995 resultados para Montesinho Natural Park
The growing concerns regarding the environmental impact generated by the use of inorganic materials in different fields of application increased the interest towards products based on materials with low environmental impact. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards the development of materials obtained from renewable sources, easily recoverable or biodegradable at the end of use. In the field of civil structures, a few attempts have been done to replace the most common composites (e.g. carbon and glass fibers) by materials less harmful to the environment, as natural fibers. This work presents a comprehensive experimental research on the mechanical performance of natural fibers for the strengthening of masonry constructions. Flax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir fibers have been investigated both from physical and mechanical points of view. The fibers with better performance were tested together with three different matrices (two of organic nature) in order to produce composites. These experimental results represent a useful database for understanding the potentialities of natural fibers as strengthening systems.
Nowadays natural ventilation has gained prominence because its correct use can reduce energy consumption for cooling systems and improve thermal comfort among users. In this paper, we report on the modelling initiative, based on the wind tunnel tests that were carried out for the determination of the influence of natural ventilation in buildings. Indeed, the renewal of air in a closed environment without using an air conditioning system with mechanical elements can lead to energy savings and, in addition, provide air quality.The wind tunnel tests were carried out by varying the positioning of six ventilation modules in the façade system configuration. The modules were positioned below the window-sill (ventilated window-sill) as well as separately above and below the façade. The wind speed measurements were taken inside and outside the model for the different façades configurations to evaluate the best performance in relation to natural ventilation. The results supported the positioning of the six ventilation modules below the window-sill, forming a â ventilated window-sillâ as the most effective natural ventilation solution.
Wind tunnel tests are a reliable tool to determine the effect of natural ventilation on buildings. This paper presents results of wind tunnel tests conducted to evaluate the influence of ventilation modules positioning on a façade system. Modules positioning was modified, resulting in different façade configurations. The tests were carried out with the use of a model, varying the position of the ventilation modules in the façade configuration. The cases tested were six ventilation modules positioned below the window-sill (ventilated window-sill), and three ventilation modules positioned above and below the façade. The façade system proposed was movable and interchangeable so that the same basic model could be used to test the possibilities for ventilation. Wind speed measurements were taken inside and outside the model for the different façades configurations to evaluate the best performance in relation to natural ventilation. Singleâ sided and Cross ventilation were considered for wind speed measurements. Results show the use of six ventilation modules positioned below the window-sill, forming "a ventilated window-sill" is the best solution in terms of natural ventilation.
Foram estudadas as mudanças na estrutura de 108ha de uma floresta primária submetida a duas intensidades de colheita de madeira, na Fazenda Rio Capim, pertencente à Cikel Brasil Verde Madeiras Ltda., no município de Paragominas, Pará. Os dados foram coletados, em dois períodos (2003, antes da exploração, e 2004, após a exploração) em 36 parcelas permanentes quadradas de 0,25ha, estabelecidas aleatoriamente na área, sendo12 em floresta não-explorada: Testemunha - T0; 12 em floresta explorada com colheita apenas do fuste comercial das árvores: Tratamento - T1; e 12 em floresta explorada com colheita do fuste e dos resíduos lenhosos: Tratamento - T2. Em 2003 foram registrados 4469 indivíduos com DAP > 10cm, nas 36 parcelas amostradas (9ha). Sete meses após a exploração (2004), foram observados na área 4531 indivíduos com DAP > 10cm, sendo 4330 vivos. Lecythis idatimon, Poecilanthe effusa, Rinorea flavescens, Eschweilera grandiflora, Eschweilera pedicellata, Inga sp., Protium spp., Vouacapoua americana, Guatteria poeppigiana e Eschweilera coriacea foram as dez espécies mais importantes, tanto antes como após a exploração. A estrutura da floresta, tanto no T1 como no T2, sofreu alterações significantes devido à exploração a que foi submetida. Entretanto, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os três tratamentos, sugerindo que com a intensidade de exploração aplicada, mais a retirada adicional dos resíduos, a floresta manteve as características semelhantes à floresta original, apesar do menor estoque de árvores adultas de espécies comerciais. Recomendam-se estudos sobre a regeneração natural (DAP < 10cm), silvicultura pós-colheita e crescimento da floresta.
