860 resultados para Multilayer artificial neural networks
This work aims at combining the Chaos theory postulates and Artificial Neural Networks classification and predictive capability, in the field of financial time series prediction. Chaos theory, provides valuable qualitative and quantitative tools to decide on the predictability of a chaotic system. Quantitative measurements based on Chaos theory, are used, to decide a-priori whether a time series, or a portion of a time series is predictable, while Chaos theory based qualitative tools are used to provide further observations and analysis on the predictability, in cases where measurements provide negative answers. Phase space reconstruction is achieved by time delay embedding resulting in multiple embedded vectors. The cognitive approach suggested, is inspired by the capability of some chartists to predict the direction of an index by looking at the price time series. Thus, in this work, the calculation of the embedding dimension and the separation, in Takens‘ embedding theorem for phase space reconstruction, is not limited to False Nearest Neighbor, Differential Entropy or other specific method, rather, this work is interested in all embedding dimensions and separations that are regarded as different ways of looking at a time series by different chartists, based on their expectations. Prior to the prediction, the embedded vectors of the phase space are classified with Fuzzy-ART, then, for each class a back propagation Neural Network is trained to predict the last element of each vector, whereas all previous elements of a vector are used as features.
This study presents an approach to combine uncertainties of the hydrological model outputs predicted from a number of machine learning models. The machine learning based uncertainty prediction approach is very useful for estimation of hydrological models' uncertainty in particular hydro-metrological situation in real-time application [1]. In this approach the hydrological model realizations from Monte Carlo simulations are used to build different machine learning uncertainty models to predict uncertainty (quantiles of pdf) of the a deterministic output from hydrological model . Uncertainty models are trained using antecedent precipitation and streamflows as inputs. The trained models are then employed to predict the model output uncertainty which is specific for the new input data. We used three machine learning models namely artificial neural networks, model tree, locally weighted regression to predict output uncertainties. These three models produce similar verification results, which can be improved by merging their outputs dynamically. We propose an approach to form a committee of the three models to combine their outputs. The approach is applied to estimate uncertainty of streamflows simulation from a conceptual hydrological model in the Brue catchment in UK and the Bagmati catchment in Nepal. The verification results show that merged output is better than an individual model output. [1] D. L. Shrestha, N. Kayastha, and D. P. Solomatine, and R. Price. Encapsulation of parameteric uncertainty statistics by various predictive machine learning models: MLUE method, Journal of Hydroinformatic, in press, 2013.
A lactação é um processo fisiológico complexo que ainda não foi compreendido na sua totalidade. Inúmeros fatores intervêm na síntese e secreção do leite, sendo os mais importantes a nutrição e o metabolismo endógeno dos nutrientes. A qualidade do leite é valorizada tanto pela sua composição química, como pelo conteúdo de células somáticas. No entanto, visando a comercialização do leite, as maiores mudanças e melhoras na qualidade podem ser atingidas através da manipulação da dieta dos animais, em especial em vacas leiteiras de alta produção. Avaliar os processos de absorção de alimentos, bem como o metabolismo catabólico e anabólico direcionado para a síntese do leite, têm sido uma grande preocupação na pesquisa de nutrição e bioquímica da produção animal. O principal objetivo da presente pesquisa foi gerar modelos matemáticos que pudessem explicar a participação de diferentes metabólitos sobre a composição química do leite. Neste intuito foram coletadas amostras de fluído ruminal, sangue, urina e leite de 140 vacas da raça Holandesa nas primeiras semanas de lactação e mantidas sob sistema semi-intensivo de produção e dieta controlada. Os animais foram selecionados de sistemas de produção no ecossistema do Planalto Médio de Rio Grande do Sul e foram amostrados em dois períodos climáticos críticos. No fluido ruminal foram avaliados o pH e o tempo de redução do azul de metileno. No sangue foram determinados os metabólitos: glicose, colesterol, β-hidroxibutirato (BHB), triglicerídeos, fructosamina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA), proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, uréia, creatinina, cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. As enzimas: aspartato amino transferase (AST), gama glutamil transferase (GGT) e creatina kinase (CK). Os hormônios: cortisol, insulina, triiodotironina (T3), tiroxina (T4), e leptina. Foi efetuado hemograma, para conhecer: hematócrito, hemoglobina, e contagem total e diferencial de células brancas. Na urina foram dosados: corpos cetônicos, pH e densidade. No leite foi determinada: proteína, gordura, lactose, sólidos totais, sólidos não gordurosos, contagem de células somáticas e uréia. Para a determinação de cada um dos metabólitos ou compostos foram usadas técnicas específicas validadas internacionalmente. Os diferentes valores obtidos constituíram os parâmetros básicos de entrada para a construção dos diversos modelos matemáticos executados para predizer a composição do leite. Mediante procedimentos de regressão linear múltipla algoritmo Stepwise, procedimentos de correlação linear simples de Pearson e procedimentos de análise computacional através de redes neurais, foram gerados diferentes modelos para identificar os parâmetros endógenos de maior relevância na predição dos diferentes componentes do leite. A parametrização das principais rotas bioquímicas, do controle endócrino, do estado de funcionamento hepático, da dinâmica ruminal e da excreção de corpos cetônicos aportou informação suficiente para predizer com diferente grau de precisão o conteúdo dos diferentes sólidos no leite. O presente trabalho é apresentado na forma de quatro artigos correspondentes aos parâmetros energéticos, de controle endócrino, modelagem matemática linear múltipla e predição através de Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
