979 resultados para Read Only Memory


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These Facts sheets have been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/departments on a single sheet of paper. The Facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave & benefits information, and affirmative action data. This is the most recent update of information for the fiscal year 2007.


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These Facts sheets have been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/departments on a single sheet of paper. The Facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave & benefits information, and affirmative action data. This is the most recent update of information for the fiscal year 2007.


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Background¦Erythrocyte MCV might be used as an inexpensive marker to predict and¦optimize the efficacy and tolerability of thiopurine therapy in IBD patients.¦Aim and methods¦This retrospective observational study aimed to assess the monitoring¦performances of MCV in patients under 3 months or more thiopurine treatment followed up¦in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. All available MCV, white blood cells (WBC) and 6¦thioguanine nucleotide (6TGN) measurements, among others, were recorded. An IBD¦"flare" was defined as a composite outcome encompassing treatment change,¦colonoscopy, histology, CT scan or MRI reports showing active IBD lesions, occurrence of¦intestinal surgery and IBD-related hospitalisations. Whether MCV measurements predicted¦efficacy of thiopurine treatment was investigated by assessing the statistical association¦between the occurrence of IBD "flares", and the current or recent MCV values, taking into¦account the patient clustering and longitudinal aspect of data.¦Results¦140 patients (77 women), mean age 38 years (17-74), 104 diagnosed with¦Crohn's disease, 36 with ulcerative colitis, mean disease duration 8 years (0.25-36),¦receiving either azathioprine (n=125) or 6-mercaptopurine (n=15) were included, most of¦them over 3-year follow up.¦Thiopurines increased mean patient MCV by an average 5.8±5.2 fL, while¦patientsfluctuated by ±4.3 fL around their individual mean (p<0.001). They decreased¦WBC by an average of 2.4+/- 2.6 G/L (p<0.001).¦Significant associations were observed between the probability of flare occurrence and low¦current MVC (p=0.017) or high current WBC (p=0.009) and, with a relative risk of 3.7% for¦every fL of MCV decrease or 8% for every G/L of WBC increase. Both markers revealed¦some memory effect.¦Despite this, the performance of MCV and WBC to predict IBD "flare" remained rather¦limited, as it is less accurate than the 6-TGN-level , although only determined in a¦subgroup of patients in this study.¦Conclusion¦MCV and WBC deserve to be observed to check and monitor therapeutic¦exposure to thiopurine agents in IBD patients. Unfortunately, their predictive performance¦precludes their privileged use for optimization of therapy. Further prospective studies¦should suitably include the systematic measurement of metabolite concentration.


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Des dels inicis dels ordinadors com a màquines programables, l’home ha intentat dotar-los de certa intel•ligència per tal de pensar o raonar el més semblant possible als humans. Un d’aquests intents ha sigut fer que la màquina sigui capaç de pensar de tal manera que estudiï jugades i guanyi partides d’escacs. En l’actualitat amb els actuals sistemes multi tasca, orientat a objectes i accés a memòria i gràcies al potent hardware del que disposem, comptem amb una gran varietat de programes que es dediquen a jugar a escacs. Però no hi ha només programes petits, hi ha fins i tot màquines senceres dedicades a calcular i estudiar jugades per tal de guanyar als millors jugadors del món. L’objectiu del meu treball és dur a terme un estudi i implementació d’un d’aquests programes, per això es divideix en dues parts. La part teòrica o de l’estudi, consta d’un estudi dels sistemes d’intel•ligència artificial que es dediquen a jugar a escacs, estudi i cerca d’una funció d’avaluació vàlida i estudi dels algorismes de cerca. La part pràctica del treball es basa en la implementació d’un sistema intel•ligent capaç de jugar a escacs amb certa lògica. Aquesta implementació es porta a terme amb l’ajuda de les llibreries SDL, utilitzant l’algorisme minimax amb poda alfa-beta i codi c++. Com a conclusió del projecte m’agradaria remarcar que l’estudi realitzat m’ha deixat veure que crear un joc d’escacs no era tan fàcil com jo pensava però m’ha aportat la satisfacció d’aplicar tot el que he après durant la carrera i de descobrir moltes altres coses noves.


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 En la societat d’avui dia, les empreses depenen en gran part dels seus recursos informàtics. La seva capacitat de supervivència i innovació en el mercat actual, on la competitivitat és cada dia més forta, passa per una infraestructura informàtica que els permeti, no només desplegar i implantar ordinadors i servidors de manera ràpida i eficient sinó que també les protegeixi contra parades del sistema informàtic, problemes amb servidors, caigudes o desastres físics de hardware.Per evitar aquests problemes informàtics susceptibles de poder parar el funcionament d’una empresa es va començar a treballar en el camp de la virtualització informàtica amb l’objectiu de poder trobar solucions a aquests problemes a la vegada que s’aprofitaven els recursos de hardware existents d’una manera més òptim a i eficient, reduint així també el cost de la infraestructura informàtica.L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és veure en primer pla la conversió d’una empresa real amb una infraestructura informàtica del tipus un servidor físic -una funció cap a una infraestructura virtual del tipus un servidor físic -varis servidors virtual -vàries funcions. Analitzarem l’estat actual de l’empresa, servidors i funcions, adquirirem el hardware necessari i farem la conversió de tots els seus servidors cap a una nova infraestructura virtual.Faig especial atenció a les explicacions de perquè utilitzo una opció i no un altre i també procuro sempre donar vàries opcions. Igualment remarco en quadres verds observacions a tenir en compte complementàries al que estic explicant en aquell moment, i en quadres vermells temes en els que s’ha de posar especial atenció en el moment en que es fan. Finalment, un cop feta la conversió, veurem els molts avantatges que ens ha reportat aquesta tecnologia a nivell de fiabilitat, estabilitat, capacitat de tolerància a errades, capacitat de ràpid desplegament de noves màquines, capacitat de recuperació del sistema i aprofitament de recursos físics.


