996 resultados para Negative dimension integration


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Using Dutch data (N = 6630), this article examines how sibling relationships (including full biological, half- and adopted siblings) differed for persons who experienced a negative life event (divorce, physical illness, psychological problems, addiction, problems with the law, victimization of abuse or financial problems) and those who did not. Results showed that people who experienced serious negative life events in the past often had less active, less supportive and more strained sibling ties. The group that experienced a physical illness formed an exception, showing more supportive and active sibling ties, but also higher levels of conflict. Results suggest inequality between persons who have experienced negative life events and those who have not in terms of access to positive and supportive sibling relationships.


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The exact analytical expression for the Hausdorff dimension of free processes driven by Gaussian noise in n-dimensional space is obtained. The fractal dimension solely depends on the time behavior of the arbitrary correlation function of the noise, ranging from DX=1 for Orstein-Uhlenbeck input noise to any real number greater than 1 for fractional Brownian motions.


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Hippocampal adult neurogenesis results in the continuous formation of new neurons in the adult hippocampus, which participate to learning and memory. Manipulations increasing adult neurogenesis have a huge clinical potential in pathologies involving memory loss. Intringuingly, most of the newborn neurons die during their maturation. Thus, increasing newborn neuron survival during their maturation may be a powerful way to increase overall adult neurogenesis. The factors governing this neuronal death are yet poorly known. In my PhD project, we made the hypothesis that synaptogenesis and synaptic activity play a role in the survival of newborn hippocampal neurons. We studied three factors potentially involved in the regulation of the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons. First, we used propofol anesthesia to provoke a global increase in GABAergic activity of the network, and we evaluated the outcome on newborn neuron synaptic integration, morphological development and survival. Propofol anesthesia impaired the dendritic maturation and survival of adult-born neurons in an age-dependent manner. Next, we examined the development of astrocytic ensheathment on the synapses formed by newborn neurons, as we hypothesized that astrocytes are involved in their synaptic integration. Astrocytic processes ensheathed the synapses of newborn neurons very early in their development, and the processes modulated synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, we studied the cell-autonomous effects of the overexpression of synaptic adhesion molecules on the development, synaptic integration and survival of newborn neurons, and we found that manipulating of a single adhesion molecule was sufficient to modify synaptogenesis and/or synapse function, and to modify newborn neuron survival. Together, these results suggest that the activity of the neuronal network, the modulation of glutamate transport by astrocytes, and the synapse formation and activity of the neuron itself may regulate the survival of newborn neurons. Thus, the survival of newborn neurons may depend on their ability to communicate with the network. This knowledge is crucial for finding ways to increase neurogenesis in patients. More generally, understanding how the neurogenic niche works and which factors are important for the generation, maturation and survival of neurons is fundamental to be able to maybe, one day, replace neurons in any region of the brain.


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It has been suggested that a solution to the transport equation which includes anisotropic scattering can be approximated by the solution to a telegrapher's equation [A.J. Ishimaru, Appl. Opt. 28, 2210 (1989)]. We show that in one dimension the telegrapher's equation furnishes an exact solution to the transport equation. In two dimensions, we show that, since the solution can become negative, the telegrapher's equation will not furnish a usable approximation. A comparison between simulated data in three dimensions indicates that the solution to the telegrapher's equation is a good approximation to that of the full transport equation at the times at which the diffusion equation furnishes an equally good approximation.


