776 resultados para Porcine


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La présence d’Escherichia coli pathogènes en élevages porcins entraine des retards de croissance et la mortalité. La transmission des E. coli pathogènes entre les élevages et l'abattoir d’un même réseau de production n'est pas bien décrite. La détection des gènes de virulence des E. coli pathogènes pourrait permettre d’identifier un marqueur de contamination dans le réseau. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’identifier un marqueur de contamination E. coli dans un réseau de production porcine défini afin de décrire certains modes de transmission des E. coli pathogènes. Pour ce faire, une région géographique comprenant 10 fermes d’engraissement, un abattoir et un réseau de transport a été sélectionnée. Trois lots de production consécutifs par ferme ont été suivis pendant 12 mois. Des échantillons environnementaux ont été prélevés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des fermes (3 visites d’élevage), dans la cour de l’abattoir (2 visites lors de sorties de lot) et sur le camion de transport. La détection des gènes de virulence (eltB, estA, estB, faeG, stxA, stx2A, eae, cnf, papC, iucD, tsh, fedA) dans les échantillons a été réalisée par PCR multiplexe conventionnelle. La distribution temporelle et spatiale des gènes de virulence a permis d’identifier le marqueur de contamination ETEC/F4 défini par la détection d’au moins un gène d’entérotoxine ETEC (estB, estA et eltB) en combinaison avec le gène de l’adhésine fimbriaire (faeG). La distribution des échantillons positifs ETEC/F4 qualifie la cour de l’abattoir comme un réservoir de contamination fréquenté par les transporteurs, vecteurs de contamination entre les élevages. Ceci suggère le lien microbiologique entre l’élevage, les transporteurs et l’abattoir jouant chacun un rôle dans la dissémination des microorganismes pathogènes et potentiellement zoonotiques en production porcine.


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Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a constitutive high capacity pathway for the reabsorption of proteins from the glomerular filtrate by the renal proximal tubule. ClC-5 is a voltage-gated chloride channel found in the proximal tubule where it has been shown to be essential for protein uptake, based on evidence from patients with Dent's disease and studies in ClC-5 knockout mice. To further delineate the role of ClC-5 in albumin uptake, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen with the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 to identify any interactions of the channel with proteins involved in endocytosis. We found that the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 bound the actin depolymerizing protein, cofilin, a result that was confirmed by GST-fusion pulldown assays. In cultured proximal tubule cells, cofilin was distributed in nuclear, cytoplasmic, and microsomal fractions and co-localized with ClC-5. Phosphorylation of cofilin by overexpressing LIM kinase 1 resulted in a stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton. Phosphorylation of cofilin in two proximal tubule cell models (porcine renal proximal tubule and opossum kidney) was also accompanied by a pronounced inhibition of albumin uptake. This study identifies a novel interaction between the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 and cofilin, an actin-associated protein that is crucial in the regulation of albumin uptake by the proximal tubule.


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Nitric Oxide (NO) plays a controversial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis and septic shock. Its vasodilatory effects are well known, but it also has pro- and antiinflammatory properties, assumes crucial importance in antimicrobial host defense, may act as an oxidant as well as an antioxidant, and is said to be a vital poison for the immune and inflammatory network. Large amounts of NO and peroxynitrite are responsible for hypotension, vasoplegia, cellular suffocation, apoptosis, lactic acidosis, and ultimately multiorgan failure. Therefore, NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors were developed to reverse the deleterious effects of NO. Studies using these compounds have not met with uniform success however, and a trial using the nonselective NOS inhibitor N-G-methyl-L-arginine hydrochloride was terminated prematurely because of increased mortality in the treatment arm despite improved shock resolution. Thus, the issue of NOS inhibition in sepsis remains a matter of debate. Several publications have emphasized the differences concerning clinical applicability of data obtained from unresuscitated, hypodynamic rodent models using a pretreatment approach versus resuscitated, hyperdynamic models in high-order species using posttreatment approaches. Therefore, the present review focuses on clinically relevant large-animal studies of endotoxin or living bacteria-induced, hyperdynamic models of sepsis that integrate standard day-today care resuscitative measures.


