893 resultados para Performance Evaluation of Pavements


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Users of cochlear implants (auditory aids, which stimulate the auditory nerve electrically at the inner ear) often suffer from poor speech understanding in noise. We evaluate a small (intermicrophone distance 7 mm) and computationally inexpensive adaptive noise reduction system suitable for behind-the-ear cochlear implant speech processors. The system is evaluated in simulated and real, anechoic and reverberant environments. Results from simulations show improvements of 3.4 to 9.3 dB in signal to noise ratio for rooms with realistic reverberation and more than 18 dB under anechoic conditions. Speech understanding in noise is measured in 6 adult cochlear implant users in a reverberant room, showing average improvements of 7.9–9.6 dB, when compared to a single omnidirectional microphone or 1.3–5.6 dB, when compared to a simple directional two-microphone device. Subjective evaluation in a cafeteria at lunchtime shows a preference of the cochlear implant users for the evaluated device in terms of speech understanding and sound quality.


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The present study was conducted to determine the effects of different variables on the perception of vehicle speeds in a driving simulator. The motivations of the study include validation of the Michigan Technological University Human Factors and Systems Lab driving simulator, obtaining a better understanding of what influences speed perception in a virtual environment, and how to improve speed perception in future simulations involving driver performance measures. Using a fixed base driving simulator, two experiments were conducted, the first to evaluate the effects of subject gender, roadway orientation, field of view, barriers along the roadway, opposing traffic speed, and subject speed judgment strategies on speed estimation, and the second to evaluate all of these variables as well as feedback training through use of the speedometer during a practice run. A mixed procedure model (mixed model ANOVA) in SAS® 9.2 was used to determine the significance of these variables in relation to subject speed estimates, as there were both between and within subject variables analyzed. It was found that subject gender, roadway orientation, feedback training, and the type of judgment strategy all significantly affect speed perception. By using curved roadways, feedback training, and speed judgment strategies including road lines, speed limit experience, and feedback training, speed perception in a driving simulator was found to be significantly improved.


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In this study, the use of magnesium as a Hall thruster propellant was evaluated. A xenon Hall thruster was modified such that magnesium propellant could be loaded into the anode and use waste heat from the thruster discharge to drive the propellant vaporization. A control scheme was developed, which allowed for precise control of the mass flow rate while still using plasma heating as the main mechanism for evaporation. The thruster anode, which also served as the propellant reservoir, was designed such that the open area was too low for sufficient vapor flow at normal operating temperatures (i.e. plasma heating alone). The remaining heat needed to achieve enough vapor flow to sustain thruster discharge came from a counter-wound resistive heater located behind the anode. The control system has the ability to arrest thermal runaway in a direct evaporation feed system and stabilize the discharge current during voltage-limited operation. A proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm was implemented to enable automated operation of the mass flow control system using the discharge current as the measured variable and the anode heater current as the controlled parameter. Steady-state operation at constant voltage with discharge current excursions less than 0.35 A was demonstrated for 70 min. Using this long-duration method, stable operation was achieved with heater powers as low as 6% of the total discharge power. Using the thermal mass flow control system the thruster operated stably enough and long enough that performance measurements could be obtained and compared to the performance of the thruster using xenon propellant. It was found that when operated with magnesium, the thruster has thrust ranging from 34 mN at 200 V to 39 mN at 300 V with 1.7 mg/s of propellant. It was found to have 27 mN of thrust at 300 V using 1.0 mg/s of propellant. The thrust-to-power ratio ranged from 24 mN/kW at 200 V to 18 mN/kW at 300 volts. The specific impulse was 2000 s at 200 V and upwards of 2700 s at 300 V. The anode efficiency was found to be ~23% using magnesium, which is substantially lower than the 40% anode efficiency of xenon at approximately equivalent molar flow rates. Measurements in the plasma plume of the thruster—operated using magnesium and xenon propellants—were obtained using a Faraday probe to measure off-axis current distribution, a retarding potential analyzer to measure ion energy, and a double Langmuir probe to measure plasma density, electron temperature, and plasma potential. Additionally, the off axis current distributions and ion energy distributions were compared to measurements made in krypton and bismuth plasmas obtained in previous studies of the same thruster. Comparisons showed that magnesium had the largest beam divergence of the four propellants while the others had similar divergence. The comparisons also showed that magnesium and krypton both had very low voltage utilization compared to xenon and bismuth. It is likely that the differences in plume structure are due to the atomic differences between the propellants; the ionization mean free path goes down with increasing atomic mass. Magnesium and krypton have long ionization mean free paths and therefore require physically larger thruster dimensions for efficient thruster operation and would benefit from magnetic shielding.


