978 resultados para PUMP
Résumé La Na,K-ATPase est une protéine transmembranaire, présente dans toutes les cellules de mammifères et indispensable à la viabilité cellulaire. Elle permet le maintien des gradients sodiques et potassiques à l'origine du potentiel membranaire en transportant 3 Na+ en dehors de la cellule contre 2 K+, grâce à l'énergie fournie par l'hydrolyse d'une molécule d'ATP. Le potentiel membranaire est indispensable au maintien de l'excitabilité cellulaire et à la transmission de l'influx nerveux. Il semblerait que la Na,K-ATPase soit liée à l'hypertension et à certains troubles neurologiques comme la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique (1VIFH). La MFH est une forme de migraine avec aura, qui se caractérise par une hémiparésie. Cette forme de migraine est très rare. Elle se transmet génétiquement sur un mode autosomique dominant. Plusieurs mutations localisées dans le gène de la Na,K-ATPase ont été identifiées durant ces 3 dernières années. C'est la première fois qu'une maladie génétique est associée au gène de la Na,K-ATPase. La compréhension du fonctionnement de cette protéine peut donner des informations sur les mécanismes conduisant à ces pathologies. On sait que la fonction d'une protéine est liée à sa structure. L'étude de sa fonction nécessite donc l'étude de sa structure. Alors que la structure de la SERCA a été déterminée à haute résolution, par cristallographie, celle de la Na,K-ATPase ne l'est toujours pas. Mais ces 2 ATPases présentent une telle homologie qu'un modèle de la Na,K-ATPase a pu être élaboré à partir de la structure de la SERCA. Les objectifs de cette étude sont d'une part, de comprendre le contrôle de l'accessibilité du K+ extracellulaire àses sites de liaison. Pour cela, nous avons ciblé cette étude sur la 2ìème et la 31eme boucle extracellulaire, qui relient respectivement les segments transmembranaires (STM) 3-4 et 5-6. Le choix s'est porté sur ces 2 boucles car elles bordent le canal des cations formés des 4ième' Sième et 6'ème hélices. D'autre part, nous avons également essayer de comprendre les effets des mutations, liées à la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2 (MFH2), sur la fonctionnalité de la Na,K-ATPase. Alors que les STM et les domaines cytoplasmiques sont relativement proches entre la Na,KATPase et la SERCA, les boucles extracellulaires présentent des différences. Le modèle n'est donc pas une approche fiable pour déterminer la structure et la fonction des régions extracellulaires. Nous avons alors utilisé une approche fonctionnelle faisant appel à la mutation dirigée puis à l'étude de l'activité fonctionnelle de la Na,K ATPase par électrophysiologie sur des ovocytes de Xenopus. En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que la troisième boucle extracellulaire participerait à la structure de la voie d'entrée des cations et que la deuxième boucle extracellulaire semble impliquée dans le contrôle de l'accessibilité des ions K+àses sites de liaison. Concernant les mutations associées à la MFH2, nos résultats ont montré une forte diminution de l'activité fonctionnelle de la pompe Na,K, inférieure aux conditions physiologiques de fonctionnement, et pour une des mutations nous avons observés une diminution de l'affmité apparente au K+ externe. Nous poumons faire l'hypothèse que l'origine pathologique de la migraine est liée à une diminution de l'activité de la pompe à Na+. Summary The Na,K-ATPase is a transmembrane protein, present in all mammalian cells and is necessary for the viability of the cells. It maintains the gradients of Na+ and K+ involved in the membrane potential, by transporting 3Na+ out the cell, and 2K+ into the cell, using the energy providing from one ATP molecule hydrolysis. The membrane potential is necessary for the cell excitability and for the transmission of the nervous signal. Some evidence show that Na,K-ATPase is involved in hypertension and neurological disorders like the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine (FHM). La FHM is a rare form of migraine characterised by aura and hemiparesis and an autosomal dominant transmission. Several mutations linked to the Na,KATPase gene have been identified during these 3 last years. It's the first genetic disorder associated with the Na,K-ATPase gene. Understand the function of this protein is important to elucidate the mechanisms implicated in these pathologies. The function of a protein is linked with its structure. Thus, to know the function of a protein, we need to know its structure. While the Ca-ATPase (SERCA) has been crystallised with a high resolution, the structure of the Na,K-ATPase is not known. Because of the great homology between these 2 ATPases, a model of the Na,K-ATPase was realised by comparing