982 resultados para Na -K ATPase
We make a thorough study of the process of three-body kaon absorption in nuclei, in connection with a recent FINUDA experiment which claims the existence of a deeply bound kaonic state from the observation of a peak in the Lambdad invariant mass distribution following K- absorption on 6Li. We show that the peak is naturally explained in terms of K- absorption from three nucleons leaving the rest as spectators. We can also reproduce all the other observables measured in the same experiment and used to support the hypothesis of the deeply bound kaon state. Our study also reveals interesting aspects of kaon absorption in nuclei, a process that must be understood in order to make progress in the search for K- deeply bound states in nuclei.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is known to potentiate the pressor effect of norepinephrine. In the present work, we evaluated in unanesthetized normotensive rats the effect of NPY on blood pressure responsiveness not only to norepinephrine, but also to tyramine, a sympathomimetic agent acting indirectly to B-HT933, a selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor stimulant, to angiotensin II and vasopressin. Dose-response curves to the various pressor agents were established starting at the 45th min of an i.v. infusion with either NPY (0.025 and 0.1 microgram/min) or its vehicle. The two doses of NPY increased blood pressure by an average of approximately 6 mm Hg, which was not significantly different from the vehicle-induced blood pressure changes. NPY significantly enhanced the pressor effect of norepinephrine, tyramine and angiotensin II, but not that of B-HT933 and vasopressin. We also tested whether NPY inhibits the enzyme activity of Na, K-adenosine triphosphatase using a purified toad kidney preparation. Concentrations of NPY from 10(-14) M up to 10(-6) M had no effect on the enzyme activity. It appears therefore that the blood pressure potentiating effect of NPY is not restricted to alpha adrenoceptor stimulation with norepinephrine, but involves also the vasoconstrictor hormone angiotensin II. This NPY-induced potentiation does not seem to depend upon stimulation of alpha-2 adrenoceptors or inhibition of Na,K-adenosine triphosphatase.
We study a confined mixture of bosons and fermions in the quantal degeneracy regime with attractive boson-fermion interaction. We discuss the effect that the presence of vortical states and the displacement of the trapping potentials may have on mixtures near collapse, and investigate the phase stability diagram of the K-Rb mixture in the mean-field approximation supposing in one case that the trapping potentials felt by bosons and fermions are shifted from each other, as it happens in the presence of a gravitational sag, and in another case, assuming that the Bose condensate sustains a vortex state. In both cases, we have obtained an analytical expression for the fermion effective potential when the Bose condensate is in the Thomas-Fermi regime, that can be used to determine the maxima of the Fermionic density. We have numerically checked that the values one obtains for the location of these maxima using the analytical formulas remain valid up to the critical boson and fermion numbers, above which the mixture collapses.
We study the properties of (K) over bar* mesons in nuclear matter using a unitary approach in coupled channels within the framework of the local hidden gauge formalism and incorporating the (K) over bar pi decay channel in matter. The in-medium (K) over bar *N interaction accounts for Pauli blocking effects and incorporates the (K) over bar* self-energy in a self-consistent manner. We also obtain the (K) over bar* (off-shell) spectral function and analyze its behavior at finite density and momentum. At a normal nuclear matter density, the (K) over bar* meson feels a moderately attractive potential, while the (K) over bar* width becomes five times larger than in free space. We estimate the transparency ratio of the gamma A -> K+K*(-) A` reaction, which we propose as a feasible scenario at the present facilities to detect changes in the properties of the (K) over bar* meson in nuclear medium.
