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To investigate whether two methods of measuring macular pigment-namely, heterochromatic flicker photometry (HFP) and resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS)--yield comparable data.


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Late age-related maculopathy (ARM) is responsible for the majority of blind registrations in the Western world among persons over 50 years of age. It has devastating effects on quality of life and independence and is becoming a major public health concern. Current treatment options are limited and most aim to slow progression rather than restore vision; therefore, early detection to identify those patients most suitable for these interventions is essential. In this work, we review the literature encompassing the investigation of visual function in ARM in order to highlight those visual function parameters which are affected very early in the disease process. We pay particular attention to measures of acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), cone function, electrophysiology, visual adaptation, central visual field sensitivity and metamorphopsia. We also consider the impact of bilateral late ARM on visual function as well as the relationship between measures of vision function and self-reported visual functioning. Much interest has centred on the identification of functional changes which may predict progression to neovascular disease; therefore, we outline the longitudinal studies, which to date have reported dark-adaptation time, short-wavelength cone sensitivity, colour-match area effect, dark-adapted foveal sensitivity, foveal flicker sensitivity, slow recovery from glare and slower foveal electroretinogram implicit time as functional risk factors for the development of neovascular disease. Despite progress in this area, we emphasise the need for longitudinal studies designed in light of developments in disease classification and retinal imaging, which would ensure the correct classification of cases and controls, and provide increased understanding of the natural course and progression of the disease and further elucidate the structure-function relationships in this devastating disorder.


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Purpose: In ischemic retinopathies, the misdirection of reparative angiogenesis away from the hypoxic retina leads to pathologic neovascularization. Thus, therapeutic strategies that reverse this trend would be extremely beneficial. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is an important mediator of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) function facilitating vascular growth and maturation. However, in addition to NO, eNOS can also produce superoxide (O), exacerbating pathology. Here, our aim was to investigate the effect of eNOS overexpression on vascular closure and subsequent recovery of the ischemic retina.

Methods: Mice overexpressing eNOS-GFP were subjected to oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) and changes in retinal vascularization quantified. Background angiogenic drive was assessed during vascular development and in aortic rings. NOS activity was measured by Griess assay or conversion of radiolabeled arginine to citrulline, nitrotyrosine (NT), and superoxide by immunolabeling and dihydroethidium fluorescence and VEGF by ELISA.

Results: In response to hyperoxia, enhanced eNOS expression led to increased NOS-derived superoxide and dysfunctional NO production, NT accumulation, and exacerbated vessel closure associated with tetrahydrobiopterin (BH) insufficiency. Despite worse vaso-obliteration, eNOS overexpression resulted in elevated hypoxia-induced angiogenic drive, independent of VEGF production. This correlated with increased vascular branching similar to that observed in isolated aortas and during development. Enhanced recovery was also associated with neovascular tuft formation, which showed defective NO production and increased eNOS-derived superoxide and NT levels.

Conclusions: In hyperoxia, reduced BH bioavailability causes overexpressed eNOS to become dysfunctional, exacerbating vaso-obliteration. In the proliferative phase, however, eNOS has important prorepair functions enhancing angiogenic growth potential and recovery in ischemia. © 2012 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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Retinopathy is a major complication of diabetes mellitus and this condition remains a leading cause of blindness in the working population of developed countries. As diabetic retinopathy progresses a range of neuroglial and microvascular abnormalities develop although it remains unclear how these pathologies relate to each other and their net contribution to retinal damage. From a haemodynamic perspective, evidence suggests that there is an early reduction in retinal perfusion before the onset of diabetic retinopathy followed by a gradual increase in blood flow as the complication progresses. The functional reduction in retinal blood flow observed during early diabetic retinopathy may be additive or synergistic to pro-inflammatory changes, leucostasis and vaso-occlusion and thus be intimately linked to the progressive ischaemic hypoxia and increased blood flow associated with later stages of the disease. In the current review a unifying framework is presented that explains how arteriolar dysfunction and haemodynamic changes may contribute to late stage microvascular pathology and vision loss in human diabetic retinopathy.


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To characterize the effects of endothelin (ET)-1 on the Ca2+-activated Cl- conductance of choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle.


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PURPOSE. This study was conducted to evaluate whether regions of the retinal neuropile become hypoxic during periods of high oxygen consumption and whether depletion of the outer retina reduces hypoxia and related changes in gene expression.

METHODS. Retinas from rhodopsin knockout (Rho(-/-)) mice were evaluated along with those of wild-type (WT) control animals. Retinas were also examined at the end of 12-hour dark or light periods, and a separate group was treated with L-cis-diltiazem at the beginning of a 12-hour dark period. Hypoxia was assessed by deposition of hypoxyprobe (HP) and HP-protein adducts were localized by immunohistochemistry and quantified using ELISA. Also, hypoxia-regulated gene expression and transcriptional activity were assessed alongside vascular density.

