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Over the past three decades, pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been widely used by soil scientists to estimate soils properties in temperate regions in response to the lack of soil data for these regions. Several authors indicated that little effort has been dedicated to the prediction of soil properties in the humid tropics, where the need for soil property information is of even greater priority. The aim of this paper is to provide an up-to-date repository of past and recently published articles as well as papers from proceedings of events dealing with water-retention PTFs for soils of the humid tropics. Of the 35 publications found in the literature on PTFs for prediction of water retention of soils of the humid tropics, 91 % of the PTFs are based on an empirical approach, and only 9 % are based on a semi-physical approach. Of the empirical PTFs, 97 % are continuous, and 3 % (one) is a class PTF; of the empirical PTFs, 97 % are based on multiple linear and polynomial regression of n th order techniques, and 3 % (one) is based on the k-Nearest Neighbor approach; 84 % of the continuous PTFs are point-based, and 16 % are parameter-based; 97 % of the continuous PTFs are equation-based PTFs, and 3 % (one) is based on pattern recognition. Additionally, it was found that 26 % of the tropical water-retention PTFs were developed for soils in Brazil, 26 % for soils in India, 11 % for soils in other countries in America, and 11 % for soils in other countries in Africa.


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As opposed to objective definitions in soil physics, the subjective term “soil physical quality” is increasingly found in publications in the soil physics area. A supposed indicator of soil physical quality that has been the focus of attention, especially in the Brazilian literature, is the Least Limiting Water Range (RLL), translated in Portuguese as "Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo" or IHO. In this paper the four limiting water contents that define RLLare discussed in the light of objectively determinable soil physical properties, pointing to inconsistencies in the RLLdefinition and calculation. It also discusses the interpretation of RLL as an indicator of crop productivity or soil physical quality, showing its inability to consider common phenological and pedological boundary conditions. It is shown that so-called “critical densities” found by the RLL through a commonly applied calculation method are questionable. Considering the availability of robust models for agronomy, ecology, hydrology, meteorology and other related areas, the attractiveness of RLL as an indicator to Brazilian soil physicists is not related to its (never proven) effectiveness, but rather to the simplicity with which it is dealt. Determining the respective limiting contents in a simplified manner, relegating the study or concern on the actual functioning of the system to a lower priority, goes against scientific construction and systemic understanding. This study suggests a realignment of the research in soil physics in Brazil with scientific precepts, towards mechanistic soil physics, to replace the currently predominant search for empirical correlations below the state of the art of soil physics.


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RESUMEL'agriculture urbaine et périurbalne - nommée ci-après AU - est un thème fort de recherche transversale, au vu des nombreux enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle locale, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement.Une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans ie sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.L'évaluation des impacts de l'irrigation avec des eaux usées brutes et des eaux de nappe saumâtres sur la qualité des sols (chapitre 2) a montré que l'alcalinité et les teneurs en calcium élevées des eaux saumâtres induisent la précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol. Na remplace consécutivement Ca sur le complexe argilo-humique du sol et les bicarbonates diminuent dans la solution du sol. Le carbone organique dissout (COD) augmente significativement dans la solution du sol et dans la nappe sous-jacente. Malgré l'alcalinité et les teneurs très élevées en calcium des eaux usées, il y a peu de précipitation de CaC03 dans l'horizon superficiel du sol et une faible augmentation du sodium échangeable ESP. La nitrification de l'ammonium des eaux usées (moy 190mg/L à Pikine) produit des protons, qui ne sont plus tamponnés par les bicarbonates exportés hors du profil. Il y a alors une nette baisse de pH des sols irrigués par des eaux usées non traitées. Les sols irrigués par des eaux usées et saumâtres stockent moins de C et Ν que les sols de référence.L'évaluation de l'influence de l'occupation des sols en zone périurbaine sur à la nappe phréatique peu profonde (chapitre 3) a permis de déterminer les traceurs représentatifs de l'occupation du sol, à savoir Br/CI, NO3/CI et δ180-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux usées, pH et δ15Ν-Ν03 pour l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe, et Rb+Cr et Κ pour les lixiviats de fosses septiques. Ce chapitre a mis en évidence des points importants de la dynamique de l'azote en zone périurbaine sous deux occupations du sol : (1) la dénitrification est un processus important dans l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar en bas de dune, dans les gleysols où l'on trouve des conditions temporairement réduites et un substrat organique favorables