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Résumé: Les récents progrès techniques de l'imagerie cérébrale non invasives ont permis d'améliorer la compréhension des différents systèmes fonctionnels cérébraux. Les approches multimodales sont devenues indispensables en recherche, afin d'étudier dans sa globalité les différentes caractéristiques de l'activité neuronale qui sont à la base du fonctionnement cérébral. Dans cette étude combinée d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et d'électroencéphalographie (EEG), nous avons exploité le potentiel de chacune d'elles, soit respectivement la résolution spatiale et temporelle élevée. Les processus cognitifs, de perception et de mouvement nécessitent le recrutement d'ensembles neuronaux. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous étudions, grâce à la combinaison des techniques IRMf et EEG, la réponse des aires visuelles lors d'une stimulation qui demande le regroupement d'éléments cohérents appartenant aux deux hémi-champs visuels pour en faire une seule image. Nous utilisons une mesure de synchronisation (EEG de cohérence) comme quantification de l'intégration spatiale inter-hémisphérique et la réponse BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) pour évaluer l'activité cérébrale qui en résulte. L'augmentation de la cohérence de l'EEG dans la bande beta-gamma mesurée au niveau des électrodes occipitales et sa corrélation linéaire avec la réponse BOLD dans les aires de VP/V4, reflète et visualise un ensemble neuronal synchronisé qui est vraisemblablement impliqué dans le regroupement spatial visuel. Ces résultats nous ont permis d'étendre la recherche à l'étude de l'impact que le contenu en fréquence des stimuli a sur la synchronisation. Avec la même approche, nous avons donc identifié les réseaux qui montrent une sensibilité différente à l'intégration des caractéristiques globales ou détaillées des images. En particulier, les données montrent que l'implication des réseaux visuels ventral et dorsal est modulée par le contenu en fréquence des stimuli. Dans la deuxième partie nous avons a testé l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de l'activité cérébrale pendant le processus de regroupement inter-hémisphérique dépend de l'activité des axones calleux qui relient les aires visuelles. Comme le Corps Calleux présente une maturation progressive pendant les deux premières décennies, nous avons analysé le développement de la fonction d'intégration spatiale chez des enfants âgés de 7 à 13 ans et le rôle de la myelinisation des fibres calleuses dans la maturation de l'activité visuelle. Nous avons combiné l'IRMf et la technique de MTI (Magnetization Transfer Imaging) afin de suivre les signes de maturation cérébrale respectivement sous l'aspect fonctionnel et morphologique (myelinisation). Chez lés enfants, les activations associées au processus d'intégration entre les hémi-champs visuels sont, comme chez l'adulte, localisées dans le réseau ventral mais se limitent à une zone plus restreinte. La forte corrélation que le signal BOLD montre avec la myelinisation des fibres du splenium est le signe de la dépendance entre la maturation des fonctions visuelles de haut niveau et celle des connections cortico-corticales. Abstract: Recent advances in non-invasive brain imaging allow the visualization of the different aspects of complex brain dynamics. The approaches based on a combination of imaging techniques facilitate the investigation and the link of multiple aspects of information processing. They are getting a leading tool for understanding the neural basis of various brain functions. Perception, motion, and cognition involve the formation of cooperative neuronal assemblies distributed over the cerebral cortex. In this research, we explore the characteristics of interhemispheric assemblies in the visual brain by taking advantage of the complementary characteristics provided by EEG (electroencephalography) and fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) techniques. These are the high temporal resolution for EEG and high spatial resolution for fMRI. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the response of the visual areas to the interhemispheric perceptual grouping task. We use EEG coherence as a measure of synchronization and BOLD (Blood Oxygenar tion Level Dependent) response as a measure of the related brain activation. The increase of the interhemispheric EEG coherence restricted to the occipital electrodes and to the EEG beta band and its linear relation to the BOLD responses in VP/V4 area points to a trans-hemispheric synchronous neuronal assembly involved in early perceptual grouping. This result encouraged us to explore the formation of synchronous trans-hemispheric networks induced by the stimuli of various spatial frequencies with this multimodal approach. We have found the involvement of ventral and medio-dorsal visual networks modulated by the spatial frequency content of the stimulus. Thus, based on the combination of EEG coherence and fMRI BOLD data, we have identified visual networks with different sensitivity to integrating low vs. high spatial frequencies. In the second part of this work we test the hypothesis that the increase of brain activity during perceptual grouping depends on the activity of callosal axons interconnecting the visual areas that are involved. To this end, in children of 7-13 years, we investigated functional (functional activation with fMRI) and morphological (myelination of the corpus callosum with Magnetization Transfer Imaging (MTI)) aspects of spatial integration. In children, the activation associated with the spatial integration across visual fields was localized in visual ventral stream and limited to a part of the area activated in adults. The strong correlation between individual BOLD responses in .this area and the myelination of the splenial system of fibers points to myelination as a significant factor in the development of the spatial integration ability.