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Background & Aims: We have developed a therapeutic strategy for gastrointestinal infections that is based on molecular mimicry of host receptors for bacterial toxins on the surface of harmless gut bacteria. The aim of this study was to apply this to the development of a recombinant probiotic for treatment and prevention of diarrheal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains that produce heat-labile enterotoxin. Methods: This was achieved by expressing glycosyltransferase genes from Neisseria meningitidis or Campylobacter jejuni in a harmless Escherichia coli strain (CWG:308), resulting in the production of a chimeric lipopolysaccharide capable of binding heat-labile enterotoxin with high avidity. Results: The strongest heat-labile enterotoxin binding was achieved with a construct (CWG308:pLNT) that expresses a mimic of lacto-N-neotetraose, which neutralized ≥ 93.8% of the heat-labile enterotoxin activity in culture lysates of diverse enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of both human and porcine origin. When tested with purified heat-labile enterotoxin, it was capable of adsorbing approximately 5% of its own weight of toxin. Weaker toxin neutralization was achieved with a construct that mimicked the ganglioside GM2. Preabsorption with, or coadministration of, CWG308:pLNT also resulted in significant in vivo protection from heat-labile enterotoxin-induced fluid secretion in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Conclusions: Toxin-binding probiotics such as those described here have considerable potential for prophylaxis and treatment of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-induced travelers' diarrhea.


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Sixty-nine intestinal spirochetes isolated from pigs and poultry in eastern Australia were selected to evaluate the effectiveness of a species-specific PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the Brachyspira nox gene. For comparative purposes, all isolates were subjected to species-specific PCRs for the pathogenic species Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira pilosicoli, and selected isolates were examined further by sequence analysis of the nox and 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Modifications to the original nox-RFLP method included direct inoculation of bacterial cells into the amplification mixture and purification of the PCR product, which further optimized the nox-RFLP for use in a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, producing sufficient product for both species identification and future comparisons. Although some novel profiles that prevented definitive identification were observed, the nox-RFLP method successfully classified 45 of 51 (88%) porcine and 15 of 18 (83%) avian isolates into 5 of the 6 recognized species of Brachyspira. This protocol represents a significant improvement over conventional methods currently used in veterinary diagnostic laboratories for rapid specific identification of Brachyspira spp. isolated from both pigs and poultry.


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We evaluated the hydrodynamic performance of kangaroo aortic valve matrices (KMs) (19, 21, and 23 mm), as potential scaffolds in tissue valve engineering using a pulsatile left heart model at low and high cardiac outputs (COs) and heart rates (HRs) of 60 and 90 beats/min. Data were measured in two samples of each type, pooled in two CO levels (2.1 +/- 0.7 and 4.2 +/- 0.6 L/min; mean +/- standard errors on the mean), and analyzed using analysis of variance with CO level, HR, and valve type as fixed factors and compared to similar porcine matrices (PMs). Transvalvular pressure gradient (Delta P) was a function of HR (P < 0.001) and CO (P < 0.001) but not of valve type (P = 0.39). Delta P was consistently lower in KMs but not significantly different from PMs. The effective orifice area and performance index of kangaroo matrices was statistically larger for all sizes at both COs and HRs.


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A combination of uni- and multiplex PCR assays targeting 58 virulence genes (VGs) associated with Escherichia coli strains causing intestinal and extraintestinal disease in humans and other mammals was used to analyze the VG repertoire of 23 commensal E. coli isolates from healthy pigs and 52 clinical isolates associated with porcine neonatal diarrhea (ND) and postweaning diarrhea (PWD). The relationship between the presence and absence of VGs was interrogated using three statistical methods. According to the generalized linear model, 17 of 58 VGs were found to be significant (P < 0.05) in distinguishing between commensal and clinical isolates. Nine of the 17 genes represented by iha, hlyA, aidA, east1, aah, fimH, iroN(E).(coli), traT, and saa have not been previously identified as important VGs in clinical porcine isolates in Australia. The remaining eight VGs code for fimbriae (F4, F5, F18, and F41) and toxins (STa, STh, LT, and Stx2), normally associated with porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithm analysis grouped E. coli strains into subclusters based primarily on their serogroup. Multivariate analyses of clonal relationships based on the 17 VGs were collapsed into two-dimensional space by principal coordinate analysis. PWD clones were distributed in two quadrants, separated from ND and commensal clones, which tended to cluster within one quadrant. Clonal subclusters within quadrants were highly correlated with serogroups. These methods of analysis provide different perspectives in our attempts to understand how commensal and clinical porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains have evolved and are engaged in the dynamic process of losing or acquiring VGs within the pig population.