aux microorganismes de la dénitrification. Les teneurs en nitrates sont presque nulles avec irrigation d'eau de nappe. (2) en bas de pente, mais avec irrigation quotidienne par les eaux usées, l'apport continu d'ammonium inhibe probablement la dénitrification, mais favorise la volatilisation. (3) la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la nappe lors de la lixiviation des fosses septiques se distingue de la nitrification de l'ammonium dans la zone non saturée dans la zone d'agriculture périurbaine par la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de l'eau. Une comparaison des flux d'azote entre l'agrosystème et les quartiers périurbains de Dakar (chapitre 4) ont révélé que ces derniers étaient du même ordre de grandeur par unité de surface, à savoir 2-4 tonnes Ν /ha/an.L'évaluation des flux de pesticides dans l'agrosystème et des risques induits pour les eaux souterraines (chapitre 5) a révélé un fiux total de pesticides de 60kg/ha/an, totalisant 15 matières actives. Seules deux de ces matières actives sont autorisées par le comité des pesticides sahélien. Les pesticides les plus utilisés par les producteurs sont l'organochloré dicofol, les organophosphorés methamidophos, dimethoate et fenithrotion ainsi que le cabamate methomyl. Les flux les plus importants sont de 9 à 7 kg/ha/an (methomyl, methamidophos, ethoprophos et dicofol). Les pesticides qui présentent un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines et qui devraient être prioritaires pour un suivi analytique sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, une meilleure gestion de la fertilisation est nécessaire dans la zone d'AU de Dakar, afin de (1) réduire les pertes gazeuses qui contribuent à l'effet de serre, (2) de ralentir la minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote organiques pour créer un stock de C et Ν dans ces sols, (3) de limiter le lessivage dans la nappe et enfin, 4) d'augmenter l'efficacité d'utilisation de Ν par les plantes. Une optimisation de l'irrigation devrait limiter l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et les mares permanentes.ABSTRACTUrban and periurban agriculture (UA) is an important issue in southern countries, because of its key role in their social and economical development and its environmental concern. The goal of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of pollutant transfer and nutrient cycling at the local scale, in order to implement the necessary improvements to guarantee the sustainability of this practice.An approach based on geochemical processes occurring in the vadose zone from the surface down to the groundwater level was chosen, at the scale of cultivated plots and at the regional scale of Dakar periurban areas, to determine the influence of land use.The assessment of irrigation with untreated domestic wastewater and brackish water on soil quality (chapter 2) showed: (1) that the high alkalinity and calcium contents of brackish water induce CaC03 precipitation in the top layer of the soil and therefore a replacement of Ca by Na on the clay- humic complexes, strongly marked during the dry season. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased significantly in the soil solution and in the underlying groundwater. (2) in spite of the similarly high alkalinity and Ca contents of waste water, there is only little CaC03 precipitation and a low increase of the percentage of exchangeable sodium (ESP) in the soil top layer. The nitrification of the ammonium of wastewater (mean 190 mg/L in Pikine) produces protons, which are not any more buffered by bicarbonates exported out of the soil profile, which leads to a net decline of soil pH. Both soils irrigated with untreated wastewater and brackish water store less of C and Ν than soils irrigated with non saline groundwater.The assessment of the impact of land use on the shallow groundwater (chapter 3) allowed determining representative tracers of the land use. Low Br/CI ratio, high NO3/CI ratio and low δ1βΟ- nitrate indicated the influence of wastewater; high pH and high 515N-nitrates indicated the influence of brackish water together with high amendments of organic fertilizers; high Rb+Cr and Κ indicated the influence of poor sanitation facilities in periurban districts (septic tank leakage). This chapter also pointed out the following facts about the nitrogen dynamics : (1) denitrification is a key-process in the Dakar UA agrosystem in the gleysols irrigated with groundwater. The underlying groundwater is almost nitrate free. (2) in the Gleysols irrigated with waste water, ammonium inhibits denitrification but facilitate ammoniac volatilization. A comparison of nitrogen balance between the UA agrosystem and the periurban districts of Dakar (chapter 4) revealed similar flows per surface unit, namely 2-4 tons Ν / ha / year.The evaluation of pesticides use in the UA agrosystem and the risk assessment for the groundwater (chapter 5) revealed a total flow of pesticides of 60kg / ha / year, totalizing 15 active substances. Only two of these are authorized by the Sahelian Pesticides Committee. The most used pesticides are dicofol (organochlorinated), methamidophos, dimethoate and fenithrotion (organophosphate) as well as methomyl. (carbamate). The most important flows vary between 9 to 7 kg / ha / year. Pesticides with a high risk of groundwater contamination - according to SIRIS and EPRIP 2 indicators - are: carbofuran, dimethoate, ethoprophos and methomyl. These substances should be established as a priority for an analytical follow-up in the different environmental compartments.In conclusion, a