Poultry litter is an important nutrient source in agriculture, although little information is available regarding its decomposition rate and nutrient release. To evaluate these processes, poultry litter (PL) was applied to the soil to supply 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 N contained in 4,953, 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1 PL, respectively. The litter bag technique was used to monitor the process of decomposition and nutrient release from the litter. These bags were left on the soil surface and collected periodically (after 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, and 365 days). The dry matter (DM) loss was highest (35 %) after the first 30 days of field incubation. The highest nutrient release occurred in the first 60 days on the field, when 40, 34, 91, and 39 %, respectively, of N, P, K, and Ca of the initial PL dry matter (4,860 kg ha-1) was already released to the soil. In absolute terms, these percentages represent 40, 23, 134, and 69 kg ha-1 of N, P, K, and Ca and these values doubled and tripled as the PL fertilization rates increased to 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1, respectively. After one year of field incubation, the residual contents in the litter were 27, 15, 18 and 30 % of the initial DM , and N, P and Ca, respectively. The release rate of K was the fastest and 91 % of the K had been released from the PL after 30 days of field incubation.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an ecologically important group of fungi. Previous studies showed the presence of divergent copies of beta-tubulin and V-type vacuolar H+-ATPase genes in AMF genomes and suggested horizontal gene transfer from host plants or mycoparasites to AMF. We sequenced these genes from DNA isolated from an in vitro cultured isolate of Glomus intraradices that was free of any obvious contaminants. We found two highly variable beta-tubulin sequences and variable H+-ATPase sequences. Despite this high variation, comparison of the sequences with those in gene banks supported a glomeromycotan origin of G. intraradices beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase sequences. Thus, our results are in sharp contrast with the previously reported polyphyletic origin of those genes. We present evidence that some highly divergent sequences of beta-tubulin and H+-ATPase deposited in the databases are likely to be contaminants. We therefore reject the prediction of horizontal transfer to AMF genomes. High differences in GC content between glomeromycotan sequences and sequences grouping in other lineages are shown and we suggest they can be used as an indicator to detect such contaminants. H+-ATPase phylogeny gave unexpected results and failed to resolve fungi as a natural group. beta-Tubulin phylogeny supported Glomeromeromycota as sister group of the Chytridiomycota. Contrasts between our results and trees previously generated using rDNA sequences are discussed.
A utilização de resÃduos orgânicos de origem animal na adubação das culturas demanda informações sobre a dinâmica de decomposição e mineralização de nutrientes neles contidos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a decomposição e a liberação de N, P e K dos resÃduos orgânicos esterco bovino e cama de frango isolados ou misturados, em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, da região de Tabuleiros Costeiros paraibanos. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, utilizando-se o método das sacolas de decomposição (litterbag), com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 3 × 2 × 6, referentes a três resÃduos orgânicos: esterco bovino (EB), cama de frango (CF) e a mistura desses resÃduos na proporção de 1:1, denominada de esterco misto (EM); duas camadas de incorporação (0-10 e 10-20 cm); e seis perÃodos de avaliação (0, 30, 90, 150, 210 e 270 dias após a aplicação - DAA) com três repetições. Os resultados revelaram que a profundidade de incorporação não influenciou a decomposição dos resÃduos EB e EM, que essa foi mais rápida na CF (0,0035 g dia-1), mais lenta no EB (0,0010 g dia-1) e ocorreu numa velocidade intermediária no EM (0,0020 g dia-1). Houve liberação mais rápida de N no EM (0,0011 g dia-1), de P no EB (0,0040 g dia-1) e de K na CF (0,0025 g dia-1), com tendência de aumento na liberação de N na CF e de P em todos os resÃduos com a incorporação desses na camada de 10-20 cm. Após 270 DAP, estimou-se que a liberação de nutrientes pelos resÃduos EB, CF e EM, em relação ao teor inicial, foi de 5,0; 15,0; e 28,0 %, para N; 80,0; 68,0; e 47,0 %, para P; e 20,0; 53,0; e 32,0 %, para K. Em valores absolutos, esses percentuais representaram, respectivamente, 19,0; 103,5; e 149,5 kg ha-1 de N; 28,0; 18,0; e 15,0 kg ha-1 de P; e 75,0; 493,0; e 209,0 kg ha-1 de K. Os resÃduos orgânicos se evidenciaram fontes inadequadas para suprir isoladamente a demanda nutricional de culturas de ciclo curto nesses solos.