964 resultados para Plasma amino acids


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In this study, the amino acids arginine, aspartic acid, leucine, phenylalanine and threonine were investigated as 'dispersibility enhancers' in spray-dried powders for inhalation. Parameters such as spray-dried yield, tapped density, and Carr's Index were not predictive of aerosolisation performance. In addition, whilst the majority of amino acid-modified powders displayed suitable particle size distribution for pulmonary administration and potentially favourable low moisture content, in vitro particle deposition was only enhanced for the leucine-modified powder. In summary, leucine can be used to enhance the dispersibility and aerosolisation properties of spray-dried powders for pulmonary drug delivery. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The properties of Caco-2 monolayers were compared on aluminium oxide and nitrocellulose permeable-supports. On nitrocellulose, Caco-2 cells displayed a higher rate of taurocholic acid transport than those cultured on aluminium oxide inserts. In addition, Caco-2 cells grown on these two inserts were not comparable with respect to cell morphology, cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance. The low adsorption potential of the aluminium oxide inserts, particularly for high molecular weight or lipophilic ligands, offers a distinct advantage over nitrocellulose inserts for drug transport studies. The carrier-mediated uptake and transport of the imino acid (L-proline) and the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) have been studied. At pH7.4, L-proline uptake is mediated via an A-system carrier. Elevated uptake and transport under acidic conditions occurs by activation of a distinct carrier population. Acidic amino acid transport is mediated via a X-AG system. The flux of baclofen, CGP40116 andCGP40117 across Caco-2 monolayers was described by passive transport. The transport of three peptides, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, SQ29852 and cyclosporin were investigated. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone transport acrossCaco-2 monolayers was characterised by a minor saturable (carrier-mediated,approximately 25%) pathway, superimposed onto a major non-saturable (diffusional)pathway. SQ29852 uptake into Caco-2 monolayers is described by a major saturable mechanism (Km = 0.91 mM) superimposed onto a minor passive component.However, the initial-rate of SQ29852 transport is consistent with a passive transepithelial transport mechanism. These data highlight the possibility that itsbasolateral efflux is severely retarded such that the passive paracellular transportdictates the overall transepithelial transport characteristics. In addition, modelsuitable for investigating the transepithelial transport of cyclosporin A has been developed. A modification of the conventional Caco-2 model has been developed which has a calcium-free Ap donor-solution and a Bl receiver-solution containing the minimumcalcium concentration required to maintain monolayer integrity (100 μM). The influence of calcium and magnesium on the absorption of [14C]pamidronate was evaluated by comparing its transport across the conventional and minimum calciumCaco-2 models. Ap calcium and magnesium ions retard the Ap-to-Bl flux of pamidronate across Caco-2 monolayers. The effect of self-emulsifying oleic acid-Tween 80 formulations on Caco-2monolayer integrity has been investigated. Oleic acid-Tween 80 (1 0:1) formulations produced a dose-dependent disruption of Caco-2 monolayer integrity. This disruption was related to the oleic acid content of the formulation.


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Protein quality of carp diets was assessed by five methods: 1. True digestibility, true NPU, BV (as percentage) and PER were determined for approximately iso-energetic diets containing ca.38% protein from 4 different sources. Fish meal gave values of 94.0, 72.5, 77.0, and 1.21 respectively; egg 93.0, 65.4, 70.3, 1.26; Pruteen 68.4, 63.6, 68.40, 1.36; and Casein 91.0, 56.90, 62.5, 1.33. 2. Blood urea were determined and found to be significantly increased with increasing protein concentration in the diet. 3. Ammonia excretion rate was determined; it increased with a decline in protein quality, being greater on groundnut, rapeseed meal, and sunflower diets than on fishmeal, cottonseed meal, and pruteen. 4. Protein sources were incubated in vitro with digestive fluids of fish. Protein digestibilities for fishmeal diets containing 14 and 27% protein were 90.2 and 93.0% respectively; casein (18 and 36%), 91.5 and 93.2%; soybean (10 and 20%), 84.2 and 85.3% ; sunflower (8 and 16%), 64.2 and 66.1%; and fish meal plus soybean meal (ca. 18.2%) 86.5. 5. Plasma free amino acids were individually determined at 0, 6, 24 and 48 h after force-feeding diets containing 15 and 30% protein from six different sources. Total free AA were highest at 24 h for casein and fishmeal, and at 48 h for egg, soybean, rapeseed and sunflower. The 24 h essential amino acid indices (EAAI) for the six diets at 15% protein were, in the same order, 93.0, 100, 100, 86.4, 62.4, and 97.2. At 30% protein, the 24 h EAAI were 78.5, 84.3, 100, and 83.8 for casein, fishmeal, egg, and rapeseed respectively.