Em economias com regimes de metas de inflação é comum que Bancos Centrais intervenham para reduzir os níveis de volatilidade do dólar, sendo estas intervenções mais comuns em países não desenvolvidos. No caso do Brasil, estas intervenções acontecem diretamente no mercado à vista, via mercado de derivativos (através de swaps cambiais) ou ainda com operações a termo, linhas de liquidez e via empréstimos. Neste trabalho mantemos o foco nas intervenções no mercado à vista e de derivativos pois estas representam o maior volume financeiro relacionado à este tipo de atuação oficial. Existem diversos trabalhos que avaliam o impacto das intervenções e seus graus de sucesso ou fracasso mas relativamente poucos que abordam o que levaria o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) a intervir no mercado. Tentamos preencher esta lacuna avaliando as variáveis que podem se relacionar às intervenções do BCB no mercado de câmbio e adicionalmente verificando se essas variáveis se relacionam diferentemente com as intervenções de venda e compra de dólares. Para tal, além de utilizarmos regressões logísticas, como na maioria dos trabalhos sobre o tema, empregamos também a técnica de redes neurais, até onde sabemos inédita para o assunto. O período de estudo vai de 2005 a 2012, onde o BCB interveio no mercado de câmbio sob demanda e não de forma continuada por longos períodos de tempo, como nos anos mais recentes. Os resultados indicam que algumas variáveis são mais relevantes para o processo de intervenção vendendo ou comprando dólares, com destaque para a volatilidade implícita do câmbio nas intervenções que envolvem venda de dólares, resultado este alinhado com outros trabalhos sobre o tema.
Forecast is the basis for making strategic, tactical and operational business decisions. In financial economics, several techniques have been used to predict the behavior of assets over the past decades.Thus, there are several methods to assist in the task of time series forecasting, however, conventional modeling techniques such as statistical models and those based on theoretical mathematical models have produced unsatisfactory predictions, increasing the number of studies in more advanced methods of prediction. Among these, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a relatively new and promising method for predicting business that shows a technique that has caused much interest in the financial environment and has been used successfully in a wide variety of financial modeling systems applications, in many cases proving its superiority over the statistical models ARIMA-GARCH. In this context, this study aimed to examine whether the ANNs are a more appropriate method for predicting the behavior of Indices in Capital Markets than the traditional methods of time series analysis. For this purpose we developed an quantitative study, from financial economic indices, and developed two models of RNA-type feedfoward supervised learning, whose structures consisted of 20 data in the input layer, 90 neurons in one hidden layer and one given as the output layer (Ibovespa). These models used backpropagation, an input activation function based on the tangent sigmoid and a linear output function. Since the aim of analyzing the adherence of the Method of Artificial Neural Networks to carry out predictions of the Ibovespa, we chose to perform this analysis by comparing results between this and Time Series Predictive Model GARCH, developing a GARCH model (1.1).Once applied both methods (ANN and GARCH) we conducted the results' analysis by comparing the results of the forecast with the historical data and by studying the forecast errors by the MSE, RMSE, MAE, Standard Deviation, the Theil's U and forecasting encompassing tests. It was found that the models developed by means of ANNs had lower MSE, RMSE and MAE than the GARCH (1,1) model and Theil U test indicated that the three models have smaller errors than those of a naïve forecast. Although the ANN based on returns have lower precision indicator values than those of ANN based on prices, the forecast encompassing test rejected the hypothesis that this model is better than that, indicating that the ANN models have a similar level of accuracy . It was concluded that for the data series studied the ANN models show a more appropriate Ibovespa forecasting than the traditional models of time series, represented by the GARCH model
The artificial lifting of oil is needed when the pressure of the reservoir is not high enough so that the fluid contained in it can reach the surface spontaneously. Thus the increase in energy supplies artificial or additional fluid integral to the well to come to the surface. The rod pump is the artificial lift method most used in the world and the dynamometer card (surface and down-hole) is the best tool for the analysis of a well equipped with such method. A computational method using Artificial Neural Networks MLP was and developed using pre-established patterns, based on its geometry, the downhole card are used for training the network and then the network provides the knowledge for classification of new cards, allows the fails diagnose in the system and operation conditions of the lifting system. These routines could be integrated to a supervisory system that collects the cards to be analyzed
This master dissertation presents the study and implementation of inteligent algorithms to monitor the measurement of sensors involved in natural gas custody transfer processes. To create these algoritmhs Artificial Neural Networks are investigated because they have some particular properties, such as: learning, adaptation, prediction. A neural predictor is developed to reproduce the sensor output dynamic behavior, in such a way that its output is compared to the real sensor output. A recurrent neural network is used for this purpose, because of its ability to deal with dynamic information. The real sensor output and the estimated predictor output work as the basis for the creation of possible sensor fault detection and diagnosis strategies. Two competitive neural network architectures are investigated and their capabilities are used to classify different kinds of faults. The prediction algorithm and the fault detection classification strategies, as well as the obtained results, are presented