The number of skin cancer clinics functioning within Australia's primary care environment is increasing rapidly, and significant concerns have been raised about the type and quality of work done by some doctors in some clinics. Mainstream general practice is threatened by perceived fragmentation, and specialist practice in dermatology and plastic surgery is threatened by encroachment into their domains of practice. We propose an agenda of training, standards, accreditation, audit and research to ensure that skin cancer clinics provide optimal health outcomes for patients.
The Clinician Development Program (CDP) is an initiative of Queensland Health’s Quality Improvement and Enhancement Program. At the Royal Brisbane & Royal Women's Hospital Health Service Districts, evidence-base practice (EBP) is an important CDP area in which several projects were carried out in 2002. This paper describes one such project. A medical librarian was invited to accompany the clinical team on morning rounds in the Medical Assessment & Planning Unit (MAPU). The librarian conducted information skills training in the ward and helped clinicians to answer questions directly related to patient care. Questions not answered during the round were followed-up, usually within 48 hours, and responses emailed to the consultant who led the rounds. At the project’s conclusion the librarian was invited to continue as a member of the MAPU clinical team, thus acknowledging the valuable role an information specialist can play in incorporating research evidence into patient care. Clinical librarianship (CL) creates a space, albeit a contentious one, for the health librarian at the bedside. This paper describes an Australian CL project and attempts to demystify the role of an information specialist in EBP. It also highlights some of the challenges facing librarians and clinicians attempting to embed EBP in clinical settings.
Healthcare professionals routinely deploy various quality management tools and techniques in order to improve performance of healthcare delivery. However, they are characterised by fragmented approach i.e., they are not linked with the strategic intent of the organisation. This study introduces a holistic quality improvement method, which integrates all quality improvement projects with the strategic intent of the healthcare organisations. It first identifies a healthcare system and its environment. The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of the system are then derived with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders. This leads to developing the strategies in order to satisfy customers in line with the organisation's competitive position. These strategies help identify a few projects, the implementation of which ensures achievement of desired quality. The projects are then prioritised with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders and implemented in order to improve the system performance. The effectiveness of the method has been demonstrated using a case study of an intensive care unit at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex Hospital in Trinidad. Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Objective: The number of pharmaceutical items issued on prescription is continually rising and contributing to spiralling healthcare costs. Although there is some data highlighting the quantity, in terms of weight of medicines returned specifically to community pharmacies, little is known about the specific details of such returns or other destinations for wasted medications. This pilot study has been designed to investigate the types and amounts of medicines returned to both general practices (GPs) and associated local community pharmacies determining the reasons why these medicines have been returned. Method: The study was conducted in eight community pharmacies and five GP surgeries within East Birmingham over a 4-week period. Main outcome Measure: Reason for return and details of returned medication. Results: A total of 114 returns were made during the study: 24 (21.1) to GP surgeries and 90 (78.9) to community pharmacies. The total returns comprised 340 items, of which 42 (12.4) were returned to GPs and 298 (87.6) to pharmacies, with the mean number of items per return being 1.8 and 3.3, respectively. Half of the returns in the study were attributed to the doctor changing or stopping the medicine; 23.7 of returns were recorded as excess supplies or clearout often associated with patients' death and 3.5 of returns were related to adverse drug reactions. Cardiovascular drugs were most commonly returned, amounting to 28.5 of the total drugs returned during the study. Conclusions: The results from this pilot study indicate that unused medicines impose a significant financial burden on the National Health Service as well as a social burden on the United Kingdom population. Further studies are examining the precise nature of returned medicines and possible solutions to these issues. © Springer 2005.
This research sets out to assess if the PHC system in rural Nigeria is effective by testing the research hypothesis: `PHC can be effective if and only if the Health Care Delivery System matches the attitudes and expectations of the Community'. The field surveys to accomplish this task were carried out in IBO, YORUBA, and HAUSA rural communities. A variety of techniques have been used as Research Methodology and these include questionnaires, interviews and personal observations of events in the rural community. This thesis embraces three main parts. Part I traces the socio-cultural aspects of PHC in rural Nigeria, describes PHC management activities in Nigeria and the practical problems inherent in the system. Part II describes various theoretical and practical research techniques used for the study and concentrates on the field work programme, data analysis and the research hypothesis-testing. Part III focusses on general strategies to improve PHC system in Nigeria to make it more effective. The research contributions to knowledge and the summary of main conclusions of the study are highlighted in this part also. Based on testing and exploring the research hypothesis as stated above, some conclusions have been arrived at, which suggested that PHC in rural Nigeria is ineffective as revealed in people's low opinions of the system and dissatisfaction with PHC services. Many people had expressed the view that they could not obtain health care services in time, at a cost they could afford and in a manner acceptable to them. Following the conclusions, some alternative ways to implement PHC programmes in rural Nigeria have been put forward to improve and make the Nigerian PHC system more effective.
Objective To systematically find and synthesise qualitative studies that elicited views and experiences of nurses involved in the delivery of health behaviour change (HBC) interventions in primary care, with a focus on how this can inform enhanced delivery and adherence to a structured approach for HBC interventions. Methods Systematic search of five electronic databases and additional strategies to maximise identification of studies, appraisal of studies and use of meta-synthesis to develop an inductive and interpretative form of knowledge synthesis. Results Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. Synthesis resulted in the development of four inter-linking themes; (a) actively engaging nurses in the process of delivering HBC interventions, (b) clarifying roles and responsibilities of those involved, (c) engaging practice colleagues, (d) communication of aims and potential outcomes of the intervention. Conclusion The synthesis of qualitative evidence resulted in the development of a conceptual framework that remained true to the findings of primary studies. This framework describes factors that should be actively promoted to enhance delivery of and adherence to HBC interventions by nurses working in primary care. Practice implications The findings can be used to inform strategies for researchers, policymakers and healthcare providers to enhance fidelity and support delivery of HBC interventions.