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The receptors for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM) are complexes of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMP). The CGRP receptor is a CLR/RAMP1 pairing whereas CLR/RAMP2 and CLR/RAMP3 constitute two subtypes of AM receptor: AM(1) and AM(2), respectively. Previous studies identified Glu74 in RAMP3 to be important for AM binding and potency. To further understand the importance of this residue and its equivalent in RAMP1 (Trp74) we substituted the native amino acids with several others. In RAMP3, these were Trp, Phe, Tyr, Ala, Ser, Thr, Arg and Asn; in RAMP1, Glu, Phe, Tyr, Ala and Asn substitutions were made. The mutant RAMPs were co-expressed with CLR in Cos7 cells; receptor function in response to AM, AM(2)/intermedin and CGRP was measured in a cAMP assay and cell surface expression was determined by ELISA. Phe reduced AM potency in RAMP3 but had no effect in RAMP1. In contrast, Tyr had no effect in RAMP3 but enhanced AM potency in RAMP1. Most other substitutions had a small effect on AM potency in both receptors whereas there was little impact on CGRP or AM(2) potency. Overall, these data suggest that the geometry and charge of the residue at position 74 contribute to how AM interacts with the AM(2) and CGRP receptors and confirms the role of this position in dictating differential AM pharmacology at the AM(2) and CGRP receptors.


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In this work we propose the hypothesis that replacing the current system of representing the chemical entities known as amino acids using Latin letters with one of several possible alternative symbolic representations will bring significant benefits to the human construction, modification, and analysis of multiple protein sequence alignments. We propose ways in which this might be done without prescribing the choice of actual scripts used. Specifically we propose and explore three ways to encode amino acid texts using novel symbolic alphabets free from precedents. Primary orthographic encoding is the direct substitution of a new alphabet for the standard, Latin-based amino acid code. Secondary encoding imposes static residue groupings onto the orthography of the alphabet by manipulating the shape and/or orientation of amino acid symbols. Tertiary encoding renders each residue as a composite symbol; each such symbol thus representing several alternative amino acid groupings simultaneously. We also propose that the use of a new group-focussed alphabet will free the colouring of amino acid residues often used as a tool to facilitate the representation or construction of multiple alignments for other purposes, possibly to indicate dynamic properties of an alignment such as position-wise residue conservation.


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MOTIVATION: There is much interest in reducing the complexity inherent in the representation of the 20 standard amino acids within bioinformatics algorithms by developing a so-called reduced alphabet. Although there is no universally applicable residue grouping, there are numerous physiochemical criteria upon which one can base groupings. Local descriptors are a form of alignment-free analysis, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the correct selection of amino acid groupings. RESULTS: Within the context of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) classification, an optimization algorithm was developed, which was able to identify the most efficient grouping when used to generate local descriptors. The algorithm was inspired by the relatively new computational intelligence paradigm of artificial immune systems. A number of amino acid groupings produced by this algorithm were evaluated with respect to their ability to generate local descriptors capable of providing an accurate classification algorithm for GPCRs.


