979 resultados para Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) test


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The ART-WiSe (Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor Networks) framework aims at the design of new communication architectures and mechanisms for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We adopted a two-tiered architecture where an overlay Wireless Local Area Network (Tier 2) serves as a backbone for a WSN (Tier 1), relying on existing standard communication protocols and commercial-off-the-shell (COTS) technologies – IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2. In this line, a test-bed application is being developed for assessing, validating and demonstrating the ART-WiSe architecture. A pursuit-evasion application was chosen since it fulfils a number of requirements, namely it is feasible and appealing and imposes some stress to the architecture in terms of timeliness. To develop the testbed based on the previously referred technologies, an implementation of the IEEE 8021.5.4/ZigBee protocols is being carried out, since there is no open source available to the community. This paper highlights some relevant aspects of the ART-WiSe architecture, provides some intuition on the protocol stack implementation and presents a general view over the envisaged test-bed application.


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This report describes the development of a Test-bed Application for the ART-WiSe Framework with the aim of providing a means of access, validate and demonstrate that architecture. The chosen application is a kind of pursuit-evasion game where a remote controlled robot, navigating through an area covered by wireless sensor network (WSN), is detected and continuously tracked by the WSN. Then a centralized control station takes the appropriate actions for a pursuit robot to chase and “capture” the intruder one. This kind of application imposes stringent timing requirements to the underlying communication infrastructure. It also involves interesting research problems in WSNs like tracking, localization, cooperation between nodes, energy concerns and mobility. Additionally, it can be easily ported into a real-world application. Surveillance or search and rescue operations are two examples where this kind of functionality can be applied. This is still a first approach on the test-bed application and this development effort will be continuously pushed forward until all the envisaged objectives for the Art-WiSe architecture become accomplished.


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Titanium Diboride (TiB2) presents high mechanical and physical properties. Some wear studies were also carried out in order to evaluate its tribological properties. One of the most popular wear tests for thin films is the ball-cratering configuration. This work was focused on the study of the tribological properties of TiB2 thin films using micro-abrasion tests and following the BS EN 1071-6: 2007 standard. Due to high hardness usually patented by these films, diamond was selected as abrasive on micro-abrasion tests. Micro-abrasion wear tests were performed under five different durations, using the same normal load, speed rotation and ball. Films were deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) technique using TiB2 targets. TiB2 films were characterized using different methods as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Electron Probe Micro-Analyser (EPMA), Ultra Micro Hardness and Scratch-test Analysis, allowing to confirm that TiB2 presents adequate mechanical and physical properties. Ratio between hardness (coating and abrasive particles), wear resistance and wear coefficient were studied, showing that TiB2 films shows excellent properties for tribological applications.


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The use of fibre reinforced plastics – FRP’s – in structures is under a considerable increase. Advantages of their use are related with their low weight, high strength and stiffness. The improvement of the dynamic characteristics has been profitable for aeronautics, automobile, railway, naval and sporting goods industries. Drilling is a widely used machining technique as it is needed to assemble parts in a structure. This is a unique machining process, characterized by the existence of two different mechanisms: extrusion by the drill chisel edge and cutting by the rotating cutting lips. Drilling raises particular problems that can reduce mechanical and fatigue strength of the parts. In this work, quasi-isotropic hybrid laminates with 25% of carbon fibre reinforced plies and 4 mm thickness are produced, tested and drilled. Three different drill geometries are compared. Results considered are the interlaminar fracture toughness in Mode I – GIc –, thrust force during drilling and delamination extent after drilling. A bearing test is performed to evaluate tool influence on the load carrying capacity of the plate. Results consider the influence of drill geometry on delamination. A correlation linking plate damage to bearing test results is presented.


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This paper focuses on a novel formalization for assessing the five parameter modeling of a photovoltaic cell. An optimization procedure is used as a feasibility problem to find the parameters tuned at the open circuit, maximum power, and short circuit points in order to assess the data needed for plotting the I-V curve. A comparison with experimental results is presented for two monocrystalline PV modules.


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In this work, the shear modulus and strength of the acrylic adhesive 3M® DP 8005 was evaluated by two different methods: the Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST) and the Notched Plate Shear Method (Arcan). However, TAST standards advise the use of a special extensometer attached to the specimen, which requires a very experienced technician. In the present study, the adhesive shear displacement for the TAST was measured using an optical technique, and also with a conventional inductive extensometer of 25 mm used for tensile tests. This allowed for an assessment of suitability of using a conventional extensometer to measure this parameter. Since the results obtained by the two techniques are identical, it can be concluded that using a conventional extensometer is a valid option to obtain the shear modulus for the particular adhesive used. In the Arcan tests, the adhesive shear displacement was only measured using the optical technique. This work also aimed the comparison of shear modulus and strength obtained by the TAST and Arcan test methods.