RESULTS. Hypoxia was observed in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers in WT retina and was significantly reduced in Rho (-/-) mice (P < 0.05). Retinal hypoxia was significantly increased during dark adaptation in WT mice (P < 0.05), whereas no change was observed in Rho(-/-) or with L-cis-diltiazem-treated WT mice. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha DNA-binding and VEGF mRNA expression in Rho(-/-) retina was significantly reduced in unison with outer retinal depletion (P < 0.05). Retina from the Rho(-/-) mice displayed an extensive intraretinal vascular network after 6 months, although there was evidence that capillary density was depleted in comparison with that in WT retinas.

CONCLUSIONS. Relative hypoxia occurs in the inner retina especially during dark adaptation. Photoreceptor loss reduces retinal oxygen usage and hypoxia which corresponds with attenuation of the retinal microvasculature. These studies suggest that in normal physiological conditions and diurnal cycles the adult retina exists in a state of borderline hypoxia, making this tissue particularly susceptible to even subtle reductions in perfusion.


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To study associations between severity stages of early and late age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and genetic variations in age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) and complement factor H (CFH) and to investigate potential interactions between smoking and ARMS2.
Population-based, cross-sectional European Eye Study in 7 countries in Europe.
Four thousand seven hundred fifty participants, 65 years of age and older, recruited through random sampling.
Participants were classified on the basis of the more severely affected eye into 5 mutually exclusive AMD severity stages ranging from no AMD, 3 categories of early AMD, and late AMD. History of cigarette smoking was available and allowed classification into never, former, and current smokers, with the latter 2 groups combined into a single category of ever smokers for analysis. Genotyping was performed for single nucleotide polymorphisms rs10490924 and rs4146894 in ARMS2 and rs1061170 in CFH. Associations were analyzed by logistic regression.
Odds ratios (ORs) for stage of AMD associated with genetic variations in ARMS2 and CFH and interactions between ARMS2 and smoking status.
Early AMD was present in 36.4% and late AMD was present in 3.3% of participants. Data on both genotype and AMD were available for 4276 people. The ORs for associations between AMD stage and ARMS2 increased monotonically with more severe stages of early AMD and were altered little by adjustment for potential confounders. Compared with persons with no AMD, carriers of the TT genotype for rs10490924 in ARMS2 had a 10-fold increase in risk of late AMD (P<3 × 10(-20)). The ORs for associations with CFH were similar for stage 3 early AMD and late AMD. Interactions between rs10490924 in ARMS2 and smoking status were significant in both unadjusted and adjusted models (P = 0.001). The highest risk was observed in those doubly homozygous for rs10490924 and rs1061170 in CFH (OR, 62.3; 95% confidence interval, 16-242), with P values for trend ranging from 0.03 (early AMD, stage 1) to 1 × 10(-26) (late AMD).
A strong association was demonstrated between all stages of AMD and genetic variation in ARMS2, and a significant gene-environment interaction with cigarette smoking was confirmed.


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Endogenous infectious endophthalmitis is rare, and a primary source is usually identified. A case of primary fungal endophthalmitis successfully treated with vitrectomy and systemic antifungal therapy is presented. The aetiology and treatment of the condition are discussed.


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Aims and Purpose The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of drusen and pigmentary changes in a middle-aged population.

Methods Retinal images from 500 individuals aged 18–54 years were included. The source of participants was two UK optometry practices. Retinal images were graded using the Wisconsin Age-Related
Maculopathy Grading System. However, owing to the relatively young age of the population studied, a new category of drusen of smaller size (o31.5mm) was introduced.

Results Drusen were identi?ed within the central macular grid in 91.48% of all gradable eyes and in 444 subjects. Drusen sized o31.5mm were present in 89.7% of eyes, drusen sized 431.5mm and o63mm were present in 45.9% of all eyes and drusen 463mm and o125mm were present in only 1.7% of eyes. No eye had drusen larger or equal to 125mm. Very few eyes (1.2%) showed pigmentary changes within the grid. Drusen load increased with increasing age, P o0.001.