Despite having been described by the then (2003) Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England as ·probably the biggest untapped resource for health improvement", the development of the public health function of community pharmacists has been limited. However, devolution of healthcare budgets has led 10 differential rates of development of the public health function in each administration of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). This is measured and reflected upon in this thesis. Two large-scale surveys were conducted, one of key strategic personnel (Directors of Public Health and Chief Pharmacists) in Primary Care Organisations (PCOs) and one of practicing community pharmacists. This research highlights the fact that community pharmacists have developed an individualistic, service-based approach to their engagement with public health that is contrary to the more collective approach adopted by the wider public health movement. The study measures the scope and level of health-improving services through community pharmacy across the UK and shows that the nature of the pharmacy contractor (independent, multiple etc.) may impact on the range and nature of services provided. Survey data also suggest that attitudes towards pharmacy involvement in the public health agenda vary markedly between Directors of Public Health, PCO Chief Pharmacists, and community pharmacists. Furthermore, within the community pharmacist population, attitudes are affected by a wide range of factors including the nature of employment (owner, employee, self-employed) and the type of employing pharmacy (independent, multiple etc.). Implications for policy and areas for further research aimed at maximising the public health function of community pharmacists are suggested.
In this study we explore the views of NHS stakeholders on providing paediatric ‘care closer to home’ (CCTH), in community-based outpatient clinics delivered by consultants. Design: Semi-structured interviews and thematic framework analysis. Setting: UK specialist children's hospital and surrounding primary care trusts. Participants: 37 NHS stakeholders including healthcare professionals, managers, commissioners and executive team members. Results: Participants acknowledged that outreach clinics would involve a change in traditional ways of working and that the physical setting of the clinic would influence aspects of professional practice. Different models of CCTH were discussed, as were alternatives for improving access to specialist care. Participants supported CCTH as a good principle for paediatric outpatient services; however the challenges of setting up and maintaining community clinics meant they questioned how far it could be achieved in practice. Conclusions: The place of service delivery is both an issue of physical location and professional identity. Policy initiatives which ignore assumptions about place, power and identity are likely to meet with limited success.
Introduction – The commissioning of services has been a core responsibility of English Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) since 2002. Primary care organisations (PCOs) in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have also increased their commissioning activities but with, arguably, less fervour than their English counterparts. The commissioning function of English PCTs has been reinforced by the introduction of new contractual frameworks across primary care – for medical services, dentistry and pharmacy. The new pharmaceutical services contract for England and Wales introduced an “enhanced” category of services, the provision of which is dependent on the commissioning decisions of local PCTs. As the NHS, most pertinently in England, continues its transformation from a provider to a commissioner of healthcare, the ability of pharmacy to compete effectively for funding is likely to become increasingly important. Method - After piloting, in August 2006 a self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of practising community pharmacists, stratified for country and sex, within Great Britain (n=1998), with a follow-up to non-responders 4 weeks later. Data were analysed using SPSS (v12.0). A final response rate of 51% (n=1023/1998) was achieved. Within the section of the questionnaire relating to service provision, respondents were asked “do you believe that pharmacy will be able to compete effectively with other healthcare providers for access to additional funding to develop services that address a public health need identified by your local Primary Care Organisation (PCO), e.g. PCT/LHB etc.?”. Answers were recorded on a three-point scale; pharmacy “will”, “may”, or “will not” be able to compete effectively for funding. Results - The attitudes of pharmacists showed variation depending on the type of pharmacy they worked in (supermarket, multiple (outlets (n)=200), large chain (200>n>20), small chain (20=n>5), or independent (n=5)) (?2 test with p=0.001). Over a third of survey pharmacists working in small chains and independents (37% (n=21/57) and 33% (n=113/341) respectively) believed that pharmacy would not be able to compete effectively for funding compared to 23% (n=15/65) for supermarket pharmacists, 22% (n=21/97) for pharmacists employed by large chains and just 18% (n=62/353) for pharmacists employed most regularly in multiples. Furthermore, attitudes also varied between the countries of residence of respondents (?2 test with p<0.05). 27% (n=242/893) of pharmacists resident in England and Wales believed that pharmacy would not be able to compete compared to 16% (n=18/116) of pharmacists resident in Scotland. Conclusions – It would appear that community pharmacists believe that the larger pharmacy chains and supermarkets will occupy an advantageous position in terms of attracting finance to develop services. This could have notable implications for service provision across the sector. If corporate pharmacy chains were to monopolise commissioning monies then the proportion of funding available to independents will be diminished; arguably further hastening their demise, as well as stifling the professional development of pharmacists employed within the independent sector. These findings, when combined with the variation observed between UK pharmacists operating under different contractual frameworks, may be a reflection of the divergent policy in the different administrations with developments in England, including the new pharmacy contract, reflecting a market-based approach with Scotland taking a near opposite stance with service integration and a commitment to new public health. However, it should be acknowledged that the questionnaire did not allow for detection of ambiguities in, or misunderstandings of, the survey question and this should be considered as a limitation of the research.