929 resultados para Morse index theorem
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-728 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 529-632 Supplement pages 633-704
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 January pages 1-104 February pages 105-208 March pages 209-312 April pages 313-424 May pages 425-528 June pages 529-632 Supplement pages 633-704
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 513-632 Supplement pages 633-704
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. *In this volume only the Index and selected relevant pages have been digitized, for the full Periodical please contact the Brock University Special Collections and Archives. Listed are the pages that have been digitized. Index pages 653-680 Supplement page 577 January pages 1-96 February page 97 March pages 193,260-272 April pages 289,353-357 May pages 385,463,576 June page 481
The aim of this thesis is to price options on equity index futures with an application to standard options on S&P 500 futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Our methodology is based on stochastic dynamic programming, which can accommodate European as well as American options. The model accommodates dividends from the underlying asset. It also captures the optimal exercise strategy and the fair value of the option. This approach is an alternative to available numerical pricing methods such as binomial trees, finite differences, and ad-hoc numerical approximation techniques. Our numerical and empirical investigations demonstrate convergence, robustness, and efficiency. We use this methodology to value exchange-listed options. The European option premiums thus obtained are compared to Black's closed-form formula. They are accurate to four digits. The American option premiums also have a similar level of accuracy compared to premiums obtained using finite differences and binomial trees with a large number of time steps. The proposed model accounts for deterministic, seasonally varying dividend yield. In pricing futures options, we discover that what matters is the sum of the dividend yields over the life of the futures contract and not their distribution.
This work consists of a theoretical part and an experimental one. The first part provides a simple treatment of the celebrated von Neumann minimax theorem as formulated by Nikaid6 and Sion. It also discusses its relationships with fundamental theorems of convex analysis. The second part is about externality in sponsored search auctions. It shows that in these auctions, advertisers have externality effects on each other which influence their bidding behavior. It proposes Hal R.Varian model and shows how adding externality to this model will affect its properties. In order to have a better understanding of the interaction among advertisers in on-line auctions, it studies the structure of the Google advertisements networ.k and shows that it is a small-world scale-free network.
We examine stock market reactions around the Nasdaq-100 Index reconstitutions. We find a symmetric and transitory price response accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume on the effective date. Firms added to the Nasdaq-100 Index experience significant increases in institutional ownership, the number of market makers, and the number of shareholders. In contrast, firms removed from the index show significant decreases in the number of institutional shareholders. Additions to the Nasdaq-100 Index also show significant increases in four liquidity measures, whereas deletions demonstrate significant decreases in two liquidity measures. These changes in liquidity are related to the abnormal return on the announcement day. Taken together, the results suggest support for the price pressure, liquidity, and investor awareness hypotheses.
Dynamic logic is an extension of modal logic originally intended for reasoning about computer programs. The method of proving correctness of properties of a computer program using the well-known Hoare Logic can be implemented by utilizing the robustness of dynamic logic. For a very broad range of languages and applications in program veri cation, a theorem prover named KIV (Karlsruhe Interactive Veri er) Theorem Prover has already been developed. But a high degree of automation and its complexity make it di cult to use it for educational purposes. My research work is motivated towards the design and implementation of a similar interactive theorem prover with educational use as its main design criteria. As the key purpose of this system is to serve as an educational tool, it is a self-explanatory system that explains every step of creating a derivation, i.e., proving a theorem. This deductive system is implemented in the platform-independent programming language Java. In addition, a very popular combination of a lexical analyzer generator, JFlex, and the parser generator BYacc/J for parsing formulas and programs has been used.
Longitudinal studies of the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) provide an understanding of which variables may be important predictors of an ASD. The objective of the current study is to apply the reliable change index (RCI) statistic to examine whether the Parent Observation of Early Markers Scale (POEMS) is sensitive to developmental change, and whether these changes can be quantified along a child’s developmental trajectory. Ninety-six children with older siblings with autism were followed from 1-36 months of age. Group-based RCI analysis confirms that the POEMS is capable of detecting significant changes within pre-defined diagnostic groups. Within-subject analysis suggests that ongoing monitoring of a child at-risk for an ASD requires interpretation of both significant intervals identified by the RCI statistic, as well as the presence of repeated high (i.e., >70) scores. This study provides preliminary evidence for a reasonably sensitive and specific means by which individual change can be clinically monitored via parent report.
A list of company by-laws starting July 1873 through April 1973.
Rapport de recherche
This paper proves a new representation theorem for domains with both discrete and continuous variables. The result generalizes Debreu's well-known representation theorem on connected domains. A strengthening of the standard continuity axiom is used in order to guarantee the existence of a representation. A generalization of the main theorem and an application of the more general result are also presented.
In spatial environments, we consider social welfare functions satisfying Arrow's requirements. i.e., weak Pareto and independence of irrelevant alternatives. When the policy space os a one-dimensional continuum, such a welfare function is determined by a collection of 2n strictly quasi-concave preferences and a tie-breaking rule. As a corrollary, we obtain that when the number of voters is odd, simple majority voting is transitive if and only if each voter's preference is strictly quasi-concave. When the policy space is multi-dimensional, we establish Arrow's impossibility theorem. Among others, we show that weak Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorship are inconsistent if the set of alternatives has a non-empty interior and it is compact and convex.
Harsanyi’s Social Aggregation Theorem : A Multi-Profile Approach with Variable-Population Extensions
This paper provides new versions of Harsanyi’s social aggregation theorem that are formulated in terms of prospects rather than lotteries. Strengthening an earlier result, fixed-population ex-ante utilitarianism is characterized in a multi-profile setting with fixed probabilities. In addition, we extend the social aggregation theorem to social-evaluation problems under uncertainty with a variable population and generalize our approach to uncertain alternatives, which consist of compound vectors of probability distributions and prospects.
The goal of this paper is to contribute to the economic literature on ethnic and cultural diversity by proposing a new index that is informationally richer and more flexible than the commonly used ‘ethno-linguistic fractionalization’ (ELF) index. We characterize a measure of diversity among individuals that takes as a primitive the individuals, as opposed to ethnic groups, and uses information on the extent of similarity among them. Compared to existing indices, our measure does not require that individuals are pre-assigned to exogenously determined categories or groups. We show that our generalized index is a natural extension of ELF and is also simple to compute. We also provide an empirical illustration of how our index can be operationalized and what difference it makes as compared to the standard ELF index. This application pertains to the pattern of fractionalization in the United States.