991 resultados para Préville, 1721-1799.
O propósito desta dissertação é analisar o período no qual Almeida Garrett esteve em Bruxelas (1834-1836) como Encarregado de Negócios Estrangeiros e Cônsul Geral de Portugal. Para isso, serão tomadas como base as obras Garrett Memorias Biographicas (1881-1884) de Francisco Gomes de Amorim e A Lua de Bruxelas (2000) de Amadeu Lopes Sabino. Estas obras apresentam as dificuldades financeiras de Garrett, devido ao desprezo do governo português. A biografia é marcada pelo discurso moldado de Amorim, por causa da forte relação de amizade que teve com Garrett, sendo este seu pai literário. Já Sabino apresenta um romance centrado nessa temporada, misturando narrativa histórica, dados biográficos e ficção. Dessa forma, neste trabalho, os discursos serão comparados, explicitando o tom específico de cada um: ambos apresentam as relações do intelectual com o país e com a sociedade, em uma época de grandes mudanças; porém, Amorim guarda um certo verniz e silencia sobre alguns acontecimentos, principalmente relacionados ao casamento de Garrett. Sabino tem, nesse relacionamento com a esposa (Luísa Midosi), o teor do seu romance documentado, se pautando exatamente a partir do que Amorim deixa como enigma
This paper uses an industrial organization approach to trace the impact on Madeira Beach, Fla., and surrounding areas of a 1-month closure of the grouper fishery from 15 February 2001 to 15 March 2001. A proposed 2-month closure is also evaluated. This approach identifies the economic relationships in the industry based on both product and place. The empirical analysis measures the losses in employment and income, information that enriches social and anthropological research on fishery-dependent communities. The 1-month closure is estimated to have reduced annual catches landed in Madeira Beach by 9.7–10.1% and annual revenues by 9.3–11.5%. These reductions are associated with a direct loss of about 33 full-time (annualized) jobs and personal income losses between $8 and 12 million in Madeira Beach and Pinellas County over a 10-year period. If the closure occurs for 2 months, annual landings and revenues will be reduced an estimated 17–21% and 20–23%, respectively.
千里光族是菊科中最大的一个族,约含有120属3400多种,全世界分布。千里光族的族下分类与系统发育一直是菊科研究中的难点。Jeffrey&Chen(1984)和千里光亚族(7属)。自此以后,有关东亚款冬亚族的范畴、亚族内各属的系统位置与亲缘关系就成了千里光族系统学研究中争论的焦点,至今仍未有定论。陈艺(1997)在东亚款冬亚族内发表假橐吾属新属。根据Jeffrey&Chen(1984)的概念,东亚款冬亚族现含13属。东亚款冬亚族目前存在的系统学问题主要有:(1)毛冠菊属是否与款冬亚族内的款冬属及蜂斗菜属近缘;(2)狗舌草亚族所辖3属是否是款冬亚族的自然成员;(3)东亚款冬亚族13属的系统位置及其亲缘关系;(4)东亚款冬亚族的影响范畴。 针对上述问题,本文以发现新的系统学证据为主要目的,较为全面地研究了东亚款冬亚族及其相关类群的外部形态学,首次报道了18属45种植物的花部微观性状,19属64种105个居群的核形态学特征,10属15种植物花粉壁的超薄结构及13属28种植物花粉的外壁纹饰,3种植物的胚胎发育和6种植物的ITS基因序列;并对所获得的证据进行了比较与综合分支分析。根据所获系统学资料,对东亚款冬亚族的上述系统学问题进行了讨论。主要实验结果及结论总结如下。 1. 外部形态 较为全面地观察与分析了东亚款冬亚族及其相关类群外部形态性状及其演化趋势,指出根状茎分枝方式、幼叶出土性状、花部茎基部叶是否宿存、叶柄是否纤维状宿存、花序托空心或实心、花药基部结构等不被以前作者重视或忽视的形态学性状可能具有重要的系统学价值。外部形态上,毛冠菊属与千里光族内的千里光属与款冬属等类群没有亲缘关系,而与紫菀族存在一定的渊源;狗舌草亚族则介于千里光亚族和款冬亚族之间;东亚款冬亚族13属可依据外部形态划分为6个属群。 