980 resultados para Montault des Isles, Charles, bp. of Angers, 1755-1839.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von Koffein und verwandten Oxopurinen in C¬3-symmetrischen Rezeptoren auf der Basis von Triphenylenketalen untersucht. Dabei stand vor allem die Evaluierung für eine spätere Anwendung im Vordergrund. Für die Anwendung als Chemosensor wurden mehrere optische Verfahren getestet. Die Verwendung von UV/Vis-Spektroskopie gelingt nur unter Einsatz eines elektronenarmen Konkurrenzgastes, welcher durch das stärker bindende Koffein unter Entfärbung verdrängt wird. Obwohl dieser Effekt sogar mit bloßem Auge zu erkennen ist und somit eine einfache Untersuchung ermöglichen würde, machen die besondere Reaktivität des Konkurrenzgastes und dessen geringe Affinität zum Rezeptor eine weitere Anwendung als Chemosensor für Koffein unwahrscheinlich. Den entscheidenden Durchbruch lieferte der Wechsel auf Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. Die Bindung von Gästen lässt sich mit dieser Methode direkt beobachten und für quantitative Studien nutzen. Die Signalzunahme bei Zugabe von Koffein liegt bei maximal 30%. Durch Verwendung eines vom Koffein abgeleiteten Konkurrenzgastes können weitere Verbesserungen erzielt werden. So konnte eine maximale Signaldynamik von fast 400% erzielt werden. Durch die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Probenvorbereitungsprotokolls war es möglich, mit dem fluoreszenzbasierten System einen Nachweis von Koffein an kommerziell verfügbaren Getränkeproben durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse waren in guter Übereinstimmung mit HPLC-Kontrollexperimenten. Die Eignung von Rezeptoren auf Triphenylenketalbasis für die enantiofaciale Differenzierung an Heteroaromaten wurde durch Untersuchung verschiedener Wirt-Gast-Komplexe mittels CD-Spektroskopie und Tieftemperatur-NMR systematisch demonstriert. Rezeptoren mit Menthyl-Substituenten liefern laut NMR die stärkste Seitendifferenzierung. Anhand des CD wird ein vollständiges und schlüssiges Bild über den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Raumbedarf am Gast, der Ausrichtung der chiralen Gruppen am Wirt und dem erhaltenen CD hergestellt. Durch umfangreiche molekulardynamische Simulationen und nachfolgende semiempirische Berechnungen wurden Referenzspektren berechnet, welche die Zuordnung der Stereochemie anhand des CD eindeutig belegen. Die Ergebnisse sind zudem in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen aus röntgenkristallographischen Untersuchungen. (Diese Methode ließ sich erfolgreich auf die helicale Faltung von Alkanen in Kapseln von Rebek, jr. umsetzen.) Obwohl die Energieunterschiede zwischen den diastereomeren Komplexen klein sind, konnte anhand der CD-Spektroskopie somit erstmalig die enantiofaciale Differenzierung an einem heterocyclischen System bei Raumtemperatur beobachtet werden. Die beste enantiofaciale Differenzierung erzielen die Menthyl-abgeleiteten Rezeptoren. Diese sind hinsichtlich einer möglichen Anwendung als chirales „Auxiliar“ ungeeignet, da sie mit den sperrigen Cyclohexylgruppen auch den Raum oberhalb des gebundenen Gastes blockieren. Daher wird für die weitere Entwicklung auf die praktische Einführung chiraler Information in Form des Isocyanats verzichten werden müssen. Stattdessen zielen aktuelle Bemühungen auf den Aufbau chiraler Rückgrate, welche den Raum in der unteren Peripherie des Gastes beeinflussen.


