991 resultados para Neotropical predaceous midge
A new species of thorny catfish (family Doradidae) is described as a member of genus Leptodoras Boulenger by having a modified oral hood and first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments. The new species is distinguished by three characteristics unique within Leptodoras: gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced) with simple walls (diverticula absent), and paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by triangular septum. The new species was discovered from material recently collected in the Tapajós basin at Serra do Cachimbo and in the headwaters of rio Xingu. The species description is supplemented by a detailed osteological description, discussion on its placement among congeners, and a re-evaluation of the diagnosis of Leptodoras and its relationships with sister taxon Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus. In addition, the distributions of several species of Leptodoras are expanded based on recent collecting efforts and identification of museum specimens not previously studied.
A new species of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from rio Tocantins and rio Xingu basins in central Brazil, is described. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a unique combination of pale blotches over a darker background on head, body and fins, and conspicuous keels on head, predorsal region and lateral plates. Comments on the pale-spotted species of Hypostomus are provided.
A new species of Rineloricaria Bleeker from the rio Vermelho, Araguaia basin, Goiás, Brazil is described. Rineloricaria osvaldoi, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: surface of thoracic area trapezoidal with greatest width between pectoral fins, up to 13 premaxillary teeth, largest body width at the section of the canal plate, anterior profile of the head of mature males semicircular in dorsal view. Although eight genera of Loricariinae are known from the rio Araguaia basin, R. lanceolata was only species of Rineloricaria previously reported from that basin. Therefore, the discovery of the R. osvaldoi increases the scenery of diversity of Loricariinae within this drainage basin.
Rineloricaria daraha, new species, is described from the rio Daraá, tributary of rio Negro, northwestern Amazonas State, Brazil. The new species is diagnosed by having seven branched pectoral-fin rays, finger-like papillae on the lower lip, a large multi-angular preanal plate, and at least four quadrangular plates of variable size surrounding the preanal plate. The new species is known only from rio Daraá and its waterfalls.
Description and phylogenetic analysis of the Calycopidina (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini): a subtribe of detritivores. The purpose of this paper is to establish a phylogenetic basis for a new Eumaeini subtribe that includes those lycaenid genera in which detritivory has been recorded. Morphological characters were coded for 82 species of the previously proposed "Lamprospilus Section" of the Eumaeini (19 of these had coding identical to another species), and a phylogenetic analysis was performed using the 63 distinct ingroup terminal taxa and six outgroups belonging to four genera. Taxonomic results include the description in the Eumaeini of Calycopidina Duarte & Robbins new subtribe (type genus Calycopis Scudder, 1876), which contains Lamprospilus Geyer, Badecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla badaca Hewitson), Arzecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla arza Hewitson), Arumecla Robbins & Duarte, Camissecla Robbins & Duarte, Electrostrymon Clench, Rubroserrata K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, Ziegleria K. Johnson, Kisutam K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, and Calycopis. Previous "infratribe" names Angulopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, and Calycopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, are nomenclaturally unavailable and polyphyletic as proposed. New combinations include Badecla badaca (Hewitson), Badecla picentia (Hewitson), Badecla quadramacula (Austin & K. Johnson), Badecla lanckena (Schaus), Badecla argentinensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Badecla clarissa (Draudt), Arzecla arza (Hewitson), Arzecla tarpa (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla canacha (Hewitson), Arzecla calatia (Hewitson), Arzecla tucumanensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Arzecla sethon (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla nubilum (H. H. Druce), Arzecla paralus (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla taminella (Schaus), Arzecla albolineata (Lathy), Electrostrymon denarius (Butler & H.Druce), Electrostrymon guzanta (Schaus), Electrostrymon perisus (H. H. Druce), Rubroserrata mathewi (Hewitson), Rubroserrata ecbatana (Hewitson), Kisutam micandriana (K. Johnson), and Kisutam syllis (Godman & Salvin). The structure of the male genitalia lateral window, labides, and brush organs are described and discussed, as are the female genitalia signa of the corpus bursae and 8th abdominal tergum. Widespread wing pattern sexual dimorphism in the Calycopidina is noted and illustrated, and the presence of alternating dark and light bands on the ventral wings of both sexes is discussed. The evidence for detritivory in Lamprospilus, Badecla, Arzecla, Arumecla, Camissecla, Electrostrymon, Ziegleria, Kisutam, and Calycopis is summarized using the new classification.
Novas espécies descritas em Eranina Monné, 2005: E. moysesi e E. esquinas da Costa Rica; E. rondonia do Brasil (Rondônia) e E. hovorei do Equador. Acrescenta-se chave para as 34 espécies de Eranina. O gênero monotípico Eraninella gen. nov. é criado para Eranina longiscapus (Bates, 1881).
New species described and figured: Megacyllene (M.) nevermanni sp. nov. from Costa Rica (Limón); M. (M.) punensis sp. nov. from Peru (Puno); Neoclytus fraterculus sp. nov. from Venezuela (Guárico); N. zonatus from Guatemala (Alta Verapaz); N. vitellinus sp. nov. from Costa Rica (Guanacaste); Mecometopus erratus sp. nov. from Colombia (Boyacá); M. latithorax sp. nov. from Panama (Panama).