2. 花部微观性状 东亚款冬亚族及其相关类群的花部微观性状主要包括:花药顶端不育组织、花药药室内壁、花药基部、花药领、花柱分枝顶端、花柱毛被、花柱分枝内表面构型、果柄细胞列数等。花部微观性状研究表明:毛冠菊属似乎应作为紫菀族中的一个孤立属;狗舌草亚族在某些衍征上与千里光亚族接近,而它的原始性状则类似于款冬亚族;根据花部微观性状对东亚款冬亚族的13个属划分出的自然属群与形态性状分析所得结果基本一致。 3. 核形态学 毛冠菊属的染色体基数为x=9,与紫菀族相同:而与千里光族和旋覆花族的染色体x=10存在显著的区别。狗舌草亚族中新发现2n=24、60、72三个染色体数目,亚族内染色体基数之间的演化关系不清楚,利用染色体基数来探讨狗舌草亚族所辖属的系统位置和属间关系仍还比较困难。东亚款冬亚族的染色体基数主要有x=30、29、28、27、26;款冬亚族中普遍存在的染色体基数x=30可能有3种来源;核型可分为2A、3A、2B三大类型,虽然三种类型之间的染色体基数(x=30)有可能是不同起源的,但从整个千里光族来看,3A、2B应是较进化的类型。根据核形态学特征,东亚款冬亚族可分为款冬型、蟹甲草型和大吴风草型三类。在蟹甲草型染色体进化支上,存在染色体的非整倍性下降趋势。东亚款冬亚族存在的种内多倍性可能与不同的生境有关。 4. 花粉学 通过对东亚款冬亚族及其相关类群的花粉壁超微结构与扫描电镜观察,发现花粉壁超微结构存在“千里光型”和“向日葵型”两种类型。扫描电镜下,花粉外壁均为刺状纹饰,但在刺的长短、刺部是否膨大、刺基膨大上的纹饰以及刺基之间的纹饰等方面存在差别。毛冠菊属的花粉性状组合支持将其置于紫菀族中。狗舌草亚族的花粉性状与款冬亚族的有些属相似。款冬亚族各属的花粉生状组合所划分的属群与形态学、核形态学等方面的研究结果较为一致。 5. 胚胎学 款冬、掌裂橐吾和珠毛蟹甲草共同拥有药壁发育双子叶型;绒毡层发育属“The Comos bipinnatus”型;成熟花粉为3细胞型;单珠被,薄珠心,倒生胚珠;具发育相似的珠被绒毡层:胚橐发育4孢子型等胚胎学特征,但它们在胚囊发育方式、反足细胞数目、发殖物候上还存在区别。三属代表植物的胚胎学研究支持将它们作为同一亚族的成员。 6. 分子数据 利用本研究测得的华千里光属4种、狗舌草属1种和大吴风草属的ITS-1和ITS-2基因序列,结合从Genbank中得出的千里光族5属8种植物得ITS序列,用PAUP软件进行分析。研究结果表明,染色体基数、花粉超微结构、叶型和叶脉等性状在ITS分支图上存在趋同进化;华千里光属和狗舌草属不是单系群。并讨论了一些分类群的亲缘关系。 7. 分支分析 选择东亚款冬亚族和狗舌草亚族各属的代表种作为终端代表类群进行分支分析;分支分析表明染色体基数、与头状花序有关的性状、叶型及叶脉等性状存在较多的平行与逆转进化,而根状茎分枝类型、花部微观性状以及花粉性状则表现出较大的一致性。根据分支结果,作者认为应建立包括狗舌草亚族在内的广义东亚款冬亚族。 8. 系统学 毛冠菊属的性状组合支持将其置于紫菀族,排除在千里光族之外。广义东亚款冬亚族可分为7个属群:蟹甲草属群(包括蟹甲草属,华蟹甲草属,小蟹甲草属,兔儿伞属,蟹甲木属)、毛柱菊属群(毛柱菊属)、橐吾属群(包括橐吾属,垂头菊属,假橐吾属)、狗舌草属群(狗舌草属,华千里光属,羽叶千里光属)、多榔菊属群(多榔菊属)、大吴风草属群(大吴风草属)、款冬属群(款冬属,蜂斗菜属)。总结与讨论了各属群的系统位置、亲缘关系与存在的分类学问题。描述了华千里光属1新种。
摘要 "基于形态-地理学方法,通过野外调查,结合大量标本研究,在前人研究的基础上,对海南蕨类植物的分类进行了进一步修订;主要根据蕨类植物的现代地理分布,结合古生物学等有关资料,初步探讨了海南蕨类植物的区系性质与起源;根据IUCN2001年红色名录的等级和标准,对海南濒危蕨类植物的现状进行了初步评估,讨论了海南蕨类植物的受威胁原因,提出了有关保护的对策。主要结果如下: 1. 海南现有蕨类植物56科140属439个种及种下分类群(包括421种、15变种、2亚种和1变型),其中包括1个中国分布新记录和27个海南分布新记录,1新种――海南符藤蕨Teratophyllum hainanense;另有11个名称首次被处理为异名;澄清了海南假瘤蕨Phymatopteris hainanensis和圆顶假瘤蕨P. obtusa的模式问题,为滇桂三相蕨Ataxipteris dianguiensis、海南假瘤蕨P. hainanensis和浅杯鳞盖蕨Microlepia ampla指定了后选模式。 2. 海南蕨类区系具有以下特点:i. 以水龙骨科Polypodiaceae、金星蕨科Thelypteridaceae、铁角蕨科Aspleniaceae、叉蕨科Tectariaceae和观音座莲科Angiopteridaceae为表征科;ii. 明显的热带性质,科的97.5%、属的92.5%、种的83.6%为热带分布成分;iii. 很高的物种多样性与物种密度,但属内种系贫乏;iv. 与中南半岛的联系最为紧密,海南140个蕨类属中有136个与中南半岛共有,两地属的相似性系数达到87.2%;v. 海南蕨类区系就地起源于华夏古陆,起源时间可以追溯至早石炭世以前。 3. 海南439种蕨类(包括421种、15变种、2亚种和1变型)中,183种为常见蕨类,113种属于资料缺乏的种类(DD),47种属于近危(NT),53种属于易危(VU),37种属于濒危(EN),6种属于极危(CR)。海南的受威胁蕨类植物有96种,海南的绝大部分受威胁蕨类植物都生于保护区以内或得到有效保护的林区之内,已初步得到保护。导致海南96种蕨类受威胁的因素,除了植物本身的生物生态学特性和地理分布上的限制外,主要是人类活动的影响,特别是海南森林在上个世纪被大规模砍伐。为了保护这些受威胁植物,应加强保护区和林区的管理,实施就地保护,积极开展迁地保护和人工繁殖。 "
一种抗人免疫缺陷病毒I型(HIV-1)p24蛋白的单克隆抗体及其应用,属生物技术领域。单克隆抗体的免疫原为HIV-1B亚型p24基因工程重组蛋白;是由免疫小鼠的脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞融合产生的杂交瘤p3JB9、p5F1和p6F4细胞系分泌产生;属于免疫球蛋白IgG1型;与猴免疫缺陷病毒SIVAGM、猴逆转录D型病毒SRV交叉反应;与CCR5 嗜性病毒株HIVAda-M和耐药株HIV74V反应;p5F1和p6F4能与临床分离株HIVKM018反应,而 p3JB9不能与临床分离株HIVKM018反应。单克隆抗体可以与其它单克隆抗体或多克隆抗体组合,或可作放射性同位素、酶、荧光素化合物、化学发光化合物或胶体金属离子的标记,用于制备定性或定量检测各种体液、培养上清或细胞、组织中p24抗原的试剂。具有制备方法简单,效价高;单克隆抗体特异性强,灵敏度高。
