898 resultados para Reproductive Effort
The behaviour and morphology of dwarf gynes produced in worker-sized cells of normal colonies in Nannotrigona testaceicornis (Meliponinae, Trigonini) were studied. The behaviour of these dwarf virgin queens was the same as observed for normal Trigonine gynes. The glandular equipment is also the same: Dufour glands, fat bodies and spermathecae are present. Despite these similarities, their ovaries are different. The functional significance of dwarf gynes is unknown, but may be a basis for an alternative reproductive strategy.
This paper describes the frequency of occurrence and reproductive patterns of the tree mangrove crab Aratus pisonii. Monthly samples were taken from January 1993 to June 1994 in an estuarine mangrove from Ubatuba region, Brazil. A total of 1 078 animals, 489 males and 589 females (131 ovigerous females) were collected. Carapace width ranged from 4.2 to 25.9 mm. A summer reproductive peak followed by a recruitment juvenile pulse was verified. Females were more abundant than males in the intermediate size classes. The sex-ratio in several months was biased towards females, suggesting a poligynous population and migration of females to mangrove fringes at the time of incubation and spawning.
We redescribe Physalaemus spiniger and describe its tadpole and its reproductive modes. This species has the following three alternative reproductive modes: (1) foam nest on pond and feeding tadpoles in pond (the typical mode for the genus Physalaemus); (2) foam nest on humid places on the forest floor near a pond, and feeding tadpoles in pond; (3) foam nest on water accumulated on the axils of terrestrial bromeliads and feeding tadpoles in pond. These last two modes were not included in the reviews of reproductive modes in anurans. The vocalizations of P. spiniger are described and compared with the vocalizations of P. nanus, a sibling species.
To investigate the reproductive biology of Callinectes ornatus gonadal and moulting cycles were studied over two consecutive years in the Ubatuba region. Six stages of gonadal development were detected in females and four in males. Observations on the number of ovigerous females, on the moulting stages of males and females, and on the percentage of individuals exhibiting mature gonads reveal a continuous reproductive cycle, the stages of which progress at different rates. These data support the hypothesis that C. ornatus shows staggered spawning, with possibly more than one annual reproductive period. A pause in growth before the terminal moult may occur in this species.
Toward the end of the larval phase (pre-pupa), the reproductive systems of Melipona quadrifasciata and Frieseomelitta varia workers are anatomically similar. Scanning electron microscopy showed that during this developmental phase the right and left ovaries are fused and form a heart-shaped structure located above the midgut. Each ovary is connected to the genital chamber by a long and slender lateral oviduct. During pupal development, the lateral oviducts of workers from both species become extremely reduced due to a drastic process of cell death, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. During the lateral oviduct shortening, their simple columnar epithelial cells show some signs of apoptosis in addition to necrosis. Cell death was characterized by cytoplasmic vesiculation, peculiar accumulation of glycogen, and dilation of cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclei, at first irregularly contoured, became swollen, with chromatin flocculation and various areas of condensed chromatin next to the nuclear envelope. At the end of the pupal phase, deep recesses marked the nuclei. At emergence, worker and queen reproductive systems showed marked differences, although reduction in the lateral oviducts was an event occurring in both castes. However, in queens the ovarioles increased in length and the spermatheca was larger than that of workers. At the external anatomical level, the reproductive system of workers and queens could be distinguished in the white- and pink-eyed pupal phase. The metamorphic function of the death of lateral oviduct cells, with consequent oviduct shortening, is discussed in terms of the anatomical reorganization of the reproductive system and of the ventrolateral positioning of adult worker bee ovaries. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The effects of maternal exposure to aromatase inhibitor during the perinatal period of sexual brain differentiation were studied. The fertility was assessed in adult, male rat offspring of aromatase inhibitor-treated dams. The following results were obtained: (1) Sexual maturation, body weight, and wet weights of testis, pituitary, seminal vesicle, ventral prostate, and levatori ani muscle were unchanged at adult life. (2) Fifty percent of the animals were able to mate with normal females, which became pregnant but exhibited an increased number of preimplantation loss. (3) There was a decrease in the number of spermatozoa found in the testes and in the daily sperm production. (4) Of those, 25% of the male rats treated with aromatase inhibitor did not present male sexual behavior, showing female behavior when pretreated with estrogen. These results indicate that perinatal exposure to aromatase inhibitor during the critical period of male brain sexual differentiation has a long-term effect on the reproductive physiology and behavior of male rats.
