995 resultados para NEO-PI-R
Nou document produït pels professionals dels equips d’assessorament tècnic penal de Catalunya (EAT penal) en l’àmbit de la jurisdicció d’adults, elaborat en el context del programa Compartim del Centre d’Estudis Juridics i Formació Especialitzada del Departament de Justícia. En aquest cas, es tracta de la revisió de la Guia d’avaluació del testimoni en violència de gènere (GAT-VIG-R) amb mostres dels EAT penal de Catalunya. Transcrivim una part de la presentació de l’obra on els mateixos autors ens expliquen els motius de la seva elaboració: “És dins els peritatges psicològics on se’ns encomana una de les tasques més delicades i complexes que duem a terme els psicòlegs dels EAT penal: l’anàlisi de la credibilitat dels testimonis. És en aquest camp que decidim, l’any 2009, donar un pas més enllà i analitzar en profunditat les tècniques que hi ha actualment sobre l’anàlisi de la credibilitat del testimoni adult en violència de gènere per tal de valorar la seva possible eficàcia i la seva posterior administració. El present document suposa el primer pas per millorar l’avaluació del testimoni en violència de gènere dins dels equips d’assessorament tècnic penal mitjançant la revisió de la Guia d’avaluació del testimoni en violència de gènere, instrument publicat al nostre país el 2007 per Juárez, J.R.; Mateu, A. i Sala, E. Així el present treball és el punt de partida per tal d’obtenir un primer perfil sociodemogràfic, psicològic i del testimoni en casos de violència de gènere creïbles amb l’objectiu que en properes recerques puguem arribar a obtenir criteris objectius per tal de discernir els testimonis creïbles en violència de gènere d’aquells que no ho són.”
We develop a mediation model in which firm size is proposed to affect the scale and quality of innovative output through the adoption of different decision styles during the R&D process. The aim of this study is to understand how the internal changes that firms undergo as they evolve from small to larger organizations affect R&D productivity. In so doing, we illuminate the underlying theoretical mechanism affecting two different dimensions of R&D productivity, namely the scale and quality of innovative output which have not received much attention in previous literature. Using longitudinal data of Spanish manufacturing firms we explore the validity of this mediation model. Our results show that as firms evolve in size, they increasingly emphasize analytical decision making, and consequently, large-sized firms aim for higher-quality innovations while small firms aim for a larger scale of innovative output.
An exceptional, tectonically remarkably unaffected, nearly 200 m-thick continuous section of hemipelagic and turbiditic sediments, covering most of the Triassic is described from the Batain Complex of north-eastern Oman. According to conodont and radiolarian data the sequence spans the late Scythian to the early Norian, a time period of nearly 30 M. Coupled with a high resolution stratigraphy, the lithostratigraphy, sedimentology, as well as sequence and isotope stratigraphy of the section are documented. For the Triassic of the Batain Plain we propose the new name Sal Formation, which replaces the formerly used Matbat Formation, and subdivide it into three new members. The Sal Formation was deposited on the proximal continental margin of northeastern Arabia and records various depositional environments. The lower member is interpreted as the distal part of a homoclinal ramp which evolves to a distally steepened ramp during time of deposition of the middle member. The upper member displays a toe of slope position which is indicated by an increase of proximal turbidites. These sediments form part of a segment of the Neo-Tethyan embayment between Arabia and India. The stratigraphic analysis indicates highly varying sedimentation rates from a minimum of 2 m/M gamma around the Anisian/Ladinian boundary up to 15 m/M gamma during the Lower and Upper Triassic. Sequence-stratigraphically, the Sal section is subdivided into six third order cycles which are biochronologically well integrated into the global Triassic cycle chart. The mixed siliciclastic-calcareous upper member of the Sal Formation typically shows highstand related carbonate shedding. It is, therefore, an important test case for sequence-stratigraphic controlled carbonate export to mixed basin fills. The well developed sequence stratigraphic cycles are mirrored in the isotope patterns. Additionally, the carbon and oxygen isotope data from the Sal Formation record the same chemostratigraphic marker at the Spathian/Anisian boundary known from other Tethyan sections.
Tulsi Das est probablement né aux alentours de 1550, en tant que brahmane, doté ainsi d'une naissance favorable parmi les lettrés et érudits de l'Inde. L'A. considère qu'il a réussi, dans son Ramayana, un mariage inégalé entre obligations dans le monde et intuition mystique libératrice ou l'amour fou pour un dieu personnel. En s'incrivant dans une perspective de l'histoire de la réception du texte, l'A. montre que Tulsi a largement contribué à façonner et à déterminer l'histoire religieuse de l'Inde du Nord. Son oeuvre compte parmi les livres religieux les plus lus et récités
En este proyecto se ha realizado un estudio en el campo del modelado de los procesos de negocio y sus notaciones. En concreto, se han analizado las notaciones BPMN y UML que se han usado para especificar los procesos en la gestión de la fabricación de una empresa química. Tras estas especificaciones, se ha realizado la comparación de estas dos notaciones con el fin de escoger la mejor de ellas para especificar procesos de negocio. A partir de la especificación de procesos, se ha descrito la implantación del módulo de fabricación de SAP en la misma empresa.