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The interlaminar fracture toughness in pure mode II (GIIc) of a Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite is characterized experimentally and numerically in this work, using the End-Notched Flexure (ENF) fracture characterization test. The value of GIIc was extracted by a new data reduction scheme avoiding the crack length measurement, named Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM). This method eliminates the crack measurement errors, which can be non-negligible, and reflect on the accuracy of the fracture energy calculations. Moreover, it accounts for the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) effects. A numerical study using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and a triangular cohesive damage model, implemented within interface finite elements and based on the indirect use of Fracture Mechanics, was performed to evaluate the suitability of the CBBM to obtain GIIc. This was performed comparing the input values of GIIc in the numerical models with the ones resulting from the application of the CBBM to the numerical load-displacement (P-) curve. In this numerical study, the Compliance Calibration Method (CCM) was also used to extract GIIc, for comparison purposes.


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It is important to understand and forecast a typical or a particularly household daily consumption in order to design and size suitable renewable energy systems and energy storage. In this research for Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) it has been used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and, despite the consumption unpredictability, it has been shown the possibility to forecast the electricity consumption of a household with certainty. The ANNs are recognized to be a potential methodology for modeling hourly and daily energy consumption and load forecasting. Input variables such as apartment area, numbers of occupants, electrical appliance consumption and Boolean inputs as hourly meter system were considered. Furthermore, the investigation carried out aims to define an ANN architecture and a training algorithm in order to achieve a robust model to be used in forecasting energy consumption in a typical household. It was observed that a feed-forward ANN and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm provided a good performance. For this research it was used a database with consumption records, logged in 93 real households, in Lisbon, Portugal, between February 2000 and July 2001, including both weekdays and weekend. The results show that the ANN approach provides a reliable model for forecasting household electric energy consumption and load profile. © 2014 The Author.


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This paper proposes an online mechanism that can evaluate the sensitivity of single event upsets (SEUs) of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The online detection mechanism cyclically reads and compares the values form the external and internal configuration memories, taking into account the mask information. This remote detection method also signals any mismatch as a result of a SEU that affects both used and not-used FPGA parts, which maximizes the monitored area. By utilizing an external, Web-accessible controller that is connected to the test infrastructure, the possibility of running the same operation in a remote manner is enabled. Moreover, the need for a local memory to store the mask values is also eliminated.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To validate a Spanish version of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) for the Chilean population. METHODS Descriptive, transversal, non-experimental validity and reliability study. Four translators, three experts and 92 Chilean children, from five to 10 years, students from a primary school in Santiago, Chile, have participated. The Committee of Experts has carried out translation, back-translation and revision processes to determine the translinguistic equivalence and content validity of the test, using the content validity index in 2013. In addition, a pilot implementation was achieved to determine test reliability in Spanish, by using the intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman method. We evaluated whether the results presented significant differences by replacing the bat with a racket, using T-test. RESULTS We obtained a content validity index higher than 0.80 for language clarity and relevance of the TGMD-2 for children. There were significant differences in the object control subtest when comparing the results with bat and racket. The intraclass correlation coefficient for reliability inter-rater, intra-rater and test-retest reliability was greater than 0.80 in all cases. CONCLUSIONS The TGMD-2 has appropriate content validity to be applied in the Chilean population. The reliability of this test is within the appropriate parameters and its use could be recommended in this population after the establishment of normative data, setting a further precedent for the validation in other Latin American countries.


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In the injection moulding of polypropylene reinforced with hard glass fibres, die materials are commonly subjected to severe abrasive wear. In order to improve its wear resistance, an unbalanced magnetron sputtering PVD compositional monolayered coating has been produced. The film was composed by a nanostructured TiB2 monolayer. Microstructure characterization and thickness evaluation were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Film topography and roughness were accessed by SEM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The phase analyse was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), using Cu Kalpha radiation. Scratch tests were conducted in order to study the film adhesion to the substrate. Load-Displacement curves (nanoindentation analysis) allowed measuring the film hardness and Young's modulus. A ball-cratering tribometer was used to determine the micro-abrasion laboratorial wear resistance, under different tests conditions, using SiC particles in distilled water slurry. At the end of these tests, the worn surfaces were analyzed by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in order to compare these results with some other coatings already tested in the same conditions. To test the practical wear resistance, 135000 injection cycles were done in a plastic injection industrial mould. Coated samples were put on the plastic feed canal, after a turbulent zone. In these tests, a 30% (wt) glass fibres reinforced polypropylene was used. Worn sample surfaces were analyzed by SEM after 45.000 and 90.000 cycles. Image analyses were made in order to evaluate the damage increases and to observe the wear mechanisms involved.


