992 resultados para Pocket gophers


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Papain family cysteine proteases are key factors in the pathogenesis of cancer invasion, arthritis, osteoporosis, and microbial infections. Targeting this enzyme family is therefore one strategy in the development of new chemotherapy for a number of diseases. Little is known, however, about the efficacy, selectivity, and safety of cysteine protease inhibitors in cell culture or in vivo. We now report that specific cysteine protease inhibitors kill Leishmania parasites in vitro, at concentrations that do not overtly affect mammalian host cells. Inhibition of Leishmania cysteine protease activity was accompanied by defects in the parasite’s lysosome/endosome compartment resembling those seen in lysosomal storage diseases. Colocalization of anti-protease antibodies with biotinylated surface proteins and accumulation of undigested debris and protease in the flagellar pocket of treated parasites were consistent with a pathway of protease trafficking from flagellar pocket to the lysosome/endosome compartment. The inhibitors were sufficiently absorbed and stable in vivo to ameliorate the pathology associated with a mouse model of Leishmania infection.


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Cat's claw (Doxantha unguis-cati L.) vine accumulates nearly 80% palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) plus cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) in its seed oil. To characterize the biosynthetic origin of these unusual fatty acids, cDNAs for acyl-acyl carrier protein (acyl-ACP) desaturases were isolated from developing cat's claw seeds. The predominant acyl-ACP desaturase cDNA identified encoded a polypeptide that is closely related to the stearoyl (Δ9–18:0)-ACP desaturase from castor (Ricinis communis L.) and other species. Upon expression in Escherichia coli, the cat's claw polypeptide functioned as a Δ9 acyl-ACP desaturase but displayed a distinct substrate specificity for palmitate (16:0)-ACP rather than stearate (18:0)-ACP. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of the cat's claw enzyme with that of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase suggested that a single amino acid substitution (L118W) might account in large part for the differences in substrate specificity between the two desaturases. Consistent with this prediction, conversion of leucine-118 to tryptophan in the mature castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase resulted in an 80-fold increase in the relative specificity of this enzyme for 16:0-ACP. The alteration in substrate specificity observed in the L118W mutant is in agreement with a crystallographic model of the proposed substrate-binding pocket of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase.


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Here we report an approach to the design and production of antibody/ligand pairs, to achieve functional affinity far greater than avidin/biotin. Using fundamental chemical principles, we have developed antibody/ligand pairs that retain the binding specificity of the antibody, but do not dissociate. Choosing a structurally characterized antibody/ligand pair as an example, we engineered complementary reactive groups in the antibody binding pocket and the ligand, so that they would be in close proximity in the antibody/ligand complex. Cross-reactions with other molecules in the medium are averted because of the low reactivity of these groups; however, in the antibody/ligand complex the effective local concentrations of the complementary reactive groups are very large, allowing a covalent reaction to link the two together. By eliminating the dissociation of the ligand from the antibody, we have made the affinity functionally infinite. This chemical manipulation of affinity is applicable to other biological binding pairs.


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Structural studies of viral membrane fusion proteins suggest that a “trimer-of-hairpins” motif plays a critical role in the membrane fusion process of many enveloped viruses. In this motif, a coiled coil (formed by homotrimeric association of the N-terminal regions of the protein) is surrounded by three C-terminal regions that pack against the coiled coil in an oblique antiparallel manner. The resulting trimer-of-hairpins structure serves to bring the viral and cellular membranes together for fusion. learncoil-vmf, a computational program developed to recognize coiled coil-like regions that form the trimer-of-hairpins motif, predicts these regions in the membrane fusion protein of the Visna virus. Peptides corresponding to the computationally identified sequences were synthesized, and the soluble core of the Visna membrane fusion protein was reconstituted in solution. Its crystal structure at 1.5-Å resolution demonstrates that a trimer-of-hairpins structure is formed. Remarkably, despite less than 23% sequence identity, the ectodomains in Visna and HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins show detailed structural conservation, especially within the area of a hydrophobic pocket in the central coiled coil currently being targeted for the development of new anti-HIV drugs.


