853 resultados para Rheumatoid Arthritis.


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We present a case of a 16-year-old male patient with sudden-onset, rash, arthritis and meningitis by Neisseria meningitidis one week after an acute upper respiratory infection. On the 10th day of treatment followed by neurological and arthritis clinical improvement, he presented once again a tender and swollen left knee with a moderate effusion, and active and passive range of motion was severely limited secondary to pain, and when he was submitted to surgical drainage and synovial fluid analysis he showed inflammatory characteristics. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug was taken for five days with complete improvement of symptoms. The case is notable for its combination of features of septic and immune-mediated arthritis, which has rarely been reported in the same patient.


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Introduction Approximately 20% JIA patients enters adulthood with clinically active disease and disabled, therefore work condition may be affected. Objectives To assess the prevalence of work disability among adult patients with JIA regularly attending a tertiary heumatology center and to determine possible associated risk factors. Methods This was a cross-sectional study that enrolled 43 JIA patients according to 2004 revised ILAR criteria. A questionnaire was developed in order to evaluate working status and labor activity: occupation, current/previous work, employment status and withdrawal rate were actively searched. Demographic data, JIA characteristics, clinical activity (DAS28>2.6), therapeutic intervention, comorbidities, physical activity, sedentarism (WHO definitions), functional class (1991 ACR criteria), HAQ and SF-36 were recorded. The prevalence of work disability was calculated using 95% confidence interval, and compared to all parameters; qualitative variables were analyzed using tests of association (chi-square test) and quantitative variables by Mann-Whitney or student test. Results Patients' mean age was 29+7.4 yrs (range 19-41) with mean JIA duration = 17.2+12.3 yrs (range 3-33); 63% were males and 37% females. JIA subtypes were 64% polyarticular, 11% oligoarticular, 9% systemic, 9% ERA, 2% extended oligoarticular, 2% psoriatic arthritis; 7% had uveitis. Serum RF was positive in 21% and ANA in 21%. The majority (72%, n = 31) of JIA patients were employed, whereas 28% (n = 12) were currently not working. In the latter group, 83% (10/12) were retired due to JIA related disability. Further analysis comparing those currently working vs. Those not working revealed similar age (25,3 yrs vs.29,5 yrs, p = 0,09). Although not significantly, most patients currently working had Poly onset JIA (22 vs. 6 p = 0,37), higher frequencies of good education level >12 yrs of school (31 vs.9, p = 0,38), functional class I (p = 0,96), practiced regular physical activity (9 vs. 0, p = 0,89), were singles (26 vs. 8, p = 0,15). Both groups had comparable HAQ and DAS 28 scores (0,62 vs. 0.59, p = 0,47 and 2,51 vs.2,07, p = 0,64) and similar arthroplasty rate (8 vs. 4, p = 0,427). Frequencies of hypertension (3 vs.1, p = 0,999), dyslipidemia (1 vs. 1, p = 0,125), diabetes (1 vs. 0 p = 0,999), depression (1 vs. 0, p = 0,999) and smokers (3 vs. 1, p = 0,99) were alike in both groups. Remarkably, employed patients had higher SF 36 mental health component (84.0 vs. 70.42, P = 0.01). Conclusion High prevalence of almost 1/3 work disability and of retirement due to disease related incapacity remain major problems for adult JIA individuals. We also identified worse mental health in employed patients indicating that further research is needed, in addition to intense affirmative disability actions in order to remove possible disabling barriers and to adapt restrictive environments for these patients. Moreover, enhanced strategies and policy for inclusion of JIA patients in the job market is urged.


