923 resultados para Pre-tensioning Structural Design
Bridges with deck supported on either sliding or elastomeric bearings are very common in mid-seismicity regions. Their main seismic vulnerabilities are related to the pounding of the deck against abutments or between the different deck elements. A simplified model of the longitudinal behavior of those bridges will allow to characterize the reaction forces developed during pounding using the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center framework formula. In order to ensure the general applicability of the results obtained, a large number of system parameter combinations will be considered. The heart of the formula is the identification of suitable intermediate variables. First, the pseudo acceleration spectral value for the fundamental period of the system (Sa(Ts)) will be used as an intensity measure (IM). This IM will result in a very large non-explained variability of the engineering demand parameter. A portion of this variability will be proved to be related to the relative content of high-frequency energy in the input motion. Two vector-valued IMs including a second parameter taking this energy content into account will then be considered. For both of them, a suitable form for the conditional intensity dependence of the response will be obtained. The question of which one to choose will also be analyzed. Finally, additional issues related to the IM will be studied: its applicability to pulse-type records, the validity of scaling records and the sufficiency of the IM.
The application of liquid metal technology in fusion devices requires R&D related to many phenomena: interaction between liquid metals and structural material as corrosion, erosion and passivation techniques; magneto-hydrodynamics; free surface fluid-dynamics and any other physical aspect that will be needed for their safe reliable operation. In particular, there is a significant shortage of experimental facilities dedicated to the development of the lithium technology. In the framework of the TECHNOFUSION project, an experimental laboratory devoted to the lithium technology development is proposed, in order to shed some light in the path to IFMIF and the design of chamber's first wall and divertors. The conceptual design foresee a development in two stages, the first one consisting on a material testing loop. The second stage proposes the construction of a mock-up of the IFMIF target that will allow to assess the behaviour of a free-surface lithium target under vacuum conditions. In this paper, such conceptual design is addressed.
The geometrical factors defining an adhesive joint are of great importance as its design greatly conditions the performance of the bonding. One of the most relevant geometrical factors is the thickness of the adhesive as it decisively influences the mechanical properties of the bonding and has a clear economic impact on the manufacturing processes or long runs. The traditional mechanical joints (riveting, welding, etc.) are characterised by a predictable performance, and are very reliable in service conditions. Thus, structural adhesive joints will only be selected in industrial applications demanding mechanical requirements and adverse environmental conditions if the suitable reliability (the same or higher than the mechanical joints) is guaranteed. For this purpose, the objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of the adhesive thickness on the mechanical behaviour of the joint and, by means of a statistical analysis based on Weibull distribution, propose the optimum thickness for the adhesive combining the best mechanical performance and high reliability. This procedure, which is applicable without a great deal of difficulty to other joints and adhesives, provides a general use for a more reliable use of adhesive bondings and, therefore, for a better and wider use in the industrial manufacturing processes.
The present work evaluates imperfections of precast concrete elements that do not meet the quality intended in design, gives rules and possible evaluation systems and offers recomendations for prevention, the effect the imperfections can have and actions for rectification. At last, the document should be read in conjunction with relevant codes and standards.
Critical infrastructures support everyday activities in modern societies, facilitating the exchange of services and quantities of various nature. Their functioning is the result of the integration of diverse technologies, systems and organizations into a complex network of interconnections. Benefits from networking are accompanied by new threats and risks. In particular, because of the increased interdependency, disturbances and failures may propagate and render unstable the whole infrastructure network. This paper presents a methodology of resilience analysis of networked systems of systems. Resilience generalizes the concept of stability of a system around a state of equilibrium, with respect to a disturbance and its ability of preventing, resisting and recovery. The methodology provides a tool for the analysis of off-equilibrium conditions that may occur in a single system and propagate through the network of dependencies. The analysis is conducted in two stages. The first stage of the analysis is qualitative. It identifies the resilience scenarios, i.e. the sequence of events, triggered by an initial disturbance, which include failures and the system response. The second stage is quantitative. The most critical scenarios can be simulated, for the desired parameter settings, in order to check if they are successfully handled, i.e recovered to nominal conditions, or they end into the network failure. The proposed methodology aims at providing an effective support to resilience-informed design.