better management of the fertilization is necessary in the Dakar UA, (1) to reduce the gaseous losses which contribute to greenhouse emissions (2) to slow down the mineralization of the organic carbon and the nitrogen, in order to enhance the C and Ν stock in these soils, (3) to limit the nitrate leaching in the groundwater and finally, 4) to increase the N-use efficiency of plants. An optimization of the irrigation scheme should limit the secondary sodisation if coupled with an increase the stable organic matter of the soil. An integrated or biologic crop pest strategy is urgently needed to minimize risks with respect to ground and surface water (ponds used for fishing).RESUME LARGE PUBLICL'agriculture mondiale connaît actuellement une crise majeure, affectée par les changements climatiques, la sécurité alimentaire et les dégradations de l'environnement. Elle n'a plus le rôle unique de produire, mais devient un élément essentiel de la protection des ressources naturelles et du paysage. Les politiques agricoles basées sur les marchés mondiaux devront se réorienter vers une agriculture locale basée sur le développement durable.La production alimentaire située dans l'enceinte des villes, nommée agriculture urbaine ou périurbaine (AU ci-après) joue un rôle important dans le contexte actuel d'accroissement de la population et de la pauvreté urbaines. L'AU concerne en effet la majorité des mégapoies du monde, fait vivre plus de 200 millions de personnes dans les pays du Sud, fournit jusqu'à 80% de la demande urbaine en certains produits frais, fait barrière à l'extension urbaine et permet un recyclage de certains déchets urbains. L'AU a pour particularité d'être à cheval entre des politiques rurales et urbaines, d'où un délaissement ce cette activité au secteur informel. Ce qui a développé de nombreuses stratégies à risques, comme à Dakar, où les petits producteurs périurbains irriguent quotidiennement avec des eaux usées domestiques par manque d'accès à une eau de bonne qualité et pour raccourcir les cycles de production. L'extrême précarité foncière des acteurs de l'AU de Dakar les empêchent d'investir à long terme et induit des pratiques inadéquates d'irrigation, d'usage de pesticides et de fertilisation de ces sols sableux.L'objectif de cette recherche était de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des processus de transfert de polluants et du cycle des nutriments à l'échelle des parcelles cultivées par des eaux usées et des eaux saumâtres, afin de déterminer sous quelles conditions l'AU de Dakar peut être pratiquée et surtout maintenue sans porter atteinte à la santé et à l'environnement. Pour cela, une approche basée sur l'étude des processus géochimiques dans le sol jusqu'à la nappe a été choisie, à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et à une échelle un peu plus large de la zone périurbaine de Dakar pour déterminer les influences du type d'occupation du sol.Les résultats principaux de cette étude ont montré que (1) il y a un processus de salinisation anthropique des sols (sodisation) lors d'irrigation avec des eaux de nappe saumâtres, un processus accentué en saison sèche et lors d'années à pluviométrie déficitaire. Bien que les eaux usées soient aussi salines que les eaux de nappe, la salinisation des sols irrigués' par des eaux usées est limitée par l'ammonium présent dans les eaux usées (moy 190mg NH4/L à Pikine) qui produit de l'acidité lors de la transformation en nitrates dans le sol (nitrification). (2) les sols irrigués par des eaux usées (EU) stockent moins de C et Ν que les sois de référence, ce qui montrent bien que l'azote des eaux usées n'est pas disponible pour les plantes, mais est lessivé dans la nappe (100 à 450 mg/L N03 sous irrigation par EU, alors que la limite de OMS est de 50mg/L). (3) l'utilisation des isotopes stables des nitrates et des éléments traces, notamment le bore et le brome, ont permis de distinguer l'influence de l'irrigation par des eaux usées, de l'irrigation par des eaux de nappe et des lixiviats de fosses septiques sur les propriétés de la nappe. (4) Le processus de la dénitrification (atténuation naturelle des concentrations en nitrates de la nappe par biotransformation en azote gazeux) est important dans les zones basses de l'agrosystème périurbain de Dakar, sous irrigation par eaux naturelles (ΝΟ3 < 50mg/L). Tandis que sous habitat sans assainissement adéquat, les nitrates atteignent 300 à 700 mg/L. (5) Le flux total de pesticides dans l'AU est énorme (60kg/ha/an) totalisant 15 pesticides, dont deux seulement sont autorisés. Les pesticides les plus utilisés sont des insecticides organophosphorés et organochlorés classés extrêmement dangereux à dangereux par l'OMS, appliqués à des doses de 2 à 9 kg/ha/an. Les pesticides qui ont montré un risque élevé de contamination des eaux souterraines avec les indicateurs SIRIS et EPRIP2 sont : le carbofuran, le dimethoate, l'ethoprophos et le methomyl.En conclusion, nous recommandons la reconstitution d'un horizon superficiel des sols riche en matière organique stable et structuré par production locale de compost. Cette mesure réduira les pertes gazeuses contribuant à l'effet de serre, augmentera le stock de Ν dans ces sols, alors utilisable par les plantes et permettra de diminuer l'irrigation car la capacité de rétention de l'eau dans le sol sera accru, ce qui limitera le lessivage des nitrates dans la nappe et l'alcalinisation secondaire. Enfin, la mise en place d'une lutte intégrée ou biologique contre les ravageurs est indispensable afin de minimiser les risques pour les eaux souterraines et lesmares permanentes.