with the structure of the SERCA. The aim of this study is on one side, understand the control of the extracellular K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Because of theirs closed proximity with the cation pathway, located between the 4th, 5th and 6th helices, we have targeted this study on the 2nd and the 3rd extracellular loops linking respectively the transmembrane segment (TMS) 3 and 4, and the TMS 5 and 6. And on the other side, we have tried to understand the functional effects of mutations linked with the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 2 (FHM2). In contrast with the transmembrane segments and the cytoplasmic domains, the extracellular loops show lots of difference between Na,K-ATPase and SERCA, the model is not a good approach to know the structure and the function of the extracellular loops. Thus, we have used a functional approach consisting in directed mutagenesis and the study of the functional activity of the Na,K-ATPase by electrophysiological techniques with Xenopus oocytes. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the third extracellular loop could participate in the structure of the entry of the cations pathway and that the second extracellular loop could control the K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Concerning the mutations associated with the FHM2, our results showed a strong decrease in the functional activity of the Na,K-pump under physiological conditions and for one of mutations, induce a decrease in the apparent external K+ affinity. We could make the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of migraine is related to the decrease in Na,K-pump activity. Résumé au large publique De la même manière que l'assemblage des mots forme des phrases et que l'assemblage des phrases forme des histoires, l'assemblage des cellules forme des organes et l'ensemble des organes constitue les êtres vivants. La fonction d'une cellule dans le corps humain peut se rapprocher de celle d'une usine hydroélectrique. La matière première apportée est l'eau, l'usine électrique va ensuite convertir l'eau en énergie hydraulique pour fournir de l'électricité. Le fonctionnement de base d'une cellule suit le même processus. La cellule a besoin de matières premières (oxygène, nutriments, eau...) pour produire une énergie sous forme chimique, l'ATP. Cette énergie est utilisée par exemple pour contracter les muscles et permet donc à l'individu de se déplacer. Morphologiquement la cellule est une sorte de petit sac rempli de liquide (milieu intracellulaire) baignant elle-même dans le liquide (milieu extracellulaire) composant le corps humain (un adulte est constitué environ de 65 % d'eau). La composition du milieu intracellulaire est différente de celle du milieu extracellulaire. Cette différence doit être maintenue pour que l'organisme fonctionne correctement. Une des différences majeures est la quantité de sodium. En effet il y a beaucoup plus de sodium à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule. Bien que l'intérieur de la cellule soit isolé de l'extérieur par une membrane, le sodium arrive à passer à travers cette membrane, ce qui a tendance à augmenter la quantité de sodium dans la cellule et donc à diminuer sa différence de concentration entre le milieu extracellulaire et le milieu intracellulaire. Mais dans les membranes, il existe des pompes qui tournent et dont le rôle est de rejeter le sodium de la cellule. Ces pompes sont des protéines connues sous le nom de pompe à sodium ou Na,K-ATPase. On lui attribue le nom de Na,K-ATPase car en réalité elle rejette du sodium (Na) et en échange elle fait entrer dans la cellule du potassium (K), et pour fonctionner elle a besoin d'énergie (ATP). Lorsque les pompes à sodium ne fonctionnent pas bien, cela peut conduire à des maladies. En effet la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2, est une migraine très rare qui se caractérise par l'apparition de la paralysie de la moitié d'un corps avant l'apparition du mal de tête. C'est une maladie génétique (altération qui modifie la fonction d'une protéine) qui touche la pompe à sodium située dans le cerveau. On a découvert que certaines altérations (mutations) empêchent les pompes à sodium de fonctionner correctement. On pense alors que le développement des migraines est en partie dû au fait que ces pompes fonctionnent moins bien. Il est important de bien connaître la fonction de ces pompes car cela permet de comprendre des mécanismes pouvant conduire à certaines maladies, comme les migraines. En biologie, la fonction d'une protéine est étudiée à travers sa structure. C'est pourquoi l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'étudier la structure de la Na,K-ATPase afin de mieux comprendre son mécanisme d'action.
