997 resultados para Reixac, Baldiri, 1703-1781
Nimeke otsikosta.
Invokaatio: Jehova benigno.
Invokaatio: Cum Deo!
Arkit: A-B4 C2.
Invokaatio: Auspice Jehovah!
Invokaatio: Quod bene vertat!
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.S.S.T.
Nimekettä edeltää hepreankielinen invokaatio.
Arkit: A8 B2.
Arkit: A8 B4.
Arkit: A8 B2.
Comparação entre as duas versões da dedução kantiana dos conceitos puros do entendimento, a da 1ª edição de 1781 e a de 1787. Focam-se aqui principalmente as discrepâncias referentes à dedução objetiva, isto é, aquela encarregada de demonstrar que as categorias são as condições de possibilidade dos objetos de experiência
This paper examines the relation between intuition and concept in Kant in light of John McDowell's neo-Kantian position that intuitions are concept-laden.2 The focus is on Kant's twofold pronouncement that thoughts without content are empty and that intuitions without concepts are blind. I show that intuitions as singular representations are not instances of passive data intake but the result of synthetic unification of the given manifold of the senses by the power of the imagination under the guidance of the understanding. Against McDowell I argue that the amenability of intuitions to conceptual determination is not due some pre-existing, absolute conceptuality of the real but to the "work of the subject."3 On a more programmatic level, this paper seeks to demonstrate the limitations of a selective appropriation of Kant and the philosophical potential of a more comprehensive and thorough consideration of his work. Section 1 addresses the unique balance in Kant's philosophy between the work on particular problems and the orientation toward a systematic whole. Section 2 outlines McDowell's take on the Kantian distinction between intuition and concept in the context of the Kant readings by Sellars and Strawson. Section 3 exposes McDowell's relapse into the Myth of the Given. Section 4 proposes a reading of Kant's theoretical philosophy as an epistemology of metaphysical cognition. Section 5 details Kant's original account of sensible intuition in the Inaugural-Dissertation of 1770. Section 6 presents the transition from the manifold of the senses to the synthesis in the imagination and the unification through the categories in the Critique of pure reason (1781 and 1787). Section 7 addresses Kant's formalism in epistemology and metaphysics.
O presente artigo aborda a questão da tolerância religiosa no Iluminismo alemão, por meio da análise e interpretação de trechos selecionados da peça Nathan der Weise (1779), de Lessing. Pretende-se mostrar que essa obra tem sua origem intimamente ligada ao debate teológico ("Fragmentenstreit") entre Lessing e o pastor Johann Melchior Goeze, de Hamburgo, podendo ser lida como uma reação e uma resposta às críticas e objeções deste último.