986 resultados para Oxide material


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Os autores que analisam o conflito trabalho-família têm ressaltado a importância da busca do equilíbrio do tempo na dedicação para o trabalho sem que haja detrimento do tempo dedicado à família. Destacam-se três dimensões em que se podem encontrar conflitos entre o trabalho e a família: tempo, tensão e comportamento. Nesta pesquisa, tem-se como objetivo apresentar os conflitos trabalho-família percebidos por duas empresárias do setor de comércio de material de construção da cidade de Curitiba, bem como as ações dessas empresárias para lidarem com os conflitos identificados. Por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de multicasos, foram entrevistados tanto as empresárias quanto seus parceiros. Os achados da pesquisa corroboram os estudos citados na revisão teórica, sendo o fator tempo o mais frequentemente citado como gerador de conflitos trabalho-família e o controle emocional como a ação mais citada como atenuante desses mesmos conflitos.


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El SPION (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) ha estat estudiat com un nou adsorbent per eliminar l’arsènic d’aigües contaminades. Les condicions òptimes de treball es van assolir per un pH de 3,6 i per concentracions inferiors als 100ppm. No es van trobar interferències significatives produïdes pels cations Cu, Ni i Zn en l’adsorció de l’As, sent el fosfat l’anió que més interfereix. Una esponja de cel·lulosa s’ha utilitzat com a suport del SPION, per disminuir les agregacions de les nanopartícules en suspensió i per proporcionar una material adequat per l’adsorció en continu, experiment amb columnes. Així, es va obtenir un augment de la capacitat d’adsorció del SPION per l’As(V), mentre que per l’As(III) continua sent baixa, per tant s’augmenta la selectivitat per l’As(V). Les interferències aniòniques afecten d’igual manera a l’adsorció de l’As(III) i l’As(V) quan l’adsorció és en continu o en discontinu. Els cations metàl·lics no interfereixen en l’adsorció de l’arsènic, a excepció del coure que és adsorbit i porta a la disminució de l’adsorció d’arsènic.


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The Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide-Cu-Au-Co deposit is located at the western boundary of the West African craton in NW Mauritania. The wall rocks to the mineralization represent a meta-volcanosedimentary succession typical of Archaean greenstone belts. Two types of meta-volcanic rocks are distinguished: (1) volcanoclastic rocks of rhyodacite-dacite composition (Sainte Barbe volcanic unit), which form the stratigraphic base; (2) tholeiitic andesites-basalts (Akjoujt meta-basalt unit). The trace element signature of both types is characteristic of a volcanic arc setting. A small meta-pelitic division belongs to the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit. A meta-carbonate body, which contains the mineralization, forms a tectonic lens in the Akjoujt meta-basalt unit. It can be defined by the high X(mg) (=36) of Fe-Mg carbonate, the REE pattern and the delta(13)C values of -18 to -17 parts per thousand as a marine precipitate similar to Archaean banded iron formation (BIF). Additionally, small slices of Fe-Mg clinoamphibole-chlorite schist in the meta-carbonate show characteristics of marine shale. This assemblage, therefore, does not represent an alteration product, but represents an iron formation unit deposited on a continental shelf, which probably belongs to the Lembeitih Formation. The hydrothermal mineralization at 2492 Ma was contemporaneous with regional D(2) thrusting of the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit and imbrications of the meta-carbonate in the upper greenschist facies. This resulted in the formation of an ore breccia in the meta-carbonate, which is enriched in Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Bi, Mo, As and Au. Massive sulphide ore breccia contains up to 20 wt% Cu. The ore fluid was aqueous-carbonic in nature and either changed its composition from a Mg-rich oxidizing to an Fe-rich reducing fluid or the two fluid types mixed at the trap site. All lithologies at Guelb Moghrein were deformed by D(3) thrusting to the east in the lower greenschist facies. The mobility of REE in the retrogressed rocks explains the formation of a second generation of hydrothermal monazite, which was dated at c. 1742 Ma. Archaean rocks of the West African craton extend to the west to Guelb Moghrein. The active continental margin was deformed and mineralized in the Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic and again reactivated in the Mid-Proterozoic and Westphalian, showing that the western boundary of the craton was reactivated several times.


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Com o objetivo de estudar aspectos da ocorrência de acidente do trabalho por material perfurocortante entre trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital universitário, foram entrevistados 46 trabalhadores que se acidentaram no período de junho a dezembro de 1994. Os resultados forneceram dados importantes que poderão subsidiar programas de prevenção.


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Este trabalho aborda a Unidade Centro de Material no contexto hospitalar, e os seus aspectos organizacionais, relacionados ao dimensionamento, zoneamento, recursos materiais e humanos.


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Realizou-se esta investigação, com os objetivos de identificar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho com material pérfuro-cortante potencialmente contaminado, entre enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem de um Hospital de ensino geral do interior do Estado de São Paulo; relacionar a ocorrência destes acidentes com a categoria profissional e anos de trabalho na instituição; identificar o tipo de material pérfuro-cortante causador do acidente e identificar as condutas tomadas após o acidente, pelo acidentado. Para a coleta de dados, através de entrevista individual, utilizou-se um formulário estruturado onde registrava-se, a causa atribuída ao acidente, o período de atuação do profissional acidentado, o objeto causador, a conduta tomada após o acidente. Evidenciou-se que as Precauções Padrão ou as antigas Precauções Universais não são utilizadas como deveriam, conferindo portanto, risco à equipe de enfermagem. Considera-se que esta equipe necessita de orientações específicas através de educação continuada sobre o assunto.


