921 resultados para Multivariate Equations
Background Several researchers seek methods for the selection of homogeneous groups of animals in experimental studies, a fact justified because homogeneity is an indispensable prerequisite for casualization of treatments. The lack of robust methods that comply with statistical and biological principles is the reason why researchers use empirical or subjective methods, influencing their results. Objective To develop a multivariate statistical model for the selection of a homogeneous group of animals for experimental research and to elaborate a computational package to use it. Methods The set of echocardiographic data of 115 male Wistar rats with supravalvular aortic stenosis (AoS) was used as an example of model development. Initially, the data were standardized, and became dimensionless. Then, the variance matrix of the set was submitted to principal components analysis (PCA), aiming at reducing the parametric space and at retaining the relevant variability. That technique established a new Cartesian system into which the animals were allocated, and finally the confidence region (ellipsoid) was built for the profile of the animals’ homogeneous responses. The animals located inside the ellipsoid were considered as belonging to the homogeneous batch; those outside the ellipsoid were considered spurious. Results The PCA established eight descriptive axes that represented the accumulated variance of the data set in 88.71%. The allocation of the animals in the new system and the construction of the confidence region revealed six spurious animals as compared to the homogeneous batch of 109 animals. Conclusion The biometric criterion presented proved to be effective, because it considers the animal as a whole, analyzing jointly all parameters measured, in addition to having a small discard rate.
Regression coefficients specify the partial effect of a regressor on the dependent variable. Sometimes the bivariate or limited multivariate relationship of that regressor variable with the dependent variable is known from population-level data. We show here that such population- level data can be used to reduce variance and bias about estimates of those regression coefficients from sample survey data. The method of constrained MLE is used to achieve these improvements. Its statistical properties are first described. The method constrains the weighted sum of all the covariate-specific associations (partial effects) of the regressors on the dependent variable to equal the overall association of one or more regressors, where the latter is known exactly from the population data. We refer to those regressors whose bivariate or limited multivariate relationships with the dependent variable are constrained by population data as being ‘‘directly constrained.’’ Our study investigates the improvements in the estimation of directly constrained variables as well as the improvements in the estimation of other regressor variables that may be correlated with the directly constrained variables, and thus ‘‘indirectly constrained’’ by the population data. The example application is to the marital fertility of black versus white women. The difference between white and black women’s rates of marital fertility, available from population-level data, gives the overall association of race with fertility. We show that the constrained MLE technique both provides a far more powerful statistical test of the partial effect of being black and purges the test of a bias that would otherwise distort the estimated magnitude of this effect. We find only trivial reductions, however, in the standard errors of the parameters for indirectly constrained regressors.
“It is my contention at this point that when race relations on campuses get better, it is in spite of, not because of, the proliferation of jargon-based rhetoric about diversity.”
Petroleum contamination impact on macrobenthic communities in the northeast portion of Todos os Santos Bay was assessed combining in multivariate analyses, chemical parameters such as aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon indices and concentration ratios with benthic ecological parameters. Sediment samples were taken in August 2000 with a 0.05 m(2) van Veen grab at 28 sampling locations. The predominance of n-alkanes with more than 24 carbons, together with CPI values close to one, and the fact that most of the stations showed UCM/resolved aliphatic hydrocarbons ratios (UCM:R) higher than two, indicated a high degree of anthropogenic contribution, the presence of terrestrial plant detritus, petroleum products and evidence of chronic oil pollution. The indices used to determine the origin of PAH indicated the occurrence of a petrogenic contribution. A pyrolytic contribution constituted mainly by fossil fuel combustion derived PAH was also observed. The results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis performed with chemical data and benthic ecological descriptors demonstrated that not only total PAH concentrations but also specific concentration ratios or indices such as >= C24:< C24, An/178 and Fl/Fl + Py, are determining the structure of benthic communities within the study area. According to the BIO-ENV results petroleum related variables seemed to have a main influence on macrofauna community structure. The PCA ordination performed with the chemical data resulted in the formation of three groups of stations. The decrease in macrofauna density, number of species and diversity from groups III to I seemed to be related to the occurrence of high aliphatic hydrocarbon and PAH concentrations associated with fine sediments. Our results showed that macrobenthic communities in the northeast portion of Todos os Santos Bay are subjected to the impact of chronic oil pollution as was reflected by the reduction in the number of species and diversity. These results emphasise the importance to combine in multivariate approaches not only total hydrocarbon concentrations but also indices, isomer pair ratios and specific compound concentrations with biological data to improve the assessment of anthropogenic impact on marine ecosystems. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we study the continuity of invariant sets for nonautonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems under singular perturbations. We extend the existing results on lower-semicontinuity of attractors of autonomous and nonautonomous dynamical systems. This is accomplished through a detailed analysis of the structure of the invariant sets and its behavior under perturbation. We prove that a bounded hyperbolic global solutions persists under singular perturbations and that their nonlinear unstable manifold behave continuously. To accomplish this, we need to establish results on roughness of exponential dichotomies under these singular perturbations. Our results imply that, if the limiting pullback attractor of a nonautonomous dynamical system is the closure of a countable union of unstable manifolds of global bounded hyperbolic solutions, then it behaves continuously (upper and lower) under singular perturbations.