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A shortage of petroleum asphalt is creating opportunities for engineers to utilize alternative pavement materials. Three types of bio oils, original bio oil (OB), dewatered bio oil (DWB) and polymer-modified bio oil (PMB) were used to modify and partially replace petroleum asphalt in this research. The research investigated the procedure of producing bio oil, the rheological properties of asphalt binders modified and partially replaced by bio oil, and the mechanical performances of asphalt mixtures modified by bio oil. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is conducted on the test results for the significance analysis. The main finding of the study includes: 1) the virgin bioasphalt is softer than the traditional asphalt binder PG 58-28 but stiffer after RTFO aging because bio oil ages much faster than the traditional asphalt binder during mixing and compaction; 2) the binder test showed that the addition of bio oil is expected to improve the rutting performance while reduce the fatigue and low temperature performance; 3) both the mass loss and the oxidation are important reasons for the bio oil aging during RTFO test; the mixture test showed that 1) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had slightly higher rutting depth than the control asphalt mixture, but the difference is not statistically significant; 2) the dynamic modulus of some of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture were slightly lower than the control asphalt mixture, the E* modulus is also not statistically significant; 3) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had higher fatigue lives than the control asphalt mixture; 4) the inconsistence of binder test results and mixture test results may be attributed to that the aging during the mixing and compaction was not as high as that in the RTFO aging simulation. 5) the implementation of Michigan wood bioasphalt is anticipated to reduce the emission but bring irritation on eyes and skins during the mixing and compaction.


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We developed a gel- and label-free proteomics platform for comparative studies of human serum. The method involves the depletion of the six most abundant proteins, protein fractionation by Off-Gel IEF and RP-HPLC, followed by tryptic digestion, LC-MS/MS, protein identification, and relative quantification using probabilistic peptide match score summation (PMSS). We evaluated performance and reproducibility of the complete platform and the individual dimensions, by using chromatograms of the RP-HPLC runs, PMSS based abundance scores and abundance distributions as objective endpoints. We were interested if a relationship exists between the quantity ratio and the PMSS score ratio. The complete analysis was performed four times with two sets of serum samples containing different concentrations of spiked bovine beta-lactoglobulin (0.1 and 0.3%, w/w). The two concentrations resulted in significantly differing PMSS scores when compared to the variability in PMSS scores of all other protein identifications. We identified 196 proteins, of which 116 were identified four times in corresponding fractions whereof 73 qualified for relative quantification. Finally, we characterized the PMSS based protein abundance distributions with respect to the two dimensions of fractionation and discussed some interesting patterns representing discrete isoforms. We conclude that combination of Off-Gel electrophoresis (OGE) and HPLC is a reproducible protein fractionation technique, that PMSS is applicable for relative quantification, that the number of quantifiable proteins is always smaller than the number of identified proteins and that reproducibility of protein identifications should supplement probabilistic acceptance criteria.


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OBJECTIVES: The C-Port System (Cardica, Inc, Redwood City, Calif) integrates in one tool all functions necessary to enable rapid automated distal coronary anastomoses. The goal of this prospective, nonrandomized, and multicenter study is to determine the safety and efficacy of this novel anastomotic system. METHODS: Five centers enrolled 133 patients awaiting elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Outcome variables were intraoperative device performance, incidence of device-related adverse events, predischarge and 6-month angiographic graft patency, and 12-month clinical outcome. Independent core laboratories performed qualitative and quantitative angiographic and computed tomographic assessments. RESULTS: The C-Port was used to perform a vein-to-coronary anastomosis in 130 patients. Intraoperative conversion to a hand-sewn anastomosis was necessary in 11 patients because of inadequate target site preparation, inappropriate target vessel selection, or both. Inadequate blood flow related to poor runoff required conversion in 3 additional patients. Three patients died before discharge of causes unrelated to the device. At discharge, 113 patients had a C-Port implant in place, and 104 C-Port anastomoses were studied by means of angiography, resulting in 100 FitzGibbon A, 3 FitzGibbon B, and 1 FitzGibbon 0 classifications. At 6 months, one additional patient died of a device-unrelated cause, and 98 patients were evaluated by means of angiography (n = 89). Overall patency (FitzGibbon A) was 92.1%. Three C-Port anastomoses were rated FitzGibbon B, and 4 were rated FitzGibbon 0. At 12 months, 107 (98.2%) of 109 alive patients were followed up, without any reports of device-related major adverse cardiac events. CONCLUSIONS: The C-Port System allows for a rapid, reliable, and compliant distal anastomosis and yields favorable 6-month angiographic and 12-month clinical results when compared with published studies.


