866 resultados para Native Ecosystems
Animal and early clinical studies of gene therapy for tissue ischaemia suggested that this approach might provide benefit to patients with coronary artery disease not amenable to traditional revascularization. This enthusiasm was then tempered by the subsequent disappointing results of randomized clinical trials and led researchers to develop strategies using progenitor cells as an alternative to improve collateral function. However, the recent publication of several randomized clinical trials reporting either negative or weakly positive results using this approach have led to questions regarding its effectiveness. There are several factors that need to be considered in explaining the discordance between the positive studies of such treatments in animals and the disappointing results seen in randomized patient trials. Aside from the practical issues of arteriogenic therapies, such as effective delivery, vascular remodelling is an extraordinarily complex process, and the administration of a single agent or cell in the hope that it would lead to lasting physiological effects may be far too simplistic an approach. In addition, however, evidence now suggests that many of the traditional cardiovascular risk factors-such as age and hypercholesterolemia-may impair the host response not only to ischaemia but, critically, also to treatment as well. This review discusses the evidence and mechanisms for these observations and highlights future directions that might be taken in an effort to provide more effective therapies.
The objective of modern transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in life science is to observe biological structures in a state as close as possible to the living organism. TEM samples have to be thin and to be examined in vacuum; therefore only solid samples can be investigated. The most common and popular way to prepare samples for TEM is to subject them to chemical fixation, staining, dehydration, and embedding in a resin (all of these steps introduce considerable artifacts) before investigation. An alternative is to immobilize samples by cooling. High pressure freezing is so far the only approach to vitrify (water solidification without ice crystal formation) bulk biological samples of about 200 micrometer thick. This method leads to an improved ultrastructural preservation. After high pressure freezing, samples have to be subjected to follow-up procedure, such as freeze-substitution and embedding. The samples can also be sectioned into frozen hydrated sections and analyzed in a cryo-TEM. Also for immunocytochemistry, high pressure freezing is a good and practicable way.
A subset of forest management techniques, termed ecological forestry, have been developed in order to produce timber and maintain the ecological integrity of forest communities through practices that more closely mirror natural disturbance regimes. Even though alternative methods have been described and tested, these approaches still need to be established and analyzed in a variety of geographic regions in order to calibrate and measure effectiveness across different forest types. The primary objective of this research project was to assess whether group selection combined with legacy-tree retention could enhance mid-tolerant tree recruitment in a late-successional northern hardwood forest. In order to evaluate a novel alternative regeneration technique, 49 group-selection openings in three size classes were created in 2003 with a biological legacy tree retained in the center of each opening. Twenty reference sites, managed using single-tree selection, were also analyzed for comparison. The specific goals of the project were to: 1) determine the fate and persistence of the openings and legacy trees 2) assess the understory response of the group-selection openings versus the single-tree selection reference sites, and 3) evaluate the spatial patterns of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.) in the group-selection openings. The results from 8-9 years post-study implementation and the changes that have occurred between 2004/5 and 2011/12 are discussed. The alternative regeneration technique developed and assessed in this study has the potential to enrich biodiversity in a range of forest types. Projected group-selection opening persistence rates ranged from 41-91 years. Openings from 500-1500 m2 are predicted to persist long enough for mid-tolerant tree recruitment. The legacy trees responded well to release and experienced a low mortality rate. Yellow birch (the primary shade mid-tolerant tree in the study area) densities increased with opening size. Maples surpassed all other species in abundance. In the sapling layer, sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) was 2 to over 300 times more abundant in the group-selection openings and 2 to 3 times more abundant in the references sites than all other species present. Red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was the second most abundant species present in the openings and reference sites. Spatial patterns of yellow birch and eastern hemlock in the openings were mostly aggregated. The southern edges of the largest openings contained the highest magnitude of yellow birch and eastern hemlock per unit area. Continued monitoring and additional treatments will likely be necessary in order to ensure underrepresented species successfully reach maturity.
Northern wetlands, and particularly peatlands, have been shown to store around 30% of the world's soil carbon and thus play a significant role in the carbon cycle of our planet. Changes in climate are altering peatland hydrology and vegetation communities. These changes are possibly resulting in declines in the ability of peatlands to sequester carbon because losses through carbon oxidation and mineralization are likely to increase relative to C inputs from net primary production in a warmer, drier climate. However, the consequences of interactive effects of altered hydrology and vegetation on carbon storage are not well understood. This research evaluated the importance of plant species, water table, and their interactive effects on porewater quality in a northern peatland with an average pH of 4.54, ranging from 4.15 to 4.8. We assessed the effects of plant functional group (ericaceous shrubs, sedges, and bryophytes) and water table position on biogeochemical processes. Specifically, we measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), potential enzyme activity, organic acids, anions and cations, spectral indexes of aromaticity, and phenolic content. Our results indicate that acetate and propionate concentrations in the sedge-dominated communities declined with depth and water table drawdown, relative to the control and ericaceous treatments. DOC increased in the lowered water table treatments in all vegetation community types, and the peat porewater C:N ratio declined in the sedge-dominated treatments when the water table was lowered. The relationship between DOC and ferrous iron showed significant responses to vegetation type; the exclusion of Ericaceae resulted in less ferrous iron per unit DOC compared to mixed species treatments and Ericaceae alone. This observation was corroborated with higher mean oxidation redox potential profiles (integrating 20, 40, and 70 cm) measured in the sedge treatments, compared with the mixed and Ericaceae species treatments over a growing season. Enzymatic activities did not show as strong of a response to treatments as expected; the oxidative enzyme peroxidase and the hydrolytic enzyme phosphatase were the only enzymes to respond to water table, where the potential activity of both enzymes increased with water table drawdown. Overall, there were significant interactive effects between changes in vegetation and water table position on peat porewater composition. These data suggest that vegetation effects on oxidation reduction potentials and peat porewater character can be as important as water table position in northern bog ecosystems.
The research described in this presentation is part of the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) whose purpose is to establish and maintain a global, long-term observation network in alpine environments. Despite changes in mountaintop-vegetation due to recent climate change being observed throughout the world, trends are not consistent. Moreover, as plant communities can be impacted by several different factors, it is important to be able to separate what is due to climate change and what is due to e.g. changes in grazing pressure (see additional file below).
On Tuesday, October 15th 2013, Ragan Callaway, the MT-EPSCoR Project Director & Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Montana spoke at Montana Tech about Soil Biota and Exotic Plant Invasions.
Sometime prior to 1870, a group of prospectors made what was believed to be a "rich strike' on one of the tributaries of Prickly Pear Creek in Jefferson County, Montana. Instead of striking it rich, they had uncovered a native copper deposit, worthless to them because of its limited extent and remote location, but now of much interest to the geologist, and to the mining engineer because of its possible commercial value.
This presentation provides an overview of his transcontinental research on giant goldenrod an invasive plant species in Europe that originates from North America. He investigated the effects of reintroduction on the plant’s performance, the plant’s effect on species richness and the relationship between the plant’s competitive effects and its ecotypic variation.
Why some invasive plant species transmogrify from weak competitors at home to strong competitors abroad remains one of the most elusive questions in ecology. Some evidence suggests that disproportionately high densities of some invaders are due to the release of biochemicals that are novel, and therefore harmful, to naive organisms in their new range. So far, such evidence has been restricted to the direct phytotoxic effects of plants on other plants. Here we found that one of North America's most aggressive invaders of undisturbed forest understories, Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) and a plant that inhibits mycorrhizal fungal mutualists of North American native plants, has far stronger inhibitory effects on mycorrhizas in invaded North American soils than on mycorrhizas in European soils where A. petiolata is native. This antifungal effect appears to be due to specific flavonoid fractions in A. petiolata extracts. Furthermore, we found that suppression of North American mycorrhizal fungi by A. petiolata corresponds with severe inhibition of North American plant species that rely on these fungi, whereas congeneric European plants are weakly affected. These results indicate that phytochemicals, benign to resistant mycorrhizal symbionts in the home range, may be lethal to naive native mutualists in the introduced range and indirectly suppress the plants that rely on them.
Arctic landscapes have visually striking patterns of small polygons, circles, and hummocks. The linkages between the geophysical and biological components of these systems and their responses to climate changes are not well understood. The "Biocomplexity of Patterned Ground Ecosystems" project examined patterned-ground features (PGFs) in all five Arctic bioclimate subzones along an 1800-km trans-Arctic temperature gradient in northern Alaska and northwestern Canada. This paper provides an overview of the transect to illustrate the trends in climate, PGFs, vegetation, n-factors, soils, active-layer depth, and frost heave along the climate gradient. We emphasize the thermal effects of the vegetation and snow on the heat and water fluxes within patterned-ground systems. Four new modeling approaches build on the theme that vegetation controls microscale soil temperature differences between the centers and margins of the PGFs, and these in turn drive the movement of water, affect the formation of aggradation ice, promote differential soil heave, and regulate a host of system propel-ties that affect the ability of plants to colonize the centers of these features. We conclude with an examination of the possible effects of a climate wan-ning on patterned-ground ecosystems.