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Due to the existence of free software and pedagogical guides, the use of data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been further democratized in recent years. Nowadays, it is quite usual for practitioners and decision makers with no or little knowledge in operational research to run themselves their own efficiency analysis. Within DEA, several alternative models allow for an environment adjustment. Five alternative models, each of them easily accessible to and achievable by practitioners and decision makers, are performed using the empirical case of the 90 primary schools of the State of Geneva, Switzerland. As the State of Geneva practices an upstream positive discrimination policy towards schools, this empirical case is particularly appropriate for an environment adjustment. The alternative of the majority of DEA models deliver divergent results. It is a matter of concern for applied researchers and a matter of confusion for practitioners and decision makers. From a political standpoint, these diverging results could lead to potentially opposite decisions. Grâce à l'existence de logiciels en libre accès et de guides pédagogiques, la méthode data envelopment analysis (DEA) s'est démocratisée ces dernières années. Aujourd'hui, il n'est pas rare que les décideurs avec peu ou pas de connaissances en recherche opérationnelle réalisent eux-mêmes leur propre analyse d'efficience. A l'intérieur de la méthode DEA, plusieurs modèles permettent de tenir compte des conditions plus ou moins favorables de l'environnement. Cinq de ces modèles, facilement accessibles et applicables par les décideurs, sont utilisés pour mesurer l'efficience des 90 écoles primaires du canton de Genève, Suisse. Le canton de Genève pratiquant une politique de discrimination positive envers les écoles défavorisées, ce cas pratique est particulièrement adapté pour un ajustement à l'environnement. La majorité des modèles DEA génèrent des résultats divergents. Ce constat est préoccupant pour les chercheurs appliqués et perturbant pour les décideurs. D'un point de vue politique, ces résultats divergents conduisent à des prises de décision différentes selon le modèle sur lequel elles sont fondées.


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Executive Order 17, signed by Governor Chester J. Culver on September 25, 2009, emphasizes revitalization of historic properties and cultural and entertainment districts and also supports safe and healthy work places, sustainable design and cost effective use of state resources. Specifically, the Executive Order requires that State entities managing or leasing real estate on behalf of the State shall give priority to the needs of public entities and the populations they serve consistent with the cost effective use of state revenues. It also indicates that existing resources and facilities shall be used where adequate, cost competitive and appropriate for efficient and effective current state operations.


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This document summarizes the discussions and findings of a workshop held in Arlington, VA, on September 5, 2007. The objective of the meeting was to provide national direction on areas of priority interest and collaboration between industry and public agencies specifically for applications of nanotechnology to cement and concrete.


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The safe and responsible development of engineered nanomaterials (ENM), nanotechnology-based materials and products, together with the definition of regulatory measures and implementation of "nano"-legislation in Europe require a widely supported scientific basis and sufficient high quality data upon which to base decisions. At the very core of such a scientific basis is a general agreement on key issues related to risk assessment of ENMs which encompass the key parameters to characterise ENMs, appropriate methods of analysis and best approach to express the effect of ENMs in widely accepted dose response toxicity tests. The following major conclusions were drawn: Due to high batch variability of ENMs characteristics of commercially available and to a lesser degree laboratory made ENMs it is not possible to make general statements regarding the toxicity resulting from exposure to ENMs. 1) Concomitant with using the OECD priority list of ENMs, other criteria for selection of ENMs like relevance for mechanistic (scientific) studies or risk assessment-based studies, widespread availability (and thus high expected volumes of use) or consumer concern (route of consumer exposure depending on application) could be helpful. The OECD priority list is focussing on validity of OECD tests. Therefore source material will be first in scope for testing. However for risk assessment it is much more relevant to have toxicity data from material as present in products/matrices to which men and environment are be exposed. 2) For most, if not all characteristics of ENMs, standardized methods analytical methods, though not necessarily validated, are available. Generally these methods are only able to determine one single characteristic and some of them can be rather expensive. Practically, it is currently not feasible to fully characterise ENMs. Many techniques that are available to measure the same nanomaterial characteristic produce contrasting results (e.g. reported sizes of ENMs). It was recommended that at least two complementary techniques should be employed to determine a metric of ENMs. The first great challenge is to prioritise metrics which are relevant in the assessment of biological dose response relations and to develop analytical methods for characterising ENMs in biological matrices. It was generally agreed that one metric is not sufficient to describe fully ENMs. 3) Characterisation of ENMs in biological matrices starts with sample preparation. It was concluded that there currently is no standard approach/protocol for sample preparation to control agglomeration/aggregation and (re)dispersion. It was recommended harmonization should be initiated and that exchange of protocols should take place. The precise methods used to disperse ENMs should be specifically, yet succinctly described within the experimental section of a publication. 4) ENMs need to be characterised in the matrix as it is presented to the test system (in vitro/ in vivo). 5) Alternative approaches (e.g. biological or in silico systems) for the characterisation of ENMS are simply not possible with the current knowledge. Contributors: Iseult Lynch, Hans Marvin, Kenneth Dawson, Markus Berges, Diane Braguer, Hugh J. Byrne, Alan Casey, Gordon Chambers, Martin Clift, Giuliano Elia1, Teresa F. Fernandes, Lise Fjellsbø, Peter Hatto, Lucienne Juillerat, Christoph Klein, Wolfgang Kreyling, Carmen Nickel1, and Vicki Stone.


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In 2012, the Iowa legislature passed a bill for an act relating to school bus safety, including providing penalties for failure to obey school bus warning lamps and stop signal arms, providing for a school bus safety study and administrative remedies, and making an appropriation. The bill, referred to as Iowa Senate File (SF) 2218 or “Kadyn’s Law,” became effective March 16, 2012. A multiagency committee addressed three specific safety study elements of Kadyn’s Law as follows: * Use of cameras mounted on school buses to enhance the safety of children riding the buses and aid in enforcement of motor vehicle laws pertaining to stop-arm violations * Feasibility of requiring school children to be picked up and dropped off on the side of the road on which their home is located * Inclusion of school bus safety as a priority in driver training curriculum This report summarizes the findings for each of these topics.


