999 resultados para Relato de Caso
Some regions of the oral cavity present anatomical conditions that seem to hinder the result of gingival recessions coverage. Thus, the aim of this case report was to present two surgeries for gingival recessions coverage in the mandibular teeth performed on the same patient with the follow-up of 24 months. Patient RP, 35 years old, male, Caucasian, nonsmoker, systemically healthy, sought care at the clinic of specialization course in Periodontics from the Araraquara Dental School (Foar-Unesp). His main complaint was the gingival recessions within the lower teeth 33, 34, 35, 43, 44 and 45. Besides the aesthetic nuisance, the patient reported occasional dentin sensitivity. For resolution of the case was referred to the technique of subepithelial connective tissue graft associated with a coronally advanced flap. After 2 years of surgery, it was observed an excellent root guards with significant aesthetic improvement of the case. It can be concluded that the subepithelial connective tissue graft technique was effective in covering of type class I gingival recessions of Miller, even in a region that provides a difficult procedure.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction: Recent studies have evaluated the relationship between the width of keratinized mucosa and peri-implant tissue health. Insufficiently wide keratinized tissue can be increased surgically, for example by free gingival grafting. The presence or reconstruction of keratinized tissue around the implant can facilitate restorative procedures, promote aesthetics and allow the maintenance of an oral hygiene routine without irritation or discomfort to the patient. Objective: To describe a patient who underwent free gingival graft surgery to increase the width of keratinized tissue in the region of previously implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol. Case report: A patient who had received dental implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol presented with inflamed peri-implant mucosa, but with no keratinized tissue. Free gingival tissue was obtained from the palate and grafted into the anterior maxilla. Sixty days after muco-gingival surgery, we observed that the free gingival graft favored peri-implant health and prosthetic casting. Conclusion: The free gingival graft technique is both easy to perform and effective in increasing the width of keratinized mucosa following implantation.
The development of an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan can be a complex task, especially in cases of dentoalveolar trauma. The authors present a case report of crown-root fracture caused by trauma and highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment. An eighteen year-old boy had a bicycle accident resulting in dental trauma. The upper right first molar showed a complicated crownroot fracture and the lower left second pre-molar showed an uncomplicated crown-root fracture. Endodontic treatment, controlled tooth extrusion, periodontal surgery for recovery of biological width, and porcelain crown and onlay restorations were performed. Esthetic and functional results were achieved. At the two-year follow-up it was observed that the tooth/onlay interface of the upper right first molar was stained and the onlay of the left lower second pre-molar was fractured. Therefore, the interface stained was repaired and a porcelain crown was made for the lower second premolar. The clinical case presented herein leads to the conclusion that a multidisciplinary treatment plan is extremely important for a proper resolution in cases of dentoalveolar trauma.
Introduction: Upper teeth, especially first premolars and molars, can have a close anatomical relationship with the floor of maxillary sinus. For this reason, accidental displacement of dental roots into the sinus could happen during exodontic procedures. Objective: Description the treatment performed to remove a tooth root within the maxillary sinus, displaced during an extraction procedure. Case Report: Female patient, 39 years of age, which reported being subjected to the extraction of the element 26 for about two months. The patient was reported by the practitioner who performed the extraction that a root was pushed into the maxillary sinus. The treatment plan included surgery to remove the root within the maxillary sinus. Final Comments: Clinicians should be careful during extractions, to prevent these accidents. However, if such complications occur, access to the maxillary sinus is the best treatment option.
Introductions: A supernumerary tooth is one that is additional to the normal series and can be found in almost any region of the dental arch. Its etiology is not fully understood. With regard to its prevalence, it occurs more commonly in permanent dentition and twice as often in men than in women. Supernumerary teeth are classified according to their morphology and location. Their presence can cause problems such as failure of eruption, displacement of teeth, crowding and odontogenic cysts and tumors. The diagnosis is usually by routine radiographs, for the majority of such teeth are impacted and asymptomatic. Objective and Case report: The purpose of this study was to make a brief review of the relevant literature and report one clinical case of the female patient, 23 years, melanoderma, featuring three quarters molars. Final considerations: The early diagnosis proved to be important for the resolution of the case in order to minimize or even prevent the development of complications and thus establish a proper plan of treatment.
A expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida (ERMCA) é realizada por meio de osteotomias nos pilares da maxila e na sutura palatina mediana, promovendo a correção da deficiência transversa da maxila. Técnicas menos invasivas foram descritas, visando à realização desses procedimentos sob anestesia local, eliminando os custos de internação hospitalar e trazendo maior conforto aos pacientes. A proposta deste trabalho foi discutir os aspectos envolvidos na simplificação da técnica da ERMCA sob anestesia local por meio do relato de caso clínico-cirúrgico de paciente com 27 anos de idade. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico por meio da avaliação clínica e dos modelos de estudo é essencial para a indicação da ERMCA e esse procedimento proporciona boa previsibilidade na correção da deficiência transversal, com mínima morbidade. Além disso, a utilização de uma técnica minimamente invasiva é efetiva no tratamento de maxilas atrésicas, com índices de recidiva semelhantes aos das técnicas mais invasivas.