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We have developed a yeast model system to address transcriptional repression by the retinoblastoma protein (pRB). When fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4p (DB-pRB), pRB can repress transcription of reporter genes containing Gal4p binding sites; the histone deacetylase activity encoded by yeast RPD3 is required for DB-pRB repression. Mutation of the LXCXE binding cleft in pRB, a region reported to be required for histone deacetylase recruitment, does not interfere with pRB-mediated repression. From these findings based on yeast experiments, we surmise that the small pocket region of pRB must contain an additional domain that confers histone deacetylase-dependent transcriptional repression. This hypothesis was verified by experiments examining pRB-dependent histone deacetylase association in mammalian cells. In addition to RPD3, repression by pRB in yeast requires MSI1, an ortholog of RbAp48, but not SIN3 or SAP30. By comparing the genetic requirements of DB-pRB repression in yeast to those of other DB-repressor fusions, we can suggest a mechanism by which pRB recruits histone deacetylase activity.


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The estrogen-related receptors (ERRα, ERRβ, and ERRγ) form a family of orphan nuclear receptors that share significant amino acid identity with the estrogen receptors, but for which physiologic roles remain largely unknown. By using a peptide sensor assay, we have identified the stilbenes diethylstilbestrol (DES), tamoxifen (TAM), and 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) as high-affinity ligands for ERRγ. In direct binding assays, 4-OHT had a Kd value of 35 nM, and both DES and TAM displaced radiolabeled 4-OHT with Ki values of 870 nM. In cell-based assays, 4-OHT binding caused a dissociation of the complex between ERRγ and the steroid receptor coactivator-1, and led to an inhibition of the constitutive transcriptional activity of ERRγ. ERRα did not bind 4-OHT, but replacing a single amino acid predicted to be in the ERRα ligand-binding pocket with the corresponding ERRγ residue allowed high-affinity 4-OHT binding. These results demonstrate the existence of high-affinity ligands for the ERR family of orphan receptors, and identify 4-OHT as a molecule that can regulate the transcriptional activity of ERRγ.


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The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoprotein HLA-B27 binds short peptides containing arginine at peptide position 2 (P2). The HLA-B27/peptide complex is recognized by T cells both as part of the development of the repertoire of T cells in the cellular immune system and during activation of cytotoxic T cells. Based on the three-dimensional structure of HLA-B27, we have synthesized a ligand with an aziridine-containing side chain designed to mimic arginine and to bind covalently in the arginine-specific P2 pocket of HLA-B27. Using tryptic digestion followed by mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing, the aziridine-containing ligand is shown to alkylate specifically cysteine 67 of HLA-B27. Neither free cysteine in solution nor an exposed cysteine on a class II MHC molecule can be alkylated, showing that specific recognition between the anchor side-chain pocket of an MHC class I protein and the designed ligand (propinquity) is necessary to induce the selective covalent reaction with the MHC class I molecule.


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In the previously determined structure of mitochondrial F1-ATPase determined with crystals grown in the presence of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and ADP, the three catalytic beta-subunits have different conformations and nucleotide occupancies. AMP-PNP and ADP are bound to subunits beta TP and beta DP, respectively, and the third beta-subunit (beta E) has no bound nucleotide. The efrapeptins are a closely related family of modified linear peptides containing 15 amino acids that inhibit both ATP synthesis and hydrolysis by binding to the F1 catalytic domain of F1F0-ATP synthase. In crystals of F1-ATPase grown in the presence of both nucleotides and inhibitor, efrapeptin is bound to a unique site in the central cavity of the enzyme. Its binding is associated with small structural changes in side chains of F1-ATPase around the binding pocket. Efrapeptin makes hydrophobic contacts with the alpha-helical structure in the gamma-subunit, which traverses the cavity, and with subunit beta E and the two adjacent alpha-subunits. Two intermolecular hydrogen bonds could also form. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds probably help to stabilize efrapeptin's two domains (residues 1-6 and 9-15, respectively), which are connected by a flexible region (beta Ala-7 and Gly-8). Efrapeptin appears to inhibit F1-ATPase by blocking the conversion of subunit beta E to a nucleotide binding conformation, as would be required by an enzyme mechanism involving cyclic interconversion of catalytic sites.


