868 resultados para Pensamento religioso


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Este trabalho buscou entender as composições provindas das interações atuais entre consumo, publicidade e a religião, com vistas a compreender as formas de confluência/interseções entre a cultura publicitária e a religiosa. Assim, colocam-se como objetivos revelar quais as relações de interseções entre os fazeres religioso e o capitalista/publicitário quando o símbolo religioso passa a ser utilizado pela publicidade/propaganda em peças publicitárias televisivas. Dessa forma, são analisados os recursos utilizados para que a publicidade consiga aproximar religião e consumo. Para tanto, logo após uma discussão hermenêutica, se analisou sete diferentes peças publicitárias televisivas, todas veiculadas em rede nacional aberta brasileira entre 2000 e 2009, as quais se utilizavam de ícones religiosos como instrumento para comunicação mercadológica. A base para este estudo são os instrumentais teóricos dos Estudos Culturais e da matriz religiosa brasileira. Com isso, obtivemos uma compreensão mais clara acerca dos processos de confluência/interseções dos fazeres em questão, entendendo, assim, parte de seus funcionamento dentro da sociedade atual.


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Steven Johnson é uma referência de relevo na pesquisa brasileira sobre comunicação digital. Ainda assim, essa temática é abordada apenas de maneira tangencial na maior parte da sua produção bibliográfica: os livros de Johnson são, ao mesmo tempo, exemplos e defesas de um método de pesquisa e exposição que integra pensamento sistêmico e abordagem interdisciplinar ao qual ele chama long zoom e que tem a pretensão de trazer novos fatos sobre os fenômenos aos quais é aplicado. Essa dissertação, através de um estudo teórico, analisa os limites e as possibilidades do pensamento de Steven Johnson e de seu long zoom para a pesquisa científica em Comunicação Social. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica da obra do autor, cruzando-a com dados biográficos, é apresentada uma análise de conjunto do pensamento de Steven Johnson que o caracteriza como, fundamentalmente, um pensamento epistemológico. A partir disso, com uma breve revisão das principais miradas epistemológicas, da Grécia Antiga ao século XXI, são traçados os parentescos intelectuais do long zoom. Num terceiro momento, revisa-se as formas com que Johnson aplica o long zoom aos problemas da Comunicação Social, verificando-se uma tendência dominante a ressaltar as consequências sociais dos fluxos de informação permitidos pelos meios de comunicação TV e internet, sobretudo, mas também videogames numa aproximação com a Cibernética e, principalmente, um modelo mcluhaniano de análise da comunicação. Após esse trajeto, conclui-se que, a despeito das suas próprias pretensões, Johnson não apresenta novos fatos com o seu long zoom, mas novos pontos de vista e proposições teóricas que podem ou não vir a ser comprovadas pelo trabalho de cientistas.


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Desde o início das pesquisas em folkcomunicação, essa área de estudo vem sofrendo uma evolução contínua com a descoberta de novos objetos de investigação diante de seu veloz desenvolvimento. A Internet está mudando a forma de como as pessoas se comunicam e vivem. No bojo dessas mudanças, a Folkcomunicação, que perpassa a comunicação das massas por ter sua gênese no folclore, vem ganhando novos objetos com a evolução das tecnologias da Informação. A questão principal que esse trabalho levanta é a de verificar como a Internet influenciou o pensamento da folkcomunicação. No entanto, este estudo pretende elucidar algumas perguntas, como: Quem são os novos líderes folkcomunicacionais? ; Como os meios de comunicação de massa influenciam o conteúdo da mensagem folk na Internet? ; A mensagem folk pela Internet teve de ser adaptada ao meio? ; Podemos encontrar manifestações para todas as audiências folk na Internet? , e Como as audiências recebem o conteúdo da comunicação? . Para tanto, buscou-se embasamento em conceitos de Luiz Beltrão, e atualizações deste em José Marques de Melo, Joseph Luyten, Cristina Schmidt, Osvaldo Meira Trigueiro, dentre outros. Os resultados obtidos levam ao entendimento de que as pesquisas do campo comunicacional no ambiente virtual na Internet seguem um padrão próximo das manifestações encontradas em outros suportes ainda que se possam verificar atualizações temporais e espaciais.(AU)


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).


