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While the tetrahedral face of methane has an electron rich centre and can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, substitution of one of its hydrogens with some electron withdrawing group (such as -F/OH) can make the opposite face electron deficient. Electrostatic potential calculations confirm this and high level quantum calculations show interactions between the positive face of methanol/methyl fluoride and electron rich centers of other molecules such as H2O. Analysis of the wave functions of atoms in molecules shows the presence of an unusual C center dot center dot center dot Y interaction, which could be called `carbon bonding'. NBO analysis and vibrational frequency shifts confirm the presence of this interaction. Given the properties of alkyl groups bonded to electronegative elements in biological molecules, such interactions could play a significant role, which is yet to be recognized. This and similar interactions could give an enthalpic contribution to what is called the `hydrophobic interactions'.


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This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, X-H center dot center dot center dot Y, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (X) and acceptor (Y) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H center dot center dot center dot O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 angstrom, i.e., from strong to weak hydrogen bonds. The position of the proton (which determines the X-H bond length) and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are described quantitatively. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effect, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of bending modes is also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for weak to moderate H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several trends. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A comprehensive analysis of the crystal packing and the energetic features of a series of four biologically active molecules belonging to the family of substituted 4-(benzylideneamino)-3-(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-(4 H)-thione derivatives have been performed based on the molecular conformation and the supramolecular packing. This involves the formation of a short centrosymmetric R-2(2)(8) NH...S supramolecular synthon in the solid state, including the presence of CH...S, CH...O, CH...N, CH...F, CH...Cl, CF...FC, CCl...ClC, and CH...pi intermolecular interactions along with pp stacking to evaluate the role of noncovalent interactions in the crystal. The presence of such synthons has a substantial contribution toward the interaction energy (-18 to -20 kcal/mol) as obtained from the PIXEL calculation, wherein the Coulombic and polarization contribution are more significant than the dispersion contribution. The geometrical characteristics of such synthons favor short distance, and the population of related molecules having these geometries is rare as has been obtained from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). Furthermore, their interaction energies have been compared with those present in our molecules in the solid state. The topological characteristics of the NH...S supramolecular synthon, in addition to related weak interactions, CH...N, CH...Cl, CF...FC, and CCl...ClC, have been estimated using the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM). In addition, an analysis of the Hirshfeld surface and associated fingerprint plots of these four molecules also have provided a platform for the evaluation of the contribution of different atom...atom contacts, which contribute toward the packing of the molecules in solids.


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Experimental charge density analysis combined with the quantum crystallographic technique of X-ray wavefunction refinement (XWR) provides quantitative insights into the intra-and intermolecular interactions formed by acetazolamide, a diuretic drug. Firstly, the analysis of charge density topology at the intermolecular level shows the presence of exceptionally strong interaction motifs such as a DDAA-AADD (D-donor, A-acceptor) type quadruple hydrogen bond motif and a sulfonamide dimer synthon. The nature and strength of intra-molecular S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding have been characterized using descriptors from the multipole model (MM) and XWR. Although pure geometrical criteria suggest the possibility of two intra-molecular S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonded ring motifs, only one of them satisfies the ``orbital geometry'' so as to exhibit an interaction in terms of an electron density bond path and a bond critical point. The presence of `s-holes' on the sulfur atom leading to the S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bond has been visualized on the electrostatic potential surface and Laplacian isosurfaces close to the `reactive surface'. The electron localizability indicator (ELI) and Roby bond orders derived from the `experimental wave function' provide insights into the nature of S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding.


