978 resultados para Non-rigid image alignment for handshape recognition


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A visual pattern recognition network and its training algorithm are proposed. The network constructed of a one-layer morphology network and a two-layer modified Hamming net. This visual network can implement invariant pattern recognition with respect to image translation and size projection. After supervised learning takes place, the visual network extracts image features and classifies patterns much the same as living beings do. Moreover we set up its optoelectronic architecture for real-time pattern recognition. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America


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An ordered gray-scale erosion is suggested according to the definition of hit-miss transform. Instead of using three operations, two images, and two structuring elements, the developed operation requires only one operation and one structuring element, but with three gray-scale levels. Therefore, a union of the ordered gray-scale erosions with different structuring elements can constitute a simple image algebra to program any combined image processing function. An optical parallel ordered gray-scale erosion processor is developed based on the incoherent correlation in a single channel. Experimental results are also given for an edge detection and a pattern recognition. (C) 1998 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(98)00306-7].


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Part I. Complexes of Biological Bases and Oligonucleotides with RNA

The physical nature of complexes of several biological bases and oligonucleotides with single-stranded ribonucleic acids have been studied by high resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The importance of various forces in the stabilization of these complexes is also discussed.

Previous work has shown that purine forms an intercalated complex with single-stranded nucleic acids. This complex formation led to severe and stereospecific broadening of the purine resonances. From the field dependence of the linewidths, T1 measurements of the purine protons and nuclear Overhauser enhancement experiments, the mechanism for the line broadening was ascertained to be dipole-dipole interactions between the purine protons and the ribose protons of the nucleic acid.

The interactions of ethidium bromide (EB) with several RNA residues have been studied. EB forms vertically stacked aggregates with itself as well as with uridine, 3'-uridine monophosphate and 5'-uridine monophosphate and forms an intercalated complex with uridylyl (3' → 5') uridine and polyuridylic acid (poly U). The geometry of EB in the intercalated complex has also been determined.

The effect of chain length of oligo-A-nucleotides on their mode of interaction with poly U in D20 at neutral pD have also been studied. Below room temperatures, ApA and ApApA form a rigid triple-stranded complex involving a stoichiometry of one adenine to two uracil bases, presumably via specific adenine-uracil base pairing and cooperative base stacking of the adenine bases. While no evidence was obtained for the interaction of ApA with poly U above room temperature, ApApA exhibited complex formation of a 1:1 nature with poly U by forming Watson-Crick base pairs. The thermodynamics of these systems are discussed.

Part II. Template Recognition and the Degeneracy of the Genetic Code

The interaction of ApApG and poly U was studied as a model system for the codon-anticodon interaction of tRNA and mRNA in vivo. ApApG was shown to interact with poly U below ~20°C. The interaction was of a 1:1 nature which exhibited the Hoogsteen bonding scheme. The three bases of ApApG are in an anti conformation and the guanosine base appears to be in the lactim tautomeric form in the complex.

Due to the inadequacies of previous models for the degeneracy of the genetic code in explaining the observed interactions of ApApG with poly U, the "tautomeric doublet" model is proposed as a possible explanation of the degenerate interactions of tRNA with mRNA during protein synthesis in vivo.


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A laser beam automatic alignment system is applied in a multipass amplifier of the SG-III prototype laser. Considering the requirements of the SG-III prototype facility, by combining the general techniques of the laser beam automatic alignment system, according to the image relayed of the pinholes in the spatial filter, and utilizing the optical position and the spatial distribution of the four pinholes of the main spatial filter in the multipass amplifier of the SG-III prototype, a reasonable and optimized scheme for automatic aligning multipass beam paths is presented. It is demonstrated on the multipass amplifier experimental system. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Study of emotions in human-computer interaction is a growing research area. This paper shows an attempt to select the most significant features for emotion recognition in spoken Basque and Spanish Languages using different methods for feature selection. RekEmozio database was used as the experimental data set. Several Machine Learning paradigms were used for the emotion classification task. Experiments were executed in three phases, using different sets of features as classification variables in each phase. Moreover, feature subset selection was applied at each phase in order to seek for the most relevant feature subset. The three phases approach was selected to check the validity of the proposed approach. Achieved results show that an instance-based learning algorithm using feature subset selection techniques based on evolutionary algorithms is the best Machine Learning paradigm in automatic emotion recognition, with all different feature sets, obtaining a mean of 80,05% emotion recognition rate in Basque and a 74,82% in Spanish. In order to check the goodness of the proposed process, a greedy searching approach (FSS-Forward) has been applied and a comparison between them is provided. Based on achieved results, a set of most relevant non-speaker dependent features is proposed for both languages and new perspectives are suggested.


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In the framework of dielectric theory, the static non-local self-energy of an electron near an ultra-thin polarizable layer has been calculated and applied to study binding energies of image-potential states near free-standing graphene. The corresponding series of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions have been obtained by numerically solving the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. The imagepotential state wave functions accumulate most of their probability outside the slab. We find that the random phase approximation (RPA) for the nonlocal dielectric function yields a superior description for the potential inside the slab, but a simple Fermi-Thomas theory can be used to get a reasonable quasi-analytical approximation to the full RPA result that can be computed very economically. Binding energies of the image-potential states follow a pattern close to the Rydberg series for a perfect metal with the addition of intermediate states due to the added symmetry of the potential. The formalism only requires a minimal set of free parameters: the slab width and the electronic density. The theoretical calculations are compared with experimental results for the work function and image-potential states obtained by two-photon photoemission.


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This paper describes results obtained using the modified Kanerva model to perform word recognition in continuous speech after being trained on the multi-speaker Alvey 'Hotel' speech corpus. Theoretical discoveries have recently enabled us to increase the speed of execution of part of the model by two orders of magnitude over that previously reported by Prager & Fallside. The memory required for the operation of the model has been similarly reduced. The recognition accuracy reaches 95% without syntactic constraints when tested on different data from seven trained speakers. Real time simulation of a model with 9,734 active units is now possible in both training and recognition modes using the Alvey PARSIFAL transputer array. The modified Kanerva model is a static network consisting of a fixed nonlinear mapping (location matching) followed by a single layer of conventional adaptive links. A section of preprocessed speech is transformed by the non-linear mapping to a high dimensional representation. From this intermediate representation a simple linear mapping is able to perform complex pattern discrimination to form the output, indicating the nature of the speech features present in the input window.