728 resultados para Regenerative
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Endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelial regenerative capacity play a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the major causes of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be an indicator of vascular damage, while circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may be a biomarker for vascular repair. However, the simultaneously evaluation of CEC and EPC circulating levels and its relation were not previously examined in CKD population. A blood sample (18ml) of healthy subjects (n=10), early CKD (n=10) and advanced CKD patients (n=10) was used for the isolation of early and late EPCs, CECs, and hematopoietic cells, identified by flow cytometry (BD FACSCanto™ II system) using a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies: CD31-PE, CD45-APC Cy7, CD34-FITC, CD117-PerCp Cy5.5, CD133-APC, CD146-Pacific Blue, and CD309-PECy7. Exclusion of dead cells was done according to a fixable viability dye staining. This eightcolor staining flow cytometry optimized protocol allowed us to accurate simultaneously identify EPCs, CECs and hematopoietic cells. In addition, it was also possible to distinguish the two subpopulations of EPCs, early and late EPCs subpopulation, by CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133+CD309-CD146- and CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133-CD309+CD146- multiple labeling, respectively. Moreover, the identification of CECs and hematopoietic cells was performed by CD45-CD31+CD34-/lowCD117-CD133-CD309-CD146+ and CD34+CD117+, respectively. The levels of CECs were non-significantly increased in early CKD (312.06 ± 91.34) and advanced CKD patients (191.43±49.86) in comparison with control group (103.23±24.13). By contrast, the levels of circulating early EPCs were significantly reduced in advanced CKD population (17.03±3.23) in comparison with early CKD (32.31±4.97), p=0.04 and control group (36.25 ± 6.16), p=0.03. In addition the levels of late EPCs were significantly reduced in both advanced (6.60±1.89), p=0.01, and early CKD groups (8.42±2.58), p=0.01 compared with control group (91.54±29.06). These results were accompanied by a dramatically reduction in the recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity indexes in CKD population. Taken together, these results suggest an imbalance in the process of endothelial repairment in CKD population, and further propose that the indexes of recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity of EPCs, may help to select the patients to benefit from guiding intervention strategies to improve cardiovascular health by inducing vascular protection.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition, which results from trauma to the cord, resulting in a primary injury response which leads to a secondary injury cascade, causing damage to both glial and neuronal cells. Following trauma, the central nervous system (CNS) fails to regenerate due to a plethora of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Unfortunately, these events lead to loss of both motor and sensory function and lifelong disability and care for sufferers of SCI. There have been tremendous advancements made in our understanding of the mechanisms behind axonal regeneration and remyelination of the damaged cord. These have provided many promising therapeutic targets. However, very few have made it to clinical application, which could potentially be due to inadequate understanding of compound mechanism of action and reliance on poor SCI models. This thesis describes the use of an established neural cell co-culture model of SCI as a medium throughput screen for compounds with potential therapeutic properties. A number of compounds were screened which resulted in a family of compounds, modified heparins, being taken forward for more intense investigation. Modified heparins (mHeps) are made up of the core heparin disaccharide unit with variable sulphation groups on the iduronic acid and glucosamine residues; 2-O-sulphate (C2), 6-O-sulphate (C6) and N-sulphate (N). 2-O-sulphated (mHep6) and N-sulphated (mHep7) heparin isomers were shown to promote both neurite outgrowth and myelination in the SCI model. It was found that both mHeps decreased oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) proliferation and increased oligodendrocyte (OL) number adjacent to the lesion. However, there is a difference in the direct effects on the OL from each of the mHeps; mHep6 increased myelin internode length and mHep7 increased the overall cell size. It was further elucidated that these isoforms interact with and mediate both Wnt and FGF signalling. In OPC monoculture experiments FGF2 treated OPCs displayed increased proliferation but this effect was removed when co-treated with the mHeps. Therefore, suggesting that the mHeps interact with the ligand and inhibit FGF2 signalling. Additionally, it was shown that both mHeps could be partially mediating their effects through the Wnt pathway. mHep effects on both myelination and neurite outgrowth were removed when co-treated with a Wnt signalling inhibitor, suggesting cell signalling mediation by ligand immobilisation and signalling activation as a mechanistic action for the mHeps. However, the initial methods employed in this thesis were not sufficient to provide a more detailed study into the effects the mHeps have on neurite outgrowth. This led to the design and development of a novel microfluidic device (MFD), which provides a platform to study of axonal injury. This novel device is a three chamber device with two chambers converging onto a central open access chamber. This design allows axons from two points of origin to enter a chamber which can be subjected to injury, thus providing a platform in which targeted axonal injury and the regenerative capacity of a compound study can be performed. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to and advances the study of SCI in two ways; 1) identification and investigation of a novel set of compounds with potential therapeutic potential i.e. desulphated modified heparins. These compounds have multiple therapeutic properties and could revolutionise both the understanding of the basic pathological mechanisms underlying SCI but also be a powered therapeutic option. 2) Development of a novel microfluidic device to study in greater detail axonal biology, specifically, targeted axonal injury and treatment, providing a more representative model of SCI than standard in vitro models. Therefore, the MFD could lead to advancements and the identification of factors and compounds relating to axonal regeneration.
Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are powerful sources for cell therapy in regenerative medicine. The long time cultivation can result in replicative senescence or can be related to the emergence of chromosomal alterations responsible for the acquisition of tumorigenesis features in vitro. In this study, for the first time, the expression profile of MSC with a paracentric chromosomal inversion (MSC/inv) was compared to normal karyotype (MSC/n) in early and late passages. Furthermore, we compared the transcriptome of each MSC in early passages with late passages. MSC used in this study were obtained from the umbilical vein of three donors, two MSC/n and one MSC/inv. After their cryopreservation, they have been expanded in vitro until reached senescence. Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) and marked with the GeneChip ® 3 IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix Inc.). Subsequently, the fragmented aRNA was hybridized on the microarranjo Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays (Affymetrix Inc.). The statistical analysis of differential gene expression was performed between groups MSC by the Partek Genomic Suite software, version 6.4 (Partek Inc.). Was considered statistically significant differences in expression to p-value Bonferroni correction ˂.01. Only signals with fold change ˃ 3.0 were included in the list of differentially expressed. Differences in gene expression data obtained from microarrays were confirmed by Real Time RT-PCR. For the interpretation of biological expression data were used: IPA (Ingenuity Systems) for analysis enrichment functions, the STRING 9.0 for construction of network interactions; Cytoscape 2.8 to the network visualization and analysis bottlenecks with the aid of the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software. BiNGO Cytoscape pluggin was used to access overrepresentation of Gene Ontology categories in Biological Networks. The comparison between senescent and young at each group of MSC has shown that there is a difference in the expression parttern, being higher in the senescent MSC/inv group. The results also showed difference in expression profiles between the MSC/inv versus MSC/n, being greater when they are senescent. New networks were identified for genes related to the response of two of MSC over cultivation time. Were also identified genes that can coordinate functional categories over represented at networks, such as CXCL12, SFRP1, xvi EGF, SPP1, MMP1 e THBS1. The biological interpretation of these data suggests that the population of MSC/inv has different constitutional characteristics, related to their potential for differentiation, proliferation and response to stimuli, responsible for a distinct process of replicative senescence in MSC/inv compared to MSC/n. The genes identified in this study are candidates for biomarkers of cellular senescence in MSC, but their functional relevance in this process should be evaluated in additional in vitro and/or in vivo assays
In Zimbabwe, the average sweet potato yield (6 t/ha) is relatively low when compared to Asian counterparts (17 t/ha). These low crop yields have been blamed on weevil infestations and viral infections which account for 60-90% of sweet potato yield losses in Africa. Meristem tip culture, a Centre for Potato Improvement (CIP) initiated tissue culture technique, has been widely used to eradicate viruses from clonally propagated crops and has been noted to be one of the instrumental techniques that helped China to increase sweet potato yields. In an effort to adopt the meristem tip culture technique for the production of virus-free planting material of a local sweet potato (cv Brondal), a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Benzylamino purine (BAP), 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and Gibberellic acid (GA3) (either alone or in combination) on cultured Brondal meristems. The different hormonal treatments were assessed on the following parameters: plantlet regenerative capacity, multiple plantlet production, shoot height, average leaf number per shoot and average node number per shoot, ten weeks after meristem culture. All treatments containing a combination of BAP (1 mg-L) and GA3 (at either 5 mg-L, 10 mg-L, or 20 mg-L) had a significantly (p<0.01) higher plantlet regenerative capacity of 33-66% when compared to other treatment combinations. Only treatments, 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP and 20 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP were capable of inducing multiple plantlet formation, producing an average of three plantlets/meristem and two plantlets/meristem respectively. Overall, treatment 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP gave rise to significantly (p<0.01) taller shoots (20 mm) compared to the rest of the treatments used. For average leaf number per shoot, all GA3 treatments (5 mg-L, 10 mg-L, or 20 mg-L) supplemented with 1 mg-L BAP gave significantly (p<0.01) higher numbers of leaves (six leaves/shoot) than the rest of the treatments. Treatments 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP and 20 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP gave rise to the highest number of nodes per shoot, producing an average of three nodes per shoot. In sharp contrast to treatments containing a combination of BAP and GA3, all treatments containing a combination of BAP and NAA performed poorly in all parameters tested for plant regeneration of Brondal sweet potato variety. In conclusion, the best hormonal treatment for culturing Brondal meristems proved to be 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