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CgPdr1p is a Candida glabrata Zn(2)-Cys(6) transcription factor involved in the regulation of the ABC-transporter genes CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2, which are mediators of azole resistance. Single-point mutations in CgPDR1 are known to increase the expression of at least CgCDR1 and CgCDR2 and thus to contribute to azole resistance of clinical isolates. In this study, we investigated the incidence of CgPDR1 mutations in a large collection of clinical isolates and tested their relevance, not only to azole resistance in vitro and in vivo, but also to virulence. The comparison of CgPDR1 alleles from azole-susceptible and azole-resistant matched isolates enabled the identification of 57 amino acid substitutions, each positioned in distinct CgPDR1 alleles. These substitutions, which could be grouped into three different "hot spots," were gain of function (GOF) mutations since they conferred hyperactivity to CgPdr1p revealed by constitutive high expression of ABC-transporter genes. Interestingly, the major transporters involved in azole resistance (CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2) were not always coordinately expressed in presence of specific CgPDR1 GOF mutations, thus suggesting that these are rather trans-acting elements (GOF in CgPDR1) than cis-acting elements (promoters) that lead to azole resistance by upregulating specific combinations of ABC-transporter genes. Moreover, C. glabrata isolates complemented with CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles were not only more virulent in mice than those with wild type alleles, but they also gained fitness in the same animal model. The presence of CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles also contributed to fluconazole treatment failure in the mouse model. In conclusion, this study shows for the first time that CgPDR1 mutations are not only responsible for in vitro/in vivo azole resistance but that they can also confer a selective advantage under host conditions.


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In a randomised trial comparing early enteral feeding by gastric and post-pyloric routes, White and colleagues have shown that gastric feeding is possible and efficient in the vast majority of critically ill patients. But the authors' conclusion that gastric is equivalent to post-pyloric is true in only the least severe patients. Given the extra workload and costs, post-pyloric is now clearly indicated in case of gastric feeding failure.


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Alpha-band activity (8-13 Hz) is not only suppressed by sensory stimulation and movements, but also modulated by attention, working memory and mental tasks, and could be sensitive to higher motor control functions. The aim of the present study was to examine alpha oscillatory activity during the preparation of simple left or right finger movements, contrasting the external and internal mode of action selection. Three preparation conditions were examined using a precueing paradigm with S1 as the preparatory and S2 as the imperative cue: Full, laterality instructed by S1; Free, laterality freely selected and None, laterality instructed by S2. Time-frequency (TF) analysis was performed in the alpha frequency range during the S1-S2 interval, and alpha motor-related amplitude asymmetries (MRAA) were also calculated. The significant MRAA during the Full and Free conditions indicated effective external and internal motor response preparation. In the absence of specific motor preparation (None), a posterior alpha event-related desynchronization (ERD) dominated, reflecting the main engagement of attentional resources. In Full and Free motor preparation, posterior alpha ERD was accompanied by a midparietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS), suggesting a concomitant inhibition of task-irrelevant visual activity. In both Full and Free motor preparation, analysis of alpha power according to MRAA amplitude revealed two types of functional activation patterns: (1) a motor alpha pattern, with predominantly midparietal alpha ERS and large MRAA corresponding to lateralized motor activation/visual inhibition and (2) an attentional alpha pattern, with dominating right posterior alpha ERD and small MRAA reflecting visuospatial attention. The present results suggest that alpha oscillatory patterns do not resolve the selection mode of action, but rather distinguish separate functional strategies of motor preparation.


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Contribution of visual and nonvisual mechanisms to spatial behavior of rats in the Morris water maze was studied with a computerized infrared tracking system, which switched off the room lights when the subject entered the inner circular area of the pool with an escape platform. Naive rats trained under light-dark conditions (L-D) found the escape platform more slowly than rats trained in permanent light (L). After group members were swapped, the L-pretrained rats found under L-D conditions the same target faster and eventually approached latencies attained during L navigation. Performance of L-D-trained rats deteriorated in permanent darkness (D) but improved with continued D training. Thus L-D navigation improves gradually by procedural learning (extrapolation of the start-target azimuth into the zero-visibility zone) but remains impaired by lack of immediate visual feedback rather than by absence of the snapshot memory of the target view.


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Background: Allergen-specific immunotherapy with whole pollen extract may induce anaphylaxis, is poorly standardized and of long duration.We thus designed a randomized, placebo-controlled phase I/II clinical trial in volunteers with birch pollen allergic rhinitis and asthma to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a novel immunotherapy based on contiguous overlapping peptides (COPs) derived from Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen. Methods: A mixture of three COPs (AllerT™, Anergis SA, Switzerland) spanning the whole Bet v 1 molecule was selected for its inability to bind IgE. Prior to the pollen season, AllerT (in Alum) was injected subcutaneously to 15 adult volunteers at D0 (57 g), D7, D14, D21 and D51 (95 g each). Control volunteers (n = 5) only received the adjuvant. Results: Overall AllerT was safe. No serious adverse events and no immediate allergic reactions were reported. AllerT induced a vigorous early Bet v 1 specific immune response marked by vaccine associated INF- and IL- 10 secretion. This contributed to a strong anti-Bet v 1-specific IgG4 enhancement. Moreover, 2 months after the second season post treatment (July 2010), serum Bet v 1 specific IgG4 response was still markedly increased as compared to pre-treatment values and to placebo whereas post seasonal Bet v 1 specific IgE titers were similar to baseline values. Conclusion: Our data indicate that immunotherapy with a mixture of three COPs derived from Bet v 1 (AllerT) was safe and immunogenic, and led to long-term immunological memory.