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Glucose concentration during cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) maturation influences several functions, including progression of oocyte meiosis, oocyte developmental competence, and cumulus mucification. Glucosamine (GlcN) is an alternative hexose substrate, specifically metabolized through the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway, which provides the intermediates for extracellular matrix formation during cumulus cell mucification. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of GlcN on meiotic progression and oocyte developmental competence following in vitro maturation (IVM). The presence of GlcN during bovine IVM did not affect the completion of nuclear maturation and early cleavage, but severely perturbed blastocyst development. This effect was subsequently shown to be dose-dependent and was also observed for porcine oocytes matured in vitro. Hexosamine biosynthesis upregulation using GlcN supplementation is well known to increase O-linked glycosylation of many intracellular signaling molecules, the best-characterized being the phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway. We observed extensive O-linked glycosylation in bovine cumulus cells, but not oocytes, following IVM in either the presence or the absence of GlcN. Inhibition of O-linked glycosylation significantly reversed the effect of GlcN-induced reduction in developmental competence, but inhibition of PI3K signaling had no effect. Our data are the first to link hexosamine biosynthesis, involved in cumulus cell mucification, to oocyte developmental competence during in vitro maturation.


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The contribution of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) to pre-weaning diarrhoea was investigated over a 6 month period at five selected commercial piggeries (CPs) in north Vietnam with at least 100 sows each. Diarrhoea was found to affect 71(.)5% of the litters born during the period of study. Of 406 faecal specimens submitted for bacteriological culture, 200 (49(.)3%) yielded a heavy pure culture of E coli and 126(31 %)were confirmed by PCR to carry at least one of eight porcine ETEC virulence genes. ETEC was responsible for 43% of cases of diarrhoea in neonatal pigs during the first 4 days of life and 23(.)9% of the remaining cases up until the age of weaning. Pathotypes were determined by PCR for the 126 ETEC isolates together with 44 ETEC isolates obtained from village pigs (VPs) raised by smallholder farmers. The CP isolates belonged to five pathotypes, four of which were also identified in VP isolates. Haemolytic serogroup O149: K91 isolates that belonged to F4/STa/STb/LT were most commonly identified in both CPs (33 % of isolates) and VPs (45(.)5%). Other combinations identified in both production systems included O64 (F5/STa), O101 (F4/STa/STb) and O-nontypable (F-/STb). A high proportion of CP isolates (22(.)3 %) possessed all three enterotoxins (STa/STWLT), lacked the genes for all five tested fimbriae (F4, F5, F6, F41 and F18) and belonged to serogroup O8. These unusual 08 F- isolates were haemolytic and were isolated from all ages of diarrhoeic piglets at each CP, suggesting that they have pathogenic potential.


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Using immunohistochemistry and RNA analyses we examined the fate of components of a newly identified matrix that develops between granulosa cells (focimatrix, abbreviated from focal intraepithelial matrix) and of the follicular basal lamina in ovulating bovine ovarian follicles. Pre- and postovulatory follicles were generated by treatment with estradiol (Day 1), progesterone (Days 1-10), and prostaglandin analogue (Day 9) with either no further treatment (Group 1, n = 6) and or with 25 mg porcine LH (Day 11, Group 2, n = 8 or Day 10, Group 3, n = 8) and ovariectomy on Day 12 (12-14 hr post LH in Group 2, 38-40.5 hr in Group 3). In the time frame examined no loss of follicular basal lamina laminin chains beta 2 and gamma 1 or nidogen 1 was observed. In the follicular basal lamina collagen type IV alpha 1 and perlecan were present prior to ovulation; after ovulation collagen type IV alpha 1 was discontinuously distributed and perlecan was absent. Versican in the theca interna adjacent to the follicular basal lamina in preovulatory follicles was not observed post ovulation, however, the granulosa cells then showed strong cytoplasmic staining for versican. Expression of versican isoforms V0, V1, and V3 was detected at all stages. Focimatrix was observed in preovulatory follicles. It contained collagen type IV alpha 1, laminins beta 2 and gamma 1, nidogen 1 and perlecan and underwent changes in composition similar to that of the follicular basal lamina. In conclusion focimatrix and the follicular basal lamina are degraded at ovulation. Individual components are lost at different times.


