849 resultados para PVC-aren degradazioa


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This paper emphasizes the influence of micro mechanisms of failure of a cellular material on its phenomenological response. Most of the applications of cellular materials comprise a compression loading. Thus, the study focuses on the influence of the anisotropy in the mechanical behavior of cellular material under cyclic compression loadings. For this study, a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique (named Correli) was applied, as well as SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) images were analyzed. The experimental results are discussed in detail for a closed-cell rigid poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) foam, showing stress-strain curves in different directions and why the material can be assumed as transversely isotropic. Besides, the present paper shows elastic and plastic Poisson's ratios measured in different planes, explaining why the plastic Poisson's ratios approach to zero. Yield fronts created by the compression loadings in different directions and the influence of spring-back phenomenon on hardening curves are commented, also.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do cultivo prévio do capim-Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), da aplicação de corretivos e da compactação do solo no acúmulo de macronutrientes pela soja cultivada em sucessão. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 6 x 2, com três repetições. Os fatores de estudo foram quatro densidades do solo: 1,0; 1,20; 1,40 e 1,60 Mg m-3; seis tratamentos de correção: 1) controle, sem correção; 2) calcário; 3) silicato de cálcio; 4) gesso; 5) calcário + gesso; 6) silicato de cálcio + gesso; além de dois sistemas de cultivo: com e sem cultivo prévio do capim-Marandu. As unidades experimentais foram compostas por vasos de tubos de PVC de 20 cm de diâmetro, compostos por dois anéis: o anel inferior, de 40 cm de altura, recebeu o solo sob condições naturais e densidade de 1,0 Mg m-3; o anel superior, com 20 cm de altura representando 6,28 dm³, recebeu os tratamentos de densidades, correção e gesso como descrito adiante. Em cada um foram conduzidas três plantas de soja (cv. Conquista) até o final do ciclo, quando o acúmulo de macronutrientes pela cultura foi avaliado. Os resultados mostraram que o cultivo prévio do capim-Marandu e o uso de corretivos amenizaram os efeitos negativos da compactação do solo sobre a nutrição da soja. A utilização de corretivos do solo contribuiu para o aumento no acúmulo de macronutrientes na parte aérea da soja, porém o incremento na compactação diminuiu o acúmulo de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. A compactação do solo persistiu parcialmente mediante o cultivo prévio com o capim marandu.


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[EN]Octopus vulgaris on-growing in floating cages has shown promising results. Nevertheless, some aspects of the culture system need to be evaluated to warrantee its profitability. In the present work individual and group rearing, in PVC net compartments and floating cages respectively, are compared under two dietary treatments. One diet is composed by bogue, supplied as ?discarded? species from local fish farms, and the other is based on a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab Portunus pelagicus. Besides, the effect of initial size is also evaluated. All octopuses were PIT-tagged and the experiment lasted 2 months. Absolute growth rate (AGR, g./day) and mortality (%) were calculated. Control diet generated higher growth rates and lower mortality which suggests different crab requirements at higher rearing temperatures. High mortality recorded in individual rearing could be related with high initial rearing density and temperatures.


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Octopus vulgaris on-growing in floating cages is a promising activity implemented in Spain at industrial level, with productions of 16-32 tons/year from 1998. Nevertheless, some aspects of the culture system need to be evaluated to warrantee its profitability. In the present study two rearing systems and two dietary treatments were evaluated. Individual and group rearing, in PVC net compartments and floating cages respectively, were compared under two dietary treatments. One diet was composed by bogue, supplied as ?discarded? species from local fish farms, and the other was based on a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab Portunus pelagicus. All octopuses were PIT-tagged and the experiment lasted two months. Animals were sampled once throughout the experimental period and absolute growth rate (AGR, g./day) and mortality (%) were calculated. AGR of group rearing was above 30 g./day, however individual rearing showed 100% survival so biomass increment was higher. On the other hand, males grew more than females regardless of dietary treatment.


