1000 resultados para Pascucci, Silvana


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The present study aimed to identify the presence of indicators of stress, levels of stress and overload with the formal and informal caregivers of cancer patients. Participated in the survey 33 caregivers of cancer patients in total, 16 formal and 17 informal. To collect data, we used: 1) Roadmap for characterization of participants; 2) Inventory of Stress Symptoms Lipp - ISSL and 3) Protocol Zarit Burden Interview - ZBT. The results revealed that 43 % of informal carers were in the resistance phase, 29 % in the burnout stage, 14 % at the stage of exhaustion and almost 14 % in the alert phase. Formal caregivers 25 % are in the exhaustion phase and 75 % in the resistance. The overload has also performed on a larger scale in informal than formal caregivers, 47 % to 18,7 % charge respectively. However, the results revealed no statistically significant difference between groups for the incidence of stress but indicated a difference against overloading pointing out that professional caregivers in the incidence is lower. The results suggest the need to implement support for informal and formal caregivers programs, develop coping strategies, handling the situations of overload and stress, aiming to better quality of life for the caregiver, and consequently for the patient who is receiving care.


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Introduction: This study is part of some activities developed in a school library in Marília - SP. Objective: To approach the voice pad use in historical narratives. Methodology: The book chosen by the storyteller for this experiment was “A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado” written by Monteiro Lobato, the first Brazilian book to gain an interactive version for the pad device. Results: It was observe in that activity like a digital device excites children, being a new way to interaction with stories. With features enticing and easier to use, the tablets provide the reading levels of dynamism and interactivity so far unthinkable. Conclusions: With the results of this research, it is concluded that audiovisual resources allow interaction and dynamism, providing enthusiasm to the listeners; being a pleasurable and diverse action that enables the professional to use new tools to stimulate the taste to hear and share stories as well as to attend a school library.


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The life expectancy increase has been augmenting studies on human aging. Among these studies are those that address the interaction between the elderly and the information and communication technologies, which may facilitate the execution of daily activities by elderly people. Therefore, the goal of this article was to investigate the application of constructivist elements in computer courses offered to Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade – UNATI – UNESP – Campus of Marília, contributing to the digital inclusion of this community. The constructivist elements focused on the role of the teacher as a mediator in the teaching-learning process. It was found that most of these elements are already being applied in this universe, but some changes need to be undertaken in order to expand the opportunities for education and to allow students to have more autonomy for information seeking and use in the web environment.


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Introduction: This paper presents preliminary results of the research project "Information access: actions and strategies of the Chamber of Deputies to meet 12.527/2011 Law”. Finally some considerations about the implementation of the Law within the Chamber of Deputies are presented. Objectives: Discuss the matter of public information access after the new Brazilian information access law and his relationship between the theories information policy, information regime and informational state. Methodology: Bibliographic research about several theoretical topics related to information access were raised, for example: the concept of information, information policy, informational state, information regime, electronic government and information asymmetry. Results: The preliminaries data shows a convergence of information policies from many countries, for example, Finland, Canada and South Africa, to a same point, which indicates an increase of transparency and a bigger active disclosure of information public. Conclusion: In Brazilian case, in the relationship between State and citizen, the new information access law means a materialization paradigm change or the concretization de other information regime. The sanction of this law can be interpreted as another step to increase the transparency and the affirmation of democratic relationship between State and society.


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This paper is the result of discussions held during the initial research on ways of reading and reading activities, to obtain the title of the Ph.D. graduate program in Education at UNESP - Marilia. The paper seeks to rethink the practice followed the reality historically constructed as reference, creating a dialectic movement, and a constant construction, and the overcoming of it. In this perspective, we approach possible practices that can enhance the student's prior knowledge, and from it, to propose ways of action that lead to the development of the subject through the processes of teaching and learning of reading in school. From the study of actions that are agreed as reading practices, the study proposes to work with the Reading Strategies to promote the development of the individual. Among the different results that have been announced in the research, we highlight the need for conscious mediation of the teacher in the act of teaching reading and conscious participation of the student in the process. Partial results give evidence to confirm the hypothesis that: intentional actions are driving the learning of children in activity in the classroom, considering their experiences and choices of the teacher as mediator in the process. Students in third grade of elementary school are the subjects of research, theory and practice. The researcher is the mediator and proposer of the actions based on microgenetic research.