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Ce travail a comme point de départ l’oeuvre Les lauriers sont coupés, de l’écrivain Edouard Dujardin. Le livre, écrit en 1887, n’est devenu connu qu’en 1924, lorsque James Joyce a déclaré s’inspirer de cette œuvre pour écrire le monologue de Molly Bloom, personnage d’Ulysse, en utilisant une technique nommée monologue intérieur, qu’aucun écrivain n’avait jusqu’alors utilisée. Dujardin s’est proposé d’écrire un livre où le personnage dévoile sa pensée avant même de subir une quelconque censure. Ecrit à la fin du siècle, Les lauriers sont coupés présente des caractéristiques du symbolisme: la synesthésie, la musicalité, le jeu de mots et la subtitution du sentiment, propre aux romantiques, par les sens. Pour une génération d’écrivains ayant vécu à Paris à la fin du siècle, la métaphore est remplacée par la métonymie. Dans ce sens, notre auteur se trouve inséré dans son temps, c’est-à-dire, à la fin du XIXe siècle, subissant l’influence de Mallarmé et de Wagner dans l’écriture de son oeuvre. A Canção dos Loureiros, titre de la traduction en portugais d’Élide Valarini (1989), de l’oeuvre Les lauriers sont coupés, a été analysée, en essayant à la fois d’identifier les éléments du Symbolisme et de montrer que l’auteur, en écrivant cette œuvre, suppose que le lecteur, partage la pensée du personnage principal en employant la technique du monologue intérieur. Outre cette analyse, nous faisons la traduction en portugais d’un essai de Dujardin, qui n’avait pas été traduit jusqu’à présent et où il a pu lui-même revoir son œuvre et où il explique comment il a eu l’idée de travailler la technique adoptée ainsi que la réception de cette œuvre auprès de ses contemporains.


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This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).


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This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).


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Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmológic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.


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Since long ago that the religious manifestations are considered important items in various social media. In this sense, we are interested in understanding the strong denominational plurality, and the emergence of new movements / events and forms of Christianity in Brazil, which therefore is a reflection of what happens in the rest of the globalized world. Such interest is covered by the assumption that religiosity and social media are built on mutual and interconnected way, which allows us to understand that social cosmology presents itself as a fertile space privileged and to verify the interactions pertaining to the binomial: religion and society. The Protestantism is divided into three main streams: Historical, Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal. Each current of Protestantism emerged to adapt to social cosmology of historical ages, from the Reformation to the present day, forming institutions with certain ethical and moral stances. In this sense, it is necessary to research and understand how the historical Protestant, Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal were implanted in Brazil. From this we believe to be interesting problematize accurately the following: How have the processes of formation of strands / evangelical movements in Brazil? These movements are still holding their "classic robes" or hybreeding their borders? What are the modulations in the religious transit demonstrate that this probable hybridization? If there is, indeed, a hybridization between the Evangelical means, we can put it is provoked only by a logic of "market of symbolic goods of religion" in the world today? Nowadays, we are experiencing a period of change cosmological, from Modern to Postmodern (caosmológic). This last is therefore characterized by secularization, the fracture, the mutilation, the diversity of subjectivities. And thinking about is this "spirit of the times" we take as the main its theoretical references of this study, the Italian philosopher and thinker of postmodernity Gianni Vattimo featuring postmodernity with the cosmology of fragile / pensiero debole Thought and post-metaphysical, that is which enhances the appearance of more plural institutions and non-absolute. To do so, he makes use of the philosophies of German, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Finally, it must be said that this grounded theoretical framework, raise the hypothesis that the Protestantism tends to "injure anymore" by the influence of postmodern social episteme, providing thereby the emergence of a new hybrid framework has not yet nominated and can move between the three major currents of world Protestantism, with features in converged aspects of the same.


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This thesis aims to analyze the cross exhibition in sessions halls and audiences of the judiciary, considered the religious freedom and the limitations arising from the idea of State neutrality. It is known that the 1988 Constitution protects freedom of expression of thought, conscience and religion, in its various aspects, proclaiming, on the other hand, the neutrality of the state, to reinforce these same freedoms. Thus, the aim is to avoid confusion between state and religion, admitted, however, collaboration of public interest, in respect of attitude to the beliefs and individual choices of citizens. In modern societies, the dualism between the civil power and religion has to do with laicity and a broader phenomenon that took the name of secularism, meaning the loss of space of religion in societies or even decreased idea religious belonging. It is based on this finding that the work develops with reference to concepts such as civil society and rule of law relevant to an accurate understanding of the problem. The methodology consists of bibliographic and documentary research through books and thesis, in addition to the legislation and some precedents related to the topic in question, looking to investigate whether, even though the predominantly Catholic Brazilian people and recognized the strong influence that Christian values exercise on the public authorities, it is possible to sustain the symbolic differentiation state, a republic that is said secular and democratic and which has as one of the fundamental objectives to promote the good of all, without any form of discrimination. Starting from the idea that the presence in buildings and public institutions, symbols and Catholic imagery, like the crucifix, has some difficulty in reconciling the guarantee of religious freedom and the principle of laicity, the idea is to exactly propose a solution who can respect pluralism and diversity in a context where Catholicism remains a strong presence.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.