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Iowa has experienced remarkable progress in the past four years as the state has pursued a vision of becoming the nation’s energy leader. One of the most profound changes over this time has been a richer understanding of the economic future that can be created in Iowa by adding “Made in Iowa” alternatives to our nation’s energy mix. Built around a strong commitment to transforming our economy through innovation, collaboration, and implementation in the energy industry, the role of the Office of Energy Independence (Office) is to bring together the essential prerequisites for maintaining the long-term health and economic growth of our state. What is clearer than ever before is Iowa cannot achieve success if any entity chooses to pursue these goals independently. Rather, success requires that we consistently work to achieve our goals through integrated initiatives that place a high priority on moving us forward simultaneously, and on multiple fronts. Success is what our citizens expect from a leading state in the energy industry whose actions carry such far-reaching implications for the economy and the environment.


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The 2012 Annual Report of the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission is committed to maintaining a vibrant racing and gaming industry that provides economic growth and development for the State of Iowa while continuing to promote responsible gaming and ensuring continued participation in the "Buy Iowa First" Program. As always, the integrity of the racing and gaming industry in Iowa remains as our highest priority.


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Over the last several years, lawmakers have been responding to several highly publicized child abduction, assault and murder cases. While such cases remain rare in Iowa, the public debates they have generated are having far-reaching effects. Policy makers are responsible for controlling the nature of such effects. Challenges they face stem from the need to avoid primarily politically-motivated responses and the desire to make informed decisions that recognize both the strengths and the limitations of the criminal justice system as a vehicle for promoting safe and healthy families and communities. Consensus was reached by the Task Force at its first meeting that one of its standing goals is to provide nonpartisan guidance to help avoid or fix problematic sex offense policies and practices. Setting this goal was a response to the concern over what can result from elected officials’ efforts to respond to the types of sex offender-related concerns that can easily become emotionally laden and politically charged due to the universally held abhorrence of sex crimes against children. The meetings of the Task Force and the various work groups it has formed have included some spirited and perhaps emotionally charged discussions, despite the above-stated ground rule. However, as is described in the report, the Task Force’s first set of recommendations and plans for further study were approved through consensus. It is hoped that in upcoming legislative deliberations, it will be remembered that the non-legislative members of the Task Force all agreed on the recommendations contained in this report. The topics discussed in this first report from the Task Force are limited to the study issues specifically named in H.F. 619, the Task Force’s enabling legislation. However, other topics of concern were discussed by the Task Force because of their immediacy or because of their possible relationships with one or more of the Task Force’s mandated study issues. For example, it has been reported by some probation/parole officers and others that the 2000 feet rule has had a negative influence on treatment participation and supervision compliance. While such concerns were noted, the Task Force did not take it upon itself to investigate them at this time and thus broaden the agenda it was given by the General Assembly last session. As a result, the recently reinstated 2000 feet rule, the new cohabitation/child endangerment law and other issues of interest to Task Force members but not within the scope of their charge are not discussed in the body of this report. An issue of perhaps the greatest interest to most Task Force members that was not a part of their charge was a belief in the benefit of viewing Iowa’s efforts to protect children from sex crimes with as comprehensive a platform as possible. It has been suggested that much more can be done to prevent child-victim sex crimes than would be accomplished by only concentrating on what to do with offenders after a crime has occurred. To prevent child victimization, H.F. 619 policy provisions rely largely on incapacitation and future deterrent effects of increased penalties, more restrictive supervision practices and greater public awareness of the risk presented by a segment of Iowa’s known sex offenders. For some offenders, these policies will no doubt prevent future sex crimes against children, and the Task Force has begun long-term studies to look for the desired results and for ways to improve such results through better supervision tools and more effective offender treatment. Unfortunately, much of the effects from the new policies may primarily influence persons who have already committed sex offenses against minors and who have already been caught doing so. Task Force members discussed the need for a range of preventive efforts and a need to think about sex crimes against children from other than just a “reaction- to-the-offender” perspective. While this topic is not addressed in the report that follows, it was suggested that some of the Task Force’s discussions could be briefly shared through these opening comments. Along with incapacitation and deterrence, comprehensive approaches to the prevention of child-victim sex crimes would also involve making sure parents have the tools they need to detect signs of adults with sex behavior problems, to help teach their children about warning signs and to find the support they need for healthy parenting. School, faithbased and other community organizations might benefit from stronger supports and better tools they can use to more effectively promote positive youth development and the learning of respect for others, respect for boundaries and healthy relationships. All of us who have children, or who live in communities where there are children, need to understand the limitations of our justice system and the importance of our own ability to play a role in preventing sexual abuse and protecting children from sex offenders, which are often the child’s own family members. Over 1,000 incidences of child sexual abuse are confirmed or founded each year in Iowa, and most such acts take place in the child’s home or the residence of the caretaker of the child. Efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and to provide for early interventions with children and families at risk could be strategically examined and strengthened. The Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force was established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction for adjusting its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be adjusted to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Task Force considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.