Natural regeneration and structure and their relationship to environmental variables were studied in three sections of a gallery forest, in Eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil (14º43′S and 52º21′W). The assumption was that natural regeneration is constrained by environmental determinants at all stages of development of the tree community. The objective was to analyse the forest structure and to verify the relationship between species distribution and abundance at different stages of regeneration and environmental variables. In each section, 47 contiguous (10x10m) permanent plots were established to sample trees (gbh≥15cm), following a systematic design. Seedlings (0.01 to 1m height), saplings (1.01 to 2m) and poles (from 2.01m height to gbh<15cm) were sampled in sub-plots of 1x1m, 2x2m and 5x5m, respectively. In each plot, soil properties, gaps projection, bamboos, rocky cover, declivity and depth of ground watertable were determined. The relationships between the environmental variables with trees and seedling communities were assessed by canonical correspondence analysis. In spite of the sections being near to each other, they presented large differences in floristics, structure and site conditions. The forest soil presented a low cation exchange capacity and a high level of Al saturation. The occurrence of bamboos and gaps and the depth of ground watertable limited the occurrence of poles and trees. The high degree of structural heterogeneity for each regeneration category was related primarily to a humidity gradient; but soil fertility (Ca+Mg) was also a determinant of seedling and sapling communities.
A preliminary survey of the spider fauna in natural and artificial forest gap formations at Porto Urucu, a petroleum/natural gas production facility in the Urucu river basin, Coari, Amazonas, Brazil is presented. Sampling was conducted both occasionally and using a protocol composed of a suite of techniques: beating trays (32 samples), nocturnal manual samplings (48), sweeping nets (16), Winkler extractors (24), and pitfall traps (120). A total of 4201 spiders, belonging to 43 families and 393 morphospecies, were collected during the dry season, in July, 2003. Excluding the occasional samples, the observed richness was 357 species. In a performance test of seven species richness estimators, the Incidence Based Coverage Estimator (ICE) was the best fit estimator, with 639 estimated species. To evaluate differences in species richness associated with natural and artificial gaps, samples from between the center of the gaps up to 300 meters inside the adjacent forest matrix were compared through the inspection of the confidence intervals of individual-based rarefaction curves for each treatment. The observed species richness was significantly higher in natural gaps combined with adjacent forest than in the artificial gaps combined with adjacent forest. Moreover, a community similarity analysis between the fauna collected under both treatments demonstrated that there were considerable differences in species composition. The significantly higher abundance of Lycosidae in artificial gap forest is explained by the presence of herbaceous vegetation in the gaps themselves. Ctenidae was significantly more abundant in the natural gap forest, probable due to the increase of shelter availability provided by the fallen trees in the gaps themselves. Both families are identified as potential indicators of environmental change related to the establishment or recovery of artificial gaps in the study area.
Un aspecto fundamental del manejo forestal sostenible, es el mantenimiento de la regeneración natural en los bosques aprovechados. A corto y largo plazo, el aprovechamiento forestal tiene varias consecuencias, sobre la regeneración natural de las especies forestales. Esta investigación, compara la abundancia de la regeneración natural y la distribución espacial de plántulas de nueve especies maderables, entre un bosque aprovechado y un testigo. La abundancia y estructura espacial, fue determinada mediante 55 parcelas de muestreo anidadas (20 x 20 m, 10 x 10 m), estas fueron distribuidas en 180 hectáreas en cada condición de bosque evaluado. Dentro de las parcelas de 10 x 10 m, se registraron las categorías: plántula, brinzal y latizal. En las parcelas de 20 x 20, se midieron los árboles semilleros con DAP > 20 cm. En bosque aprovechado C. racemosa, T. altissima y A. lecointei mostraron mayor abundancia total. Según categorías de regeneración, la abundancia de P. corymbosum resultó mayor en bosque aprovechado; pero en las especies C. racemosa, T. altissima, D. odorata y C. micrantha fue mayor en el bosque testigo. La abundancia de A. lecointei, P. heterophylla y Virola sp. no difirió entre sitios. Espacialmente, solo A. lecointei y Virola sp mostraron patrones diferentes entre condiciones de bosque estudiados. Estos resultados, permiten concluir que el aprovechamiento forestal, no modifica significativamente la abundancia y estructura espacial de la regeneración de todas las especies forestales, por lo que, las intensidades de extracción moderada no comprometería el potencial de la regeneración natural en bosques manejados.
Este trabalho apresenta um inventário da fauna de Passalidae da região sudeste do Parque Nacional Natural La Paya, sendo a primeira coleta deste grupo de insetos para o Estado colombiano de Putumayo. As coletas, de indivíduos adultos, foram feitas durante os dias 9 a 16 de fevereiro de 2008, em percursos livres, nos quais foram revisados 80 troncos em decomposição. A porcentagem de troncos colonizados por passalídeos foi de 40%, nos quais foram coletados 225 indivíduos pertencentes a duas tribos, quatro gêneros e 16 espécies, representando entre 73-96% da riqueza estimada por curvas de acumulação de espécies. A tribo com maior riqueza foi Passalini, enquanto o gênero com maior diversidade foi Passalus Fabricius, 1792 com 12 espécies. A diversidade local do grupo estudado é alta, em comparação a outros registros obtidos na região neotropical.