In this paper we discuss the existence of solutions for a class of abstract differential equations with nonlocal conditions for which the nonlocal term involves the temporal derivative of the solution. Some concrete applications to parabolic differential equations with nonlocal conditions are considered. (C) 2012 Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Data visualization techniques are powerful in the handling and analysis of multivariate systems. One such technique known as parallel coordinates was used to support the diagnosis of an event, detected by a neural network-based monitoring system, in a boiler at a Brazilian Kraft pulp mill. Its attractiveness is the possibility of the visualization of several variables simultaneously. The diagnostic procedure was carried out step-by-step going through exploratory, explanatory, confirmatory, and communicative goals. This tool allowed the visualization of the boiler dynamics in an easier way, compared to commonly used univariate trend plots. In addition it facilitated analysis of other aspects, namely relationships among process variables, distinct modes of operation and discrepant data. The whole analysis revealed firstly that the period involving the detected event was associated with a transition between two distinct normal modes of operation, and secondly the presence of unusual changes in process variables at this time.
We study measure functional differential equations and clarify their relation to generalized ordinary differential equations. We show that functional dynamic equations on time scales represent a special case of measure functional differential equations. For both types of equations, we obtain results on the existence and uniqueness of solutions, continuous dependence, and periodic averaging.
In this paper, we give sufficient conditions for the uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions of a class of retarded functional differential equations with impulse effects acting on variable times. We employ the theory of generalized ordinary differential equations to obtain our results. As an example, we investigate the boundedness of the solution of a circulating fuel nuclear reactor model.
Our objective was to assess extrinsic influences upon childbirth. In a cohort of 1,826 days containing 17,417 childbirths among them 13,252 spontaneous labor admissions, we studied the influence of environment upon the high incidence of labor (defined by 75th percentile or higher), analyzed by logistic regression. The predictors of high labor admission included increases in outdoor temperature (odds ratio: 1.742, P = 0.045, 95%CI: 1.011 to 3.001), and decreases in atmospheric pressure (odds ratio: 1.269, P = 0.029, 95%CI: 1.055 to 1.483). In contrast, increases in tidal range were associated with a lower probability of high admission (odds ratio: 0.762, P = 0.030, 95%CI: 0.515 to 0.999). Lunar phase was not a predictor of high labor admission (P = 0.339). Using multivariate analysis, increases in temperature and decreases in atmospheric pressure predicted high labor admission, and increases of tidal range, as a measurement of the lunar gravitational force, predicted a lower probability of high admission.
Fundamental principles of mechanics were primarily conceived for constant mass systems. Since the pioneering works of Meshcherskii (see historical review in Mikhailov (Mech. Solids 10(5):32-40, 1975), efforts have been made in order to elaborate an adequate mathematical formalism for variable mass systems. This is a current research field in theoretical mechanics. In this paper, attention is focused on the derivation of the so-called 'generalized canonical equations of Hamilton' for a variable mass particle. The applied technique consists in the consideration of the mass variation process as a dissipative phenomenon. Kozlov's (Stek. Inst. Math 223:178-184, 1998) method, originally devoted to the derivation of the generalized canonical equations of Hamilton for dissipative systems, is accordingly extended to the scenario of variable mass systems. This is done by conveniently writing the flux of kinetic energy from or into the variable mass particle as a 'Rayleigh-like dissipation function'. Cayley (Proc. R Soc. Lond. 8:506-511, 1857) was the first scholar to propose such an analogy. A deeper discussion on this particular subject will be left for a future paper.
Concentrations of 39 organic compounds were determined in three fractions (head, heart and tail) obtained from the pot still distillation of fermented sugarcane juice. The results were evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test, principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). According to PCA and HCA, the experimental data lead to the formation of three clusters. The head fractions give rise to a more defined group. The heart and tail fractions showed some overlap consistent with its acid composition. The predictive ability of calibration and validation of the model generated by LDA for the three fractions classification were 90.5 and 100%, respectively. This model recognized as the heart twelve of the thirteen commercial cachacas (92.3%) with good sensory characteristics, thus showing potential for guiding the process of cuts.
IDENTIFICATION OF ETHANOLIC WOOD EXTRACTS USING ELECTRONIC ABSORPTION SPECTRUM AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. The application of multivariate analysis to spectrophotometric (UV) data was explored for distinguishing extracts of cachaca woods commonly used in the manufacture of casks for aging cachacas (oak, cabretiva-parda, jatoba, amendoim and canela-sassafras). Absorbances close to 280 nm were more strongly correlated with oak and jatoba woods, whereas absorbances near 230 nm were more correlated with canela-sassafras and cabretiva-parda. A comparison between the spectrophotometric model and the model based on chromatographic (HPLC-DAD) data was carried out. The spectrophotometric model better explained the variance data (PC1 + PC2 = 91%) exhibiting potential as a routine method for checking aged spirits.
The main goal of this paper is to derive long time estimates of the energy for the higher order hyperbolic equations with time-dependent coefficients. in particular, we estimate the energy in the hyperbolic zone of the extended phase space by means of a function f (t) which depends on the principal part and on the coefficients of the terms of order m - 1. Then we look for sufficient conditions that guarantee the same energy estimate from above in all the extended phase space. We call this class of estimates hyperbolic-like since the energy behavior is deeply depending on the hyperbolic structure of the equation. In some cases, these estimates produce a dissipative effect on the energy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A dimensional analysis of the classical equations related to the dynamics of vector-borne infections is presented. It is provided a formal notation to complete the expressions for the Ross' threshold theorem, the Macdonald's basic reproduction "rate" and sporozoite "rate", Garret-Jones' vectorial capacity and Dietz-Molineaux-Thomas' force of infection. The analysis was intended to provide a formal notation that complete the classical equations proposed by these authors.