OBJECTIVES In extreme scenarios, such as hyperacute rejection of heart transplant, an urgent heart explantation might be necessary. The aim of this experimental study was to determine the feasibility and to improve the haemodynamics of a venoarterial cardiopulmonary bypass after cardiectomy. METHODS A venoarterial cardiopulmonary bypass was established in seven calves (56.4 ± 7 kg) by the transjugular insertion to the caval axis of a self-expanding cannula, with a carotid artery return. After baseline measurements (A), ventricular fibrillation was induced (B), great arteries were clamped (C), the heart was excised and the right and left atria remnants, containing the pulmonary veins, were sutured together leaving an atrial septal defect over the cannula in the caval axis (D). Measurements were taken with the pulmonary artery clamped and declamped. RESULTS Initial pump flow was 4.16 ± 0.75 l/min dropping to 2.9 ± 0.63 l/min (P(AB )< 0.001) 10 min after induction of ventricular fibrillation. After cardiectomy with the pulmonary artery clamped, the pump flow increased non-significantly to 3.20 ± 0.78 l/min. After declamping, the flow significantly increased close to baseline levels (3.61 ± 0.73 l/min, P(DB )= 0.009, P(DC )= 0.017), supporting the notion that full cardiopulmonary bypass in acardia is feasible only if adequate drainage of pulmonary circulation is assured to avoid pulmonary congestion and loss of volume from the left-to-right shunt of bronchial vessels.
RésuméLa H+-ATPase vacuolaire (V-ATPase) est un complexe enzymatique composé de deux secteurs multimériques (VQ et Vi) dont l'association dans la cellule est réversible. Le secteur intramembranaire de la V-ATPase (V0) interagit physiquement avec des protéines SNARE et stimule la fusion homotypique des vacuoles de la levure (lysosomes), la sécrétion de neurotransmetteurs et d'insuline, la fusion entre phagosome et lysosome ainsi que la sécrétion des corps multivésiculaires par un mécanisme inconnu. Dans cette étude j'ai identifié des résidues d'acides amines situés dans des sous-unités de V0 impliqués dans le mécanisme de fusion des vacuoles mais non essentiels pour l'acidification vacuolaire par la V-ATPase. j'ai utilisé un protocole de mutagenèse aléatoire pour produire des libraries de mutants des sous unités de V0. Ces libraries ont été analysées in vivo afin d'identifier des alleles qui permettent la translocation des protons mais produisent une vacuole fragmentée, phénotype indiquant un défaut dans la fusion membranaire. Les vacuoles des mutants ont été isolées et caractéisées en utilisant une grande variété d'outils biochimiques pour déterminer précisément l'impact des différentes mutations sur l'accomplissement d'événements clés du processus de fusion.J'ai identifié des mutations associées à des défauts spécifiques de la fusion dans plusieurs sous-unités de V0. Dans les protéolipides c, c' et c" ces mutations se concentrent dans la partie cytosolique des domaines transmembranaires. Elles renforcent les associations entre les secteurs de la V-ATPase et entre V0 et les SNAREs. Dans la fusion vacuolaire ces mutations permettent la formation de complexes SNAREs en trans mais inhibent l'induction de la fusion. Par contre, la deletion de la sous- unité d influence les étapes de la fusion qui précèdent la formation des complexes trans-SNAREs. Mes résultats démontrent que V0 joue des rôles différents dans plusieurs étapes de la fusion et que ces fonctions sont liées au système des SNAREs. Ils différencient génétiquement les activités de V0 dans la translocation des protons et dans la fusion et identifient de nombreux résidus importants pour la fusion vacuolaire. De plus, compte tenu de la grande conservation de sequence des protéolipides chez les eukaryotes les mutations identifiées dans cette l'étude apportent de nouvelles informations pour analyser la fonction de V0 dans des organismes multicellulaires pour lesquels la function catalytique de la V-ATPase est essentielle à la survie.Résumé pour le large publicLe transport de protéines et de membranes est important pour maintenir la fonction des organelles dans la cellule. Il s'excerce au niveau des vesicules. La fusion membranaire est un processus élémentaire de ce transport. Pour fusionner deux membranes, il faut la coordination de deux activités: le rapprochement et la déstabiiization des deux membranes. La collaboration d'un ensemble de proteins conservés chez les eukaryotes, est nécessaire pour catalyser ces activités. Les proteins SNAREs sont les protagonistes