A study was carried out to evaluate the association of levels of radioactivity, selenium and aflatoxin in shelled Brazil nuts, which were classified in different sizes, for export. The selenium determinations were performed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (LOQ = 3.0 µg g-1), and aflatoxins were detected by Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LOQ = 0.85 µg kg-1), recovery rates were between 92 and 100%. Radioactivity was measured by high-resolution gamma spectrometry. The selenium mean concentration was (22.7 ± 7.4) µg g-1. (n = 30). Mean activities determined for the following radium isotopes were: 15.77 Bq kg-1 for 224Ra, 104.8 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra and 99.48 Bq kg-1 for 228Ra. For 226Ra, the levels did not vary significantly with nut sizes, although such differences were observed for 224Ra and 228Ra. There was no statistically significant association between the level of selenium and the activity of radionuclides, however, there was correlation between the radionuclides. Aflatoxins above the quantification limit were not found.
We evaluated diversity and distribution of fish species in two habitats: flooded forest and open water of lakes of Rio Negro. Each of four lakes within the Anavilhanas Archipelago was sampled three times from 2009-2010. Species diversity generally was higher in flooded forests and at night, according to correspondence analysis. Predators were most active at night, but showed no preference between the flooded forest and open water habitats. Omnivores, filter feeders, and detritivores were most active during the day.
A eficiência da espécie Azadirachta indica como barreira natural ao ataque da Hypsipyla grandella sobre o mogno em diferentes arranjos e densidades de plantio foi, avaliada. O estudo foi realizado numa área de pastagem degradada em Vigia, PA. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com cinco repetições, sendo as formas de cultivo do mogno as parcelas, e as épocas de avaliação (meses) as subparcelas. A barreira natural formada pelo nim não evitou o ataque de H. grandella sobre o mogno, mas retardou e minimizou o ataque em plantios mistos. Para o maior controle do ataque de H. grandella, o mogno não deve ser plantado simultaneamente com o nim, mas um ano após o plantio do nim, quando este apresenta mais de três metros de altura, formando uma barreira natural mais eficaz ao ataque desta praga.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Biomateriais, Reabilitação e Biomecânica)
During the 19th century, the most prominent buildings of the city of Belém were faced entirely with tiles manufactured in Portugal and Germany, which now exhibit distinct degrees of degradation. The Pinho mansion is one of the most important of these buildings and was selected for the investigation of the action of the tropical Amazonian climate on the degradation of the tiles. To achieve this objective, the tiles were mapped for organic and inorganic degradation, and samples were collected for analysis. The minerals were determined by XRD, the chemical composition by classical wet methods and SEM/EDS, and the microorganisms under the microscope. The results show that the German and Portuguese tiles are quite different in their composition. While both ceramic bodies are composed of SiO2 and Al2O3, CaO was found only in the Portuguese tile. The low Na2O and K2O contents indicate the addition of materials to reduce the fusion temperature. SiO2 and PbO are the main constituents of the glaze, with CoO and FeO being added as pigment. The ceramic body of the German tiles is constituted of quartz, mullite, and cristobalite, in contrast with the Portuguese tiles, which are made of quartz, gehlenite, diopside, calcite, and feldspars. The glazes are XRD-amorphous. The chemical and mineralogical differences between the German and Portuguese tiles indicate that they were produced from different raw materials under distinct thermal processes. The most prominent weathering-related modifications are the thin layers (German tiles), oxidation stains, dark stains, the detachment of the tile (Portuguese tiles), loss of the glaze and powdering of the ceramic body (Portuguese tiles) through the establishment of Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta.. The distinct degradation patterns of the tiles exposed to the tropical Amazon climate are a consequence of their distinct mineralogy and chemistry.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Natural disturbances in tropical forests modify the availability and quality of resources and alter the patterns of bird distribution. These environmental changes increase the metabolic rate and disrupt the redox balance promoting oxidative stress. This study aimed to compare the abundance of Willisornis poecilinotus between gaps and the understory of a forest with undisturbed canopy at Caxiuanã National Forest. The abundance was correlated with vegetation heights. The oxidative stress and the stress promoting factors were determined in both sites of sampling. We captured 81 specimens of W. poecilinotus. The number of captures was high in gaps. The specimens sampled at gaps showed high levels of oxidative stress. The biomarkers of oxidative stress were significantly correlated in gaps. The variability of oxidative stress and oxidative damage were explained only by site of sampling. These results suggest that gaps are stressors sites to W. poecilinotus, which probably can be due to an increase of metabolic rate to deal with new flight strategies of foraging and avoid predation