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Over the last several years, lawmakers have been responding to several highly publicized child abduction, assault and murder cases. While such cases remain rare in Iowa, the public debates they have generated are having far-reaching effects. Policy makers are responsible for controlling the nature of such effects. Challenges they face stem from the need to avoid primarily politically-motivated responses and the desire to make informed decisions that recognize both the strengths and the limitations of the criminal justice system as a vehicle for promoting safe and healthy families and communities. Consensus was reached by the Task Force at its first meeting that one of its standing goals is to provide nonpartisan guidance to help avoid or fix problematic sex offense policies and practices. Setting this goal was a response to the concern over what can result from elected officials’ efforts to respond to the types of sex offender-related concerns that can easily become emotionally laden and politically charged due to the universally held abhorrence of sex crimes against children. The meetings of the Task Force and the various work groups it has formed have included some spirited and perhaps emotionally charged discussions, despite the above-stated ground rule. However, as is described in the report, the Task Force’s first set of recommendations and plans for further study were approved through consensus. It is hoped that in upcoming legislative deliberations, it will be remembered that the non-legislative members of the Task Force all agreed on the recommendations contained in this report. The topics discussed in this first report from the Task Force are limited to the study issues specifically named in H.F. 619, the Task Force’s enabling legislation. However, other topics of concern were discussed by the Task Force because of their immediacy or because of their possible relationships with one or more of the Task Force’s mandated study issues. For example, it has been reported by some probation/parole officers and others that the 2000 feet rule has had a negative influence on treatment participation and supervision compliance. While such concerns were noted, the Task Force did not take it upon itself to investigate them at this time and thus broaden the agenda it was given by the General Assembly last session. As a result, the recently reinstated 2000 feet rule, the new cohabitation/child endangerment law and other issues of interest to Task Force members but not within the scope of their charge are not discussed in the body of this report. An issue of perhaps the greatest interest to most Task Force members that was not a part of their charge was a belief in the benefit of viewing Iowa’s efforts to protect children from sex crimes with as comprehensive a platform as possible. It has been suggested that much more can be done to prevent child-victim sex crimes than would be accomplished by only concentrating on what to do with offenders after a crime has occurred. To prevent child victimization, H.F. 619 policy provisions rely largely on incapacitation and future deterrent effects of increased penalties, more restrictive supervision practices and greater public awareness of the risk presented by a segment of Iowa’s known sex offenders. For some offenders, these policies will no doubt prevent future sex crimes against children, and the Task Force has begun long-term studies to look for the desired results and for ways to improve such results through better supervision tools and more effective offender treatment. Unfortunately, much of the effects from the new policies may primarily influence persons who have already committed sex offenses against minors and who have already been caught doing so. Task Force members discussed the need for a range of preventive efforts and a need to think about sex crimes against children from other than just a “reaction- to-the-offender” perspective. While this topic is not addressed in the report that follows, it was suggested that some of the Task Force’s discussions could be briefly shared through these opening comments. Along with incapacitation and deterrence, comprehensive approaches to the prevention of child-victim sex crimes would also involve making sure parents have the tools they need to detect signs of adults with sex behavior problems, to help teach their children about warning signs and to find the support they need for healthy parenting. School, faithbased and other community organizations might benefit from stronger supports and better tools they can use to more effectively promote positive youth development and the learning of respect for others, respect for boundaries and healthy relationships. All of us who have children, or who live in communities where there are children, need to understand the limitations of our justice system and the importance of our own ability to play a role in preventing sexual abuse and protecting children from sex offenders, which are often the child’s own family members. Over 1,000 incidences of child sexual abuse are confirmed or founded each year in Iowa, and most such acts take place in the child’s home or the residence of the caretaker of the child. Efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and to provide for early interventions with children and families at risk could be strategically examined and strengthened. The Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force was established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction for adjusting its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be adjusted to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Task Force considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.