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Non-covalent halogen-bonding interactions between n cloud of acetylene (C2H2) and chlorine atom of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) have been investigated using matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and quantum chemical computations. The structure and the energies of the 1:1 C2H2-CCl4 adducts were computed at the B3LYP, MP2 and M05-2X levels of theory using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The computations indicated two minima for the 1:1 C2H2-CCl4 adducts; with the C-Cl center dot center dot center dot pi adduct being the global minimum, where pi cloud of C2H2 is the electron donor. The second minimum corresponded to a C-H...Cl adduct, in which C2H2 is the proton donor. The interaction energies for the adducts A and B were found to be nearly identical. Experimentally, both C-Cl center dot center dot center dot pi and C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl adducts were generated in Ar and N2 matrixes and characterized using infrared spectroscopy. This is the first report on halogen bonded adduct, stabilized through C-Cl center dot center dot center dot pi interaction being identified at low temperatures using matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy. Atoms in Molecules (AIM) and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analyses were performed to support the experimental results. The structures of 2:1 ((C2H2)(2)-CCl4) and 1:2 (C2H2-(CCl4)(2)) multimers and their identification in the low temperature matrixes were also discussed. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The deposition of CdO center dot nH(2)O On CdTe nanoparticles was studied in an aqueous phase. The CdTe nanocrystals (NCs) were prepared in aqueous solution through the reaction between Cd2+ and NaHTe in the presence of thioglycolic acid as a stabilizer. The molar ratio of the Cd2+ to Te2- in the precursory solution played an important role in the photoluminescence of the ultimate CdTe NCs. The strongest photoluminescence was obtained under 4.0 of [Cd2+]/[Te2-] at pH similar to 8.2. With the optimum dosage of Cd(II) hydrous oxide deposited on the CdTe NCs, the photoluminescence was enhanced greatly. The photoluminescence of these nanocomposites was kept constant in the pH range of 8.0-10.0, but dramatically decreased with an obvious blue-shifted peak while the pH was below 8.0. In addition, the photochemical oxidation of CdTe NCs with cadmium hydrous oxide deposition was markedly inhibited.


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The deposition of CdO center dot nH(2)O On CdTe nanoparticles was studied in an aqueous phase. The CdTe nanocrystals (NCs) were prepared in aqueous solution through the reaction between Cd2+ and NaHTe in the presence of thioglycolic acid as a stabilizer. The molar ratio of the Cd2+ to Te2- in the precursory solution played an important role in the photoluminescence of the ultimate CdTe NCs. The strongest photoluminescence was obtained under 4.0 of [Cd2+]/[Te2-] at pH similar to 8.2. With the optimum dosage of Cd(II) hydrous oxide deposited on the CdTe NCs, the photoluminescence was enhanced greatly. The photoluminescence of these nanocomposites was kept constant in the pH range of 8.0-10.0, but dramatically decreased with an obvious blue-shifted peak while the pH was below 8.0. In addition, the photochemical oxidation of CdTe NCs with cadmium hydrous oxide deposition was markedly inhibited.


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Some of the earliest theoretical speculation, stimulated by the growth of semiconductor superlattices, focused on novel devices based on vertical transport through engineered band structures; Esaki and Tsu promised Bloch oscillators in narrow mini-band systems and Kazarinov and Suris contemplated electrically stimulated intersubband transitions as sources of infrared radiation. Nearly twenty years later these material systems have been perfected, characterized and understood and experiments are emerging that test some of these original concepts for novel submillimetre wave electronics. Here we describe recent experiments on intersubband emission in quantum wells stimulated by resonant tunnelling currents. A critical issue at this time is devising a way to achieve population inversion. Other experiments explore 'saturation' effects in narrow miniband transport. Thermal saturation may be viewed as a precursor to Bloch oscillation if the same effects can be induced with an applied electric field.


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We review our results on integrated photonic devices fabricated using InGaAs quantum-dots. Selective-area metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is used to grow the active region with quantum dots emitting at different wavelengths for fabrication of the integrated devices. We will also review the structural and optical properties of III-V nanowires, and axial and radial nanowire heterostructures grown by MOCVD. In addition to binary nanowires, such as GaAs, InAs, and InP, we have demonstrated ternary InGaAs and AlGaAs nanowires. Core-shell nanowires consisting of GaAs cores with AlGaAs shells, and core-multishell nanowires with several alternating shells of AlGaAs and GaAs, exhibit strong photoluminescence. Axial segments of InGaAs have been incorporated within GaAs nanowires to form GaAs/InGaAs nanowire superlattices.