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The usability and accessibility, when applied to digital information environments, provide ease of use and access to information, respectively. Thus, we aim to discuss these concepts and apply them in specific digital environments to the elderly through the documentary and bibliographic study of specific recommendations on projects for elderly users. This study was conducted in conjunction with students at the Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade (UNATI) - UNESP - Marilia, who assisted in the classification of recommendations for usability and accessibility are essential (Priority 1), important (Priority 2) and optional (Priority 3). The results indicate the importance of this type of study for the digital and social inclusion of older people by facilitating elements of access and use of information, providing the building more inclusive informational architectures. The resulting recommendations can be used as a starting point for the design of digital environments for the elderly in a specific heuristic evaluation, for example. However, it remains important to the application of usability testing with users, including the application to validate these recommendations, since different contexts may arise from the implementation of different elements, resources and information services.


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Information retrieval is a recurrent subject in search of information science. This kind of study aim to improve results in both searches on the Web and in various other digital information environment. In this context, the Iterative Representation model suggested for digital repositories, appears as a differential that changes the paradigm of self-archiving of digital objects, creating a concept of relationship between terms that link the user thought the material deposited in the digital environment. The links effect by the Iterative Representation aided Assisted Folksonomy generate a shaped structure that connects networks, vertically and horizontally, the objects deposited, relying on some kind of structure for representing knowledge of specialty areas and therefore, creating an information network based on knowledge of users. The network of information created, called the network of tags is dynamic and effective a different model of information retrieval and study of digital information repositories.Keywords Digital Repositories; Iterative Representation; Folksonomy; Folksonomy Assisted; Semantic Web; Network Tags.


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Information retrieval has been much discussed within Information Science lately. The search for quality information compatible with the users needs became the object of constant research.Using the Internet as a source of dissemination of knowledge has suggested new models of information storage, such as digital repositories, which have been used in academic research as the main form of autoarchiving and disseminating information, but with an information structure that suggests better descriptions of resources and hence better retrieval.Thus the objective is to improve the process of information retrieval, presenting a proposal for a structural model in the context of the semantic web, addressing the use of web 2.0 and web 3.0 in digital repositories, enabling semantic retrieval of information through building a data layer called Iterative Representation.The present study is characterized as descriptive and analytical, based on document analysis, divided into two parts: the first, characterized by direct observation of non-participatory tools that implement digital repositories, as well as digital repositories already instantiated, and the second with scanning feature, which suggests an innovative model for repositories, with the use of structures of knowledge representation and user participation in building a vocabulary domain. The model suggested and proposed ─ Iterative Representation ─ will allow to tailor the digital repositories using Folksonomy and also controlled vocabulary of the field in order to generate a data layer iterative, which allows feedback information, and semantic retrieval of information, through the structural model designed for repositories. The suggested model resulted in the formulation of the thesis that through Iterative Representation it is possible to establish a process of semantic retrieval of information in digital repositories.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Digital repositories are currently being used by education and research institutions in Brazil as an alternative for propagating scientific and academic results, mainly to reach institutional memory and visibility. However, the way these results are presented may influence their use, affecting user-system interaction through the interface components. Thus, it is possible to state that an unique digital information environment can offer different ways of visual presentation, customizing informational and visual components for specific users communities. In this context, tools are being developed as a resource to make access and use of information easier, and to increase the usability of digital informational environments. One of these tools, Manakin, is presented in this paper, as well as its integration with the DSpace platform, in order to enable multiple visual presentations, stressing the importance of the differentiation and direction of interfaces by a single repository to the various knowledge fields. So, results and examples of repositories with multiple visual presentations are introduced, to facilitate the use of the presented tool, as well as to reinforce the importance of a differentiated visual identity by areas of knowledge in a single repository, by means of literary and exploratory analysis.