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Retinoblastoma (RB-1) is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a 105-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein. To date, RB genes have been isolated only from metazoans. We have isolated a cDNA from maize endosperm whose predicted protein product (ZmRb) shows homology to the "pocket" A and B domains of the Rb protein family. We found ZmRb behaves as a pocket protein based on its ability to specifically interact with oncoproteins encoded by DNA tumor viruses (E7, T-Ag, E1A). ZmRb can interact in vitro and in vivo with the replication-associated protein, RepA, encoded by the wheat dwarf virus. The maize Rb-related protein undergoes changes in level and phosphorylation state concomitant with endoreduplication, and it is phosphorylated in vitro by an S-phase kinase from endoreduplicating endosperm cells. Together, our results suggest that ZmRb is a representative of the pocket protein family and may play a role in cell cycle progression. Moreover, certain plant monopartite geminiviruses may operate similarly to mammalian DNA viruses, by targeting and inactivating the retinoblastoma protein, which otherwise induces G1 arrest.


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The crystal structure of the sigma class glutathione transferase from squid digestive gland in complex with S-(3-iodobenzyl)glutathione reveals a third binding site for the glutathione conjugate besides the two in the active sites of the dimer. The additional binding site is near the crystallographic two-fold axis between the two alpha 4-turn-alpha 5 motifs. The principal binding interactions with the conjugate include specific electrostatic interactions between the peptide and the two subunits and a hydrophobic cavity found across the two-fold axis that accommodates the 3-iodobenzyl group. Thus, two identical, symmetry-related but mutually exclusive binding modes for the third conjugate are observed. The hydrophobic pocket is about 14 A from the hydroxyl group of Tyr-7 in the active site. This site is a potential transport binding site for hydrophobic molecules or their glutathione conjugates.


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In the structure of bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase that was previously determined with crystals grown in the presence of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and ADP, the three catalytic beta-subunits have different conformations and nucleotide occupancies. Adenylyl-imidodiphosphate is bound to one beta-subunit (betaTP), ADP is bound to the second (betaDP), and no nucleotide is bound to the third (betaE). Here we show that the uncompetitive inhibitor aurovertin B binds to bovine F1 at two equivalent sites in betaTP and betaE, in a cleft between the nucleotide binding and C-terminal domains. In betaDP, the aurovertin B pocket is incomplete and is inaccessible to the inhibitor. The aurovertin B bound to betaTP interacts with alpha-Glu399 in the adjacent alphaTP subunit, whereas the aurovertin B bound to betaE is too distant from alphaE to make an equivalent interaction. Both sites encompass betaArg-412, which was shown by mutational studies to be involved in binding aurovertin. Except for minor changes around the aurovertin pockets, the structure of bovine F1-ATPase is the same as determined previously. Aurovertin B appears to act by preventing closure of the catalytic interfaces, which is essential for a catalytic mechanism involving cyclic interconversion of catalytic sites.