In order to identify genes expressed in the pistil that may have a role in the reproduction process, we have established an expressed sequence tags project to randomly sequence clones from a Nicotiana tabacum stigma/style cDNA library. A cDNA clone (MTL-8) showing high sequence similarity to genes encoding glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins was chosen for further characterization. Based on the extensive identity of MTL-8 to the RGP-1a sequence of N. sylvestris, a primer was defined to extend the 5′ sequence of MTL-8 by RT-PCR from stigma/style RNAs. The amplification product was sequenced and it was confirmed that MTL-8 corresponds to an mRNA encoding a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein. Two transcripts of different sizes and expression patterns were identified when the MTL-8 cDNA insert was used as a probe in RNA blots. The largest is 1,100 nucleotides (nt) long and markedly predominant in ovaries. The smaller transcript, with 600 nt, is ubiquitous to the vegetative and reproductive organs analyzed (roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles and ovaries). Plants submitted to stress (wounding, virus infection and ethylene treatment) presented an increased level of the 600-nt transcript in leaves, especially after tobacco necrosis virus infection. In contrast, the level of the 1,100-nt transcript seems to be unaffected by the stress conditions tested. Results of Southern blot experiments have suggested that MTL-8 is present in one or two copies in the tobacco genome. Our results suggest that the shorter transcript is related to stress while the larger one is a flower predominant and nonstress-inducible messenger.
We investigated the effects of an inhalatory anesthetic (ethyl ether) during the neonatal period of brain sexual differentiation on the later fertility and sexual behavior of male rats. Animals were exposed to ethyl ether immediately after birth. At adulthood, body weight, testes wet weight, and plasma testosterone levels were not affected; however, neonatal exposure to ether showed alterations on male fertility: a decrease in the number of spermatids and spermatozoa, an increase in the transit time of cauda epididymal spermatozoa and a decrease in daily sperm production. An alteration of sexual behavior was also observed: decreased male sexual behavior and appearance of homosexual behavior when the male rats were castrated and pretreated with exogenous estrogen. Probably, the ether delayed or reduced the testosterone peak of the sexual differentiation period, altering the processes of masculinization and defeminization of the hypothalamus. Our results indicate that perinatal exposure to ethyl ether during the critical period of male brain sexual differentiation, acting as endocrine disruptors, has a long-term effect on the fertility and sexual behavior of male rats, suggesting endocrine disruption through incomplete masculinization and defeminization of the central nervous system. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The genus Leptodactylus provides an example among anurans in which there is an evident tendency toward terrestrial reproduction. Herein we describe a new reproductive mode for the frog Leptodactylus podicipinus, a member of the melanonotus group. This new reproductive mode represents one of the intermediate steps from the most aquatic to the most terrestrial modes reported in the genus. Three reproductive modes were previously recognized for the genus Leptodactylus. However, based on our data, and on several studies on Leptodactylus species that have been published since the last reviews, we propose a new classification, with the addition of two modes for the genus.
The aim of this prospective study was to assess ovarian function using clinical and endocrine parameters in women of reproductive age who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy. Sixty-one women, aged ≤ 40 years, were allocated into two groups: group 1, consisting of 31 patients who had hysterectomy, and group 2, consisting of 30 normal women. Inclusion criteria were normal ovarian function at baseline, normal body weight, no hormonal diseases and basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level of < 15 mIU/ml. FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol and inhibin B levels as well as maturation value (MV) were measured by vaginal cytology on three occasions: baseline, and 6 and 12 months after hysterectomy. Analysis of variance, the Friedman test, Mann-Whitney test and t-test statistics were employed to compare the two groups. At baseline the groups were homogeneous. At months 6 and 12, hysterectomized women showed decreased median values of inhibin B, increased median values of estradiol (p < 0.05), unchanged median values of FSH and LH, and decreased median values of MV (p < 0.05). In the hysterectomy group, 12.9% (4/31) of the patients had FSH levels of > 40 mIU/ml, estradiol of < 20 pg/ml and inhibin B of < 5 ng/ml, compatible with ovarian failure. In the control group, all the parameters studied remained unchanged. These results suggest that total abdominal hysterectomy accelerates the decline in ovarian function in women of reproductive age.
