999 resultados para Ridgway, Jacob, 1767-1843.
Almanac with one interleaved folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom of page documenting household activities such as the hanging of bacon or bringing the horse from the pasture. The interleaved leaf contains entries by Hannah Winthrop about the weather and an earthquake (October 15?). There are entries on firing the household chimneys, deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1767 in John Winthrop's hand.
The volume contains handwritten copies of lectures delivered by Sewall to students, an 1780 letter from Antoine Court de Gébelin written in French and glued into the front inside cover, a preface to the set of lectures, an autobiographical sketch of Sewall, and the statutes governing the Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages.
This volume contains lectures delivered by Sewall to Harvard students. The first lecture in the volume, Lecture XV, was read on March 9, 1767; October 8, 1770, August 22, 1774, and December 13, 1778. The last lecture in the volume, Lecture XXVII, was read on June 13, 1768; May 4, 1772; July 29, 1776; and June 5, 1780.
The pamphlet-sized manuscript includes "The Book of Harvard" signed "Joseph Cummings, scriptis, Janr 7th 1767," an untitled two-page essay beginning, "Wisdom is ye Crown of life" and ending "Draught of Knowledge, let us with a laudable ambition, strive to excel each other in an ardent pursuit of Learning, then shall we raise to ourselves a monument of honest fame, which shall perish only in ye general wreak of nature," and on the last page, "An Accrostick" beginning "Jangling & Discord are thy Souls delight" and spelling out JAMES MITCHEL VARNUM dated July 3, 1767 and signed "The 3d edition revised & improved by Gove & Fogg."