Introduction: The zygomatic maxillary complex is the second most affected area of the face due to injuries, surpassed only by the nasal bones. The zygomatic arch fracture is under the direct action of trauma (punch, head butt), its fragile structure, losing its normal convex curvature in the temporal area. Objective: To report a case, using a reduction technique of zygomatic arch fracture using a hook or Ginestet Barros. Case report: A male patient, 25 years of age, leukoderma, showing zygomatic arch fracture right. The patient underwent closed reduction with the hook adapted to the skin. The patient was instructed to keep care of the region for at least four weeks
Soft tissue recessions frequently cause esthetic disharmony and dissatisfaction. The results of coverage in peri-implant sites, in comparison with soft tissue coverage around a tooth, is less predictable. This clinical report describes the correction of an esthetic problem with a single-tooth implant-supported using a subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) combined with the re-establishment of a new limit of gingival margin, and emergence crown profile. After anamnese and clinical exam it was observed an implant in the region of tooth 22 in vestibular position to alveolar ridge with a recession of 5 mm in its vestibular face. In the first cirurgical procedure the crown and the abutment were removed and a SCTG associated with a coronally positioned flap was performed in order to re-establish the limit of gingival margin. After 90 days, it was observed that the tissue in the implant site showed no adequate volume or thickness. Because of that, another SCTG was performed. The reopening procedure to install the healing cap was performed after 4 weeks. Then the prosthesis was installed. At 180 and 360 days postoperative, the implant adjacent tissue presented regular contour, color compatible with health and absence of bleeding. The patient was satisfied with the esthetic result. According to the clinical results and favorable esthetics it was possible to conclude that the use of ETC to correct an esthetic deficiency may be a feasible approach to establish new and stable peri-implant soft tissue contours.
Zirconia abutments are used to obtain satisfactory aesthetic results in implant fixed anterior prostheses when metal abutments promote a grayish mucosal discoloration of the peri-implant soft tissues. However, there is a lack of studies to confirm the clinical performance of the peri-implant soft tissues surrouding zirconia abutments. This study described a case report of a patient treated with implant fixed all-ceramic crown made out on zirconia abutment after 3 years of followup. A 47-year-old female patient was admitted to the dental clinic (Aracatuba Dental School) complaining about the fracture of her implant fixed single crown in the region of the left lateral incisor. The patient chose the replacement of the fractured prosthesis for an allceramic crown. After 3 years of follow-up it was observed that maintenance of the aesthetic results and the peri-implant soft tissue without any inflammation or gingival recessions. Within the limitations of a case report, it can be conclude that zirconia abutments is a effective rehabilitation treatment because it preserves the aesthetics and function through the maintenance of peri-implant tissues.
The evolution of ceramic systems currently allows the manufacture of prosthesis similar to the natural teeth, meeting the expectations of patients. However, when using vitreous ceramic the color of substrate is significant for the esthetic result, requiring planning aesthetic cores when involved reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth without coronal structure. Thus, the aim of this study to describe a case report of aesthetic rehabilitation in upper anterior teeths using vitreous ceramic system for the reconstruction of elements: 11, 12, 21 and 22 after endodontically treated. It was emphasized the removal of crowns and manufacture of custom cast post and core with ceramic in coronal portion, prioritizing the aesthetic result. Through the clinical results observed can be seen that the use of custom cast post and core with ceramic in association lithium disilicate glass ceramics provided a satisfactory aesthetic result.
A case report of a patient who presents as chief complaint presence of stained restorations in the anterior teeth. After analysis and discussion of the clinical therapeutic approaches to be adopted, it was observed the presence of type class IV restorations on teeth 11 and 21, due to an oblique coronal fracture in the past. But the patient was not satisfied with the aesthetic result, then where was planned the realization of the removal of the restorations, for subsequently be used direct restorative materials for the correction of form, function and esthetics. The final result showed that the restorations were able to return the form, function and aesthetic dental, thereby evidencing the proven development of restorative dentistry in the solution of aesthetic problems.
The following is a clinical case report of a patient whose main complaint was the presence of a generalized spacing in the anterior maxillary segment. After meticulous clinical analysis and discussions of the clinical procedures to be adopted, a labial frenectomy was our first choice, so that we could reduce the diastemas directly using composite resin. It was observed that the association of clinical and restorative procedures was capable of giving back shape, function and dental aesthetics, allowing to the young patient the satisfaction of smiling without any fear.
The techniques of bone reconstruction for atrophic maxillae have been improved in order to promote bone tissue growth in both height and thickness. The grafts performed with use of autogenous bone is considered the gold standard by most researchers, for demonstrating osteogenic capacity and not to promote antigenic response. However, this type of grafting is not possible to get bone tissue in large quantity for extensive renovations. In recent years, alternatives have been researched to overcome the limitations of autogenous bone. Several alternatives have been investigated to supply the disadvantages of autogenous bone grafts. In such studies, allogeneic bone grafts which are obtained from individuals with different genetic load, but from the same species have been extensively used. They can be indicated in cases of arthrosplasty, surgical knee reconstruction, and large bone defects as well as in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. Besides showing great applicability and biocompatibility, this type of bone is available in unlimited quantities. To rehabilitate atrophic maxillae an option that has been performed with high success rate is the reconstruction with bone graft followed by osseointegrated dental implants to rehabilitate the patient aesthetics and functionally. This paper aims to show the feasibility of allogenic bone as material for reconstruction of atrophic maxilla, and subsequent rehabilitation with metal ceramic fixed prosthesis implant and dental restoration with accompanying three years through literature review and clinical case report.