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The present work evaluates whether the addition of 2 species of crab (Portunus pelagicus and Grapsus grapsus) as attractants (10%) in experimental moist diet based in discarded bogue (Boops boops) may increase ingestion and growth in O. vulgaris. Besides, another diet based on flour, made from discarded bogue and G. grapsus, was tested. Finally, a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab P. pelagicus was provided as a control diet. Four male octopuses, kept The present work evaluates whether the addition of 2 species of crab (Portunus pelagicus and Grapsus grapsus) as attractants (10%) in experimental moist diet based in discarded bogue (Boops boops) may increase ingestion and growth in O. vulgaris. Besides, another diet based on flour, made from discarded bogue and G. grapsus, was tested. Finally, a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab P. pelagicus was provided as a control diet. Four male octopuses, kept in PVC net cages in the same tank, were fed each diet for 8 weeks and several parameters were calculated: absolute growth rate (AGR, g./day), standard feeding rate (SFR, %/day) and feed efficiency (FE). The addition of crab to the diet under the conditions described did not improve ingestion, growth or feed efficiency in this species, while the flour based diet generated negative growth.


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[EN] In this paper, we present a vascular tree model made with synthetic materials and which allows us to obtain images to make a 3D reconstruction.We have used PVC tubes of several diameters and lengths that will let us evaluate the accuracy of our 3D reconstruction. In order to calibrate the camera we have used a corner detector. Also we have used Optical Flow techniques to follow the points through the images going and going back. We describe two general techniques to extract a sequence of corresponding points from multiple views of an object. The resulting sequence of points will be used later to reconstruct a set of 3D points representing the object surfaces on the scene. We have made the 3D reconstruction choosing by chance a couple of images and we have calculated the projection error. After several repetitions, we have found the best 3D location for the point.


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[EN] In this paper, we present a vascular tree model made with synthetic materials and which allows us to obtain images to make a 3D reconstruction. In order to create this model, we have used PVC tubes of several diameters and lengths that will let us evaluate the accuracy of our 3D reconstruction. We have made the 3D reconstruction from a series of images that we have from our model and after we have calibrated the camera. In order to calibrate it we have used a corner detector. Also we have used Optical Flow techniques to follow the points through the images going and going back. Once we have the set of images where we have located a point, we have made the 3D reconstruction choosing by chance a couple of images and we have calculated the projection error. After several repetitions, we have found the best 3D location for the point.


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Many energetic and environmental evaluations need appropriate meteorological data, as input to analysis and prevision softwares. In Italy there aren't adeguate meteorological data because, in many cases, they are incomplete, incorrect and also very expensive for a long-term analysis (that needs multi-year data sets). A possible solution to this problem is the use of a Typical Meteorological Year (TRY), generated for specific applications. Nowadays the TRYs have been created, using statistical criteria, just for the analysis of solar energy systems and for predicting the thermal performance of buildings, applying it also to the study of photovoltaic plants (PV), though not specifically created for this type of application. The present research has defined the methodology for the creation of TRYs for different applications. In particular TRYs for environmental and wind plant analysis have been created. This is the innovative aspect of this research, never explored before. In additions, the methodology of the generation for the PV TRYs has been improved. The results are very good and the TRYs generated for these applications are adeguate to characterize the climatic condition of the place over a long period and can be used for energetic and environmental studies.