This work proposes design energy spectra in terms of velocity, derived through linear dynamic analyses on Turkish registers and intended for regions with design peak acceleration 0.3 g or higher. In the long and mid period ranges the analyses are linear, taking profit of the rather insensitivity of the spectra to the structural parameters other than the fundamental period; in the short period range, the spectra are more sensitive to the structural parameters and nonlinear analyses would be required. The selected records are classified in eight groups according to the design input acceleration, the soil type, the earthquake magnitude and the near-source effects. For each of these groups, median and characteristic spectra are proposed (50% and 95% percentiles). These spectra have an initial linear growing branch in the short period range, a horizontal branch in the mid period range and a descending branch in the long period range.
The paths towards high efficiency multijunction solar cells operating inside real concentrators at ultra high concentration (>1000 suns) are described. The key addressed factors comprehend: 1) the development of an optimized tunnel junction with a high peak current density (240 A/cm2) to mitigate the non-uniform light profiles created by concentrators, 2) the inclusion of highly conductive semiconductor lateral layers to minimize the effects of the non-uniform light profiles in general, and the chromatic aberration in particular; and 3) an adequate design of reliability studies to test multijunction solar cells for real operation conditions in order to determine the fragile parts in the device and improve them. These challenges are faced by means of experimental and theoretical investigation using a quasi-3D distributed circuital model.
Nowadays CPV trends mostly based in lens parqueted flat modules, enable the separate design of the sun tracker. To enable this possibility a set of specifications is to be prescribed for the tracker design team, which take into account fundamental requisites such as the maximum service loads both permanent and variable, the sun tracking accuracy and the tracker structural stiffness required to maintain the CPV array acceptance angle loss below a certain threshold. In its first part this paper outlines the author’s approach to confront these issues. Next, a method is introduced to estimate the acceptance angle losses due to the tracker’s structural flexure, which in last instance relies in the computation of the minimum enclosing circle of a set of points in the plane. This method is also useful to simulate the drifts in the tracker’s pointing vector due to structural deformation as a function of the aperture orientation angle. Results of this method when applied to the design of a two axis CPV pedestal tracker are presented.
Los Sistemas de SHM o de monitorización de la integridad estructural surgen ante la necesidad de mejorar los métodos de evaluación y de test no destructivos convencionales. De esta manera, se puede tener controlado todo tipo de estructuras en las cuales su correcto estado o funcionamiento suponga un factor crítico. Un Sistema SHM permite analizar una estructura concreta capturando de manera periódica el estado de la integridad estructural, que en este proyecto se ha aplicado a estructuras aeronáuticas. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) es la denominación utilizada para definir una serie de equipos electrónicos para Sistemas SHM desarrollados por AERNOVA y los Grupos de Diseño Electrónico de las universidades UPV/EHU y UPM. Los dispositivos P.A.M.E.L.A. originalmente no cuentan con tecnología Wi-Fi, por lo que incorporan un módulo hardware independiente que se encarga de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, a los que se les denomina Nodos. Estos Nodos poseen un Sistema Operativo propio y todo lo necesario para administrar y organizar la red Mallada Wi-Fi. De esta manera se obtiene una red mallada inalámbrica compuesta por Nodos que interconectan los Sistemas SHM y que se encargan de transmitir los datos a los equipos que procesan los resultados adquiridos por P.A.M.E.L.A. Los Nodos son dispositivos empotrados que llevan instalados un firmware basado en una distribución de Linux para Nodos (o Routers), llamado Openwrt. Que para disponer de una red mallada necesitan de un protocolo orientado a este tipo de redes. Entre las opciones de protocolo más destacadas se puede mencionar: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking Advance), BMX (una versión de B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) y el DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Además de la existencia de protocolos orientados a las redes malladas, también hay organizaciones que se dedican a desarrollar firmware que los utilizan, como es el caso del firmware llamado Nightwing que utiliza BMX, Freifunk que utiliza OLSR o Potato Mesh que utiliza B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv. La ventaja de estos tres firmwares mencionados es que las agrupaciones que las desarrollan proporcionan las imágenes precompiladas del sistema,listas para cargarlas en distintos modelos de Nodos. En este