Fundamentados em material da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (Museu de Entomologia), descreve-se em Cerambycinae, Elaphidionini: Magaliella gen. nov., espécie-tipo, M. punctata sp. nov. (Espírito Santo) e em Lamiinae, Onciderini: Oncideres hoffmanni sp. nov. (Bahia). Acrescentam-se novos registros para o Brasil: Potiaxixa intermedia (Martins, 1979) (Bahia); Appula melancholica Gounelle, 1909 (Distrito Federal), Pseudogisostola reichardti Fontes & Martins, 1977 (Rio de Janeiro), Hesycha bimaculata Martins & Galileo, 1990 (Bahia) e .Xenofrea apicalis Melzer, 1931 (Rio de Janeiro).
Oitenta e quatro espécies são registradas para o Estado do Maranhão: Prioninae (uma), Disteniinae (uma), Cerambycinae (49) e Lamiinae (33). O número total de espécies assinaladas para o Estado eleva-se a 367. Nove novas espécies são descritas em Cerambycinae: Chlorida inexpectata sp. nov. (Bothriospilini); Jupoata germana sp. nov. (Cerambycini); Eburodacrys separatus sp. nov. e Eburodacrys cincora sp. nov. (Eburiini); Ectenessa affinis sp. nov. (Ectenessini); Minibidion bicolor sp. nov. (Ibidionini, Tropidiina); Compsibidion maculatum sp. nov. e Compsibidion ytu sp. nov. (Ibidionini,Ibidionina); Ideratus beatus sp. nov. (Ideratini). Três espécies são descritas em Lamiinae: Aerenea gibba sp. nov. (Compsosomatini); Mimasyngenes barbozai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Cacostola exilis sp. nov. (Onciderini). Uma variação no colorido de Adesmus paradiana Galileo & Martins, 2004 é observada. Corrigenda de Piruana pulchra Martins et al., 2009 para Piruauna pulchra (Desmiphorini).
Novas espécies descritas do Brasil: Nesozineus amazonicus sp. nov. (Amazonas), Xenofrea diagonalis sp. nov. (Rondônia). Mauesia submetallica sp. nov. (Amazonas); da Bolívia: Psapharochrus nearnsi sp. nov. (Santa Cruz), Adetus basalis, sp. nov. (Santa Cruz, La Paz), Palpicrassus inexpectatus sp. nov. (Santa Cruz), Cyrtinus meridialis sp. nov. (Santa Cruz.). Do Panamá: Aerenea panamensis sp. nov. (Chiriqui). O gênero Palpicrassus Galileo & Martins, 2007, originalmente descrito em Pteropliini é transferido para Apomecynini.
Ignelater inaguensis sp. nov. from Bahamas, Great Inagua Island is described, illustrated and compared to other Ignelater species. This species is characterized mainly by its elytra, slightly widened from humerus up to the middle or posterior third and the length ratio between elytra and pronotum 2.51-2.71.
Serra Bonita está situada na Mata Atlântica do sul da Bahia. A área, sob proteção ambiental, tem 2.000 ha e a maior parte está coberta por floresta de neblina. Os Coleoptera ainda não foram estudados na região e esta é a primeira contribuição sobre a Ordem. São mencionadas 51 espécies de Cerambycidae, das quais 19 são novos registros para a Bahia. Em Hexoplonini, é descrito Uirassu gen. nov., espécie-tipo, U. beckeri sp. nov.
Novas espécies descritas: Drycothaea jolyi sp. nov. do Peru; Drycothaea rotundicollis sp. nov. da Costa Rica; Drycothaea wappesi sp. nov. e Drycothaea ocularis sp. nov. da Guatemala. Drycothaea cribrata Bates, 1881 é transferida para Euryestola Breuning, 1940. Acrescenta-se chave para as espécies de Drycothaea da América Continental.
São descritos novos táxons: Cerambycinae, Hesperophanini: Paracorupella gen. nov., espécie-tipo, P. pallida sp. nov., daVenezuela; Ibidionini, Compsina: Stenoidion schmidi sp. nov., da Guiana Francesa; Necydalopsini: Eucharassus nigratus sp. nov., da Colômbia. Lamiinae, Pteropliini: Kuauna gen. nov., espécie tipo, K. schmidi sp. nov., da Venezuela; Apomecynini, Rosalba suiaba sp. nov., do Brasil; Desmiphorini: Malthonea piraiuba sp. nov., da Costa Rica; Colobotheini: Sangaris spilota sp. nov., do Equador; Hemilophini: Adesmus icambi sp. nov., Icaunauna gen. nov., espécie-tipo, I. aurantium sp. nov., Cotysomerida gen. nov., espécie-tipo, C. lampyroides.
Nesta segunda contribuição à fauna dos Cerambycidae do Estado do Maranhão arrolam-se 123 espécies das quais 114 constituem novos registros. Novas espécies descritas em Cerambycinae: Ophtalmoplon similis (Hexoplonini), Gorybia bispinosa (Piezocerini), Aneuthetochorus punctatus, Minibidion bicolor (Ibidionini), Piezophidion thoracicum (Elaphidionini), Temnopis rubricollis (Oemini); em Lamiinae: Anobrium minimum (Pteropliini), Cacostola bimaculata, C. parafusca, Trestonia rugosicollis (Onciderini), Eupromerella maculosa, E. picturata, Nesozineus unicolor (Acanthoderini), Piruana pulchra (Desmiphorini), Pachypeza ferruginea (Hippopsini).