Conclusions The frequency of drusen in a younger Caucasian population aged 18–54 years is high, with 91.48% of all gradable eyes having drusen. The most frequent drusen subtype was hard distinct drusen o31.5mm. No druse greater or equal in size to 125mm was seen. Pigmentary changes are rare. Eye(2012) 26, 1357–1362; doi:10.1038/eye.2012.165; published online 17 August 2012


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PURPOSE. Myopia is a complex trait affected by both genetic and environmental factors. High myopia is associated with increased risk of sight-threatening eye disorders such as retinal detachment. The purpose of this genome-wide association study was to identify susceptibility genes contributing to high myopia in the French population. METHODS. High myopic cases were genotyped using Affymetrix SNP 6.0 chips and population controls were selected from the GABRIEL French dataset in which samples were genotyped by Illumina Human610 quad array. The association study was conducted using 152,234 single nucleotide polymorphisms that were present on both manufacturers' chips in 192 high myopic cases and 1064 controls to identify associated regions. Imputation was performed on peak regions. RESULTS. Associations were found at known myopia locus MYP10 on chromosome 8p23 and MYP15 on chromosome 10q21.1. Rs189798 (8p23) and rs10825992 (10q21.1) showed the strongest associations in these regions (P=6.32x10-7 and P=2.17x10-5, respectively). The imputed results at 8p23 showed 2 peaks of interest. The first spanned 30kb including rs189798 between MIR4660 and PPP1R3B with the most significant association at rs17155227 (P=1.07x10-10). The second novel peak was 4kb in length, encompassing MIR124-1 and the MSRA gene, with the strongest association at rs55864141 (P=1.30x10-7). The peak of imputed data at 10q21.1 was 70kb in length between ZWINT and MIR3924, with rs3107503 having the lowest P value (P=1.54x10-7). CONCLUSION. We provide evidence for the association of MYP10 at 8p23 and MYP15 at 10p21.1 with high myopia in the French population and refine these regions of association.


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Purpose: To report the secondary outcomes in the Carotenoids with Coantioxidants in Age-Related Maculopathy trial.

Design: Randomized double-masked placebo-controlled clinical trial (registered as ISRCTN 94557601).

Participants: Participants included 433 adults 55 years of age or older with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in 1 eye and late-stage disease in the fellow eye (group 1) or early AMD in both eyes (group 2).

Intervention: An oral preparation containing lutein (L), zeaxanthin (Z), vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, and zinc or placebo. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), contrast sensitivity (CS), Raman spectroscopy, stereoscopic colour fundus photography, and serum sampling were performed every 6 months with a minimum follow-up time of 12 months.

Main Outcome Measures: Secondary outcomes included differences in BCVA (at 24 and 36 months), CS, Raman counts, serum antioxidant levels, and progression along the AMD severity scale (at 12, 24, and 36 months).

Results: The differential between active and placebo groups increased steadily, with average BCVA in the former being approximately 4.8 letters better than the latter for those who had 36 months of follow-up, and this difference was statistically significant (P = 0.04). In the longitudinal analysis, for a 1-log-unit increase in serum L, visual acuity was better by 1.4 letters (95% confidence interval, 0.3-2.5; P = 0.01), and a slower progression along a morphologic severity scale (P = 0.014) was observed.

Conclusions: Functional and morphologic benefits were observed in key secondary outcomes after supplementation with L, Z, and coantioxidants in persons with early AMD.

Financial Disclosure(s): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article. © 2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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To investigate the role of the Fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 pathway in oxidative insults-mediated retinal degeneration and immune activation.
A prooxidant, paraquat (0.75 µM) was injected into the vitreous of C57BL/6J, CX3CR1(gpf/+), and CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice. Retinal lesions were investigated clinically by topic endoscopic fundus imaging and fluorescence angiography, and pathologically by light- and electron microscopy. Retinal immune gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR. Microglial activation and immune cell infiltration were examined by confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts.
Intravitreal injection of paraquat (0.75 µM) resulted in acute retinal capillary nonperfusion within 2 days, which improved from 4 days to 4 weeks postinjection (p.i.). Panretinal degeneration was observed at 4 days p.i. and progressed further at 4 weeks p.i. In the absence of CX3CR1, retinal degeneration was exaggerated and was accompanied by increased TNF-a, iNOS, IL-1ß, Ccl2, and Casp-1 gene expression. Confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts revealed microglial activation and CD44(+)MHC-II(+) monocyte and GR1(+) neutrophil infiltration in paraquat-injected eyes. The number of activated microglia and infiltrating leukocytes was significantly higher in CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice than in CX3CR1(gfp/+) mice.
Our results suggest that the CX3CR1 signaling pathway may play an important role in controlling retinal inflammation under oxidative and ischemia/reperfusion conditions. In the absence of CX3CR1, uncontrolled retinal inflammation results in exaggerated retinal degeneration.


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Purpose. To examine the association between a posteriori–derived dietary patterns (DP) and retinal vessel caliber in an elderly population.