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The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlândia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de refletir a relevância do Ensino de Filosofia no contexto histórico brasileiro em consonância conjectural paulistana. Apontamos através do Decreto nro. 6.283 de 25 de janeiro de 1934, o qual instituiu-se sendo a primeira Universidade brasileira (Universidade de São Paulo) nas palavras de Vita “iniciativa pioneira no Brasil” (1969, p.16). Inspirada no modelo universitário tradicional da cultura filosófica francesa, a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras adotou desde os seus contíguos metodológicos aos procedimentos intelectivos, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da interdisciplinaridade da formação cultural. Uma confluência marcada por intensos envolvimentos ideológicos estruturados do progresso moderno, infundindo competências científicas na faculdade profissional incorporada à universidade, bem como formar professores para o ensino secundário (SCHWARTZMAN, 2006, p.163). Sendo assim, a Faculdade de Filosofia seria o núcleo propulsor. Porém, o modelo centralizador de pensar o Ensino da Filosofia, a atribui uma superioridade técnica intelectual e saber acumulado, pouco distingue da competência escolar conquistada em outros países, pelo potencial formativo dos professores filósofos Jean Maugüé (1955,1982) e João da Cruz Costa (1945, 1960, 1961,1967). Mauguë aponta-nos quão a formação em Filosofia está diretamente atribuída ao docente e ao aluno, que a ela se dedica. Pela obra Ensino de Filosofia e Diretrizes, ele apresenta-nos também a concepção de docência: o docente-intelectual, comprometido com a (re) construção dos significados epistemológicos, legitimados por uma prática pedagógica entre o já conhecido e ao conhecer, ou seja, entre o ensinado e ao ensinar. Nesse sentido, é notável que os argumentos do docente e do filósofo se imbricam, ao ponto de serem confundidos e potencializados durante a formação. Assim, Cruz Costa, também trabalha, quando assume a cátedra, porém ressalta que o processo formativo adquire sentido pela História das Ideias como construção do pensamento filosófico e, portanto, o ensino se faz quando se toma consciência da concentricidade histórica, ideias que lhe concede significado conjugado às técnicas de erudição, o que fez advertir aos seus alunos para as vicissitudes pelas quais passaram em nossa terra, as correntes filosóficas estrangeiras, e, sobretudo, para a curiosa significação que elas têm apresentado no envolver de nossa história (VITA, 1950, p.22). O conhecimento histórico é o caminho norteador a ser percorrido, necessário ao devir humano, isto é, a conciliação entre o conhecimento teórico e as condições históricas.


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Ao estudarmos a evolução histórica e o panorama atual do ensino religioso no Brasil, nos deparamos hoje com o problema da exclusão mútua de duas visões do seu tratamento na escola pública: ou deve existir o ensino religioso confessional ou não deve existir nenhum tipo de ensino religioso. Superando uma visão de laicidade de abstenção ao afirmar que o religioso, por definição, não nos diz respeito ou não diz respeito à ciência, e admitindo uma laicidade de inteligência ao defender que é nosso dever ou dever da ciência compreendê-lo como expressão humana e social, o ensino do fenômeno religioso pode superar essas duas visões, a partir de uma base epistemológica sólida para esta área de conhecimento, como já é prevista pela nossa legislação. Ele garante o respeito à diversidade e à pluralidade cultural da sociedade brasileira e contribui para a compreensão do fenômeno religioso como “objeto de cultura”. Ele é capaz de subsidiar práticas de ensino do fenômeno religioso no sistema de ensino laico, sem prejuízo de sua laicidade, mas a favor dela. A educação laica para a cidadania não pode ignorar as religiões pela sua forte presença e função na sociedade. É preciso decodificar criticamente as representações e práticas religiosas em nome da convivência mais construtiva entre as pessoas e extrair das tradições religiosas valores que contribuam para a vida humana na sua plenitude. Este modelo de ensinar a religião como fenômeno antropológico, social e cultural pode ainda cumprir uma função específica no que se refere ao conhecimento de si mesmo (identidade) e do outro para a aceitação do diferente (alteridade) apontando para a construção de valores éticos e de cidadania. Esta pesquisa se baseia em um grande levantamento bibliográfico e entrevistas com especialistas em laicidade e ensino do religioso a partir da proposta de Régis Debray adotada na França. Ela nos leva a concluir que o ensino do fenômeno religioso na escola pública do Brasil não é apenas necessário, mas até indispensável, se queremos uma educação que contribua para a formação dos nossos alunos e alunas para a convivência solidária.