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The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a class B G protein-coupled receptor that has a critical role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, principally through the regulation of insulin secretion. The receptor systemis highly complex, able to be activated by both endogenous [GLP-1(1-36)NH2, GLP-1(1-37), GLP-1(7-36)NH2, GLP-1(7-37), oxyntomodulin], and exogenous (exendin-4) peptides in addition to small-molecule allosteric agonists (compound 2 [6,7-dichloro-2-methylsulfonyl-3-tertbutylaminoquinoxaline], BETP [4-(3-benzyloxy)phenyl)-2-ethylsulfinyl-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidine]). Furthermore, the GLP-1R is subject to single-nucleotide polymorphic variance, resulting in amino acid changes in the receptor protein. In this study, we investigated two polymorphic variants previously reported to impact peptidemediated receptor activity (M149) and small-molecule allostery (C333). These residues were mutated to a series of alternate amino acids, and their functionality was monitored across physiologically significant signaling pathways, including cAMP, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 phosphorylation, and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, in addition to peptide binding and cell-surface expression. We observed that residue 149 is highly sensitive to mutation, with almost all peptide responses significantly attenuated at mutated receptors. However, most reductions in activity were able to be restored by the small-molecule allosteric agonist compound 2. Conversely, mutation of residue 333 had little impact on peptide-mediated receptor activation, but this activity could not be modulated by compound 2 to the same extent as that observed at the wild-type receptor. These results provide insight into the importance of residues 149 and 333 in peptide function and highlight the complexities of allosteric modulation within this receptor system.


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There is a growing awareness that inflammatory diseases have an oxidative pathology, which can result in specific oxidation of amino acids within proteins. It is known that patients with inflammatory disease have higher levels of plasma protein nitro-tyrosine than healthy controls. Fibrinogen is an abundant plasma protein, highly susceptible to such oxidative modifications, and is therefore a potential marker for oxidative protein damage. The aim of this study was to map tyrosine nitration in fibrinogen under oxidative conditions and identify susceptible residues. Fibrinogen was oxidised with 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1, a peroxynitrite generator, and methionine was used to quench excess oxidant in the samples. The carbonyl assay was used to confirm oxidation in the samples. The carbonyl levels were 2.3, 8.72 and 11.5nmol/mg protein in 0, 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1 samples respectively. The samples were run on a SDS-PAGE gel and tryptically digested before analysis by HPLC MS-MS. All 3 chains of fibrinogen were observed for all treatment conditions. The overall sequence coverage for fibrinogen determined by Mascot was between 60-75%. The oxidised samples showed increases in oxidative modifications in both alpha and beta chains, commonly methionine sulfoxide and tyrosine nitration, correlating with increasing SIN-1 treatment. Tyrosines that were most susceptible were Tyr135 (tryptic peptide YLQEIYNSNNQK) and Tyr277 (tryptic peptide GGSTSYGTGSETESPR), but several other nitrated tyrosines were also identified with high confidence. Identification of these susceptible peptides will allow design of sequences-specific biomarkers of oxidative and nitrative damage to plasma protein in inflammatory conditions.


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There is increasing evidence that certain microbially-derived compounds may account for part of the aquatic dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool. Enantiomeric ratios of amino acids were used to assess the microbial input to the DON pool in the Florida Everglades, USA. Elevated levels of d-alanine, d-aspartic acid, d-glutamic acid and d-serine indicated the presence of peptidoglycan in the samples. The estimated peptidoglycan contribution to amino acid nitrogen ranged from 2.8 ± 0.1% to 6.4 ± 0.9%, increasing with salinity from freshwater to coastal waters. The distribution of individual d-amino acids in the samples suggests additional inputs to DON, possibly from archaea or from abiotic racemization of l-amino acids.