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In order to correctly assess the biaxial fatigue material properties one must experimentally test different load conditions and stress levels. With the rise of new in-plane biaxial fatigue testing machines, using smaller and more efficient electrical motors, instead of the conventional hydraulic machines, it is necessary to reduce the specimen size and to ensure that the specimen geometry is appropriated for the load capacity installed. At the present time there are no standard specimen’s geometries and the indications on literature how to design an efficient test specimen are insufficient. The main goal of this paper is to present the methodology on how to obtain an optimal cruciform specimen geometry, with thickness reduction in the gauge area, appropriated for fatigue crack initiation, as a function of the base material sheet thickness used to build the specimen. The geometry is optimized for maximum stress using several parameters, ensuring that in the gauge area the stress is uniform and maximum with two limit phase shift loading conditions. Therefore the fatigue damage will always initiate on the center of the specimen, avoiding failure outside this region. Using the Renard Series of preferred numbers for the base material sheet thickness as a reference, the reaming geometry parameters are optimized using a derivative-free methodology, called direct multi search (DMS) method. The final optimal geometry as a function of the base material sheet thickness is proposed, as a guide line for cruciform specimens design, and as a possible contribution for a future standard on in-plane biaxial fatigue tests. © 2014, Gruppo Italiano Frattura. All rights reserved.


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Introdução: A aplicação das técnicas de Contrair-Relaxar com Contracção do Antagonista (CRCA) e de Músculo Energia (TME) promovem um aumento da flexibilidade muscular, contudo poucos estudos comparam a eficácia de ambas. Apresentam aspectos comuns como a contracção prévia do músculo a alongar sendo esta máxima na CRCA e uma percentagem da máxima na TME. Contudo, alguma evidência sugere que não existe correspondência entre a força produzida e a desejada pelo que este aspecto da TME carece de explicação. Objectivos: Confirmar se a técnica CRCA e a TME são efectivas no alongamento muscular dos isquiotibiais a curto prazo, caso sejam determinar qual a mais efectiva. Pretende-se ainda avaliar se a percepção ao esforço durante a aplicação da TME corresponde à força efectivamente realizada. Métodos: Efectuou-se um estudo experimental com 45 voluntários distribuídos aleatoriamente pelos grupos CRCA, TME e Controlo. Avaliou-se a amplitude articular passiva de extensão do joelho antes e depois de aplicar as técnicas, utilizando um goniómetro. Nos participantes submetidos à TME avaliou-se a percepção ao esforço, solicitando uma contracção submáxima isométrica de 40% medida através do dinamómetro de mão. Resultados: Verificou-se um efeito das técnicas entre as avaliações (Teste ANOVA medidas repetidas factor tempo: p<0,001) e entre os grupos (tempo*grupo: p<0,001). Comparando os grupos dois a dois, verificaram-se diferenças entre o grupo CRCA e o grupo Controlo (Teste Post Hoc Games-Howell: p=0,001) e entre o grupo TME e o grupo Controlo (p=0,009), não existindo diferenças entre os grupos CRCA e TME (p=0,376). Os grupos CRCA e TME obtiveram um ganho de 10,7º e de 11,4º respectivamente, não havendo diferenças significativas entre os ganhos (Teste T-Student Independente: p=0,599). Existiram diferenças significativas entre os 40% CMVI produzida e desejada (Teste Wilcoxon: p=0,018). Conclusão: Ambas foram efectivas no aumento da flexibilidade muscular dos isquiotibiais a curto prazo. Os efeitos foram comparáveis, mas dada a menor complexidade e menor solicitação a TME foi considerada mais eficiente. A percepção ao esforço durante a aplicação da TME não correspondeu ao esforço desejado, existindo uma tendência para a produção de intensidades de contracções maiores.


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The increasing complexity of VLSI circuits and the reduced accessibility of modern packaging and mounting technologies restrict the usefulness of conventional in-circuit debugging tools, such as in-circuit emulators for microprocessors and microcontrollers. However, this same trend enables the development of more complex products, which in turn require more powerful debugging tools. These conflicting demands could be met if the standard scan test infrastructures now common in most complex components were able to match the debugging requirements of design verification and prototype validation. This paper analyses the main debug requirements in the design of microprocessor-based applications and the feasibility of their implementation using the mandatory, optional and additional operating modes of the standard IEEE 1149.1 test infrastructure.


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Thesis submitted to the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia to obtain the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, profile in Ecological Engineering