920 resultados para Powder-metallurgy


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The metastable phase diagram of the BCC-based ordering equilibria in the Ti-Fe system has been calculated using a truncated cluster expansion, through the combination of FP-LAPW and cluster variation method (CVM) in the irregular tetrahedron cluster approximation. The results are compared with phenomenological CVM assessments of the system and suggest that the value for the experimental formation enthalpy of the B2-TiFe compound should be significantly more negative than the currently assessed value. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Directional solidification of molten metallurgical-grade Si was carried out in a vertical Bridgman furnace. The effects of changing the mold velocity from 5 to 110 mu m seconds(-1) on the macrosegregation of impurities during solidification were investigated. The macrostructures of the cylindrical Si ingots obtained in the experiments consist mostly of columnar grains parallel to the ingot axis. Because neither cells nor dendrites can be observed on ingot samples, the absence of precipitated particles and the fulfillment of the constitutional supercooling criterion suggest a planar solid-liquid interface for mold velocities a parts per thousand currency sign10 mu m seconds(-1). Concentration profiles of several impurities were measured along the ingots, showing that their bottom and middle are purer than the metallurgical Si from which they solidified. At the ingot top, however, impurities accumulated, indicating the typical normal macrosegregation. When the mold velocity decreases, the macrosegregation and ingot purity increase, changing abruptly for a velocity variation from 20 to 10 mu m seconds(-1). A mathematical model of solute transport during solidification shows that, for mold velocities a parts per thousand yen20 mu m seconds(-1), macrosegregation is caused mainly by diffusion in a stagnant liquid layer assumed at the solid-liquid interface, whereas for lower velocities, macrosegregation increases as a result of more intense convective solute transport.


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Mechanical blocking of the columnar front during the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) is studied by quantitatively comparing the CET positions obtained with one stochastic model and two deterministic models for the unidirectional solidification of an Al-7 (wt pct) Si alloy. One of the deterministic models is based on the solutal blocking of the columnar front, whereas the other model is based on the mechanical blocking. The solutal-blocking model and the mechanical-blocking model with the traditional blocking fraction of 0.49 give columnar zones larger than those predicted with the stochastic model. When a blocking fraction of 0.2 is adopted, however, the agreement is very good for a range of nucleation undercoolings and number density of equiaxed grains. Therefore, changing the mechanical-blocking fraction in deterministic models from 0.49 to 0.2 seems to model more accurately the mechanical-blocking process that can lead to the CET.


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A multiphase deterministic mathematical model was implemented to predict the formation of the grain macrostructure during unidirectional solidification. The model consists of macroscopic equations of energy, mass, and species conservation coupled with dendritic growth models. A grain nucleation model based on a Gaussian distribution of nucleation undercoolings was also adopted. At some solidification conditions, the cooling curves calculated with the model showed oscillations (""wiggles""), which prevented the correct prediction of the average grain size along the structure. Numerous simulations were carried out at nucleation conditions where the oscillations are absent, enabling an assessment of the effect of the heat transfer coefficient on the average grain size and columnar-to-equiaxed transition.


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The electrochemical behaviour of a near-beta Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy for the application as implants was investigated in various solutions. The electrolytes used were 0.9 wt% NaCl solution, Hanks` solution and a culture medium known as minimum essential medium (MEM) composed of salts, vitamins and amino acids, all at 37 degrees C. The electrochemical behaviour was investigated by the following electrochemical techniques: open circuit potential measurements as a function of time, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and determination of polarisation curves. The obtained results showed that the Ti alloy was passive in all electrolytes. The EIS results were analysed using an equivalent electrical circuit representing a duplex structure oxide layer, composed of an inner barrier layer, mainly responsible for the alloy corrosion resistance, and an outer and porous layer that has been associated to osteointegration ability. The properties of both layers were dependent on the electrolyte used. The results suggested that the thickest porous layer is formed in the MEM solution whereas the impedance of the barrier layer formed in this solution was the lowest among the electrolytes used. The polarisation curves showed a current increase at potentials around 1300 mV versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE), and this increase was also dependent on the electrolyte used. The highest increase in current density was also associated to the MEM solution suggesting that this is the most aggressive electrolyte to the Ti alloy among the three tested solutions.


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The aim of this work is to study MnO reduction by solid carbon. The influence of size of carbon particles, slag basicity, and bath temperature on MnO reduction was investigated. Fine Manganese ore particles were used as a source of MnO. Three sizes of carbon particles were used; 0.230 mm, 0.162 mm and 0.057 mm, binary basicity of 1 and 1.5 and temperatures of 1550, 1550 and 1600 degrees C. Curves were drawn for Mn content in the bath as a function of time and temperature for the several studied parameters. The MnO reduction rates were determined using these data. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2011007]


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This work analyses pellets prepared with iron ore that has been mechanically activated by high energy ball milling. Pellet feed iron ore was submitted to high-energy ball milling for 60 minutes, and the resulting material was analysed through measurements of particle size and specific surface area, as well as X-ray diffraction. Pellets were prepared from this material. The pellets were heated at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1250 degrees C in a muffle furnace, and submitted to the maximum temperature during 10 - 12 minutes. The samples were then tested regarding crushing strength, densification and porosity, and were examined in a scanning electronic microscope. The results were compared to those obtained with similar samples made from non-milled pellet feed. It has been shown that through high-energy ball milling of iron ore it is possible to achieve pellets presenting high densification and compressive strength at firing temperatures lower than the usual ones.