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The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is an anadromous teleost that produces type II antifreeze protein (AFP) and accumulates modest urea and high glycerol levels in plasma and tissues as adaptive cryoprotectant mechanisms in sub-zero temperatures. It is known that glyceroneogenesis occurs in liver via a branch in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and is activated by low temperature; however, the precise mechanisms of glycerol synthesis and trafficking in smelt remain to be elucidated. The objective of this thesis was to provide further insight using functional genomic techniques [e.g. suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA library construction, microarray analyses] and molecular analyses [e.g. cloning, quantitative reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (QPCR)]. Novel molecular mechanisms related to glyceroneogenesis were deciphered by comparing the transcript expression profiles of glycerol (cold temperature) and non-glycerol (warm temperature) accumulating hepatocytes (Chapter 2) and livers from intact smelt (Chapter 3). Briefly, glycerol synthesis can be initiated from both amino acids and carbohydrate; however carbohydrate appears to be the preferred source when it is readily available. In glycerol accumulating hepatocytes, levels of the hepatic glucose transporter (GLUT2) plummeted and transcript levels of a suite of genes (PEPCK, MDH2, AAT2, GDH and AQP9) associated with the mobilization of amino acids to fuel glycerol synthesis were all transiently higher. In contrast, in glycerol accumulating livers from intact smelt, glycerol synthesis was primarily fuelled by glycogen degradation with higher PGM and PFK (glycolysis) transcript levels. Whether initiated from amino acids or carbohydrate, there were common metabolic underpinnings. Increased PDK2 (an inhibitor of PDH) transcript levels would direct pyruvate derived from amino acids and / or DHAP derived from G6P to glycerol as opposed to oxidation via the citric acid cycle. Robust LIPL (triglyceride catabolism) transcript levels would provide free fatty acids that could be oxidized to fuel ATP synthesis. Increased cGPDH (glyceroneogenesis) transcript levels were not required for increased glycerol production, suggesting that regulation is more likely by post-translational modification. Finally, levels of a transcript potentially encoding glycerol-3-phosphatase, an enzyme not yet characterized in any vertebrate species, were transiently higher. These comparisons also led to the novel discoveries that increased G6Pase (glucose synthesis) and increased GS (glutamine synthesis) transcript levels were part of the low temperature response in smelt. Glucose may provide increased colligative protection against freezing; whereas glutamine could serve to store nitrogen released from amino acid catabolism in a non-toxic form and / or be used to synthesize urea via purine synthesis-uricolysis. Novel key aspects of cryoprotectant osmolyte (glycerol and urea) trafficking were elucidated by cloning and characterizing three aquaglyceroporin (GLP)-encoding genes from smelt at the gene and cDNA levels in Chapter 4. GLPs are integral membrane proteins that facilitate passive movement of water, glycerol and urea across cellular membranes. The highlight was the discovery that AQP10ba transcript levels always increase in posterior kidney only at low temperature. This AQP10b gene paralogue may have evolved to aid in the reabsorption of urea from the proximal tubule. This research has contributed significantly to a general understanding of the cold adaptation response in smelt, and more specifically to the development of a working scenario for the mechanisms involved in glycerol synthesis and trafficking in this species.


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Acknowledgements The expertise of A. Graham Calder and Susan Anderson for the various stable isotope analyses is gratefully recognised. Ngaire Dennison is also thanked for her surgical expertise with the trans-splanchnic tissue catheter preparations. This study was supported by funds provided to the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen and Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government. S. O. H. was a recipient of a FoRST (NZ) award to study abroad.


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The aim of this work was to investigate alternative safe and effective permeation enhancers for buccal peptide delivery. Basic amino acids improved insulin solubility in water while 200 and 400 µg/mL lysine significantly increased insulin solubility in HBSS. Permeability data showed a significant improvement in insulin permeation especially for 10 µg/mL of lysine (p < 0.05) and 10 µg/mL histidine (p < 0.001), 100 µg/mL of glutamic acid (p < 0.05) and 200 µg/mL of glutamic acid and aspartic acid (p < 0.001) without affecting cell integrity; in contrast to sodium deoxycholate which enhanced insulin permeability but was toxic to the cells. It was hypothesized that both amino acids and insulin were ionised at buccal cavity pH and able to form stable ion pairs which penetrated the cells as one entity; while possibly triggering amino acid nutrient transporters on cell surfaces. Evidence of these transport mechanisms was seen with reduction of insulin transport at suboptimal temperatures as well as with basal-to-apical vectoral transport, and confocal imaging of transcellular insulin transport. These results obtained for insulin is the first indication of a possible amino acid mediated transport of insulin via formation of insulin-amino acid neutral complexes by the ion pairing mechanism.