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Organotin compounds have found in the last few decades a wide variety of applications. Indeed, they are used successfully as antifouling paints, PVC stabilizers and ion carriers, as well as homogeneous catalysts. In this context, it has been proved that the Lewis acidity of the metal centre allows these compounds to promote the reaction between alcohol and ester. However their use is now limited by their well-known toxicity, moreover they are hardly removable from the reaction mixture. This problem can be overcome by grafting the organotin derivative onto a polymeric cross-linked support. In this way the obtained heterogeneous catalyst can be easily filtered off from the reaction mixture, thus creating the so-called "clean organotin reagents", avoiding the presence of toxic organotin residues in solution and the tin release in the environment. In the last few years several insoluble polystyrene resins containing triorganotin carboxylate moieties have been synthesized with the aim of improving their catalytic activity: in particular we have investigated and opportunely modified their chemical structure in order to optimize the accessibility to the metal centre and its Lewis acidity. Recently, we replaced the polymeric matrix with an inorganic one, in order to dispose of a relatively cheaper and easily available support. For this purpose an ordered mesoporous silica, characterized by 2D-hexagonal pores, named MCM-41, and an amorphous silica have been selected. In the present work two kinds of MCM-41 silica containing the triorganotin carboxylate moiety have been synthesized starting from a commercial Cab-O-Sil M5 silica. These catalysts have two different spacers between the core and the tin-carboxylate moiety, namely a polyaliphatic chain (compound FT29) or a poliethereal one (compound FT6), with the aim to improve the interaction between catalyst and reacting ester. Three catalysts supported onto an amorphous silica have been also synthesized: the structure is the same as silica FT29, i.e. a compound having a polialiphatic chain, and they have different percentage of organotin derivative grafted on the silica surface (10, 30, 50% respectively for silica MB9, SU27 and SU28). The performances of the above silica as heterogeneous catalysts in transesterification reactions have been tested in a model reaction between ethyl acetate and 1-octanol, a primary alcohol sensitive to the reaction conditions. The alcohol conversion was assessed by gas-chromatography, determining the relative amount of transesterified product and starting alcohol after established time intervals.


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Wide rim tetraurea calix[4]arenes form hydrogen bonded dimeric capsules in apolar solvents in the presence of a suitable guest, which must be included in the cavity. The monomeric and dimeric form are never observed simultaneously under usual conditions. In general the combination of two different alkyl or aryl tetraurea derivatives results in the mixture of two homodimers and a heterodimer, however, only the heterodimeric species is observed in the 1:1 mixture of aryl and tosyl ureas. The (hetero)dimerization of oligourea calix[4]arenes (units) was used to construct larger structures via self-assembly of multiple calixarenes (building blocks) containing two (or more) covalently connected units. Among these self-assembled structures linear or branched polymers, cyclic oligomers and well-organized dendrimers were envisaged. The synthesis of the building blocks requires the preparation of calix[4]arene units possessing one (or more) functional group at the narrow or wide rim. Finally the oligourea units were covalently connected either directly or via suitable spacers within appropriate building blocks using amide bonds. Self-assembly properties of such building blocks were investigated.


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Le grotte marine sono habitat molto particolari che presentano situazioni molto diverse da quelle riscontrabili nell’ambiente esterno. La variabilità nella struttura geomorfologica, la topografia, la profondità, l’orientamento e l’idrodinamismo rappresentano una vasta gamma di situazioni che consentono la presenza di popolamenti caratteristici, la cui unicità determina l’importanza della loro salvaguardia. La composizione delle comunità dipende fortemente dall'arrivo dei propaguli dall'esterno, e non solo dalla riproduzione di adulti presenti. Quindi, per determinare la struttura e la dinamica delle popolazioni marine, è di fondamentale importanza comprendere i processi che agiscono sul reclutamento. In particolare per gli organismi sessili la fase larvale rappresenta l'unico stadio di dispersione. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è analizzare il reclutamento dei popolamenti bentonici sulle pareti laterali e sulla volta della grotta sottomarina della Colombara, nell’area marina protetta di Portofino (Genova), per valutare la loro diversità specifica, abbondanza e distribuzione. Per far ciò sono stati posti 14 pannelli quadrati in forex PVC all’interno della grotta (8 sulla volta e 6 sulle pareti laterali) per un periodo di tempo di venti mesi. L’abbondanza degli organismi è stata stimata in termini di ricoprimento percentuale utilizzando un reticolo di 400 sottoquadrati da 1 cm². Le possibili differenze tra le strutture dei popolamenti, l’abbondanza delle specie e gli indici di diversità tra parete e volta della grotta sono state testate con l’analisi della varianza basata su permutazioni (PERMANOVA) utilizzando il software PRIMER 6. Dai risultati ottenuti sono emerse differenze qualitative e quantitative nella distribuzione dei popolamenti fra la volta e le pareti della grotta. Analizzando le singole specie, è possibile osservare come molte di queste tendano a reclutare maggiormente sulla volta rispetto alle pareti. In generale, la distribuzione degli organismi dipende, oltre che dai più conosciuti gradienti ambientali (idrodinamismo, luce ecc) dai processi ecologici. Considerando che i fattori ambientali ed ecologici interagiscono nel definire la struttura dei popolamenti e sono interdipendenti tra loro, possiamo ipotizzare che le distribuzioni spaziali osservate per le diverse specie dipendano in gran parte dall’ecologia larvale, che porta ad un più elevato tasso di reclutamento sulla volta piuttosto che sulle pareti della grotta.


