department of Public Health. This notice is precautionary, because of the potential for one or more sites to affect the groundwater quality in the area. There are many sites in the area that may have a potential for contaminating groundwater. The current notification has to do with information Illinois EPA has gathered in the course of investigating, monitoring and performing work on the landfill sites discussed below. These are located in the Chicago Heights/South Chicago Heights area, south of 26th Street and west of State Street (see attached map): Chicago Heights Refuse Depot, Triem Landfill and Fitzmar Landfill. A fourth landfill, Lobue, is adjacent to these, although Illinois EPA currently has very little information about that landfill. In 1987, vinyl chloride was detected in South Chicago Heights Well #3 at a level that was more than the Class I Groundwater Standard, which is 2 parts per billion. Investigation and sampling of monitoring wells at the landfill site near Well #3 showed higher concentrations of vinyl chloride (140-240 parts per million) in 1988. South Chicago Heights discontinued the use of Well #3 after this event and later stopped using all its wells and began purchasing water from Chicago Heights in 2000.
Areas of concern: This notification is based on information Illinois EPA has found while investigating, monitoring and working on two landfill sites in the Chicago Heights/South Chicago Heights area. Tests from groundwater and surface water at one landfill site showed levels of vinyl chloride greater than state Class I groundwater standards - the state standards that are designed to protect groundwater for use as drinking water. Vinyl chloride is from a family of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are common man-made chemicals found in cleaning solvents, gasoline and oil. These chemicals can travel in groundwater long distances from where they were spilled or dumped.
Includes a list of the Reading Best Practice Sites in Illinois and a list of the possible teaching strategies that are appropriate with each of the fourteen Best Practices.
Compiled by the Right to Read: Best Practices and Resources Committee to assist educators in attaining results as stated in the Illinois Right to Read Initiative, 1998-1999.
Effective January 1, 1990, Public Act 86-890 (105 ILCS 5/10-21.11) required school boards "To develop policies and adopt rules relating to the appropriate manner of managing children with chronic infectious diseases, not inconsistent with guidelines published by the State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health." This is the document referenced in that law. During 2000, another task force was convened to update the document with the most current information concerning how to maintain school programs that will meet the health and educational needs of students who have chronic infectious diseases and to prevent the spread of diseases in the school setting ... It is hoped that this revision will assist local school district personnel in their efforts to maintain procedures and policies that will not compromise the safety of a classroom or a student's right to an education.
The instructions in this manual describe the statutory responsibilities of election judges and their duties on Election Day. ... Included in this manual are step-by-step instructions which describe in detail the procedures to be followed before the polls open, during voting hours, and after the polls close. This manual also includes information on voter coding, who can vote, pollwatchers rights and limitations, challenging a person's right to vote, voter assistance and instruction, processing absentee ballots, and remaking damaged and overvoted ballot cards. In addition, this manual reflects the many changes brought about by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and Senate Bill 428, PA 0574.
No. 1 also issued in revised edition, 1949.
on paper included with image: Staff at Kom Aushim. The place of Mr. Chubb, who was away at the time, is taken by Mr. Kelsey; the photograph was made on Christmas day of 1926. The view of the Mound in the background is from a point on the south side of the Camp House, looking southeast. Names of the staff, from right to left: Director Peterson, Allen, De Prorok, [Francis W. Kelsey], Mrs. Allen, Falconer, Valeri, Colt, Swain
Jack Kevorkian's business card. Card has a printed message "Kevorkian M.E.R.C.Y. Amendment. Moment Ensuring the Right to Choose for Yourself." Contact information is indicated on the card.