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Over the last several years, lawmakers have been responding to several highly publicized child abduction, assault and murder cases. While such cases remain rare in Iowa, the public debates they have generated are having far-reaching effects. Policy makers are responsible for controlling the nature of such effects. Challenges they face stem from the need to avoid primarily politically-motivated responses and the desire to make informed decisions that recognize both the strengths and the limitations of the criminal justice system as a vehicle for promoting safe and healthy families and communities. Consensus was reached by the Task Force at its first meeting that one of its standing goals is to provide nonpartisan guidance to help avoid or fix problematic sex offense policies and practices. Setting this goal was a response to the concern over what can result from elected officials’ efforts to respond to the types of sex offender-related concerns that can easily become emotionally laden and politically charged due to the universally held abhorrence of sex crimes against children. The meetings of the Task Force and the various work groups it has formed have included some spirited and perhaps emotionally charged discussions, despite the above-stated ground rule. However, as is described in the report, the Task Force’s first set of recommendations and plans for further study were approved through consensus. It is hoped that in upcoming legislative deliberations, it will be remembered that the non-legislative members of the Task Force all agreed on the recommendations contained in this report. The topics discussed in this first report from the Task Force are limited to the study issues specifically named in H.F. 619, the Task Force’s enabling legislation. However, other topics of concern were discussed by the Task Force because of their immediacy or because of their possible relationships with one or more of the Task Force’s mandated study issues. For example, it has been reported by some probation/parole officers and others that the 2000 feet rule has had a negative influence on treatment participation and supervision compliance. While such concerns were noted, the Task Force did not take it upon itself to investigate them at this time and thus broaden the agenda it was given by the General Assembly last session. As a result, the recently reinstated 2000 feet rule, the new cohabitation/child endangerment law and other issues of interest to Task Force members but not within the scope of their charge are not discussed in the body of this report. An issue of perhaps the greatest interest to most Task Force members that was not a part of their charge was a belief in the benefit of viewing Iowa’s efforts to protect children from sex crimes with as comprehensive a platform as possible. It has been suggested that much more can be done to prevent child-victim sex crimes than would be accomplished by only concentrating on what to do with offenders after a crime has occurred. To prevent child victimization, H.F. 619 policy provisions rely largely on incapacitation and future deterrent effects of increased penalties, more restrictive supervision practices and greater public awareness of the risk presented by a segment of Iowa’s known sex offenders. For some offenders, these policies will no doubt prevent future sex crimes against children, and the Task Force has begun long-term studies to look for the desired results and for ways to improve such results through better supervision tools and more effective offender treatment. Unfortunately, much of the effects from the new policies may primarily influence persons who have already committed sex offenses against minors and who have already been caught doing so. Task Force members discussed the need for a range of preventive efforts and a need to think about sex crimes against children from other than just a “reaction- to-the-offender” perspective. While this topic is not addressed in the report that follows, it was suggested that some of the Task Force’s discussions could be briefly shared through these opening comments. Along with incapacitation and deterrence, comprehensive approaches to the prevention of child-victim sex crimes would also involve making sure parents have the tools they need to detect signs of adults with sex behavior problems, to help teach their children about warning signs and to find the support they need for healthy parenting. School, faithbased and other community organizations might benefit from stronger supports and better tools they can use to more effectively promote positive youth development and the learning of respect for others, respect for boundaries and healthy relationships. All of us who have children, or who live in communities where there are children, need to understand the limitations of our justice system and the importance of our own ability to play a role in preventing sexual abuse and protecting children from sex offenders, which are often the child’s own family members. Over 1,000 incidences of child sexual abuse are confirmed or founded each year in Iowa, and most such acts take place in the child’s home or the residence of the caretaker of the child. Efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and to provide for early interventions with children and families at risk could be strategically examined and strengthened. The Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force was established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction for adjusting its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be adjusted to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Task Force considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.


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Over the last several years, lawmakers have been responding to several highly publicized child abduction, assault and murder cases. While such cases remain rare in Iowa, the public debates they have generated are having far-reaching effects. Policy makers are responsible for controlling the nature of such effects. Challenges they face stem from the need to avoid primarily politically-motivated responses and the desire to make informed decisions that recognize both the strengths and the limitations of the criminal justice system as a vehicle for promoting safe and healthy families and communities. Consensus was reached by the Task Force at its first meeting that one of its standing goals is to provide nonpartisan guidance to help avoid or fix problematic sex offense policies and practices. Setting this goal was a response to the concern over what can result from elected officials’ efforts to respond to the types of sex offender-related concerns that can easily become emotionally laden and politically charged due to the universally held abhorrence of sex crimes against children. The meetings of the Task Force and the various work groups it has formed have included some spirited and perhaps emotionally charged discussions, despite the above-stated ground rule. However, as is described in the report, the Task Force’s first set of recommendations and plans for further study were approved through consensus. It is hoped that in upcoming legislative deliberations, it will be remembered that the non-legislative members of the Task Force all agreed on the recommendations contained in this report. The topics discussed in this first report from the Task Force are limited to the study issues specifically named in H.F. 619, the Task Force’s enabling legislation. However, other topics of concern were discussed by the Task Force because of their immediacy or because of their possible relationships with one or more of the Task Force’s mandated study issues. For example, it has been reported by some probation/parole officers and others that the 2000 feet rule has had a negative influence on treatment participation and supervision compliance. While such concerns were noted, the Task Force did not take it upon itself to investigate them at this time and thus broaden the agenda it was given by the General Assembly last session. As a result, the recently reinstated 2000 feet rule, the new cohabitation/child endangerment law and other issues of interest to Task Force members but not within the scope of their charge are not discussed in the body of this report. An issue of perhaps the greatest interest to most Task Force members that was not a part of their charge was a belief in the benefit of viewing Iowa’s efforts to protect children from sex crimes with as comprehensive a platform as possible. It has been suggested that much more can be done to prevent child-victim sex crimes than would be accomplished by only concentrating on what to do with offenders after a crime has occurred. To prevent child victimization, H.F. 619 policy provisions rely largely on incapacitation and future deterrent effects of increased penalties, more restrictive supervision practices and greater public awareness of the risk presented by a segment of Iowa’s known sex offenders. For some offenders, these policies will no doubt prevent future sex crimes against children, and the Task Force has begun long-term studies to look for the desired results and for ways to improve such results through better supervision tools and more effective offender treatment. Unfortunately, much of the effects from the new policies may primarily influence persons who have already committed sex offenses against minors and who have already been caught doing so. Task Force members discussed the need for a range of preventive efforts and a need to think about sex crimes against children from other than just a “reaction- to-the-offender” perspective. While this topic is not addressed in the report that follows, it was suggested that some of the Task Force’s discussions could be briefly shared through these opening comments. Along with incapacitation and deterrence, comprehensive approaches to the prevention of child-victim sex crimes would also involve making sure parents have the tools they need to detect signs of adults with sex behavior problems, to help teach their children about warning signs and to find the support they need for healthy parenting. School, faithbased and other community organizations might benefit from stronger supports and better tools they can use to more effectively promote positive youth development and the learning of respect for others, respect for boundaries and healthy relationships. All of us who have children, or who live in communities where there are children, need to understand the limitations of our justice system and the importance of our own ability to play a role in preventing sexual abuse and protecting children from sex offenders, which are often the child’s own family members. Over 1,000 incidences of child sexual abuse are confirmed or founded each year in Iowa, and most such acts take place in the child’s home or the residence of the caretaker of the child. Efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and to provide for early interventions with children and families at risk could be strategically examined and strengthened. The Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force was established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction for adjusting its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be adjusted to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Task Force considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.