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Study Design. Experimental study of muscle changes after lumbar spinal injury. Objectives. To investigate effects of intervertebral disc and nerve root lesions on cross-sectional area, histology and chemistry of porcine lumbar multifidus. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus cross-sectional area is reduced in acute and chronic low back pain. Although chronic changes are widespread, acute changes at 1 segment are identified within days of injury. It is uncertain whether changes precede or follow injury, or what is the mechanism. Methods. The multifidus cross-sectional area was measured in 21 pigs from L1 to S1 with ultrasound before and 3 or 6 days after lesions: incision into L3 - L4 disc, medial branch transection of the L3 dorsal ramus, and a sham procedure. Samples from L3 to L5 were studied histologically and chemically. Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4 - L6 after nerve lesion. There was no change after sham or on the opposite side. Water and lactate were reduced bilaterally after disc lesion and ipsilateral to nerve lesion. Histology revealed enlargement of adipocytes and clustering of myofibers at multiple levels after disc and nerve lesions. Conclusions. These data resolve the controversy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury. Changes after disc lesion affect 1 level with a different distribution to denervation. Such changes may be due to disuse following reflex inhibitory mechanisms.


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Over the past 6 years, a number of zoonotic and vectorborne viral diseases have emerged in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Vectorborne disease agents discussed in this article include Japanese encephalitis, Barmah Forest, Ross River, and Chikungunya viruses. However, most emerging viruses have been zoonotic, with fruit bats, including flying fox species as the probable wildlife hosts, and these will be discussed as well. The first of these disease agents to emerge was Hendra virus, formerly called equine morbillivirus. This was followed by outbreaks caused by a rabies-related virus, Australian bat lyssavirus, and a virus associated with porcine stillbirths and malformations, Menangle virus. Nipah virus caused an outbreak of fatal pneumonia in pigs and encephalitis in humans in the Malay Peninsula. Most recently, Tioman virus has been isolated from flying foxes, but it has not yet been associated with animal or human disease. Of nonzoonotic viruses, the most important regionally have been enterovirus 71 and HIV.


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AIMS To demonstrate the potential use of in vitro poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles in comparison with triamcinolone suspension to aid visualisation of vitreous during anterior and posterior vitrectomy. METHODS PLGA microparticles (diameter 10-60 microm) were fabricated using single and/or double emulsion technique(s) and used untreated or following the surface adsorption of a protein (transglutaminase). Particle size, shape, morphology and surface topography were assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compared with a standard triamcinolone suspension. The efficacy of these microparticles to enhance visualisation of vitreous against the triamcinolone suspension was assessed using an in vitro set-up exploiting porcine vitreous. RESULTS Unmodified PLGA microparticles failed to adequately adhere to porcine vitreous and were readily washed out by irrigation. In contrast, modified transglutaminase-coated PLGA microparticles demonstrated a significant improvement in adhesiveness and were comparable to a triamcinolone suspension in their ability to enhance the visualisation of vitreous. This adhesive behaviour also demonstrated selectivity by not binding to the corneal endothelium. CONCLUSION The use of transglutaminase-modified biodegradable PLGA microparticles represents a novel method of visualising vitreous and aiding vitrectomy. This method may provide a distinct alternative for the visualisation of vitreous whilst eliminating the pharmacological effects of triamcinolone acetonide suspension.


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The aim of this research project was to identify the factors affecting the porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL.)-catalysed polytransesterification of a diester and a diol in organic solvents. It was hoped that by modifying reaction conditions a commercially acceptable polymer molecular weight (Mn) of 20,000 daltons might be attained. Exploratory investigations were carried out using 1,4-butanediolibis(2,2,2- trichloroethyl) adipate and glutarate systems in diethyl ether, with and without molecular sieves. It was found that molecular sieves promoted the reaction by reducing hydrolysis of the ester end-groups, resulting in polymer molecular weights between 1.2 and 2.2 times greater than those obtainable without molecular sieves. Investigations were then concentrated on the PPL-catalysed polytransesterification of 1,4-butanediol with divinyl adipate. The particular advantage of this system is that the reaction is irreversible. The effects of varying substrate concentration, mass of drying agent, reaction solvent, reaction temperature, mass of enzyme and also enzyme immobilisation on the 1,4-butanediolidivinyl adipate system were investigated. The highest molecular weight polymer obtained for the PPL-catalysed polytransesterification of 1,4-butanedial with divinyl adipate in diethyl ether was Mn -8,000. In higher boiling ether solvents molecular weights as high as Mn -9,200 were obtained for this system at elevated temperatures. It was found that the major factor limiting polymerisation was the low solubility of the polymer in the solvent which resulted in precipitation of the polymer onto the surface of the enzyme.