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The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be combined with the acquisition of academic knowledge and cultural development of students, as they improve their information literacy, and why not say, also digital. Weaim in this research seek references and present experiences that encourage a new concept of school library with the use of ICT in teaching and learning in individual and collective development of the student community. To complement this study we prioritized the following objectives: to insert the technology into the routine of a school library; identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents; understand the needs and technological resources they use to obtain information in daily life and also analyze the importance the effective participation of the school library in the educational context of the school, through greater interaction between the librarian, teacher and pedagogical coordination seeking a cooperative and informal ICT teaching and learning for along with the students, sharing the search for information and knowledge, in a conscious and responsible way. Chosen as theoretical foundation the cognitive studies of Jean Piaget, witch explains how the stages of assimilation and accommodation of knowledge in cooperative practices work. As a methodology was developed a participatory-action research, to learn the behavioral state of young people and adolescents, based on the model of information search for the everyday life (Everyday Life Information Seeking) – ELIS, developed by Finnish researcher Savoleinen (2006), as well as identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents from two selected approaches in the scientific literature (HUGUES-HASSEL; AGOSTO, 2007; UCL, 2008). Thus, came up the initiative to create a Confraternity of the Library in a collaborative digital environment, providing the participants discussion and learning technologies as well as digital information literacy enhancement.


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This text has the objective of reflecting and socializing the educa- tional practices and experiences of formation in service carried out in cities of the states of Paraná and São Paulo, as deployment of researches, projects and extension courses. The present elaboration contemplates studies on the organization of teaching and it is gui- ded according to the Historical-Cultural Theory, which sustains the pedagogical interventions to Children Education and Basic Educa- tion. The Historical-Cultural Theory is presented as a theoretical reference for a purpose of acting in a humanization and emancipa- tion perspective. Therefore, so that the didactic procedures be rich in meaning, the communication, the affection and the choice of the resources and procedures must act as essential characteristics in the teaching process.


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Blogging become popular due to its ease of use and publication, which influences the growth of digital information environments. Therefore, studies are needed to optimize the organization of information in the blog, to contribute in its development. Using the direct observation of nonparticipatory, analysis was performed on 6 blogs of university libraries to identify the elements of Information Architecture (IA) that is considered essential and optional for the structural development of a blog. Thus, were conducted planning guidelines for blogs and a model for its evaluation, and were proposed specific elements of IA for blogs, to contribute to the study of Digital Information Architecture.


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At first, this paper presents the epistemological and theoretical bases that support the inclusion of an operational concept for the findability of information in the field of Information Science. In a second moment, it defines the key attributes and recommendations for the findability of information, with a view to their understanding in a practical perspective, from the epistemological and theoretical support presented. From a theoretical, exploratory, bibliographic and documentary study, the results reveal that epistemologically the findability of information fits in Information Science in post-custodial paradigm that focuses on access to information and is significantly influenced by Information and Communication Technologies. The theoretical conclusions of this concept focus on the evolution of the Web and from the perspective of the dimensions of language, where there is as pragmatic trend, as technological development that combines the actions taken by informational and institutional individuals in digital information environments. Given that these actions turn enable or not the findability of information, these individuals can be understood as mediators. Therefore, the concept of infocommunicational mediation is the basis for the findability of information. For its application in digital information environments, were defined attributes and guidelines which should be considered in the context of Information Architecture. The attributes characterizing the concept and guidelines point at practical actions for the design and for evaluation of the findability of information. Epistemological, theoretical and practical concepts addressed underpin the called operative concept in information science and should be further explored in this scientific field.


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In the contemporary world, the Internet enables the development of a Collaborative Web where the decentralization and sharing of information and knowledge generate new cultural configurations of increasing representation in informational flows. In this environment, collaboration and remix practices are covered by a legislation established for another context, and an imbalance is created between what is provided by the technology and what is established by Copyright. Therefore, it is necessary to address, under the perspective of the third time in Information Science, contemporary issues concerning creation, recreation, use, reuse, sharing and dissemination of intellectual content under the legislation which regulates them. This article seeks to highlight the dilemma that contemporaneity is experiencing and how important is for both society as a whole and specially the professional of Information Science to know the legal conditions for the processes of generating, processing, using, recovering and, especially, re-using information on the Web at a larger scale. The Creative Commons licenses are emerging alternatives that offer individuals options to become not only users but also holders and creators of intellectual content under legal conditions.