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We developed a procedure that combines three complementary computational methodologies to improve the theoretical description of the electronic structure of nickel oxide. The starting point is a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation to incorporate vibrorotational degrees of freedom into the material model. By means ofcomplete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) calculations on embedded clusters extracted from the resulting trajectory, we describe localized spectroscopic phenomena on NiO with an efficient treatment of electron correlation. The inclusion of thermal motion into the theoretical description allowsus to study electronic transitions that, otherwise, would be dipole forbidden in the ideal structure and results in a natural reproduction of the band broadening. Moreover, we improved the embedded cluster model by incorporating self-consistently at the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) level a discrete (or direct) reaction field (DRF) in the cluster surroundings. The DRF approach offers an efficient treatment ofelectric response effects of the crystalline embedding to the electronic transitions localized in the cluster. We offer accurate theoretical estimates of the absorption spectrum and the density of states around the Fermi level of NiO, and a comprehensive explanation of the source of the broadening and the relaxation of the charge transferstates due to the adaptation of the environment


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The cellular response to an inflammatory stressor requires a proinflammatory cellular activation followed by a controlled resolution of the response to restore homeostasis. We hypothesized that biliverdin reductase (BVR) by binding biliverdin (BV) quells the cellular response to endotoxin-induced inflammation through phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). The generated NO, in turn, nitrosylates BVR, leading to nuclear translocation where BVR binds to the Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) promoter at the Ap-1 sites to block transcription. We show in macrophages that BV-induced eNOS phosphorylation (Ser-1177) and NO production are mediated in part by Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase. Furthermore, we show that BVR is S-nitrosylated on one of three cysteines and that this posttranslational modification is required for BVR-mediated signaling. BV-induced nuclear translocation of BVR and inhibition of TLR4 expression is lost in macrophages derived from Enos(-/-) mice. In vivo in mice, BV provides protection from acute liver damage and is dependent on the availability of NO. Collectively, we elucidate a mechanism for BVR in regulating the inflammatory response to endotoxin that requires eNOS-derived NO and TLR4 signaling in macrophages.


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Aquest projecte tracta sobre la implantació d'un sistema ERP per tal de gestionar una empresa dedicada a la producció i distribució de material odontològic. El que durem a terme en aquesta aplicació serà importar les dades de l'aplicació VolkSoft a la nova aplicació. La idea principal es buscar una aplicació que satisfaci les necessitats de l'aplicació VolkSoft i a continuació, importar les dades d'una aplicació a l'altra.


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Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) are currently under development for the intracellular delivery of therapeutics. However, the mechanisms of cellular uptake and the cellular reaction to this uptake, independent of therapeutics, are not well defined. The interactions of biocompatible cationic aminoUSPIONs with human cells was studied in 2D and 3D cultures using biochemical and electron microscopy techniques. AminoUSPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells in 2D and 3D cultures. Uptake was clathrin mediated and the particles localized in lysosomes, inducing activation of the lysosomal cathepsin D and decreasing the expression of the transferrin receptor in human melanoma cells and/or skin fibroblasts. AminoUSPIONs deeply invaded 3D spheroids of human melanoma cells. Thus, aminoUSPIONs can invade tumors and their uptake by human cells induces cell reaction.


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Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) plays a pivotal role in regulating pulmonary circulation. To determine whether there is a heterogeneity in EDNO-mediated responses of different sized pulmonary vessels, we studied small and large isolated pulmonary arteries of newborn lambs (diameter, 0.4-0.7 and 1.5-2.5 mm, respectively). The isometric tension of vessel rings were recorded while suspended in organ chambers filled with modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution (95% O2-5% CO2, 37 degrees C). In vessels preconstricted with norepinephrine, acetylcholine and bradykinin induced a greater relaxation of small pulmonary arteries than of large pulmonary arteries. Acetylcholine, bradykinin, and nitric oxide also induced a greater increase in cGMP content in small arteries than in large ones. The responses to acetylcholine and bradykinin were endothelium-dependent and inhibited by nitro-L-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase. In vessels without endothelium, the response to nitric oxide was inhibited by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one, an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase. The activity of soluble guanylyl cyclase of small arteries was greater than that of large arteries under basal conditions and after stimulation with S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, a nitric oxide donor. These results demonstrate that heterogeneity exists in EDNO-mediated relaxation of small and large pulmonary arteries in newborn lambs. A difference in the soluble guanylate cyclase activity of vascular smooth muscle may have contributed to this phenomenon.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver estratégias facilitadoras no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, utilizando-se de materiais recicláveis na construção de estruturas e órgãos anatômicos. Foi desenvolvido na disciplina Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, a 31 alunos no curso de nível médio para formação do Auxiliar de Enfermagem. Após leituras de referências bibliográficas relacionadas à Anatomia, Fisiologia e Patologias mais comuns dos diversos sistemas do corpo humano, os alunos selecionaram os materiais recicláveis disponíveis para a confecção das principais estruturas anatômicas, o que possibilitou a visualização das alterações morfológicas decorrentes das afecções, facilitando assim a compreensão das patologias. As estratégias utilizadas favoreceram a aquisição de conhecimentos ao se projetarem em algo concreto, resultado da troca de sugestões e experiências entre os estudantes, favorecido pelo trabalho em grupo.