Methods. This was a cross-sectional study of 288 elderly adults (>65 years) who participated in the European Eye study (EUREYE) Northern Irish cohort. DP were extracted using principal component analysis from completed food frequency questionnaires. Semi-automated computer grading was used to determine the mean retinal vessel diameters (central retinal arteriole equivalent [CRAE] and central retinal venule equivalent [CRVE]) from digitized visual field one images using a standard measurement protocol.

Results. Three major DP were identified in this population, which accounted for 21% of the total variance: a “healthy” pattern with high factor loadings for oily fish, fruits and vegetables, and olive oil; an “unhealthy” pattern with high factor loadings for red and processed meat, refined grains, eggs, butter, sugar and sweets; and a “snack and beverage” pattern with high factor loading for pizza, nuts, and coffee. Multivariable linear regression analysis indicated no significant association between major identified DP and mean CRAE or CRVE in all models.

Conclusions. This is the first study to investigate associations between a posteriori–derived DP and retinal vessel caliber. There was no evidence of a relationship between extracted DP and retinal vessel measurements in this population. However, it is possible that potentially important relationships exist between single nutrients or foods and vessel diameters that cannot be identified using a DP approach. Further studies to examine the role of dietary factors in the microcirculation are required.


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Aim: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of the non-invasive imaging technique, fundus autofluorescence (AF), in the diagnosis of cystoid macular oedema (CMO), using fluorescein angiography as the reference standard. Design: Retrospective, consecutive, observational case series. Methods: Ninety-six consecutive patients with CMO suspected clinically were selected from the AF database of the Retina Unit, Ophthalmology Department, Grampian University Hospitals-NHS Trust, between August 2004 and June 2006. Only patients in whom CMO was secondary to (1) cataract extraction, (2) inherited retinopathies, (3) inflammatory eye disease or (4) idiopathic cases were included in this study. Only patients in whom AF images had been performed within 2 weeks of FFA and, when obtained following FFA, there was a minimum gap of 4 days ("washing out" period), were considered eligible for this study. A total of 34 eyes from 34 patients were eligible and were included in this study. FFA was used as the reference test to confirm the presence of CMO, and, based on fluorescein angiography (FFA), CMO was graded as either mild or florid. AF images were examined in a masked fashion for the presence or absence of CMO. The sensitivity and specificity of AF in detecting CMO were then calculated. Results: CMO was seen on AF imaging as round or oval areas at the fovea with an AF signal similar to that of background levels. At this site (fovea), the AF signal is usually reduced compared with background, due to the blockage caused by luteal pigment. The diagnosis of CMO based on AF imaging had 81% sensitivity and 69% specificity when compared with the reference standard FFA. Based on the FFA, there were 12 cases of florid CMO and eight of mild CMO. Of the former, CMO was detected with AF imaging in 100% (12/12 eyes), and of the latter, in 50% (4/8 eyes). Conclusions: AF imaging can be used as a rapid, non-invasive technique in the diagnosis of CMO.


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Aim: To evaluate the distribution of fundus autofluorescence in patients with age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularisation (CNV). Methods: Colour fundus photographs, fundus fluorescein angiograms (FFA) and fundus autofluorescence images were obtained from a group of 40 patients (43 eyes) with age-related macular degeneration and purely classic or occult CNV. Only patients with newly diagnosed CNV and in whom autofluorescence images were obtained within 2 weeks from FFA were included. The distribution of autofluorescence was qualitatively evaluated, and the findings compared with those from colour fundus photographs and FFA. Results: 29 (67%) eyes had classic CNV and 14 (33%) had occult CNV. In 26 (90%) eyes with classic CNV, a low autofluorescence signal was detected at the site of the CNV; in 7 (50%) eyes with occult CNV, multiple foci of low autofluorescence signal were detected. Outside the area affected by the lesion, homogeneous autofluorescence was observed in most of the cases (n = 33, 77%). Similarly, homogeneous autofluorescence was commonly observed in fellow eyes (62%). A pattern of focal increased autofluorescence was rarely seen in eyes with CNV (n = 4, 9%) or in fellow eyes (n = 4, 15%). In 11 of 43 (25%) eyes, areas of increased autofluorescence, other than a pattern of focal increased autofluorescence, were detected. In four patients, autofluorescence images had been obtained before the development of CNV; in none was any increased autofluorescence detected before the formation of CNV. Conclusions: Distinct patterns of autofluorescence were observed in eyes with pure classic and occult CNV. Increased autofluorescence was rarely seen in eyes with CNV and in fellow eyes, suggesting that increased autofluorescence, and thus, retinal pigment epithelium lipofuscin, may not play an essential part in the formation of CNV.