In this study we analyze multinationality (domestic-based firms vs. multinationals) and foreignness (foreign vs. domestic firms) effects in the returns of R&D to productivity. We follow a two-step strategy. In the first step, we consistently ''s productivity by GMM and numerically compute the sample distribution of the R&D returns. In the second step, we use stochastic dominance techniques to make inferences on the multinationality and foreignness effects. Results for a panel of UK manufacturing firms suggest that multinationality and foreignness effects operate in an opposite way: whilst the multinationality effect enhances R&D returns, the foreignness diminishes them.
This paper presents an analysis of motor vehicle insurance claims relating to vehicle damage and to associated medical expenses. We use univariate severity distributions estimated with parametric and non-parametric methods. The methods are implemented using the statistical package R. Parametric analysis is limited to estimation of normal and lognormal distributions for each of the two claim types. The nonparametric analysis presented involves kernel density estimation. We illustrate the benefits of applying transformations to data prior to employing kernel based methods. We use a log-transformation and an optimal transformation amongst a class of transformations that produces symmetry in the data. The central aim of this paper is to provide educators with material that can be used in the classroom to teach statistical estimation methods, goodness of fit analysis and importantly statistical computing in the context of insurance and risk management. To this end, we have included in the Appendix of this paper all the R code that has been used in the analysis so that readers, both students and educators, can fully explore the techniques described
Objective: To investigate personality traits in patients with Alzheimer disease, compared with mentally healthy control subjects. We compared both current personality characteristics using structured interviews as well as current and previous personality traits as assessed by proxies. Method: Fifty-four patients with mild Alzheimer disease and 64 control subjects described their personality traits using the Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model. Family members filled in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, Form R, to evaluate their proxies' current personality traits, compared with 5 years before the estimated beginning of Alzheimer disease or 5 years before the control subjects. Results: After controlling for age, the Alzheimer disease group presented significantly higher scores than normal control subjects on current neuroticism, and significantly lower scores on current extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness, while no significant difference was observed on agreeableness. A similar profile, though less accentuated, was observed when considering personality traits as the patients' proxies remembered them. Diachronic personality assessment showed again significant differences between the 2 groups for the same 4 domains, with important personality changes only for the Alzheimer disease group. Conclusions: Group comparison and retrospective personality evaluation are convergent. Significant personality changes follow a specific trend in patients with Alzheimer disease and contrast with the stability generally observed in mentally healthy people in their personality profile throughout their lives. Whether or not the personality assessment 5 years before the current status corresponds to an early sign of Alzheimer disease or real premorbid personality differences in people who later develop Alzheimer disease requires longitudinal studies.
The effectiveness of R&D subsidies can vary substantially depending on their characteristics. Specifically, the amount and intensity of such subsidies are crucial issues in the design of public schemes supporting private R&D. Public agencies determine the intensities of R&D subsidies for firms in line with their eligibility criteria, although assessing the effects of R&D projects accurately is far from straightforward. The main aim of this paper is to examine whether there is an optimal intensity for R&D subsidies through an analysis of their impact on private R&D effort. We examine the decisions of a public agency to grant subsidies taking into account not only the characteristics of the firms but also, as few previous studies have done to date, those of the R&D projects. In determining the optimal subsidy we use both parametric and nonparametric techniques. The results show a non-linear relationship between the percentage of subsidy received and the firms’ R&D effort. These results have implications for technology policy, particularly for the design of R&D subsidies that ensure enhanced effectiveness.
Resum de l'informe "Participació de Catalunya en convocatòries del 7è Programa marc d'R+D de la UE. Període 2007-2009" elaborat per investigadors del Grup de Recerca AQR - Institut de Recerca en Economia Aplicada (IREA) de la Universitat de Barcelona, que pretén donar a conèixer la realitat de la participació catalana en el 7è Programa Marc de la Unió Europea, el principal instrument europeu de finançament de la recerca, durant el període 2007-2009.
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
This paper explores the factors that determine firm’s R&D cooperation with different partners, paying special attention on the role of tertiary education (degree and PhDs level) in facilitating the connection between the firms and the to scientific bodies (technology centres, public research centres and universities). Here, we attempt to answer two questions. First, are innovative firms that carry out internal and external R&D activities more likely to cooperate on R&D projects with other partners? Second, do Spanish innovative firms with a high participation of researchers with degrees or PhDs tend to cooperate more with scientific partners? To answer both questions we apply a three-dimensional approach on a firm level Panel Data with a sample of 4.998 manufacturing and services Spanish firms. First, we run a complementary test between external R&D acquisition and skilled research workers and find that firms which carry out external R&D activities obtain a greater return on R&D cooperation when they have skilled workers in R&D, especially in high-tech manufactures and KIS services. Second, we carry out a 2-step tobit model to estimate, in the first stage, the determinants that explain whether Spanish innovative firms cooperate or not; and in the second stage the factors that affect the choice of partners. And third, we apply an ordered probit model to test the marginal effects of explanatory variables on the different partners. Here we contrast some of the most interesting empirical hypotheses of previous studies, and which emphasize the role of employees with degrees and PhDs in facilitating cooperative R&D between firms and scientific partners.