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Die Immunisierung von Mäusen bestimmter Stämme (z.B. DBA/1) mit Kollagen-Typ-II (CII) führt zu Gelenkentzündungen, die in ihrem Verlauf der Rheumatoiden Arthritis beim Menschen ähnlich sind. Viele Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, daß vor allem TH1-Zellen entscheidend an der Entstehung einer CIA beteiligt sind. In diesem Zusammenhang ist IL-12, das an der Induktion der TH1-Zellantwort beteiligt ist, von herausragender Bedeutung. Zur Klärung der Funktion von IL-12 wurde ein IL-12-Antagonist, (IL-12(p40)2), der aus einem Homodimer der IL-12p40-Kette besteht, in vivo eingesetzt. DBA/1-Mäuse, die transgen für die T-Zellrezeptor ß-Kette eines CII-spezifischen, arthritogenen T-Zellklons sind und infolge dessen eine CIA mit 100%-iger Inzidenz, frühem Auftreten und einem schweren chronischen Verlauf entwickeln, wurden mit IL-12(p40)2 behandelt. Die Behandlung von TCR-ßtg-Mäusen mit IL-12(p40)2 verzögerte die Entwicklung einer CIA und führte zu deutlich abgeschwächten Krankheitssymptomen, konnte aber nicht die Induktion einer CIA verhindern. Darüber hinaus produzierten die Milzzellen der IL-12(p40)2-behandelten Gruppe nach einer Stimulation mit CII geringere Menge an IFN-g, verglichen mit Kontrollgruppe. Somit resultiert aus einer in vivo Neutralisation von IL-12 eine supprimierte Entwicklung von CII-spezifischen TH1-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, daß endogen gebildetes IL-12 bei der Induktion einer CIA eine wichtige Rolle spielt, indem es die Differenzierung von TH1-Zellen fördert und die Produktion von IFN-g steigert. Hinsichtlich der Funktion von IFN-g bei der CIA gibt es allerdings widersprüchliche Befunde. Zur Klärung der Funktion von IFN-g wurden die TCR-ßtg-Mäuse mit Mäusen gekreuzt, die defizient für die Produktion von IFN-g (IFN-g KO) sind. Es zeigte sich, daß keine der verwendeten F2 (IFN-g KO, TCR-ßtg)-Mäuse nach Immunisierung Symptome einer CIA entwickelten. Somit scheint IFN-g essentiell für die Entstehung einer CIA zu sein. Unerwarteterweise führte aber auch die Behandlung mit IL-12 von F2 (IFN-g KO,TCR-ßtg)-Mäusen in 50% der Tiere zur Entwicklung einer CIA. Da solche Mäuse kein IFN-g bilden können, kann IL-12 auch unabhängig von IFN-g die Induktion einer CIA vermitteln. IL-12 scheint somit eine zweifache Bedeutung bei der Entstehung einer CIA zuzukommen, zum einen als direkter Induktor, wie am Beispiel der F2 (IFN-g KO, TCR-ßtg)-Mäuse nachgewiesen wurde, und zum anderen als starker Promoter der IFN-g-Bildung in normalen Mäusen.


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End-stage ankle arthritis should have an appropriate classification to assist surgeons in the management of end-stage ankle arthritis. Outcomes research also requires a classification system to stratify patients appropriately.


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To evaluate the prognostic value of anterior chamber (AC) laser flare (LF) in uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).


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End-stage ankle arthritis is operatively treated with numerous designs of total ankle replacement and different techniques for ankle fusion. For superior comparison of these procedures, outcome research requires a classification system to stratify patients appropriately. A postoperative 4-type classification system was designed by 6 fellowship-trained foot and ankle surgeons. Four surgeons reviewed blinded patient profiles and radiographs on 2 occasions to determine the interobserver and intraobserver reliability of the classification. Excellent interobserver reliability (κ = .89) and intraobserver reproducibility (κ = .87) were demonstrated for the postoperative classification system. In conclusion, the postoperative Canadian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (COFAS) end-stage ankle arthritis classification system appears to be a valid tool to evaluate the outcome of patients operated for end-stage ankle arthritis.


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The search for an effective treatment for septic arthritis is ongoing. Current therapies are expensive since they require repeated joint lavage and long term antibiotic treatment. Local application of antimicrobial drugs is advantageous because high concentrations can be attained at the infection site, although repeated injections increase the risk of superinfection of the joint. Thus, slow release formulations, which have the advantage of local treatment yet single application of the drug, are appealing. Antibiotics used in slow release formulations are selected for tissue compatibility, an appropriate antibacterial spectrum, and stability both during the mixing procedure and within the carrier during the release period. Ideally the carriers should be bioresorbable. Promising reports on the clinical use of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) mixed with several different antibiotics, and of collagen sponges impregnated with gentamicin, should encourage the search for formulations optimally adapted to veterinary medical requirements.


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Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a lentivirus of goats that causes persistent infection characterized by the appearance of inflammatory lesions in various organs. To define the sites of persistence, 5 goats were infected with a molecular clone of CAEV, and the viral load was monitored by real-time-PCR and RT-PCR in different sites 8 years after infection. The lymph nodes proved to be an important virus reservoir, with moderate virus replication relative to what is reported for lentiviruses of primates. Mammary gland and milk cells were preferred sites of viral replication. The viral load varied significantly between animals, which points to an important role of the genetic background. We found a clear association between occurrence of histopathological lesions and viral load in specific sites. The mRNA expression analysis of several cytokines did not reveal differences between animals that could explain the considerable individual variations in viral load observed.