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A processing route has been developed for recovering the desired lambda fiber in iron-silicon electrical steel needed for superior magnetic properties in electric motor application. The lambda fiber texture is available in directionally solidified iron-silicon steel with the < 001 > columnar grains but was lost after heavy rolling and recrystallization required for motor laminations. Two steps of light rolling each followed by recrystallization were found to largely restore the desired fiber texture. This strengthening of the < 001 > fiber texture had been predicted on the basis of the strain-induced boundary migration (SIBM) mechanism during recrystallization of lightly rolled steel from existing grains of near the ideal orientation, due to postulated low stored energies. Taylor and finite element models supported the idea of the low stored energy of the lambda fiber grains. The models also showed that the lambda fiber grains, though unstable during rolling, only rotated away from their initial orientations quite slowly.


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In the present work, the sensitivity of NIR spectroscopy toward the evolution of particle size was studied during emulsion homopolymerization of styrene (Sty) and emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate conducted in a semibatch stirred tank and a tubular pulsed sieve plate reactor, respectively. All NIR spectra were collected online with a transflectance probe immersed into the reaction medium. The spectral range used for the NIR monitoring was from 9 500 to 13 000 cm(-1), where the absorbance of the chemical components present is minimal and the changes in the NIR spectrum can be ascribed to the effects of light scattering by the polymer particles. Off-line measurements of the average diameter of the polymer particles by DLS were used as reference values for the development of the multi-variate NIR calibration models based on partial least squares. Results indicated that, in the spectral range studied, it is possible to monitor the evolution of the average size of the polymer particles during emulsion polymerization reactions. The inclusion of an additional spectral range, from 5 701 to 6 447 cm(-1), containing information on absorbances (""chemical information"") in the calibration models was also evaluated.


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This article discusses the importance of the industrialization of Brazilian shale based on factors such as: security of the national energy system security, global oil geopoliticsl, resources available, production costs, oil prices, environmental impacts and the national oil reserves. The study shows that the industrialization of shale always arises when issues such as peak oil or its geopolitics appear as factors that raise the price of oil to unrealistic levels. The article concludes that in the Brazilian case, shale oil may be classified as a strategic resource, economically viable, currently in development by the success of the retorting technology for extraction of shale oil and the price of crude oil. The article presents the conclusion that shale may be the driving factor for the formation of a technology park in Sao Mateus do Sul, due to the city`s economic dependence on Petrosix.


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Commercial bentonite (BFN) and organoclay (WS35), as well as iron oxide/clay composite (Mag_BFN) and iron/oxide organoclay composite (Mag_S35) were prepared for toluene and naphthalene sorption. Mag_BFN and Mag_S35 were obtained, respectively, by the precipitation of iron oxide hydrates onto sodium BFN and S35 clay particles. The materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and TG and DTA. From XRF results and TG data on calcined mass basis, a quantitative method was developed to estimate the iron compound contents of the composites, as well as the organic matter content present in WS35 and Mag_S35.


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This work aims to characterize corrosion products formed on copper samples exposed to synthetic rainwater of Rio Janeiro and Sao Paulo. XRD and XPS were employed to determine their composition, while electrochemical techniques were used to evaluate their protective properties. XRD and XPS indicated the thickening of the corrosion layer with time. Electrochemical results showed that the protectiveness of the corrosion layer depends on the solution composition. Based on our findings a corrosion mechanism for copper in simulated rainwater is proposed where the role of NH(4)(+) ions in the cuprite layer partial regeneration is taken into account. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In order to lower the excessive costs of metallic prosthesis materia Is alternatives to Ti and Ti alloys have been searched. in this study, the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 superferritic stainless steel, either solution annealed or solution annealed and aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 100 to 1080 h, was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization methods in Hanks` solution. The solution annealed and the aged for 1080 h samples were also tested using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in a 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution at 25 degrees C. The EIS results showed that the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 steel decreases with heat treatment time at 475 degrees C probably due to alpha prime formation. Besides the diminution of the overall impedance values, the low frequency limit of the Nyquist diagrams show a progressive change from an almost capacitive response to a resistive behavior as the heat treatment time increases. Pitting corrosion resistance also decreased with aging time at 475 degrees C.


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In this paper, the performance of bis-1, 2-(triethoxysilyl) ethane (BTSE) as a pre-treatment to protect the AA 2024-T3 against corrosion has been investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic polarization curves, and the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET). The microstructural and morphological characterizations were carried out via scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy and the chemical composition evaluated using contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrochemical results showed that the additives improved the anticorrosion properties of the coating. The chemical characterization indicated that additives contribute to an increased degree of surface coverage, as well as to a more complete reticulation. The SVET results evidenced the self-healing abilities of Ce ions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the possible alternative removal options for the development of safe drinking water supply in the trace elements affected areas. Arsenic and chromium are two of the most toxic pollutants, introduced into natural waters from a variety of sources and causes various adverse effects on living bodies. Performance of three filter bed method was evaluated in the laboratory. Experiments have been conducted to investigate the sorption of arsenic and chromium on carbon steel and removal of trace elements from drinking water with a household filtration process. The affinity of the arsenic and chromium species for Fe/Fe(3)C (iron/iron carbide) sites is the key factor controlling the removal of the elements. The method is based on the use of powdered block carbon (PBC), powder carbon steel and ball ceramic in the ion-sorption columns as a cleaning process. The PBC modified is a satisfactory and practical sorbent for trace elements (arsenite and chromate) dissolved in water.