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The main objective of my thesis was the technical-economic feasibility of a system of electricity generation integrated with CCS. The policy framework for development processing is part of the recent attention that at the political level has been directed towards the use of CCS technologies with the aim of addressing the problems of actual climate change. Several technological options have been proposed to stabilize and reduce the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) among which, the most promising for IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)are the CCS technologies (Carbon Capture and Storage & Carbon Capture and Sequestration). The remedy proposed for large stationary CO2 sources as thermoelectric power plants is to separate the flue gas capturing CO2 and to store it into deep subsurface geological formations (more than 800 meters of depth). In order to support the identification of potential CO2 storage reservoirs in Italy and in Europe by Geo Capacity(an European database) new studies are developing. From the various literature data analyzed shows that most of the CO2 emitted from large stationary sources comes from the processes of electricity generation (78% of total emissions) and from (about 60%) those using coal especially. The CCS have the objective of return "to the sender" , the ground, the carbon in oxidized form (CO2) after it has been burned by man starting from its reduced form (CH4, oil and coal), then the carbon dioxide is not a "pollutant" if injected into the subsurface, CO2 is an acid reagent that interacts with the rock, with underground fluid and the characteristics of the host rock. The results showed that the CCS technology are very urgent, because unfortunately there are too many industrial sources of CO2 in assets (power plants, refineries, cement plants, steel mills) in the world who are carrying too quickly the CO2 atmospheric concentration levels to values that aren't acceptable for our dear planet.


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Il modello gravitazionale e' ormai diventato un "cavallo da battaglia" in economia internazionle ed e' comunemente utilizzato nella determinazione dei flussi commerciali. Recentemente, molti studi hanno mostrato l'importanza della dipendenza spaziale, che va' a considerare quegli effetti dovuti al cosiddetto "third country". Intervengono a questo scopo la modellistica e le tecniche di stima di Econometria Spaziale. Verra' fatto uso di tali tecniche allo scopo di stimare con un modello gravitazionale spaziale il commercio internazionale tra paesi dell'OCSE per un panel di 22 anni. L'obiettivo e' quindi duplice: da un lato, si andra' ad applicare le piu' moderne tecniche di Econometria Spaziale, in un campo in cui tali contributi scarseggiano. Dall'altro lato,verra' fornita una interpretazione del comportamento del commercio internazionale tra paesi dell'OCSE, approfondendo gli aspetti relativi all'effetto del"third country" e del fenomeno migratorio. Inoltre , viene proposta un'analisi che ha lo scopo di validare l'ipotesi di omissione della distanza dal modello gravitazione strutturale.