Seaweeds have been used as food, medicine, fertilizers, soil conditioner and source of salt. Realizing the potentials of seaweeds, research and development thrusts have been geared towards improving and developing its product applications. Today, various applications of seaweeds have been developed and improved. The major success in the seaweed industry is the development of phycocolloids with the following specific applications: 1) agar; 2) carrageenans; and, 3) alginates.
In most recent substructuring methods, a fundamental role is played by the coarse space. For some of these methods (e.g. BDDC and FETI-DP), its definition relies on a 'minimal' set of coarse nodes (sometimes called corners) which assures invertibility of local subdomain problems and also of the global coarse problem. This basic set is typically enhanced by enforcing continuity of functions at some generalized degrees of freedom, such as average values on edges or faces of subdomains. We revisit existing algorithms for selection of corners. The main contribution of this paper consists of proposing a new heuristic algorithm for this purpose. Considering faces as the basic building blocks of the interface, inherent parallelism, and better robustness with respect to disconnected subdomains are among features of the new technique. The advantages of the presented algorithm in comparison to some earlier approaches are demonstrated on three engineering problems of structural analysis solved by the BDDC method.
Superimposed on the activation of the embryonic genome in the preimplantation mouse embryo is the formation of a transcriptionally repressive state during the two-cell stage. This repression appears mediated at the level of chromatin structure, because it is reversed by inducing histone hyperacetylation or inhibiting the second round of DNA replication. We report that of more than 200 amplicons analyzed by mRNA differential display, about 45% of them are repressed between the two-cell and four-cell stages. This repression is scored as either a decrease in amplicon expression that occurs between the two-cell and four-cell stages or on the ability of either trichostatin A tan inhibitor of histone deacetylases) or aphidicolin tan inhibitor of replicative DNA polymerases) to increase the level of amplicon expression. Results of this study also indicate that about 16% of the amplicons analyzed likely are novel genes whose sequence doesn't correspond to sequences in the current databases, whereas about 20% of the sequences expressed during this transition likely are repetitive sequences. Lastly, inducing histone hyperacetylation in the two-cell embryos inhibits cleavage to the four-cell stage. These results suggest that genome activation is global and relatively promiscuous and that a function of the transcriptionally repressive state is to dictate the appropriate profile of gene expression that is compatible with further development.