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The Northern Bay of Bengal (NBoB) is a globally important region for deep-sea organic matter (OM) deposition due to massive fluvial discharge from the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (G-B-M) rivers and moderate to high surface productivity. Previous studies have focused on carbon burial in turbiditic sediments of the Bengal Fan. However, little is known about the storage of carbon in pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of the Bay of Bengal over millennial time scales. This study presents a comprehensive history of OM origin and fate as well as a quantification of carbon sediment storage in the Eastern Bengal Slope (EBS) during the last 18 ka. Bulk organic proxies (TOC, TIC, TN, d13CTOC, d15NTN) and content and composition of total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) in a sediment core (SO188-342KL) from the EBS were analyzed. Three periods of high OM accumulation were identified: the Late Glacial (LG), the Bölling/Alleröd (B/A), and the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum (EHCO). Lower eustatic sea level before 15 ka BP allowed a closer connection between the EBS and the fluvial debouch, favoring high terrestrial OM input to the core site. This connection was progressively lost between 15 and 7 ka BP as sea level rose to its present height and terrestrial OM input decreased considerably. Export and preservation of marine OM was stimulated during periods of summer monsoon intensification (B/A and EHCO) as a consequence of higher surface productivity enhanced by cyclonic-eddy nutrient pumping and fluvial nutrient delivery into the photic zone. Changes in the THAA composition indicate that the marine plankton community structure shifted from calcareous-dominated before 13 ka BP to siliceous-dominated afterwards. They also indicate that the relative proportion of marine versus terrestrial OM deposited at site 342KL was primarily driven by relative sea level and enlarged during the Holocene. The ballasting effect of lithogenic particles during periods of high coastal proximity and/or enhanced fluvial discharge promoted the export and preservation of OM. The high organic carbon accumulation rates in the EBS during the LG (18-17 ka BP) were 5-fold higher than at present and comparable to those of glacial upwelling areas. Despite the differences in sediment and OM transport and storage among the Western and Eastern sectors of the NBoB, this region remains important for global carbon sequestration during sea level low-stands. In addition, the summer monsoon was a key promotor of terrestrial and marine OM export to the deep-ocean, highlighting its relevance as regulator of the global carbon budget.


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OBJECTIVE: Abdominal obesity is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess whether metabolomic markers of T2D and blood pressure (BP) act on these traits via visceral fat (VF) mass.

METHODS: Metabolomic profiling of 280 fasting plasma metabolites was conducted on 2,401 women from TwinsUK. The overlap was assessed between published metabolites associated with T2D, insulin resistance, or BP and those that were identified to be associated with VF (after adjustment for covariates) measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

RESULTS: In addition to glucose, six metabolites were strongly associated with both VF mass and T2D: lactate and branched-chain amino acids, all of them related to metabolism and the tricarboxylic acid cycle; on average, 38.5% of their association with insulin resistance was mediated by their association with VF mass. Five metabolites were associated with BP and VF mass including the inflammation-associated peptide HWESASXX, the steroid hormone androstenedione, lactate, and palmitate. On average, 29% of their effect on BP was mediated by their association with VF mass.

CONCLUSIONS: Little overlap was found between the metabolites associated with BP and those associated with insulin resistance via VF mass.


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This work reports the synthesis of new fatty N-acylamino acids and N-acylamino esters from the C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, and C18:1(OH) fatty acid families and demonstrates the activity of these compounds as organogel agents. Compounds were heated and dissolved in various solvents (n-hexane, toluene, and gasoline). Only saturated C16:0 and C18:0 derived from alanine were able to form gels in toluene, and saturated C16:0 derived from phenylalanine showed gelation in n-hexane. This is the first evidence that fatty N-acylamino esters and N-acylamino acid derivatives of l-serine and fatty acids C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1 are able to form gels with hexane. This observation confirms the importance of the hydroxyl group in the segment derivative of l-serine in forming good gels.