En el Ecuador la discapacidad auditiva afecta al 5% de la población y pese a ser susceptible de tratamiento es la segunda causa de discapacidad. Muchas de estas patologías alteran el tímpano y disminuyen la capacidad auditiva, afectando la calidad de vida y generando problemas de adaptación y cognición particularmente en niños. El tímpano tiene capacidad regenerativa por lo que la conducta inicial es expectante, sin embargo cuando el defecto no involuciona se inicia el tratamiento. La mayoría de los pacientes recuperan la audición cuando reciben atención médica oportuna. En nuestro medio son escasos los estudios del tema, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo descriptivo y retrospectivo fue determinar las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y las modalidades de manejo de la perforación timpánica en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga de Cuenca durante los años 2011-2015. RESULTADOS: el 50.50% de pacientes fueron mujeres y el 65.20% de la población tuvo entre 20 y 59 años. El 80% de los casos fueron secundarios a infección; la otitis media crónica supurativa se encontró en el 56% de los pacientes y los traumatismos en el 14%. La perforación central fue la más frecuente. El 43.7% de los individuos se realizaron una timpanoplastia, con una tasa de éxito del 58%. CONCLUSIONES: La patología timpánica tiene importantes repercusiones sobre la calidad de vida. Pese a ser una entidad frecuente y susceptible de tratamiento, poco se conoce sobre su manejo. Conocimientos más amplios del tema permitirá al médico general un abordaje apropiado con mejores resultados
The acceleration of industrial growth in recent decades on all continents aroused the interest of the companies to counter the impacts produced on the environment, spurred primarily by major disasters in the petroleum industry. In this context, the water produced is responsible for the largest volume of effluent from the production and extraction of oil and natural gas. This effluent has in its composition some critical components such as inorganic salts, heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, ), presence of oil and chemicals added in the various production processes. In response to impact, have been triggered by research alternative adsorbent materials for water treatment and water produced, in order to removing oils and acids and heavy metals. Many surveys of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in Brazil involve studies on the physico-chemical, mineral deposits, extraction, processing and applications. The official estimated Jazi are around 2.5 million tonnes, the main located in the states of Bahia (44%) and Rio Grande do Norte (37,4%). Moreover, these two states appear as large offshore producers, earning a prominent role in research of adsorbents such as diatomite for treatment of water produced. Its main applications are as an agent of filtration, adsorption of oils and greases, industrial load and thermal insulator. The objective of this work was the processing and characterization of diatomite diatomaceous earth obtained from the municipality of Macaíba-RN (known locally as tabatinga) as a low cost regenerative adsorbent for removal of heavy metals in the application of water produced treatment. In this work we adopted a methodology for batch processing, practiced by small businesses located in producing regions of Brazil. The characterization was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface area (BET). Research conducted showed that the improvement process used was effective for small volume production of diatomite concentrated. The diatomite obtained was treated by calcination at temperature of 900 oC for 2 hours, with and without fluxing Na2CO3 (4%), according to optimal results in the literature. Column adsorption experiments were conducted to percolation of the in nature, calcined and calcined fluxing diatomites. Effluent was used as a saline solution containing ions of Cu, Zn, Na, Ca and Mg simulating the composition of produced waters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The breakthrough curves for simultaneous removal of copper ions and zinc as a result, 84.3% for calcined diatomite and diatomite with 97.3 % for fluxing. The calcined fluxing diatomite was more efficient permeability through the bed and removal of copper and zinc ions. The fresh diatomite had trouble with the permeability through the bed under the conditions tested, compared with the other obtained diatomite. The results are presented as promising for application in the petroleum industry
Heart valve disease occurs in adults as well as in pediatric population due to age-related changes, rheumatic fever, infection or congenital condition. Current treatment options are limited to mechanical heart valve (MHV) or bio-prosthetic heart valve (BHV) replacements. Lifelong anti-coagulant medication in case of MHV and calcification, durability in case of BHV are major setbacks for both treatments. Lack of somatic growth of these implants require multiple surgical interventions in case of pediatric patients. Advent of stem cell research and regenerative therapy propose an alternative and potential tissue engineered heart valves (TEHV) treatment approach to treat this life threatening condition. TEHV has the potential to promote tissue growth by replacing and regenerating a functional native valve. Hemodynamics play a crucial role in heart valve tissue formation and sustained performance. The focus of this study was to understand the role of physiological shear stress and flexure effects on de novo HV tissue formation as well as resulting gene and protein expression. A bioreactor system was used to generate physiological shear stress and cyclic flexure. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell derived tissue constructs were exposed to native valve-like physiological condition. Responses of these tissue constructs to the valve-relevant stress states along with gene and protein expression were investigated after 22 days of tissue culture. We conclude that the combination of steady flow and cyclic flexure helps support engineered tissue formation by the co-existence of both OSS and appreciable shear stress magnitudes, and potentially augment valvular gene and protein expression when both parameters are in the physiological range. ^
The use of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in regenerative medicine is a potential major advance for the treatment of many medical conditions, especially with the use of allogeneic therapies where the cells from a single donor can be used to treat ailments in many patients. Such cells must be grown attached to surfaces and for large scale production, it is shown that stirred bioreactors containing ~200 μm particles (microcarriers) can provide such a surface. It is also shown that the just suspended condition, agitator speed NJS, provides a satisfactory condition for cell growth by minimizing the specific energy dissipation rate, εT, in the bioreactor whilst still meeting the oxygen demand of the cells. For the cells to be used for therapeutic purposes, they must be detached from the microcarriers before being cryopreserved. A strategy based on a short period (~7 min) of very high εT, based on theories of secondary nucleation, is effective at removing >99% cells. Once removed, the cells are smaller than the Kolmogorov scale of turbulence and hence not damaged. This approach is shown to be successful for culture and detachment in 4 types of stirred bioreactors from 15 mL to 5 L.
A peri-implantite é uma patologia que ocorre nos tecidos adjacentes dos implantes, onde ocorre uma perda óssea em redor do implante, podendo levar à sua perda. Vários mecanismos terapêuticos têm sido propostos na tentativa de travar a evolução desta patologia, como é o caso do tratamento regenerativo, onde se recorre ao uso de membranas e enxertos ou substitutos ósseos. O tratamento regenerativo tem sido alvo de grande discussão, uma vez que é impossível saber de que maneira cada paciente pode reagir à aplicação desta terapia, para além de que os resultados existentes nos estudos atuais reportam uma escassez no tratamento por completo da patologia. No entanto, os estudos existentes demonstram bons resultados e relatam que a sua aplicação é promissora no tratamento da peri-implantite, nomeadamente na redução dos parâmetros clínicos (profundidade de sondagem e hemorragia pós-sondagem) e dos parâmetros radiográficos (preenchimento ósseo).
Stem cell-based regenerative medicine is poised to revolutionize the way diseases are treated. In recent years, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, a newly stem cell species, has attracted significant attention. This paper seeks to understand the pathways along which emerging clinical research efforts in the field of iPS cells is evolved. In particular, the empirical case of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is used, which is the world-pioneering clinical application of iPS cells. In line with the literature, this study explores the interrelations between three different pathways, such as biomedical scientific understanding, development of medical technologies, and learning in clinical practice. For this, a techmining approach is used including co-term, co-citation, and direct citation methods. Scientific publications indexed in the Thomson Reuters' Web of Science and Elsevier's Scopus databases form the basis of the study. This research first explores the iPS cell research landscape through the construction of a co-term map, particularly stressing the location and intensity of disease-tackling efforts; then focus on the evolution of scientific knowledge on AMD through co-citation networks and the main path algorithm on direct citations. At the researcher level, the development of four different research groups working on cell therapies for AMD is evaluated through the software CitNetExplorer. By integrating these approaches, the result shows a wider picture of the complexities inherent in the translation of knowledge into revolutionary clinical methods.