principaux dans la fusion membranaire. Néanmoins, d'autres protéines, comme des Rab-GTPases et des chaperonnes, sont nécessaires pour permettre ce phénomène de fusion. Toutes ces protéines sont temporairement associées avec les SNAREs et leur fonction dans la fusion membranaire est souvent directement liée à leur activité dans cette association. Le secteur transmembranaire V0 de la V-ATPase rnteragit avec des SNAREs et est essentiel pour la fusion dans une variété de systèmes modèles comme la mouche, la souris et la levure. Le secteur V0 est composé de six protéines différentes. Avec te secteur Va, qui réside dans le cytosol, il forme la V-ATPase dont la fonction principale est l'acidification des organelles par translocation des protons à travers la membrane par un mécanisme ressemblant à celui d'une pompe. V0joue un role dans la fusion membranaire, indépendamment de son activité catalytique liée au pompage des protons, et ce rôle est encore largement méconnu à ce jour. Le but de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre l'implication de V0 dans ce contexte.Pour étudier des activités liées à la V-ATPase, la levure est un excellent modèle d'étude car elle survie à une inactivation de l'enzyme alors que le meme traitement serait léthal pour des organismes multicellulaires. Dans ma thèse j'ai utilisé la fusion homotypique de la vacuole de levure comme système modèle pour étudier le rôle de V0 dans la fusion. J'ai muté des gènes qui encodent des sous- unités de V0 et les ai introduit dans des souches privées des gènes respectifs. Dans les librairies de souches portant différentes versions de ces gènes j'ai cherché des clones exprimant une V-ATPase intacte et fonctionnelle mais qui possèdent une vacuole fragmentée. Le plus souvent, une vacuole fragmentée indique un défaut dans la fusion vacuolaire. Dans les trois types de protéolipides qui composent un cylindre dans le secteur V0, j'ai trouvé des clones avec une vacuole fragmentée. Après avoir isolé les mutations responsable de ce type de morphologie vacuolaire, j'ai isolé les vacuoles de ces clones pour étudier leur activités dans différentes étapes de la fusion vacuolaire. Les résultats de ces analyses mettent en évidence une implication de V0 dans plusieurs étapes de la fusion vacuolaire. Certaines mutations sélectionnées dans mon étude inhibent une étape précoce de la fusion qui inclue la dissociation des complexes SNARE, tandis que d'autres mutations inhibent une étape tardive du processus de fusion qui inclue la transmission d'une force disruptive dans la membrane.AbstractThe membrane-integral V0 sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) interacts with SNARE proteins. V0 stimulates fusion between yeast vacuoles (lysosomes) (Peters et al., 2001b), secretion of neurotransmitters and insulin (Hiesinger et al., 2005a, Sun-Wada et al., 2006a), phagosome-lysosome fusion (Peri and Nusslein-Volhard, 2008) and secretion of multivesicular bodies (Liegeois et al., 2006b) by a yet unknown mechanism. In my thesis, I identified sites in V0 subunits that are involved in yeast vacuole fusion but dispensable for the proton pumping by the V-ATPase. I randomly mutagenized V0 subunits and screened in vivo for mutant alleles that support proton pumping but cause fragmented vacuoles, a phenotype indicative of a fusion defect. Mutant vacuoles were isolated and analyzed in a cell-free system, allowing assay of key events in fusion, such as trans-SNARE pairing, lipid transition and fusion pore opening (Reese et al., 2005b).Mutants with selective fusion defects were found in several V0 subunits. In the proteolipids c, c' and c", critical mutations are concentated in the cytosolic half of the transmembrane domains. These mutations rendered the V-ATPase holoenzyme more stable and modulated V0-SNARE associations. In vacuole fusion critical proteolipid mutations permitted trans-SNARE pairing but impeded the induction of lipid flow between the membranes. Deletion of subunit d, by contrast, influenced early stages of fusion that precede trans-SNARE pairing. My results show that V0 acts in several steps of the fusion process and that its function is intimately connected to the SNARE system. They genetically separate the proton pump and fusion activities of V0 and identify numerous critical residues. Given the high sequence conservation of proteolipids in eukaryotic life, the identified mutations may be helpful in analyzing the fusion function of V0 also in mammalian cells, where V- ATPase pump function is essential for survival.