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Comment on: Blouin C, Chopra M, van der Hoeven R.Trade and social determinants of health. Lancet. 2009;373(9662):502-7. PMID: 19167058.


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ABSTRACT Perennial forage crops used in crop-livestock integration (CLI) are able to accumulate large amounts of straw on the soil surface in no-tillage system (NTS). In addition, they can potentially produce large amounts of soluble organic compounds that help improving the efficiency of liming in the subsurface, which favors root growth, thus reducing the risks of loss in yield during dry spells and the harmful effects of “overliming”. The aim of this study was to test the effects of liming on two models of agricultural production, with and without crop-livestock integration, for 2 years. Thus, an experiment was conducted in a Latossolo Vermelho (Oxisol) with a very clayey texture located in an agricultural area under the NTS in Bandeirantes, PR, Brazil. Liming was performed to increase base saturation (V) to 65, 75, and 90 % while one plot per block was maintained without the application of lime (control). A randomized block experimental design was adopted arranged in split-plots and four plots/block, with four replications. The soil properties evaluated were: pH in CaCl2, soil organic matter (SOM), Ca, Mg, K, Al, and P. The effects of liming were observed to a greater depth and for a long period through mobilization of ions in the soil, leading to a reduction in SOM and Al concentration and an increase in pH and the levels of Ca and Mg. In the first crop year, adoption of CLI led to an increase in the levels of K and Mg and a reduction in the levels of SOM; however, in the second crop year, the rate of decline of SOM decreased compared to the decline observed in the first crop year, and the level of K increased, whereas that of P decreased. The extent of the effects of liming in terms of depth and improvement in the root environment from the treatments were observed only partially from the changes observed in the chemical properties studied.


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The minimal replicon of the Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 was genetically defined and combined with the Escherichia coli p15A replicon, to provide a series of new, oligocopy cloning vectors (5.3 to 8.3 kb). Recombinant plasmids derived from these vectors were stable in growing and nongrowing cells of root-colonizing P. fluorescens strains incubated under different environmental conditions for more than 1 month.


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This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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The set of optimal matchings in the assignment matrix allows to define a reflexive and symmetric binary relation on each side of the market, the equal-partner binary relation. The number of equivalence classes of the transitive closure of the equal-partner binary relation determines the dimension of the core of the assignment game. This result provides an easy procedure to determine the dimension of the core directly from the entries of the assignment matrix and shows that the dimension of the core is not as much determined by the number of optimal matchings as by their relative position in the assignment matrix.


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In this paper we estimate, analyze and compare the term structures of interest rates in six different countries over the period 1992-2004. We apply the Nelson-Siegel model to obtain the term structures of interest rates at weekly intervals. A total of 4,038 curves are estimated and analyzed. Four European Monetary Union countries¿Spain, France, Germany and Italy¿are included. The UK is also included as a European non-member of the Monetary Union. Finally the US completes the analysis. The goal is to determine the differences in the shapes of the term structure of interest rates among these countries. Likewise, we can determine the most usual term structure shapes that appear for each country.*****


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Central and peripheral tolerance prevent autoimmunity by deleting the most aggressive CD8(+) T cells but they spare cells that react weakly to tissue-restricted antigen (TRA). To reveal the functional characteristics of these spared cells, we generated a transgenic mouse expressing the TCR of a TRA-specific T cell that had escaped negative selection. Interestingly, the isolated TCR matches the affinity/avidity threshold for negatively selecting T cells, and when developing transgenic cells are exposed to their TRA in the thymus, only a fraction of them are eliminated but significant numbers enter the periphery. In contrast to high avidity cells, low avidity T cells persist in the antigen-positive periphery with no signs of anergy, unresponsiveness, or prior activation. Upon activation during an infection they cause autoimmunity and form memory cells. Unexpectedly, peptide ligands that are weaker in stimulating the transgenic T cells than the thymic threshold ligand also induce profound activation in the periphery. Thus, the peripheral T cell activation threshold during an infection is below that of negative selection for TRA. These results demonstrate the existence of a level of self-reactivity to TRA to which the thymus confers no protection and illustrate that organ damage can occur without genetic predisposition to autoimmunity.