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Over the last several years, lawmakers have been responding to several highly publicized child abduction, assault and murder cases. While such cases remain rare in Iowa, the public debates they have generated are having far-reaching effects. Policy makers are responsible for controlling the nature of such effects. Challenges they face stem from the need to avoid primarily politically-motivated responses and the desire to make informed decisions that recognize both the strengths and the limitations of the criminal justice system as a vehicle for promoting safe and healthy families and communities. Consensus was reached by the Task Force at its first meeting that one of its standing goals is to provide nonpartisan guidance to help avoid or fix problematic sex offense policies and practices. Setting this goal was a response to the concern over what can result from elected officials’ efforts to respond to the types of sex offender-related concerns that can easily become emotionally laden and politically charged due to the universally held abhorrence of sex crimes against children. The meetings of the Task Force and the various work groups it has formed have included some spirited and perhaps emotionally charged discussions, despite the above-stated ground rule. However, as is described in the report, the Task Force’s first set of recommendations and plans for further study were approved through consensus. It is hoped that in upcoming legislative deliberations, it will be remembered that the non-legislative members of the Task Force all agreed on the recommendations contained in this report. The topics discussed in this first report from the Task Force are limited to the study issues specifically named in H.F. 619, the Task Force’s enabling legislation. However, other topics of concern were discussed by the Task Force because of their immediacy or because of their possible relationships with one or more of the Task Force’s mandated study issues. For example, it has been reported by some probation/parole officers and others that the 2000 feet rule has had a negative influence on treatment participation and supervision compliance. While such concerns were noted, the Task Force did not take it upon itself to investigate them at this time and thus broaden the agenda it was given by the General Assembly last session. As a result, the recently reinstated 2000 feet rule, the new cohabitation/child endangerment law and other issues of interest to Task Force members but not within the scope of their charge are not discussed in the body of this report. An issue of perhaps the greatest interest to most Task Force members that was not a part of their charge was a belief in the benefit of viewing Iowa’s efforts to protect children from sex crimes with as comprehensive a platform as possible. It has been suggested that much more can be done to prevent child-victim sex crimes than would be accomplished by only concentrating on what to do with offenders after a crime has occurred. To prevent child victimization, H.F. 619 policy provisions rely largely on incapacitation and future deterrent effects of increased penalties, more restrictive supervision practices and greater public awareness of the risk presented by a segment of Iowa’s known sex offenders. For some offenders, these policies will no doubt prevent future sex crimes against children, and the Task Force has begun long-term studies to look for the desired results and for ways to improve such results through better supervision tools and more effective offender treatment. Unfortunately, much of the effects from the new policies may primarily influence persons who have already committed sex offenses against minors and who have already been caught doing so. Task Force members discussed the need for a range of preventive efforts and a need to think about sex crimes against children from other than just a “reaction- to-the-offender” perspective. While this topic is not addressed in the report that follows, it was suggested that some of the Task Force’s discussions could be briefly shared through these opening comments. Along with incapacitation and deterrence, comprehensive approaches to the prevention of child-victim sex crimes would also involve making sure parents have the tools they need to detect signs of adults with sex behavior problems, to help teach their children about warning signs and to find the support they need for healthy parenting. School, faithbased and other community organizations might benefit from stronger supports and better tools they can use to more effectively promote positive youth development and the learning of respect for others, respect for boundaries and healthy relationships. All of us who have children, or who live in communities where there are children, need to understand the limitations of our justice system and the importance of our own ability to play a role in preventing sexual abuse and protecting children from sex offenders, which are often the child’s own family members. Over 1,000 incidences of child sexual abuse are confirmed or founded each year in Iowa, and most such acts take place in the child’s home or the residence of the caretaker of the child. Efforts to prevent child sexual abuse and to provide for early interventions with children and families at risk could be strategically examined and strengthened. The Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force was established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction for adjusting its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be adjusted to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Task Force considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.