Following acute myocardial infarction, necrotic cardiac tissue is replaced by scar leading to ventricular remodeling and pump failure. Transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived cells into the heart, early post-infarct, aims to prevent ventricular remodeling. This strategy has been evaluated in four controlled, randomized clinical trials, which provided mixed results. A transient improvement in ventricular function was observed in one trial, and a modest improvement (the duration of which remains to be determined) in an additional trial, whereas two trials showed negative results. A modest benefit of bone marrow cell transplantation was also observed in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. Despite mixed results reported so far, cell therapy of heart disease still is in its infancy and has considerable room for improvement.
BACKGROUND: In an experimental setting, the performance of the LifeBox, a new portable extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) system suitable for patient transport, is presented. Standard rectilinear percutaneous cannulae are normally employed for this purpose, but have limited flow and pressure delivery due to their rigid structure. Therefore, we aimed to determine the potential for flow increase by using self-expanding venous cannulae. METHODS: Veno-arterial bypass was established in three pigs (40.6+/-5.1 kg). The venous line of the cardiopulmonary bypass was established by cannulation of the external jugular vein. The arterial side of the circulation was secured by cannulation of the common carotid artery. Two different venous cannulae (SmartCanula 18/36F 430mm and Biomedicus 19F) were examined for their functional integrity when used in conjunction with the centrifugal pump (500-3000 RPM) of the LifeBox system. RESULTS: At 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 RPM, the blood flow increased steadily for each cannula, but remained higher in the self-expanding cannula. That is, the 19F rectilinear cannula achieved a blood flow of 0.93+/-0.14, 1.47+/-0.37, 1.9+/-0.68, and 1.5+/-0.9 l/min, respectively, and the 18/36F self-expanding cannula achieved 1.1+/-0.1, 1.9+/-0.33, 2.8+/-0.39 and 3.66+/-0.52 l/min. However, when tested for venous line pressure, the standard venous cannula achieved -29+/-10.7mmHg while the self-expanding cannula achieved -13.6 +/-4.3mmHg at 1500 RMP. As the RPM increased from 2500 to 3000, the venous line pressure accounted for -141.9+/-20 and -98+/-7.3mmHg for the 19F rectilinear cannula and -30.6+/-6.4 and -45+/-11.6mmHg for the self-expanding cannula. CONCLUSION: The self-expanding cannula exhibited superior venous drainage ability when compared to the performance of the standard rectilinear cannula with the use of the LifeBox. The flow rate achieved was approximately 40% greater than the standard drainage device, with a maximal pump flow recorded at 4.3l/min.
Treatment of symptomatic pharyngeal and esophageal strictures requires endoscopic dilatation. The Savary-Gilliard bougienage was developed by our department and has been used since 1980 for this purpose. We report our experience using this technique. The records of patients seen from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 2005, who had pharyngeal and esophageal strictures needing dilatation, were reviewed. The prevalence of different etiologies, and the incidence of complications using the Savary-Gilliard dilators were assessed. Efficiency of dilatation was assessed over a 17-year segment of this period, using number of dilatations and time intervals between dilatations until resolution of symptoms as outcome measures. Of the 2,652 pharyngeal and esophageal strictures reviewed, 90% were of organic origin (45% benign and 55% malignant stenoses), and 10% were of functional etiology. The most common etiologies were peptic strictures before the era of proton pump inhibitors, and postoperative anastomotic strictures thereafter. A total of 1,862 dilatations using the Savary-Gilliard technique were analyzed. Complication and mortality rates were 0.18 and 0.09% for benign and 4.58 and 0.81% for malignant etiologies, respectively. The number of dilatations per stricture and the time interval between different sessions were dependent on the type of strictures, varying from 1 to 23 dilatations and 7 days to 16 years, respectively. Pharyngeal and esophageal dilatations using the Savary-Gilliard technique were safe when used together with fluoroscopy. Overall, the efficiency of the dilatation procedure was good, but some types of strictures (e.g., caustic, post-surgical and/or post radiotherapy) were refractory to treatment and required repeated dilatations.
