1000 resultados para Pluma de fase livre
1894/01/10 (A2,T3,N11)-1894/06/10 (A2,T3,N16).
1893/08 (T2)-1893/12.
Variante(s) de titre : Le Livre & l'image
1910/04 (N2)-1910/07.
1893/03 (T1)-1893/07.
Mercosur: the dilemma between the customs union and a free trade area. In 2001, the government of Argentina - facing a major economic crisis - took a rather controversial decision and reduced the tariff rates of all capital goods to zero. This became a main source of conflict with Brazil, the only country of Mercosur that produces such goods. This paper discusses two possible scenarios for the resolution of this issue. In the first one, the countries would opt for the maintenance of the customs union. The authors present some suggestions for the rebuilding of the Common External Tariff (CET), by which the countries would take a middle course acceptable to all. The other possible outcome would be a step back in the direction of a free trade area, with no CET at all.
Complementarity of trade between Brazil and Japan with a view to a free trade agreement. Japan has signed free trade agreements as trade policy since 2002 and three countries have already signed in Latin American. Considering the intention to carry out an agreement with Mercosur, this article aims to analyze the complementarities between Brazil and Japan trade structure by revealed comparative advantages indexes, with World Bank data for the period between 2006 and 2008. The results show a comparative advantage in primary commodities to Brazil and in industrial products to Japan, as well as indicating sectors that may oppose to trade liberalization.
Commençant par : « Apres ce que j'ay leu et releu... » et finissant par : «... apres ce conte n'en pourroit nulz riens dire qu'il ne mentist. Cy finist le Rommant de Tristant et plus n'en y a » .
Commençant par : «... voluntez d'Elinde et landemain quant il fut ajornez... » et finissant par : «... et plairai tant com li mondes durrai, li quex est apelez li Livres dou Bret. Explicit li Livres dou Bret. Amen » . D'après l'épilogue, « HELYE DE BERRON » aurait remanié le travail de LUCE DU GAST, qu'il a divisé en trois livres. Voir l'introduction au livre III, fol. 264. Manque le premier feuillet de chaque livre.
Périodicité : Mensuel
1895 (A2).