proyecto se han instalado las imágenes en los Nodos y se han probado los protocolos BMX, OLSR y B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv. Concluyendo que la red gestionada por B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv era la que mejor rendimiento obtenía en cuanto a estabilidad y ancho de banda. Después de haber definido el protocolo a usar, se procedió a desarrollar una distribución basada en Openwrt, que utilice B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv para crear la red mallada, pero que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades del proyecto, ya que Nightwing, Freifunk y Potato Mesh no lo hacían. Además se implementan aplicaciones en lenguaje ANSI C y en LabVIEW para interactuar con los Nodos y los Sistemas SHM. También se procede a hacer alguna modificación en el Hardware de P.A.M.E.L.A. y del Nodo para obtener una mejor integración entre los dos dispositivos. Y por ultimo, se prueba la transferencia de datos de los Nodos en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems arise from the need of improving assessment methods and conventional nondestructive tests. Critical structures can be monitored using SHM. A SHM system analyzes periodically a specific structure capturing the state of structural integrity. The aim of this project is to contribute in the implementation of Mesh network for SHM system in aircraft structures. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) is the name for electronic equipment developed by AERNOVA, the Electronic Design Groups of university UPV/EHU and the Instrumentation and Applied Acoustics research group from UPM. P.A.M.E.L.A. devices were not originally equipped with Wi-Fi interface. In this project a separate hardware module that handles wireless communications (nodes) has been added. The nodes include an operating system for manage the Wi-Fi Mesh Network and they form the wireless mesh network to link SHM systems with monitoring equipment. Nodes are embedded devices with an installed firmware based on special Linux distribution used in routers or nodes, called OpenWRT. They need a Mesh Protocol to stablish the network. The most common protocols options are: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), BATMAN-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Advance), BMX (a version of BATMAN-Adv) AODV (Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to develope firmware using these Mesh Protocols, for instance: Nightwing uses BMX, Freifunk use OLSR and Potato Mesh uses BATMAN-Adv. The advantage of these three firmwares is that these groups develop pre-compiled images of the system ready to be loaded in several models of Nodes. In this project the images were installed in the nodes. In this way, BMX, OLSR and BATMAN-Adv have been tested. We conclude that the protocol BATMAN-Adv has better performance in terms of stability and bandwidth. After choosing the protocol, the objective was to develop a distribution based on OpenWRT, using BATMAN-Adv to create the mesh network. This distribution is fitted to the requirements of this project. Besides, in this project it has been developed applications in C language and LabVIEW to interact with the Nodes and the SHM systems. The project also address some modifications to the PAMELA hardware and the Node, for better integration between both elements. Finally, data transfer tests among the different nodes in different scenarios has been carried out.
La presente Tesis Doctoral se realizó con el fin de estimar conjuntamente la respuesta agronómica y fisiológica de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.), así como los efectos sobre la evolución de la maduración, composición y la calidad de la uva y del vino, bajo la aplicación de diferentes déficit hídricos en pre-envero y post-envero, dentro de un marco de referencia de cambio climático. La variación climática que prevén los estudios sobre el cambio climático, resulta un factor decisivo en la eficiencia del uso del agua en la vid. En zonas cálidas, las estrategias de cultivo del viñedo frente al cambio climático deben de ir dirigidas a atenuar sus efectos sobre el crecimiento y el desarrollo de la vid, haciéndose imprescindible el estudio pormenorizado del déficit hídrico como factor decisivo en la obtención de las uvas adecuadas, ya que son la clave indispensable para el éxito en la elaboración del vino, y de forma muy especial en los vinos enfocados a un sector de alta calidad. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en un viñedo comercial de Bodegas Licinia, en la Comunidad de Madrid, durante los años 2010 y 2011. La variedad estudiada fue Cabernet sauvignon / 41 B, plantada a un marco de plantación de 3 m x 1 m, con un guiado vertical de la vegetación. El dispositivo experimental fue totalmente al azar, y se establecieron 4 tratamientos experimentales con 4 grados de disponibilidad hídrica, déficit moderado continuo (T0,45-0,6), déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3), déficit severo después de envero (T0,45-0,3) y déficit severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). En cada tratamiento se distribuyeron 3 repeticiones. El año 2010 fue el más lluvioso de los años de ensayo, con 478 mm de precipitaciones anuales, lo que supuso 146 mm más que en el año 2011. Su distribución a lo largo del ciclo fue más homogénea en el año 2010, mientras que en 2011 las precipitaciones contabilizadas en el período de maduración de la uva fueron nulas. La temperatura media subió 0,9ºC en 2011, respecto a 2010 y en cuanto a la integral térmica eficaz, en 2011 se acumularon, desde el 1 de abril hasta el final de ciclo, 217 grados•día más que en 2010. El déficit hídrico en pre-envero, modificó notablemente el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción de cosecha de la parcela de ensayo, no así la fertilidad de las yemas. El tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6) obtuvo el mayor peso de baya, y los tratamientos con menor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3) registraron los mayores rendimientos de cosecha, mientras que las menores tasas de cuajado correspondieron al tratamiento con un déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3). La parcela de ensayo se caracterizó por un exceso de vigor y un alto crecimiento vegetativo. El pH del mosto se vio afectado por el déficit hídrico, disminuyendo su valor en el tratamiento de déficit hídrico severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). Organolépticamente, no se percibieron diferencias significativas en los vinos elaborados en función del déficit hídrico, y respecto a su composición físico-química, solo existieron diferencias en la concentración de ácido L-Málico, con mayores concentraciones en los tratamientos sin déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. El déficit hídrico modificó notablemente el color del vino, aumentando los valores de las coordenadas CIELAB a* y b*, la luminosidad (L*), croma (C*) y tonalidad (H*), para los tratamientos con un déficit severo en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6) y disminuyendo estas en el tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6). Del mismo modo, mediante el análisis de color por métodos tradicionales, IPT e IC de los vinos, aumentó en los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), respecto a los tratamientos de mayor disponibilidad (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). La concentración de taninos de la baya en vendimia, no se vio afectada por el déficit hídrico, aunque sí estuvo relacionada positivamente con el tamaño de las bayas. Organolépticamente, los hollejos del año 2011 resultaron con menor frescura, acidez, afrutado, sensación herbácea e intensidad tánica, aunque con mayor astringencia respecto a 2010. Las pepitas fueron más astringentes y aromáticas pero menos crujientes, sin llegar a los niveles de madurez del año 2010. El catador relacionó los taninos con la calidad del vino, asociándolos con un mayor cuerpo, acidez, intensidad, equilibrio gustativo, amargor y menor astringencia en la fase gustativa. La concentración de taninos en los vinos se vio favorecida con el déficit hídrico en pre-envero y post-envero. Los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0-0,6 y T0-0,3, obtuvieron las menores concentraciones de potasio en mostos y vinos. Las relaciones entre la concentración de potasio, ácido L-Málico y el porcentaje de color rojo puro (dA(%)) resultaron altamente significativas, de modo que las mayores tasas de potasio en el vino se asociaron a los valores más bajos de color rojo y a los mayores de ácido L-Málico. ABSTRACT The present Doctoral Thesis has been done in order to estimate the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) agronomic and physiologic performance or response as well as the impact in the grape and wine maturity, composition and quality evolution, with different water deficits. The variation in climate that the global warming studies for seen is a key factor for the grapevine water use efficiency. In warm areas the farming vineyards strategy to face the climatic change, should be focused on diminish the effects on the grapevine growth and development, so that the water deficit detailed analysis becomes decisive to obtain the appropriate grapes, that are the main subject for a successful wine production and especially for top quality wines. The trial was carried out in a commercial vineyard in Chinchón (Madrid), Licinia winery, during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. The grape variety studied was Cabernet Sauvignon grafted onto 41B with a vine spacing 3m x 1m trained as VSP. Experimental design consisted on 4 irrigation treatments with 3 replications totally randomized. Irrigation treatments were: moderate regulated deficit (T0,45-0,6), severe continuous deficit (T0-0,3), severe post-veraison deficit (T0,45-0,3) and severe pre veraison deficit (T0-0,6). The 2010 was rainier year than the 2011; Total annual rain in 2010 was 478 mm, which resulted in 146 mm more than in 2011. The distribution along the vine cycle was more homogeneous in the 2010, whereas precipitations in 2011 along the grape maturity period were nonexistent. The average temperature in 2011 was 0,9ºC higher than that of the 2010 and regarding to the thermal integral, in the 2011 from 1st April to the end of the growing cycle, was 217 degrees•day higher than that in 2010. Water deficit significantly modified the vegetative growth and yield but, it did not modified bud fertility. The treatment with the highest water availability (T0,45-0,6) got the highest berry size, the lowest berry set rates were found in the severe continuous deficit treatment (T0-0,3). The plot studied in this trial was characterized by both excessive vigour and vegetative growth. Water deficit modified the pH must by, reducing it in the severe water deficit during pre-veraison (T0-0,6). There were not differences in wine tasting between the water deficits treatments. Regarding to the physical-chemical composition, it only existed differences in the L-malic acid concentration, resulting higher concentrations in the water deficit pre-veraison treatments: T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. Water deficit significantly modified wine colour by, increasing the CIELAB coordinates a* and b*, the brightness (L*), croma (C*) and tonality (H*), in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), and reducing them in the in the moderate continuous water deficit ones (T0,45-0,6). By means of traditional wine colour parameters analyses, red colour percentage, TPI, they became higher in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), than in those with higher availability (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). At harvest, berry tannins concentrations was not affected by the water deficit although it did in a positive way, in the berry size. Berry tasting in 2011, resulted in a lower freshness, acidity, fruity, herbaceous flavour and tannic intensity, but with higher astringency respect to the 2010 season. Seeds, in 2011, were more astringent and aromatic as in the 2010, but less crunchy, without getting to the point of maturity. The taster linked the tannins to wine quality, associating them with a higher bodiest wine, acidity, intensity, taste balance, bitterness and with a lower astringency in the tasting stage. Treatments with a higher water deficit up to veraison T0-0,6 y T0-0,3 got less musts and wines potassium concentration. The relation between L-malic acid and the full red color percentage (dA(%)), were highly related, resulting the higher potassium content the lower wine quality.
Las uniones estructurales mecánicas y adhesivas requieren la combinación de un número importante de parámetros para la obtención de la continuidad estructural que exigen las condiciones de diseño. Las características de las uniones presentan importantes variaciones, ligadas a las condiciones de ejecución, tanto en uniones mecánicas como especialmente en uniones adhesivas y mixtas (unión mecánica y adhesiva, también conocidas como uniones híbridas). Las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones adhesivas dependen de la naturaleza y propiedades de los adhesivos y también de muchos otros parámetros que influyen directamente en el comportamiento de estas uniones. Algunos de los parámetros más significativos son: el acabado superficial de los materiales, área y espesor de la capa adhesiva, diseño adecuado, secuencia de aplicación, propiedades químicas de la superficie y preparación de los sustratos antes de aplicar el adhesivo. Los mecanismos de adhesión son complejos. En general, cada unión adhesiva solo puede explicarse considerando la actuación conjunta de varios mecanismos de adhesión. No existen adhesivos universales para un determinado material o aplicación, por lo que cada pareja sustrato-adhesivo requiere un particular estudio y el comportamiento obtenido puede variar, significativamente, de uno a otro caso. El fallo de una junta adhesiva depende del mecanismo cohesión-adhesión, ligado a la secuencia y modo de ejecución de los parámetros operacionales utilizados en la unión. En aplicaciones estructurales existen un número muy elevado de sistemas de unión y de posibles sustratos. En este trabajo se han seleccionado cuatro adhesivos diferentes (cianoacrilato, epoxi, poliuretano y silano modificado) y dos procesos de unión mecánica (remachado y clinchado). Estas uniones se han aplicado sobre chapas de acero al carbono en diferentes estados superficiales (chapa blanca, galvanizada y prepintada). Los parámetros operacionales analizados han sido: preparación superficial, espesor del adhesivo, secuencia de aplicación y aplicación de presión durante el curado. Se han analizado tanto las uniones individuales como las uniones híbridas (unión adhesiva y unión mecánica). La combinación de procesos de unión, sustratos y parámetros operacionales ha dado lugar a la preparación y ensayo de más de mil muestras. Pues, debido a la dispersión de resultados característica de las uniones adhesivas, para cada condición analizada se han ensayado seis probetas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido: El espesor de adhesivo utilizado es una variable muy importante en los adhesivos flexibles, donde cuanto menor es el espesor del adhesivo mayor es la resistencia mecánica a cortadura de la unión. Sin embargo en los adhesivos rígidos su influencia es mucho menor. La naturaleza de la superficie es fundamental para una buena adherencia del adhesivo al substrato, que repercute en la resistencia mecánica de la unión. La superficie que mejor adherencia presenta es la prepintada, especialmente cuando existe una alta compatibilidad entre la pintura y el adhesivo. La superficie que peor adherencia tiene es la galvanizada. La secuencia de aplicación ha sido un parámetro significativo en las uniones híbridas, donde los mejores resultados se han obtenido cuando se aplicaba primero el adhesivo y la unión mecánica se realizaba antes del curado del adhesivo. La aplicación de presión durante el curado se ha mostrado un parámetro significativo en los adhesivos con poca capacidad para el relleno de la junta. En los otros casos su influencia ha sido poco relevante. El comportamiento de las uniones estructurales mecánicas y adhesivas en cuanto a la resistencia mecánica de la unión puede variar mucho en función del diseño de dicha unión. La resistencia mecánica puede ser tan grande que falle antes el substrato que la unión. Las mejores resistencias se consiguen diseñando las uniones con adhesivo cianoacrilato, eligiendo adecuadamente las condiciones superficiales y operacionales, por ejemplo chapa blanca aplicando una presión durante el curado de la unión. La utilización de uniones mixtas aumenta muy poco o nada la resistencia mecánica, pero a cambio proporciona una baja dispersión de resultados, siendo destacable para la superficie galvanizada, que es la que presenta peor reproducibilidad cuando se realizan uniones sólo con adhesivo. Las uniones mixtas conducen a un aumento de la deformación antes de la rotura. Los adhesivos dan rotura frágil y las uniones mecánicas rotura dúctil. La unión mixta proporciona ductilidad a la unión. Las uniones mixtas también pueden dar rotura frágil, esto sucede cuando la resistencia del adhesivo es tres veces superior a la resistencia de la unión mecánica. Las uniones híbridas mejoran la rigidez de la junta, sobre todo se aprecia un aumento importante en las uniones mixtas realizadas con adhesivos flexibles, pudiendo decirse que para todos los adhesivos la rigidez de la unión híbrida es superior. ABSTRACT The mechanical and adhesive structural joints require the combination of a large number of parameters to obtain the structural continuity required for the design conditions. The characteristics of the junctions have important variations, linked to performance conditions, in mechanical joints as particular in mixed adhesive joints (mechanical and adhesive joints, also known as hybrid joints). The mechanical properties of the adhesive joints depend of the nature and properties of adhesives and also of many other parameters that directly influence in the behavior of these joints. Some of the most significant parameters are: the surface finished of the material, area and thickness of the adhesive layer, suitable design, and application sequence, chemical properties of the surface and preparation of the substrate before applying the adhesive. Adhesion mechanisms are complex. In general, each adhesive joint can only be explained by considering the combined action of several adhesions mechanisms. There aren’t universal adhesives for a given material or application, so that each pair substrate-adhesive requires a particular study and the behavior obtained can vary significantly from one to another case. The failure of an adhesive joint depends on the cohesion-adhesion mechanism, linked to the sequence and manner of execution of the operational parameters used in the joint. In the structural applications, there are a very high number of joining systems and possible substrates. In this work we have selected four different adhesives (cyanoacrylate, epoxy, polyurethane and silano modified) and two mechanical joining processes (riveting and clinching). These joints were applied on carbon steel with different types of surfaces (white sheet, galvanized and pre-painted). The operational parameters analyzed were: surface preparation, thickness of adhesive, application sequence and application of pressure during curing. We have analyzed individual joints both as hybrid joints (adhesive joint and mechanical joint). The combination of joining processes, substrates and operational parameters has resulted in the preparation and testing of over a thousand specimens. Then, due to the spread of results characteristic of adhesive joints, for each condition analyzed we have tested six samples. The results have been: The thickness of adhesive used is an important variable in the flexible adhesives, where the lower the adhesive thickness greater the shear strength of the joint. However in rigid adhesives is lower influence. The nature of the surface is essential for good adherence of the adhesive to the substrate, which affects the shear strength of the joint. The surface has better adherence is preprinted, especially when there is a high compatibility between the paint and the adhesive. The surface which has poor adherence is the galvanized. The sequence of application has been a significant parameter in the hybrid junctions, where the best results are obtained when applying first the adhesive and the mechanical joint is performed before cured of the adhesive. The application of pressure during curing has shown a significant parameter in the adhesives with little capacity for filler the joint. In other cases their influence has been less relevant. The behavior of structural mechanical and adhesive joints in the shear strength of the joint can vary greatly depending on the design of such a joint. The shear strength may be so large that the substrate fails before the joint. The best shear strengths are achieved by designing the junctions with cyanoacrylate adhesive, by selecting appropriately the surface and operating conditions, for example by white sheet applying a pressure during curing of the joint. The use of hybrid joints no increase shear strength, but instead provides a low dispersion of results, being remarkable for the galvanized surface, which is the having worst reproducibility when performed bonded joints. The hybrid joints leading to increased deformation before rupture. The joints witch adhesives give brittle fracture and the mechanics joints give ductile fracture. Hybrid joint provides ductility at the joint. Hybrid joint can also give brittle fracture, this happens when the shear strength of the adhesive is three times the shear strength of the mechanical joint. The hybrid joints improve stiffness of joint, especially seen a significant increase in hybrid joints bonding with flexible adhesives, can be said that for all the adhesives, the hybrid junction stiffness is higher.
Acquired brain injury (ABI) 1-2 refers to any brain damage occurring after birth. It usually causes certain damage to portions of the brain. ABI may result in a significant impairment of an individuals physical, cognitive and/or psychosocial functioning. The main causes are traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and brain tumors. The main consequence of ABI is a dramatic change in the individuals daily life. This change involves a disruption of the family, a loss of future income capacity and an increase of lifetime cost. One of the main challenges in neurorehabilitation is to obtain a dysfunctional profile of each patient in order to personalize the treatment. This paper proposes a system to generate a patient s dysfunctional profile by integrating theoretical, structural and neuropsychological information on a 3D brain imaging-based model. The main goal of this dysfunctional profile is to help therapists design the most suitable treatment for each patient. At the same time, the results obtained are a source of clinical evidence to improve the accuracy and quality of our rehabilitation system. Figure 1 shows the diagram of the system. This system is composed of four main modules: image-based extraction of parameters, theoretical modeling, classification and co-registration and visualization module.
This work proposes design energy spectra in terms of an equivalent velocity, intended for regions with design peak acceleration 0.3 g or higher. These spectra were derived through linear and nonlinear dynamic analyses on a number of selected Turkish strong ground motion records. In the long and mid period ranges the analyses are linear, given the relative insensitivity of the spectra to structural parameters other than the fundamental period; conversely, in the short period range, the spectra are more sensitive to the structural parameters and, hence, nonlinear analyses are required. The selected records are classified in eight groups with respect to soil type (stiff or soft soil), the severity of the earthquake in terms of surface magnitude Ms(Ms≤ 5.5 and Ms> 5.5) and the relevance of the near-source effects (impulsive or vibratory). For each of these groups, median and characteristic spectra are proposed; such levels would respectively correspond to 50 and 95 % percentiles. These spectra have an initial linear growing branch in the short period range, a horizontal branch in the mid period range and a descending branch in the long period range. Empirical criteria for estimating the hysteretic energy from the input energy are suggested. The proposed design spectra are compared with those obtained from other studies.
Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.
Numerical analysis is a suitable tool in the design of complex reinforced concrete structures under extreme impulsive loadings such as impacts or explosions at close range. Such events may be the result of terrorist attacks. Reinforced concrete is commonly used for buildings and infrastructures. For this reason, the ability to accurately run numerical simulations of concrete elements subjected to blast loading is needed. In this context, reliable constitutive models for concrete are of capital importance. In this research numerical simulations using two different constitutive models for concrete (Continuous Surface Cap Model and Brittle Damage Model) have been carried out using LS-DYNA. Two experimental benchmark tests have been taken as reference. The results of the numerical simulations with the aforementioned constitutive models show different abilities to accurately represent the structural response of the reinforced concrete elements studied.