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Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate properties of a simple Bayesian MCMC analysis of the random effects model for single group Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-recapture data. The MCMC method is applied to the model via a logit link, so parameters p, S are on a logit scale, where logit(S) is assumed to have, and is generated from, a normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2 . Marginal prior distributions on logit(p) and μ were independent normal with mean zero and standard deviation 1.75 for logit(p) and 100 for μ ; hence minimally informative. Marginal prior distribution on σ2 was placed on τ2=1/σ2 as a gamma distribution with α=β=0.001 . The study design has 432 points spread over 5 factors: occasions (t) , new releases per occasion (u), p, μ , and σ . At each design point 100 independent trials were completed (hence 43,200 trials in total), each with sample size n=10,000 from the parameter posterior distribution. At 128 of these design points comparisons are made to previously reported results from a method of moments procedure. We looked at properties of point and interval inference on μ , and σ based on the posterior mean, median, and mode and equal-tailed 95% credibility interval. Bayesian inference did very well for the parameter μ , but under the conditions used here, MCMC inference performance for σ was mixed: poor for sparse data (i.e., only 7 occasions) or σ=0 , but good when there were sufficient data and not small σ .


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Tracking user’s visual attention is a fundamental aspect in novel human-computer interaction paradigms found in Virtual Reality. For example, multimodal interfaces or dialogue-based communications with virtual and real agents greatly benefit from the analysis of the user’s visual attention as a vital source for deictic references or turn-taking signals. Current approaches to determine visual attention rely primarily on monocular eye trackers. Hence they are restricted to the interpretation of two-dimensional fixations relative to a defined area of projection. The study presented in this article compares precision, accuracy and application performance of two binocular eye tracking devices. Two algorithms are compared which derive depth information as required for visual attention-based 3D interfaces. This information is further applied to an improved VR selection task in which a binocular eye tracker and an adaptive neural network algorithm is used during the disambiguation of partly occluded objects.


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The performance of reanalysis-driven Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5 (CRCM5) in reproducing the present climate over the North American COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment domain for the 1989–2008 period has been assessed in comparison with several observation-based datasets. The model reproduces satisfactorily the near-surface temperature and precipitation characteristics over most part of North America. Coastal and mountainous zones remain problematic: a cold bias (2–6 °C) prevails over Rocky Mountains in summertime and all year-round over Mexico; winter precipitation in mountainous coastal regions is overestimated. The precipitation patterns related to the North American Monsoon are well reproduced, except on its northern limit. The spatial and temporal structure of the Great Plains Low-Level Jet is well reproduced by the model; however, the night-time precipitation maximum in the jet area is underestimated. The performance of CRCM5 was assessed against earlier CRCM versions and other RCMs. CRCM5 is shown to have been substantially improved compared to CRCM3 and CRCM4 in terms of seasonal mean statistics, and to be comparable to other modern RCMs.