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The x-ray structure of carbon monoxide (CO)-ligated myoglobin illuminated during data collection by a laser diode at the wavelength lambda = 690 nm has been determined to a resolution of 1.7 A at T = 36 K. For comparison, we also measured data sets of deoxymyoglobin and CO-ligated myoglobin. In the photon-induced structure the electron density associated with the CO ligand can be described by a tube extending from the iron into the heme pocket over more than 4 A. This density can be interpreted by two discrete positions of the CO molecule. One is close to the heme iron and can be identified to be bound CO. In the second, the CO is dissociated from the heme iron and lies on top of pyrrole ring C. At our experimental conditions the overall structure of myoglobin in the metastable state is close to the structure of a CO-ligated molecule. However, the iron has essentially relaxed into the position of deoxymyoglobin. We compare our results with those of Schlichting el al. [Schlichting, I., Berendzen, J., Phillips, G. N., Jr., & Sweet, R. M. (1994) Nature 317, 808-812], who worked with the myoglobin mutant (D122N) that crystallizes in the space group P6 and Teng et al. [Teng, T. Y., Srajer, V. & Moffat, K. (1994) Nat. Struct. Biol. 1, 701-705], who used native myoglobin crystals of the space group P2(1). Possible reasons for the structural differences are discussed.


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A human cDNA sequence homologous to human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK; EC was identified in the GenBank sequence data base. The longest open reading frame encoded a protein that was 48% identical to dCK at the amino acid level. The cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to encode a protein with the same substrate specificity as described for the mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK; EC The N terminus of the deduced amino acid sequence had properties characteristic for a mitochondrial translocation signal, and cleavage at a putative mitochondrial peptidase cleavage site would give a mature protein size of 28 kDa. Northern blot analysis determined the length of dGK mRNA to 1.3 kbp with no cross-hybridization to the 2.8-kbp dCK mRNA. dGK mRNA was detected in all tissues investigated with the highest expression levels in muscle, brain, liver, and lymphoid tissues. Alignment of the dGK and herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase amino acid sequences showed that five regions, including the substrate-binding pocket and the ATP-binding glycine loop, were also conserved in dGK. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a cloned mitochondrial nucleoside kinase and the first demonstration of a general sequence homology between two mammalian deoxyribonucleoside kinases. Our findings suggest that dCK and dGK are evolutionarily related, as well as related to the family of herpes virus thymidine kinases.


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The variable immunoglobulin (Ig) domains contain hypervariable regions that are involved in the formation of the antigen binding site. Besides the canonical antigen binding site, so-called unconventional sites also reside in the variable region that bind bacterial and viral proteins. Docking to these unconventional sites does not typically interfere with antigen binding, which suggests that these sites may be a part of the biological functions of Igs. Herein, a novel unconventional binding site is described. The site is detected with 8-azidopurine nucleotide photoaffinity probes that label antibodies efficiently and under mild conditions. Tryptic peptides were isolated from photolabeled monoclonal antibodies and aligned with the variable antibody domains of heavy and light chains. The structure of a variable Ig fragment was used to model the binding of the purine nucleotide to invariant residues in a hydrophobic pocket of the Ig molecule at a location distant from the antigen binding site. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were biotinylated with the photoaffinity linker and used in fluorescence-activated cell sorter and ELISA analyses. The data support the utility of this site for tethering diagnostic and therapeutic agents to the variable Ig fragment region without impairing the structural and functional integrity of antibodies.


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The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors is a heterooligomeric membrane protein composed of homologous subunits. Here, the contribution of the M3-M4 loop of the NR1 subunit to the binding of glutamate and the co-agonist glycine was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of the phenylalanine residues at positions 735 or 736 of the M3-M4 loop produced a 15- to 30-fold reduction in apparent glycine affinity without affecting the binding of glutamate and the competitive glycine antagonist 7-chlorokynurenic acid; mutation of both residues caused a >100-fold decrease in glycine affinity. These residues are found in a C-terminal region of the M3-M4 loop that shows significant sequence similarity to bacterial amino acid-binding proteins. Epitope tagging revealed both the N-terminus and the M3-M4 loop to be exposed extracellularly, whereas a C-terminal epitope was localized intracellularly. These results indicate that the M3-M4 loop is part of the ligand-binding pocket of the NR1 subunit and provide the basis for a refined model of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor.