895 resultados para Nano-imprint


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This thesis is devoted to growth and investigations of Mn-doped InSb and II-IV-As2 semiconductors, including Cd1-xZnxGeAs2:Mn, ZnSiAs2:Mn bulk crystals, ZnSiAs2:Mn/Si heterostructures. Bulk crystals were grown by direct melting of starting components followed by fast cooling. Mn-doped ZnSiAs2/Si heterostructures were grown by vacuum-thermal deposition of ZnAs2 and Mn layers on Si substrates followed by annealing. The compositional and structural properties of samples were investigated by different methods. The samples consist of micro- and nano- sizes clusters of an additional ferromagnetic Mn-X phases (X = Sb or As). Influence of magnetic precipitations on magnetic and electrical properties of the investigated materials was examined. With relatively high Mn concentration the main contribution to magnetization of samples is by MnSb or MnAs clusters. These clusters are responsible for high temperature behavior of magnetization and relatively high Curie temperature: up to 350 K for Mn-doped II-IV-As2 and about 600 K for InMnSb. The low-field magnetic properties of Mn-doped II-IV-As2 semiconductors and ZnSiAs2:Mn/Si heterostructures are connected to the nanosize MnAs particles. Also influence of nanosized MnSb clusters on low-field magnetic properties of InMnSb have been observed. The contribution of paramagnetic phase to magnetization rises at low temperatures or in samples with low Mn concentration. Source of this contribution is not only isolated Mn ions, but also small complexes, mainly dimmers and trimmers formed by Mn ions, substituting cation positions in crystal lattice. Resistivity, magnetoresistance and Hall resistivity properties in bulk Mn-doped II-IV-As2 and InSb crystals was analyzed. The interaction between delocalized holes and 3d shells of the Mn ions together with giant Zeeman splitting near the cluster interface are respond for negative magnetoresistance. Additionally to high temperature critical pointthe low-temperature ferromagnetic transition was observed Anomalous Hall effect was observed in Mn doped samples and analyzed for InMnSb. It was found that MnX clusters influence significantly on magnetic scattering of carriers.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutkittiin atomikerroskasvatuksen (ALD) soveltamista kemiantekniikassa. Työn alussa kerrottiin atomikerroskasvatuksesta, sen toimintaperiaatteista ja prosessitekniikasta. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin viittä eri kemiantekniikan sovellusta, jotka olivat polymeerien pinnoittaminen, heterogeenisten katalyyttien syntetisointi, membraanien modifiointi, korroosionesto ja kaasunilmaisimet. ALD on ohutkalvotekniikka, jolla voidaan valmistaa nanometrin tai jopa Ångströmin (1 Å = 0.1 nm) tarkkuudella epäorgaanisia materiaalikerroksia, jotka yleensä ovat metallioksideja, kuten alumiinioksidi. ALD perustuu kaasu-kiintoainereaktioihin, joissa kaasumaiset kemialliset prekursorit reagoivat vuorotellen kasvualustan kanssa. Tyypilliset prekursorit ovat metalliligandi ja vesi, joka on yleisin hapen lähde ALD-reaktioissa. ALD−reaktiot suoritetaan yleensä matalassa paineessa (100−200 Pa) ja korkeassa lämpötilassa (200–400 °C) suljetussa reaktorikammiossa. ALD-prosesseissa voidaan hyödyntää myös plasmaa alentamaan reaktiolämpötiloja. Plasman avulla prekursoreista luodaan hyvin reaktiivisia radikaaleja, jotka voivat reagoida jopa huoneenlämmössä. Lämpöherkkiä polymeerejä voidaan pinnoittaa ohutkalvoilla, joilla voidaan lisätä esimerkiksi pakkausmateriaalien suojaa happea ja vesihöyryä vastaan. ALD:llä voidaan syntetisoida tarkasti nanomittakaavan heterogeenisiä katalyyttejä, joilla on korkea dispersio tukimateriaalin pinnalla. ALD:n avulla voidaan säästää katalyyttimateriaalia menettämättä katalyytin aktiivisuutta, mikä on tärkeää monien katalyyttisovellusten taloudellisuuden kannalta, esimerkiksi polttokennot. ALD soveltuu hyvin membraanien modifiointiin, koska kaasumaiset prekursorit leviävät tasaisesti membraanin huokosiin. Membraanien pinnoittamisella pyritään vaikuttamaan, selektiivisyyteen, hydrofiilisyyteen, liuotinkestävyyteen, huokoskokoon ja sen jakaumaan. Lisäksi membraaneja voidaan pinnoittaa katalyyttisillä ohutkalvoilla, mikä on tärkeää nanoreaktoreiden kehityksen kannalta. ALD:llä voidaan pinnoittaa esimerkiksi terästä, ja vähentää täten teräksen korroosiota. Puolijohtavia metallioksideja voidaan käyttää kaasunilmaisimina, joiden valmistuksessa ALD:n tarkkuudesta on suurta hyötyä.


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Estudo conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a confiabilidade, acurácia e dificuldades do exame de congelação, utilizando-se pequenos fragmentos de tumores mamários obtidos com a biópsia histológica por agulha grossa (bioptycut). Durante 13 meses, 37 pacientes foram submetidas ao Bioptycut (pistola BIP 2.2 ou Promag 1.2, agulhas l4G), sendo que, de cada uma delas, foram retirados no mínimo dois fragmentos, um a fresco para congelação e outro submerso em formol para inclusão posterior em parafina. O estudo de congelação constituiu-se de exame citológico do "imprimir" da peça e de exame histológico usando cortes através de congelação. Os cortes foram feitos usando criostato e micrótomo, com cortes de 8µ. O tamanho do tumor puncionado variou de 1cm a 12cm (média 4,8cm). A congelação foi conclusiva em 33 casos (89%), sendo trinta carcinomas e três benignos, e inconclusiva em quatro casos (11%). A obtenção deste dia:nóstico se deu pelo "imprint" e corte em 29 casos (78%), só pelo "imprint" em quatro casos (11 %), em dois casos tanto o corte quanto o "imprint" foram inadequados e dois não foram descritos. Posteriormente foram obtidas peças por exérese da lesão (até a análise) em 28 casos, dos quais 25 carcinomas e três tumores benignos (11 %). Houve um caso de congelação conclusiva de benignidade, em que a exérese posterior revelou se tratar de carcinoma (falso-negativo). Não houve falsos-positivos. A sensibilidade foi de 96% e a especificidade de 100%. Assim, conclui-se que o exame por congelação, usando-se peças obtidas com bioptycut se mostrou confiável, evitando biópsias abertas em 81 % dos casos, garantindo rapidez e melhor preparo das pacientes para terapêutica definitiva.


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Diplomityö on osa Savonia-amk:n hallinnoimaa ENC- pinnoitushanketta, jossa tutkitaan uuden teknologian elektrolyyttisiä kromi (III) -nanopinnoitteita. Tavoitteena oli selvittää uudella menetelmällä saavutettavat parannukset pinnoitteiden mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Työ toteutettiin rakentamalla pinnoitustutkimuksen toimintaympäristö osaksi Savo-nia-amk:n materiaalitekniikan laboratorioita sekä tutkimalla eri koe- ja sovelluspinnoitteiden mekaanisia ominaisuuksia eri pinnoitusparametreilla. Työssä tutkittiin, miten nanopartikkelit sekä erilaiset pinnoitusparametrit vaikuttavat kromipinnoitteiden rakenteeseen sekä mekaaniseen suorituskykyyn.


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A paratuberculose (doença de Johne) é uma das doenças de maior importância econômica para ruminantes em vários países e pode representar uma ameaça ao desenvolvimento da pecuária brasileira. É uma doença infecto-contagiosa que provoca enterocolite granulomatosa crônica, incurável e de difícil controle, cujo agente é o Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Descreve-se a ocorrência de paratuberculose em um rebanho de búfalos no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Não foi encontrado registro, na literatura, da ocorrência de paratuberculose em búfalos no país. De 100 búfalos, cinco mostravam sinais clínicos característicos da doença. À necropsia de dois animais as lesões estavam restritas ao intestino delgado com evidente espessamento da mucosa, aumento de linfonodos mesentéricos e vasos linfáticos proeminentes e dilatados. À microscopia, observaram-se na mucosa do intestino, infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso com numerosos macrófagos epitelióides e células gigantes de Langhans, além de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR) visualizados através da coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN). Nos linfonodos mesentéricos, havia espessamento da cápsula e marcada inflamação granulomatosa. O exame direto pela técnica de ZN para pesquisa do bacilo em esfregaços de fezes, raspado de mucosa intestinal e imprint de linfonodos mesentéricos resultou positivo. A PCR IS900 específico de linfonodo mesentérico e mucosa intestinal revelou amplificação de um fragmento de aproximadamente 110pb, confirmada pela comparação com outras sequências de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis disponíveis no GenBank.


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Cryptococcosis is an infection that affects humans and animals, the etiology is attributed to Cryptococcus neoformans variety neoformans, C. neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus gattii. The infection is common in dogs and cats, causing respiratory, neurological, cutaneous and ocular infections. Aiming to better understand the epidemiology of cryptococcosis in animals in the region, this paper describe the occurrence and characterization of the Cryptococcus species involved in this illness in pet animals at Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Clinical samples of four cases, two in cats and two dogs, were submitted for pathological, microbiological and molecular analysis. Microscopically, in three cases, tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin had absence to severe granulomatous reaction composed by histiocytes, multinucleated cells and lymphocytes infiltration. In one case, citological imprint analysis showed similar inflammatory mainly mononuclear and lymphocyte cells infiltration. All cases had variable amounts of intracellular and extracellular fungal structures compatible with Cryptococcus sp. on Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. All clinical samples were positive for culture on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and morphologically classified as Cryptococcus sp. The isolates were PCR positive for C. gatti, being confirmed by sequencing technique. The findings characterize the molecular species involved in animal infections in the region, and may contribute to future studies of the epidemiology of C. gattii.


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Tässä työssä tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia sellutehtaan eri jätevesien puhdistukseen uudelleenkäyttöä varten. Yleensä tutkimuksen kohteena ovat yleensä valkaisun alkalisen suodokset, koska niiden suodattaminen on ollut helppoa membraanitekniikalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat valkaisun happamat suodokset ja kuorimon jätevedet. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin viittä membraania, joista kolme on ultrasuodatusmembraaneja ja kaksi nanosuodatusmembraaneja. Näiden katkaisukoot ovat väillä 30 000 -200 Da. Konsentraatiosuodatukset suoritettiin CR 250 -suodattimella. Syötöstä, konsentraatista ja permeaatista otettujen näytteiden analyysien pohjalta laskettujen retentioiden perusteella nanosuodatusmembraani NF270 antoi parhaan tuloksen. Tällä membraanilla kuorimon jätevesien suodatuksessa retentioksi saatiin kaikilla osa-alueilla vähintään 80 %, mutta valkaisun happamien suodosten tulokset olivat alhaisempia. Suodatusten perusteella voitiin laskea tarvittava kapasiteetti ja suodatuspinta-ala suodatus yksiköille. Kummassakin tapauksessa suodatuksen syöttömäärät määräytyivät erään suomalaisen sellutehtaan valkaisussa ja kuorimolla syntyvien jätevesimäärien mukaan. Suodatusyksiköiden kooksi saatiin valkaisun happamien suodosten suodattamiseen 54 CR 1010 -suodatinta ja kuorimon jätevesien suodattamiseen 4 CR 1010-suodatinta.


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Inorganic-organic sol-gel hybrid coatings can be used for improving and modifying properties of wood-based materials. By selecting a proper precursor, wood can be made water repellent, decay-, moisture- or UV-resistant. However, to control the barrier properties of sol-gel coatings on wood substrates against moisture uptake and weathering, an understanding of the surface morphology and chemistry of the deposited sol-gel coatings on wood substrates is needed. Mechanical pulp is used in production of wood-containing printing papers. The physical and chemical fiber surface characteristics, as created in the chosen mechanical pulp manufacturing process, play a key role in controlling the properties of the end-use product. A detailed understanding of how process parameters influence fiber surfaces can help improving cost-effectiveness of pulp and paper production. The current work focuses on physico-chemical characterization of modified wood-based materials with surface sensitive analytical tools. The overall objectives were, through advanced microscopy and chemical analysis techniques, (i) to collect versatile information about the surface structures of Norway spruce thermomechanical pulp fiber walls and understand how they are influenced by the selected chemical treatments, and (ii) to clarify the effect of various sol-gel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates. A special emphasis was on understanding the effect of sol-gel coatings on the water repellency of modified wood and paper surfaces. In the first part of the work, effects of chemical treatment on micro- and nano-scale surface structure of 1st stage TMP latewood fibers from Norway spruce were investigated. The chemicals applied were buffered sodium oxalate and hydrochloric acid. The outer and the inner fiber wall layers of the untreated and chemically treated fibers were separately analyzed by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. The selected characterization methods enabled the demonstration of the effect of different treatments on the fiber surface structure, both visually and quantitatively. The outer fiber wall areas appeared as intact bands surrounding the fiber and they were clearly rougher than areas of exposed inner fiber wall. The roughness of the outer fiber wall areas increased most in the sodium oxalate treatment. The results indicated formation of more surface pores on the exposed inner fiber wall areas than on the corresponding outer fiber wall areas as a result of the chemical treatments. The hydrochloric acid treatment seemed to increase the surface porosity of the inner wall areas. In the second part of the work, three silane-based sol-gel hybrid coatings were selected in order to improve moisture resistance of wood and paper substrates. The coatings differed from each other in terms of having different alkyl (CH3–, CH3-(CH2)7–) and fluorocarbon (CF3–) chains attached to the trialkoxysilane sol-gel precursor. The sol-gel coatings were deposited by a wet coating method, i.e. spraying or spreading by brush. The effect of solgel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates was studied by using advanced surface analyzing tools: atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion spectroscopy. The results show that the applied sol-gel coatings, deposited as thin films or particulate coatings, have different effects on surface characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The coating which has a long hydrocarbon chain (CH3-(CH2)7–) attached to the silane backbone (octyltriethoxysilane) produced the highest hydrophobicity for wood and wood-based materials.


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Non-metallic implants made of bioresorbable or biostable synthetic polymers are attractive options in many surgical procedures, ranging from bioresorbable suture anchors of arthroscopic surgery to reconstructive skull implants made of biostable fiber-reinforced composites. Among other benefits, non-metallic implants produce less interference in imaging. Bioresorbable polymer implants may be true multifunctional, serving as osteoconductive scaffolds and as matrices for simultaneous delivery of bone enhancement agents. As a major advantage for loading conditions, mechanical properties of biostable fiber-reinforced composites can be matched with those of the bone. Unsolved problems of these biomaterials are related to the risk of staphylococcal biofilm infections and to the low osteoconductivity of contemporary bioresorbable composite implants. This thesis was focused on the research and development of a multifunctional implant model with enhanced osteoconductivity and low susceptibility to infection. In addition, the experimental models for assessment, diagnostics and prophylaxis of biomaterial-related infections were established. The first experiment (Study I) established an in vitro method for simultaneous evaluation of calcium phosphate and biofilm formation on bisphenol-Aglycidyldimethacrylate and triethylenglycoldimethacrylate (BisGMA-TEGDMA) thermosets with different content of bioactive glass 45S5. The second experiment (Study II) showed no significant difference in osteointegration of nanostructured and microsized polylactide-co-glycolide/β-tricalcium phosphate (PLGA /β-TCP) composites in a minipig model. The third experiment (Study III) demonstrated that positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with the novel 68Ga labelled 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) CD33 related sialic-acid immunoglobulin like lectins (Siglec-9) tracer was able to detect inflammatory response to S. epidermidis and S. aureus peri-implant infections in an intraosseous polytetrafluoroethylene catheter model. In the fourth experiment (Study IV), BisGMATEGDMA thermosets coated with lactose-modified chitosan (Chitlac) and silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa strains in an in vitro biofilm model and showed in vivo biocompatibility in a minipig model. In the last experiment (Study V), a selective androgen modulator (SARM) released from a poly(lactide)-co-ε-caprolactone (PLCL) polymer matrix failed to produce a dose-dependent enhancement of peri-implant osteogenesis in a bone marrow ablation model.


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This thesis in caring science didactics is based on a thinking, where the fundamental basis for the didactic is science-based, i.e. it does not emanate from the nursing profession but brings forward a didactic that grows out of caring science and its core substance and ethos. This view on didactics arises from the caritative theory developed by Eriksson. The overall aim of the study is to clarify the meaning and essence of understanding, as well as to explore and deepen the understanding of student nurses' processes of understanding and becoming with the intention of developing a theory model for caring didactics. The overarching research questions are: What is the essence of understanding (of caring science knowledge)? What are the possibilities and importance of understanding in the appropriation of caring science? What characterizes and impels the process of becoming? The thesis consists of four sub studies and a summary section. The overall methodological approach is hermeneutic involving quantitative as well as qualitative methods. The data for the study has been collected through a longitudinal research project that followed student nurses at three universities during their entire education. The empirical sub studies form the basis for the interpreted knowledge that is formulated in the new understanding. This new understanding have, through additional theory-charging with the theory fragments from Gadamer, generated the heuristic synthesis which is illustrated in the theory model. The findings shows that understanding can be described as something unlimited, as an endless movement, which can be illustrated as a lying eighth, a lemniscate. The lemiscate of understanding is characterized by seeing, knowing and becoming and consists of seven differently named phases; the acquired horizon of understanding, the encounter of horizons, the dialogue of horizons, the fusion of horizons, application, reflection and shaping a new horizon of understanding. Bildung (formation), is the ultimate imprint of the endless spiral movement of understanding. Ethos and arête constitute the hubs around which the lemniscate of understanding circles. These include the spirit and driving force that the student carries within. The caring culture encloses the lemniscate of understanding. The caring culture provides the life space of understanding and the prevailing basic values are evinced in the culture.


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We review studies from our laboratories using different molecular tools to characterize the ancestry of Brazilians in reference to their Amerindian, European and African roots. Initially we used uniparental DNA markers to investigate the contribution of distinct Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages to present-day populations. High levels of genetic admixture and strong directional mating between European males and Amerindian and African females were unraveled. We next analyzed different types of biparental autosomal polymorphisms. Especially useful was a set of 40 insertion-deletion polymorphisms (indels) that when studied worldwide proved exquisitely sensitive in discriminating between Amerindians, Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans. When applied to the study of Brazilians these markers confirmed extensive genomic admixture, but also demonstrated a strong imprint of the massive European immigration wave in the 19th and 20th centuries. The high individual ancestral variability observed suggests that each Brazilian has a singular proportion of Amerindian, European and African ancestries in his mosaic genome. In Brazil, one cannot predict the color of persons from their genomic ancestry nor the opposite. Brazilians should be assessed on a personal basis, as 190 million human beings, and not as members of color groups.


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The monitoring and control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) level is of great interest for a wide range of application areas including food quality control, defense and antiterrorist applications and air quality monitoring e.g. in mines. H2S is a very poisonous and flammable gas. Exposure to low concentrations of H2S can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid retention in the lungs. These symptoms usually disappear in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Higher concentrations of 700 - 800 ppm tend to be fatal. H2S has a characteristic smell of rotten egg. However, because of temporary paralysis of olfactory nerves, the smelling capability at concentrations higher than 100 ppm is severely compromised. In addition, volatile H2S is one of the main products during the spoilage of poultry meat in anaerobic conditions. Currently, no commercial H2S sensor is available which can operate under anaerobic conditions and can be easily integrated in the food packaging. This thesis presents a step-wise progress in the development of printed H2S gas sensors. Efforts were made in the formulation, characterization and optimization of functional printable inks and coating pastes based on composites of a polymer and a metal salt as well as a composite of a metal salt and an organic acid. Different processing techniques including inkjet printing, flexographic printing, screen printing and spray coating were utilized in the fabrication of H2S sensors. The dispersions were characterized by measuring turbidity, surface tension, viscosity and particle size. The sensing films were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and an electrical multimeter. Thin and thick printed or coated films were developed for gas sensing applications with the aim of monitoring the H2S concentrations in real life applications. Initially, a H2S gas sensor based on a composite of polyaniline and metal salt was developed. Both aqueous and solvent-based dispersions were developed and characterized. These dispersions were then utilized in the fabrication of roll-to-roll printed H2S gas sensors. However, the humidity background, long term instability and comparatively lower detection limit made these sensors less favourable for real practical applications. To overcome these problems, copper acetate based sensors were developed for H2S gas sensing. Stable inks with excellent printability were developed by tuning the surface tension, viscosity and particle size. This enabled the formation of inkjet-printed high quality copper acetate films with excellent sensitivity towards H2S. Furthermore, these sensors showed negligible humidity effects and improved selectivity, response time, lower limit of detection and coefficient of variation. The lower limit of detection of copper acetate based sensors was further improved to sub-ppm level by incorporation of catalytic gold nano-particles and subsequent plasma treatment of the sensing film. These sensors were further integrated in an inexpensive wirelessly readable RLC-circuit (where R is resistor, L is inductor and C is capacitor). The performance of these sensors towards biogenic H2S produced during the spoilage of poultry meat in the modified atmosphere package was also demonstrated in this thesis. This serves as a proof of concept that these sensors can be utilized in real life applications.


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Upconversion photoluminescence is a unique property of mostly certain inorganic materials, which are capable of converting low-energy infrared radiation into a higher-energy emission at visible wavelengths. This anti-Stokes shift enables luminescence detection without autofluorescence, which makes the upconverting materials a highly suitable reporter technology for optical biosensing applications. Furthermore, they exhibit long luminescence lifetime with narrow bandwidths also at the optical window of biomaterials enabling luminescence measurements in challenging sample matrices, such as whole blood. The aim of this thesis was to study the unique properties and the applicability of nano-sized upconverting phosphors (UCNPs) as reporters in biosensing applications. To render the inorganic nanophosphors water-dispersible and biocompatible, they were subjected to a series of surface modifications starting with silica-encapsulation and ending with a bioconjugation step with an analyte-recognizing biomolecule. The paramagnetism of the lanthanide dopants in the nanophosphors was exploited to develop a highly selective separation method for the UCNP-bioconjugates based on the magnetic selectivity of the high gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) system. The applicability of the nano-sized UCNPs as reporters in challenging sample matrices was demonstrated in two homogeneous sensing applications based on upconversion resonance energy transfer (UC-RET). A chemosensor for intracellular pH was developed exploiting UC-RET between the UCNP and a fluorogenic pH-sensitive dye with strongly increasing fluorescence intensity in decreasing pH. The pH-independent emission of the UCNPs at 550 nm was used for referencing. The applicability of the pH-nanosensor for intracellular pH measurement was tested in HeLa cells, and the acidic pH of endosomes could be detected with a confocal fluorescence microscope. Furthermore, a competitive UC-RET-based assay for red blood cell folic acid was developed for the measurement of folate directly from a whole blood sample. The optically transparent window of biomaterials was used in both the excitation and the measurement of the UC-RET sensitized emission of a near-infrared acceptor dye to minimize sample absorption, and the anti-Stokes detection completely eliminated the Stokes-shifted autofluorescence. The upconversion photoluminescence efficiency is known to be dependent on crystallite size, because the increasing surface-to-volume ratio of nano-sized UCNPs renders them more susceptible to quenching effects of the environment than their bulk counterpart. Water is known to efficiently quench the luminescence of lanthanide dopants. In this thesis, the quenching mechanism of water was studied using luminescence decay measurements. Water was found to quench the luminescence of UCNPs by increasing the non-radiative relaxation of the excited state of Yb3+ sensitizer ion, which had a very strong quenching effect on upconversion luminescence intensity.


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Epäorgaanisten nanopartikkeleiden dispersioita käytetään laajasti mm. paperi-, maali- ja muoviteollisuudessa esim. optisten, termisten ja mekaanisten ominaisuuksien parantamiseen sekä kustannustehokkuuden nostamiseen. Viime vuosina nanokokoisten partikkeleiden käyttö on kasvanut myös biologisissa sovelluksissa. Dispersioiden parhaan toimivuuden kannalta ensisijaisen tärkeitä ovat niiden pysyvyys ja dispergoitumistaso. Primääristen partikkeleiden yhteenliittyminen eli agglomeraatio johtaa usein lopputuotteen huomattavaan ominaisuuksien huononemiseen. Partikkeleiden yhteenliittyminen voidaan estää neljällä eri tavalla: elektrostaattisesti, steerisesti, elektrosteerisesti ja tyhjennysstabilisaation avulla. Kolmessa viimeisessä tavassa stabilisaatio perustuu partikkeleiden pinnalle adsorboituvien tai liuoksessa vapaana olevien orgaanisten yhdisteiden keskinäisiin repulsiovuorovaikutuksiin. Eniten tutkitut stabilisaatiotavat ovat steerinen ja elektrosteerinen stabilisaatio. Niissä partikkelin pinnalle adsorboitunut orgaanisista molekyyleista koostuva kerros mahdollistaa partikkeleiden välisen repulsion. Adsorboituneen kerroksen ominaisuuksien luotettavalla määrityksellä on siis merkittävä osa dispersioiden stabiiliuden tutkimuksessa. Määrityksiin käytettävät tekniikat perustuvat mm. titrimetriaan, UV-vis-spektroskopiaan, FTIR-spektrofotometriaan tai termogravimetriaan. Työn teoriaosiossa esitetään tärkeimmät dispersioissa esiintyvät primääriset vuorovaikutukset (Lifshitz-van der Waals-voimat, happo–emäs-vuorovaikutukset, elektrostaattiset vuorovaikutukset ja Brownin liikkeen aikaansaamat vuorovaikutukset), minkä jälkeen käydään tarkemmin läpi niiden aikaansaamat stabilointimekanismit. Kolmannessa osiossa keskitytään adsorboituneiden pien- ja makromolekyylien pitoisuuksien, konformaatioiden ja kerrospaksuuksien määrittämiseen soveltuviin menetelmiin. Työn kokeellisessa osiossa etsitään luotettavaa menetelmää nano-CaCO3-partikkeleiden pinnalle adsorboituneen kaupallisen stabilointipolymeerin pitoisuuden määrittämiseksi. Tähän tarkoitukseen sovelletaan FTIR-spektrofotometriaan, UV-vis-spektroskopiaan ja titrimetriaan perustuvia menetelmiä. Tulokset osoittavat, että adsorptio on todennettavissa UV-vis – ja titrimetriamenetelmillä, mutta adsorboituneen makromolekyylin määrän määrittäminen onnistuu vain titrimetrisesti.


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Nanoscience and nanotechnology are new frontiers of this century. Their application to the agriculture and food sectors is relatively recent compared with their use in drug delivery and pharmaceuticals. Smart delivery of nutrients, bioseparation of proteins, rapid sampling of biological and chemical contaminants, and nanoencapsulation of nutraceuticals are some of the emerging topics of nanotechnology for food and agriculture. In this review, some applications of nanotechnology in agro-food sector are discussed.