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On the basis of the density functional theory (DFT) within local density approximations (LDA) approach, we calculate the band gaps for different size SnO2 quantum wire (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs). A model is proposed to passivate the surface atoms of SnO2 QWs and QDs. We find that the band gap increases between QWs and bulk evolve as Delta E-g(wire) = 1.74/d(1.20) as the effective diameter d decreases, while being Delta E-g(dot) = 2.84/d(1.26) for the QDs. Though the similar to d(1.2) scale is significantly different from similar to d(2) of the effective mass result, the ratio of band gap increases between SnO2 QWs and QDs is 0.609, very close to the effective mass prediction. We also confirm, although the LDS calculations underestimate the band gap, that they give the trend of band gap shift as much as that obtained by the hybrid functional (PBE0) with a rational mixing of 25% Fock exchange and 75% of the conventional Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional for the SnO2 QWs and QDs. The relative deviation of the LDA calculated band gap difference Lambda E-g compared with the corresponding PBE0 results is only within 5%. Additionally, it is found the states of valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) of SnO2 QWs or QDs have a mostly p- and s-like envelope function symmetry, respectively, from both LDA and PBE0 calculations.


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In this paper, we obtain SiGe quantum dots with the diameters and density of 15-20 nm and 1.8 x 10(11) cm(-2), respectively, by 193 nm excimer laser annealing of Si0.77Ge0.23 strained films. Under the excimer laser annealing, only surface atoms diffusion happens. From the detailed statistical information about the size and shape of the quantum dots with different annealing time, it is shown that the as-grown self-assembled quantum dots, especially the {105}-faceted dots, are not stable and disappear before the appearance of the laser-induced quantum dots. Based on the calculation of surface energy and surface chemical potential, we show that the {103}-faceted as-grown self-assembled quantum dots are more heavily strained than the {105}-faceted ones, and the heavy strain in the dot can decrease the surface energy of the dot facets. The formation of the laser-induced quantum dots, which is also with heavy strain, is attributed to kinetic constraint. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of rutile TiO2 quantum dots (QDs) are investigated via the first-principles band structure method. We first propose a model to passivate the rutile TiO2 surfaces for the local density approximation calculations. In this model pseudohydrogen atoms are used to passivate the surface dangling bonds, which remove the localized in-cap surface states in the TiO2 QDs. As the size of the QD decreases, the band gap evolves as E-g(dot) = E-g(bulk) + 73.70/d(1.93), where E-g(dot) and d are the band gap and diameter of the QD, and E-g(bulk) is the band gap of the bulk rutile TiO2. The valence band maximum and the conduction band minimum states of the QDs are distributed mostly in the interior of the QDs, and they well inherit the atomic characteristics of those states of the bulk rutile TiO2.


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We obtained a low density of coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with an emission wavelength of around 1.3 mu m at room temperature. Atomic force microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy reveal that the dot size difference and the lateral displacement between the two dots are related to the spacer thickness. Spectroscopy of the coupled QD ensembles is considerably influenced by the spacer thickness.


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Current fluctuations can provide additional insight into quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. The present work is carried out for the fluctuation properties of transport through a pair of coupled quantum dots which are connected with ferromagnetic electrodes. Based on an efficient particle-number-resolved master equation approach, we are concerned with not only fluctuations of the total charge and spin currents, but also of each individual spin-dependent component. As a result of competition among the spin polarization, Coulomb interaction, and dot-dot tunnel coupling, rich behaviors are found for the self- and mutual-correlation functions of the spin-dependent currents.


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The Rashba spin splitting of the minibands of coupled InAs/GaAs pyramid quantum dots is investigated using the k center dot p method and valence force field model. The Rashba splitting of the two dimensional miniband in the lateral directions is found due to the structure inversion asymmetry in the vertical direction while the miniband in the vertical direction has no Rashba spin splitting. As the space between dots increases, the Rashba coefficients decrease and the conduction-band effective mass increases. This Rashba spin splitting of the minibands will significantly affect the spin transport properties between quantum dots. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.