The RuvABC proteins of Escherichia coli process recombination intermediates during genetic recombination and DNA repair. RuvA and RuvB promote branch migration of Holliday junctions, a process that extends heteroduplex DNA. Together with RuvC, they form a RuvABC complex capable of Holliday junction resolution. Branch migration by RuvAB is mediated by RuvB, a hexameric ring protein that acts as an ATP-driven molecular pump. To gain insight into the mechanism of branch migration, random mutations were introduced into the ruvB gene by PCR and a collection of mutant alleles were obtained. Mutation of leucine 268 to serine resulted in a severe UV-sensitive phenotype, characteristic of a ruv defect. Here, we report a biochemical analysis of the mutant protein RuvBL268S. Unexpectedly, the purified protein is fully active in vitro with regard to its ATPase, DNA binding and DNA unwinding activities. It also promotes efficient branch migration in combination with RuvA, and forms functional RuvABC-Holliday junction resolvase complexes. These results indicate that RuvB may perform some additional, and as yet undefined, function that is necessary for cell survival after UV-irradiation.
Heart failure has been divided into several different forms depending on etiology, clinical course and pathophysiology of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. Systolic and diastolic dysfunction are characterized by a reduced cardiac output with normal (= diastolic dysfunction) or depressed (= systolic dysfunction) LV pump function. New diagnostic techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allow to determine noninvasively LV 3D motion by labelling specific myocardial regions (= myocardial "tagging") with a rectangular or radial grid. From the deformation of this grid rotational and translational motion of the heart can be derived. A "wringing" motion of the left ventricle has been described during systole which includes a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclockwise rotation at the apex. During diastole, an "untwisting" motion has been demonstrated. In the normal heart, diastolic "untwisting" occurs primarily during isovolumic relaxation, analogous to the systolic "wringing" which takes place mainly during isovolumic contraction. A prolongation of the "untwisting" motion was found in the hypertrophied (aortic stenosis) and hibernating myocardium. Thus, heart failure is associated with profound alterations in the mechanical function of the heart which are manifested by changes in systolic "wringing" and diastolic "untwisting" motion.
Like numerous other eukaryotic organelles, the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes coordinated cycles of membrane fission and fusion in the course of the cell cycle and in adaptation to environmental conditions. Organelle fission and fusion processes must be balanced to ensure organelle integrity. Coordination of vacuole fission and fusion depends on the interactions of vacuolar SNARE proteins and the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p. Here, we identify a novel factor that impinges on the fusion-fission equilibrium: the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) performs two distinct roles in vacuole fission and fusion. Fusion requires the physical presence of the membrane sector of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase sector, but not its pump activity. Vacuole fission, in contrast, depends on proton translocation by the V-ATPase. Eliminating proton pumping by the V-ATPase either pharmacologically or by conditional or constitutive V-ATPase mutations blocked salt-induced vacuole fragmentation in vivo. In living cells, fission defects are epistatic to fusion defects. Therefore, mutants lacking the V-ATPase display large single vacuoles instead of multiple smaller vacuoles, the phenotype that is generally seen in mutants having defects only in vacuolar fusion. Its dual involvement in vacuole fission and fusion suggests the V-ATPase as a potential regulator of vacuolar morphology and membrane dynamics.
Fungi are primitive eukaryotes and have adapted to a variety of niches during evolution. Some fungal species may interact with other life forms (plants, insects, mammals), but are considered as pathogens when they cause mild to severe diseases. Chemical control strategies have emerged with the development of several drugs with antifungal activity against pathogenic fungi. Antifungal agents have demonstrated their efficacy by improving patient health in medicine. However, fungi have counteracted antifungal agents in several cases by developing resistance mechanisms. These mechanisms rely on drug resistance genes including multidrug transporters and drug targets. Their regulation is crucial for the development of antifungal drug resistance and therefore transcriptional factors critical for their regulation are being characterized. Recent genome-wide studies have revealed complex regulatory circuits involving these genetic and transcriptional regulators. Here, we review the current understanding of the transcriptional regulation of drug resistance genes from several fungal pathogens including Candida and Aspergillus species.
