849 resultados para Ressonância magnética cardíaca
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Currently individuals are affected by a routine busy and they don't have time for physical activity, highlighting the sedentary lifestyle, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it focuses too much on cardiovascular diseases and the importance of physical practice. With the largest divulgation and variety of physical activities, activities that were not as practiced became popular, as is the case of resistive exercise. Much is said of the influence of resistance exercise in physical strength, in muscle development and in the quest for a more defined body. However, studies have shown beneficial contributions of resistance exercise on the cardiovascular system. During the physical effort, some changes occur in the body in order to meet the increased demand for oxygen. Among them is the increase in heart rate (HR), which varies with the intensity of effort. Thus, this research sought to contribute with an analysis of the HR behavior before, during and after 3 sets of hypertrophy, as far for the flexor group of the elbow as to the extensor group. It was observed that, although the HR has increased in the course of the series, the variations of HR were not significant between the flexor group and extensor group of the elbow joint. Also were not significant the differences between the variations of the HR from the 1ª to the 2ª series between the flexor group and extensor group, as well as to the variations from the 2ª to the 3ª series
The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of mapping adsorbed phosphorus through soil color and magnetic susceptibility. The experiment was done in a 380-ha sugarcane area, which included four types of Oxisols, with different texture and natural fertility. Two hundred and forty-one soil samples were collected at 0.00-0.25-m depth. The soil redness index was calculated from sample values of hue, value, and chroma, obtained with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Regression models were adjusted between adsorbed phosphorus and soil magnetic susceptibility or redness index. Data spatial dependence was evaluated with geostatistics. Magnetic susceptibility is significantly correlated to adsorbed phosphorus, which allows it to be used as a component in pedotransfer functions for indirect quantification of soil adsorbed phosphorus. The redness index and the magnetic susceptibility show spatial dependency with adsorbed phosphorus. Soil magnetic susceptibility and redness index, evaluated with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, can aid in the mapping and identification of areas with different phosphorus adsorption potential.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
INTRODUÇÃO: Um dos benefícios promovidos pelo exercício físico parece ser a melhora da modulação do sistema nervoso autônomo sobre o coração. No entanto, o papel da atividade física como um fator determinante da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) não está bem estabelecido. Desta forma, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar se há correlação entre a frequência cardíaca de repouso e a carga máxima atingida no teste de esforço físico com os índices de VFC em homens idosos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 homens idosos com idades entre 60 e 70 anos. Foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: a) teste de esforço máximo em cicloergômetro utilizando-se o protocolo de Balke para avaliação da capacidade aeróbia; b) registro da frequência cardíaca (FC) e dos intervalos R-R durante 15 minutos na condição de repouso em decúbito dorsal. Após a coleta, os dados foram analisados no domínio do tempo, calculando-se o índice RMSSD, e no domínio da frequência, calculando-se os índices de baixa frequência (BF), alta frequência (AF) e razão BF/AF. Para verificar se existe associação entre a carga máxima atingida no teste de esforço e os índices de VFC foi aplicado o teste de correlação de Pearson (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Características demográficas, antropométricas, fisiológicas e carga máxima atingida no teste ergométrico: idade = 63 ± 3,0 anos; IMC = 24 ± 2kg/m²; FC = 63 ± 9bpm; PAS = 123 ± 19mmHg; PAD = 83 ± 8mmHg; carga máxima = 152 ± 29 watts. Não houve correlação entre os índices de VFC com os valores de FC de repouso e carga máxima atingida no teste ergométrico (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os índices de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca temporal e espectrais estudados não são indicadores do nível de capacidade aeróbia de homens idosos avaliados em cicloergômetro.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this research work we verified the interaction between teacher and students through the use of reading an alternative text, the use of an experimental activity demonstration and presentation of videos involving the concept of resonance in a room on the 3rd year of teaching medium, led to meaningful learning of that concept. The instruments for the creation of data were based on audio and video records, taken during the lecture and the written evaluations performed by the students two weeks later. The results showed that this interaction, mediated by the use of these resources, led to meaningful learning of the concept of resonance. It was also possible to observe the students' motivation to participate actively in class.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)