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La dissertazione, basandosi su un confronto sistematico dei testi, analizza i rapporti fra i carmina docta di Catullo e le Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio con particolare attenzione al carme 64. Il lavoro è suddiviso in dieci capitoli più un'introduzione e una conclusione. Nell'introduzione si illustra la metodologia applicata e si discutono alcune questioni teoriche relative all'intertestualità. Nel I capitolo si delinea una storia della critica moderna che mette in evidenza come negli studi catulliani sul carme 64, nel corso dell'ultimo secolo e mezzo, Apollonio tenda ad assumere un ruolo sempre più importante. Nei capitoli II-IX viene fatto uno studio molto approfondito del carme 64. Tale studio analizza il testo catulliano mettendo in luce le somiglianze contenutistiche, strutturali e stilistiche con le Argonautiche. Il X capitolo è invece dedicato agli altri carmina docta. Poiché questi ultimi carmi hanno scarsi punti di contatto con il poema di Apollonio, ci si limita a mettere in evidenza una serie di motivi e tratti comuni. Nella parte conclusiva si espone un quadro sommario dei risultati raggiunti. Il lavoro dimostra in particolare come nel complesso le somiglianze fra Catullo e Apollonio riguardino elementi superficiali o luoghi comuni e come non vi sia alcuna prova certa di una dipendenza diretta di Catullo da Apollonio (nonostante una tale dipendenza sia da ritenersi probabile per ragioni storiche). In contrasto con buona parte della critica più recente, si esprime di conseguenza la convinzione che sia poco opportuno utilizzare le Argonautiche per spiegare il carme 64 o per instaurare un dialogo di natura intertestuale fra Catullo e Apollonio.


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The proton-nucleus elastic scattering at intermediate energies is a well-established method for the investigation of the nuclear matter distribution in stable nuclei and was recently applied also for the investigation of radioactive nuclei using the method of inverse kinematics. In the current experiment, the differential cross sections for proton elastic scattering on the isotopes $^{7,9,10,11,12,14}$Be and $^8$B were measured. The experiment was performed using the fragment separator at GSI, Darmstadt to produce the radioactive beams. The main part of the experimental setup was the time projection ionization chamber IKAR which was simultaneously used as hydrogen target and a detector for the recoil protons. Auxiliary detectors for projectile tracking and isotope identification were also installed. As results from the experiment, the absolute differential cross sections d$sigma$/d$t$ as a function of the four momentum transfer $t$ were obtained. In this work the differential cross sections for elastic p-$^{12}$Be, p-$^{14}$Be and p-$^{8}$B scattering at low $t$ ($t leq$~0.05~(GeV/c)$^2$) are presented. The measured cross sections were analyzed within the Glauber multiple-scattering theory using different density parameterizations, and the nuclear matter density distributions and radii of the investigated isotopes were determined. The analysis of the differential cross section for the isotope $^{14}$Be shows that a good description of the experimental data is obtained when density distributions consisting of separate core and halo components are used. The determined {it rms} matter radius is $3.11 pm 0.04 pm 0.13$~fm. In the case of the $^{12}$Be nucleus the results showed an extended matter distribution as well. For this nucleus a matter radius of $2.82 pm 0.03 pm 0.12$~fm was determined. An interesting result is that the free $^{12}$Be nucleus behaves differently from the core of $^{14}$Be and is much more extended than it. The data were also compared with theoretical densities calculated within the FMD and the few-body models. In the case of $^{14}$Be, the calculated cross sections describe the experimental data well while, in the case of $^{12}$Be there are discrepancies in the region of high momentum transfer. Preliminary experimental results for the isotope $^8$B are also presented. An extended matter distribution was obtained (though much more compact as compared to the neutron halos). A proton halo structure was observed for the first time with the proton elastic scattering method. The deduced matter radius is $2.60pm 0.02pm 0.26$~fm. The data were compared with microscopic calculations in the frame of the FMD model and reasonable agreement was observed. The results obtained in the present analysis are in most cases consistent with the previous experimental studies of the same isotopes with different experimental methods (total interaction and reaction cross section measurements, momentum distribution measurements). For future investigation of the structure of exotic nuclei a universal detector system EXL is being developed. It will be installed at the NESR at the future FAIR facility where higher intensity beams of radioactive ions are expected. The usage of storage ring techniques provides high luminosity and low background experimental conditions. Results from the feasibility studies of the EXL detector setup, performed at the present ESR storage ring, are presented.