The combination of fluconazole (FLC) and cyclosporine (CY) is fungicidal in FLC-susceptible C. albicans (O. Marchetti, P. Moreillon, M. P. Glauser, J. Bille, and D. Sanglard, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 44:2373-2381, 2000). The mechanism of this synergism is unknown. CY has several cellular targets including multidrug efflux transporters. The hypothesis that CY might inhibit FLC efflux was investigated by comparing the effect of FLC-CY in FLC-susceptible parent CAF2-1 (FLC MIC, 0.25 mg/liter) and in FLC-hypersusceptible mutant DSY1024 (FLC MIC, 0.03 mg/liter), in which the CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1 transporter genes have been selectively deleted. We postulated that a loss of the fungicidal effect of FLC-CY in DSY1024 would confirm the roles of these efflux pumps. Time-kill curve studies showed a more potent fungistatic effect of FLC (P = 0.05 at 48 h with an inoculum of 10(3) CFU/ml) and a more rapid fungicidal effect of FLC-CY (P = 0.05 at 24 h with an inoculum of 10(3) CFU/ml) in the FLC-hypersusceptible mutant compared to those in the parent. Rats with experimental endocarditis were treated for 2 or 5 days with high-dose FLC, high-dose CY, or both drugs combined. FLC monotherapy for 5 days was more effective against the hypersusceptible mutant than against the parent. However, the addition of CY to FLC still conferred a therapeutic advantage in animals infected with mutant DSY1024, as indicated by better survival (P = 0.04 versus the results obtained with FLC) and sterilization of valves and kidneys after a very short (2-day) treatment (P = 0.009 and 0.002, respectively, versus the results obtained with FLC). Both in vitro and in vivo experiments consistently showed that the deletion of the four membrane transporters in DSY1024 did not result in loss of the fungicidal effect of FLC-CY. Yet, the accelerated killing in the mutant suggested a "dual-hit" mechanism involving FLC hypersusceptibility due to the efflux pump elimination and fungicidal activity conferred by CY. Thus, inhibition of multidrug efflux transporters encoded by CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1 genes is not responsible for the fungicidal synergism of FLC-CY. Other cellular targets must be considered.
Chronic atrial fibrillation affects millions of people worldwide. Its surgical treatment often fails to restore the transport function of the atrium. This study first introduces the concept of an atrial assist device (AAD) to restore the pump function of the atrium. The AAD is developed to be totally implantable in the human body with a transcutaneous energy transfer system to recharge the implanted battery. The ADD consists of a motorless pump based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of the atrium to compress it and restore its muscular activity. A bench model reproduces the function of a fibrillating atrium to assess the circulatory support that this pump can provide. Atripump (Nanopowers SA, Switzerland) is a dome-shaped silicone-coated nitinol actuator 5 mm high, sutured on the external surface of the atrium. A pacemaker-like control unit drives the actuator that compresses the atrium, providing the mechanical support to the blood circulation. Electrical characteristics: the system is composed of one actuator that needs a minimal tension of 15 V and has a maximum current of 1.5 A with a 50% duty cycle. The implantable rechargeable battery is made of a cell having the following specifications: nominal tension of a cell: 4.1 V, tension after 90% of discharge: 3.5 V, nominal capacity of a cell: 163 mA h. The bench model consists of an open circuit made of latex bladder 60 mm in diameter filled with water. The bladder is connected to a vertically positioned tube that is filled to different levels, reproducing changes in cardiac preload. The Atripump is placed on the outer surface of the bladder. Pressure, volume and temperature changes were recorded. The contraction rate was 1 Hz with a power supply of 12 V, 400 mA for 200 ms. Preload ranged from 15 to 21 cm H(2)O. Maximal silicone membrane temperature was 55 degrees C and maximal temperature of the liquid environment was 35 degrees C. The pump produced a maximal work of 16 x 10(-3) J. Maximal volume pumped was 492 ml min(-1). This artificial muscle pump is compact, follows the Starling law and reproduces the hemodynamic performances of a normal atrium. It could represent a new tool to restore the atrial kick in persistent atrial fibrillation.