The reproductive phenology of seven species of Rubiaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest was compared to evaluate the occurrence of phylogenetic constraints on flowering and fruiting phenologies. Since phenological patterns can be affected by phylogenetic constraints, we expected that reproductive phenology would be similar among plants within a family or genus, occurring during the same time (or season) of the year. Observations on flowering and fruiting phenology were carried out monthly, from December 1996 to January 1998, at Núcleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. Nine phenological variables were calculated to characterize, quantify and compare the reproductive phenology of the Rubiaceae species. The flowering patterns were different among the seven species studied, and the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated significant differences in flowering duration, first flowering, peak flowering and flowering synchrony. The peaks and patterns of fruiting intensity were different among the Rubiaceae species studied and they differed significantly from conspecifics in the phenological variables fruiting duration, fruiting peak date, and fruiting synchrony (Kruskal-Wallis test). Therefore, we found no evidence supporting the phylogenetic hypotheses, and climate does not seem to constrain flowering and fruiting patterns of the Rubiaceae species in the understory of the Atlantic forest.
Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and intralobular glycoconjugates were evaluated during seasonal cycle of Rana catesbeiana. Testes of frogs collected during the annual seasons were weighed for calculation of GSI (Gonadosomatic index). Seminiferous lobule diameters (DSL) and volume densities of seminiferous lobules (VvSL), excretory ducts (VvED), and interstitial tissue (VvIT) were analyzed. Semithin sections were submitted to Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue (AB) methods for detection of glycoconjugates, while lipidic inclusions were detected by Sudan Black B. GSI showed no significant variations during the year. Since VvED and VvIT increased significantly during summer and were inversely proportional to VvSL, a compensatory effect between the testicular compartments may be related to the maintenance of GSI. During autumn/winter, larger lobular diameters were observed in comparison to spring/summer when spermiogenesis and spermiation were commonly observed. The increased VvIT and the numerous lipidic inclusions in the interstitial cells during summer suggest a relationship between spermiogenesis and steroidogenesis. Besides the structural stability variations occurring in the IT and SL, a possible paracrine interaction between ED and IT should be also involved in the IT development during summer. The presence of PAS and AB-positive globular structures were observed in the seminiferous lobules and excretory ducts. These structures containing acid glycoconjugates appear to be Sertoli cell apical portions, which are accumulated in the lumen of the seminiferous lobules mainly during spermiation. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Sexual maturity, temporal reproductive pattern, and recruitment of juveniles were examined for the shrimp Rimapenaeus constrictus at three different bays in the Ubatuba region (Mar Virado, Ubatuba, and Ubatumirim), State of São Paulo (23°S 45°W). Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 to December 1999. The presence or absence of mating plugs (associated with mating and insemination) and ovarian maturity were used to examine breeding in adult females. The whole sample comprised 3863 females and 1468 males. Estimates of size (carapace length) at the onset of sexual maturity were 7.0 mm and 7.8 mm for males and females, respectively. Higher percentage of females bearing ripe gonads was observed during spring and summer over the course of the study, contrasting to the low proportion in fall 1998 and winter 1999. Juvenile shrimps were sampled year-round. These results suggest a continuous reproductive pattern for R. constrictus. Mating, spawning, and juvenile recruitment took place mostly in shallow waters up to 20-m depths in the study region. Warm to mild temperatures may favour the spawning pattern observed in this species. The classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at lower latitudes, with increased seasonality of breeding period at higher latitudes, seems to apply to this species.