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One hundred forty-four crossbred yearling steers with an average weight of 841 pounds were used in a 116- day experiment. Steers received either 1) no implant, 2) Synovex S¨, 3) Revalor S¨, or 4) Synovex Plus¨. All implanted groups consumed more feed and gained faster and more efficiently than non-implanted steers. There were no significant differences in gain, feed intake or feed efficiency among implanted groups, though steers with the estrogen + trenbolone acetate combination implants were numerically superior to those implanted with Synovex S¨. There were no differences in feedlot performance between the two combination implants. Implants increased carcass weight with no significant effects on fat thickness or carcass quality grades. The combination implants containing trenbolone acetate increased ribeye area and increased masculinity of the carcasses. These results indicate Synovex Plus¨ is an effective implant for finishing steers.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 940-lb yearling steers fed 113 days to determine the feeding value of distillers grains relative to corn grain. Replacing corn and urea with wet distillers grains for 20% of the diet dry matter tended to increase gain with no increase in feed consumption, resulting in improved feed conversion. Replacing 40% of diet dry matter with wet distillers grains decreased feed intake without affecting gains, and improved feed efficiency. The overall average estimated net energy value of wet distillers grains was 1.20 Mcal NEg per pound dry matter. This experiment confirmed the observations in previous cattle feeding experiments, that for finishing cattle wet distillers grains have a high energy value compared with cracked corn grain. Another objective of the study was to determine if cattle being fed wet distillers grains could be suddenly changed to a different diet if the supply of wet feed was suddenly disrupted. It was found that if intake is managed during the change, that distillers grains portion of the diet can be suddenly changed from wet to dry and then changed back to wet after a week, without sacrificing performance of the cattle.


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Finishing yearling steers fed a corn-based diet containing steep liquor had statistically similar live performance as steers fed the control diet. Numerically steers fed the steep containing diet were 6% more efficient. Steers fed steep liquor tended to contain less carcass fat (as measured by intramuscular marbling) less kidney, heart and pelvic fat, and less backfat thickness. When priced at $50/ton adding steep liquor at 10% of diet dry matter reduced feed cost for gain 9%.


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Proteferm is a liquid by-product from the production of monosodium glutamate by fermentation that is 40% solids and contains 95% crude protein on a dry basis. Two trials were conducted with yearling steers to study the effects of different levels of Proteferm when added to 90% concentrate diets to replace corn and urea. Feeding Proteferm resulted in a decrease in urine pH, suggesting a metabolic acidosis that was probably caused by a negative cation–anion balance. Correcting the cation–anion imbalance resulted in an increase in feed intake and the performance of steers fed Proteferm as 1.5% of diet dry matter to be similar to the performance of control steers. Addition of sodium bicarbonate to the control diet or to the diet containing 1.5% Proteferm to produce a positive cation–anion balance did not improve performance. The results of these trials indicate that 1.5% Proteferm is the maximum that should be added to high concentrate diets fed to beef cattle without affecting performance or carcass value.


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The floods of 1993 caused the corn crop to be low in test weight. The following study was conducted to determine the relative feeding value of low test weight corn. The ability to feed this discounted corn to lambs could be a means of adding extra value to the discounted crop and lower the cost of lamb gain. Performance parameters indicated that low test weight corn was of equal value to normal test weight corn.


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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of body condition scores of beef calves on performance efficiency and carcass characteristics. In Experiment 1, 111 steer calves were stratified by breed and condition score (CS) and randomly allotted to 14 pens. The study was analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial design, with two breeds (Angus and Simmental) and three initial CS (4.4, 5.1, and 5.6). In Experiment 2, 76 steer calves were allotted to six pens by CS. The resultant pens averaged 3.9, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.6 in CS. Calves in both studies were fed a corn-based finishing diet formulated to 13.5% crude protein. All calves were implanted with Synovex- SÒ initially and reimplanted with Revalor-SÒ. In Experiment 1, 29-day dry matter intake (lb/day) increased with CS (17.9, 18.1, and 19.1 for 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .04). Daily gain (29 days) tended to decrease with increasing CS (4.19, 3.71, and 3.26; p < .13). Days on feed decreased with increasing CS (185, 180, and 178d; p < .07). In Experiment 2, daily gains also increased with decreasing initial CS for the first 114 days (p < .05) and tended to increase overall (p < .20). In Experiment 1, calves with lower initial CS had less external fat at slaughter (.48, .53, and .61 in. for CS 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .05). This effect was also noted at slaughter (p < .10), as well as at 57 days (p < .06) and at 148 days (p < .06) as measured by real-time ultrasound. Measurements of intramuscular fat and marbling were not different in either study. These data suggest that CS of feeder calves may be a useful tool for adjusting energy requirements of calves based on body condition. Also, feeder cattle may be sorted into outcome or management groups earlier than currently practiced using body condition and/or real-time ultrasound.