Résumé de l'article : L'hyperplasie intimale est un processus de remodelage vasculaire ubiquitaire après une lésion, pouvant menacer la perméabilité de tout type de reconstruction vasculaire. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans le développement de l'hyperplasie intimale ne sont que partiellement élucidés. Il est par conséquent nécessaire d'effectuer des recherches complémentaires afin d'en améliorer la compréhension et ainsi permettre l'élaboration de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques médicamenteuses. La culture de veines en milieu statique permet le développement de l'hyperplasie intimale. Ce modèle maintient la viabilité tissulaire, comme décrit précédemment dans d'autres études, mais empêche l'analyse des paramètres hémodynamiques. La mise au point d'un modèle de perfusion in vitro permettant la perfusion de segments vasculaires représente une approche expérimentale intégrant les différents facteurs hémodynamiques. Le système de perfusion (Ex Vivo Vein Support System) que nous avons élaboré conserve l'intégrité pariétale ainsi que les propriétés vasomotrices des veines pour une durée de 14 jours. Cette étude démontre que les deux modèles permettent le développement de l'hyperplasie intimale. Toutefois, les propriétés vasomotrices ainsi que l'influence des paramètres hémodynamiques ne peuvent être analysées que par l'utilisation du système de perfusion. Ce dernier a permis de perfuser des vaisseaux humains sans contamination bactérienne tout en maintenant l'intégrité cellulaire. Ce modèle de perfusion se rapproche plus des conditions hémodynamiques rencontrées in vivo que le modèle statique. Abstract : Background. Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is a vascular remodeling process which often leads to failure of arterial bypass or hemodialysis access. Experimental and clinical work have provided insight in IH development; however, further studies under precise con-trolled conditions are required to improve therapeutic strategies to inhibit IH development. Ex vivo perfusion of human vessel segments under standardized hemodynamic conditions may provide an adequate experimental approach for this purpose. Therefore, chronically perfused venous segments were studied and compared to traditional static culture procedures with regard to functional and histomorphologic characteristics as well as gene expression. Materials and methods. Static vein culture allowing high tissue viability was performed as previously described. Ex vivo vein support system (EVVSS) was performed using a vein support system consisting of an incubator with a perfusion chamber and a pump. EVVSS allows vessel perfusion under continuous flow while maintaining controlled hemodynamic conditions. Each human saphenous vein was divided in two parts, one cultured in a Pyrex dish and the other part perfused in EVVSS for 14 days. Testing of vasomotion, histomorphometry, expression of CD 31, Factor VIII, MIB 1, α-actin, and PAI-1 were determined before and after 14 days of either experimental conditions. Results, Human venous segments cultured under traditional or perfused conditions exhibited similar IH after 14 days as shown by histomorphometry. Smooth-muscle cell ( SMC) was preserved after chronic perfusion. Although integrity of both endothelial and smooth-muscle cells appears to be maintained in both culture conditions as confirmed by CD31, factor VIII and α-actin expression, a few smooth-muscle cells in the media stained positive for factor VIII. Cell-proliferation marker MIB-1 was also detected in the two settings and PAI-1 mRNA expression and activity increased significantly after 14 days of culture and perfusion. Conclusion. This study demonstrates the feasibility to chronically perfuse human vessels under sterile conditions with preservation of cellular integrity and vascular contractility. To gain insights into the mechanisms leading to IH, it will now be possible to study vascular remodeling not only under static conditions but also in hemodynamic environment mimicking as closely as possible the flow conditions encountered in reconstructive vascular surgery.
BACKGROUND: Data suggest that esomeprazole decreases gastric secretion. AIMS: To assess the effect of a single i.v. esomeprazole dose on gastric secretion volume 3 h after drug administration, as a primary endpoint, and to evaluate, as secondary endpoints, the reduction 1 and 5 h after dosing; time when the gastric pH was <2.5 and esomeprazole's safety. METHODS: In all, 23 healthy Helicobacter pylori-negative volunteers (10 men, 13 women, mean age 28.2 +/- 6) participated in this single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-way, single-dose cross-over study. In different sessions, volunteers received i.v. either esomeprazole 40 mg or placebo. An inserted double-lumen nasogastric tube perfused and aspirated gastric liquid. Mechanical fractioned aspiration measured secretion volume; aliquot spectrophotometry assessed gastric secretion volume lost to the duodenum. RESULTS: Three hours post-i.v. esomeprazole, average gastric secretion decreased by 77.6% (vs. baseline) compared to placebo. Values 1 and 5 h after dosing were 73.5% and 74.5%. Five hours after esomeprazole, the gastric pH was <2.5 3.9% of the time and 73.3% after placebo (P < 0.002). Esomeprazole was well-tolerated. No serious adverse events occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous esomeprazole decreases gastric secretions. The potential clinical impact in averting bronchoaspiration during anaesthesia induction and in intensive care patients should be investigated in further studies.