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Neutral ceramidase (NCDase) and sphingosine kinases (SphKs) are key enzymes regulating cellular sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels. In this study we found that stress factor-induced apoptosis of rat renal mesangial cells was significantly reduced by dexamethasone treatment. Concomitantly, dexamethasone increased cellular S1P levels, suggesting an activation of sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes. The cell-protective effect of glucocorticoids was reversed by a SphK inhibitor, was completely absent in SphK1-deficient cells, and was associated with upregulated mRNA and protein expression of NCDase and SphK1. Additionally, in vivo experiments in mice showed that dexamethasone also upregulated SphK1 mRNA and activity, and NCDase protein expression in the kidney. Fragments (2285, 1724, and 1126 bp) of the rat NCDase promoter linked to a luciferase reporter were transfected into rat kidney fibroblasts and mesangial cells. There was enhanced NCDase promoter activity upon glucocorticoids treatment that was abolished by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. Single and double mutations of the two putative glucocorticoid response element sites within the promoter reduced the dexamethasone effect, suggesting that both glucocorticoid response elements are functionally active and required for induction. Our study shows that glucocorticoids exert a protective effect on stress-induced mesangial cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo by upregulating NCDase and SphK1 expression and activity, resulting in enhanced levels of the protective lipid second messenger S1P.


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Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides LC can be combined into one taxon on the basis of several contributions on both DNA sequence and protein analyses reported in the literature. Moreover, for the differentiation and identification of mycoplasmas of the "mycoides cluster", we investigated the rpoB gene, encoding the beta-subunit of the RNA polymerase. A segment of 527 bp of the rpoB gene was amplified from 31 strains of ruminant mycoplasmas by PCR. The nucleotide sequences were determined and aligned, and accurate genetic relationships were calculated. Cluster analysis of rpoB DNA allowed species differentiation within the "mycoides cluster" and confirmed that M. mycoides subsp. capri and M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC cannot be distinguished from each other. "Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri" is proposed as a common name for both subspecies.


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OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare coronary collateral function in patients after bare-metal stent (BMS) or drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation. BACKGROUND: Drug-eluting stents have an inhibitory effect on the production of cytokines, chemotactic proteins, and growth factors, and may therefore negatively affect coronary collateral growth. METHODS: A total of 120 patients with long-term stable coronary artery disease (CAD) after stent implantation were included. Both the BMS group and the DES group comprised 60 patients matched for in-stent stenosis severity of the vessel undergoing collateral flow index (CFI) measurement at follow-up and for the duration of follow-up. The primary end point of the investigation was invasively determined coronary collateral function 6 months after stent implantation. Collateral function was assessed by simultaneous aortic, coronary wedge, and central venous pressure measurements (yielding CFI) and by intracoronary electrocardiogram during balloon occlusion. RESULTS: There were no differences between the groups regarding age, gender, body mass index, frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, use of cardiovascular drugs, severity of CAD, or site of coronary artery stenoses. Despite equal in-stent stenosis severity (46 +/- 34% and 45 +/- 36%) and equal follow-up duration (6.2 +/- 10 months and 6.5 +/- 5.4 months), CFI was diminished in the DES versus BMS group (0.154 +/- 0.097 vs. 0.224 +/- 0.142; p = 0.0049), and the rate of collaterals insufficient to prevent ischemia during occlusion (intracoronary electrocardiographic ST-segment elevation > or =0.1 mV) was higher with 50 of 60 patients in the DES group and 33 of 60 patients in the BMS group (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Collateral function long after coronary stenting is impaired with DES (sirolimus and paclitaxel) when compared with BMS. Considering the protective nature of collateral vessels, this could lead to more serious cardiac events in the presence of an abrupt coronary occlusion.


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The use of drug-eluting stents (DES) in percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) decreased the rate of restenosis and hence the need for repeat revascularization by 50-71%. DES have changed PCI. DES allow successful revascularization of anatomically challenging lesions, such as long, thin vessels, bifurcation lesions, and chronic total occlusions. A rare, but severe complication of coronary stenting is stent thrombosis, a partial or total thrombotic occlusion of the stent. The use of DES for increasingly more complex lesions, the prothrombotic effect of the antiproliferative substances, and a delayed endothelialization of DES all potentially prolong and increase the risk of stent thrombosis. Dual antiplatelet therapy for 1 year is therefore recommended after DES placement. There is currently no evidence for the efficacy and safety of routine dual antiplatelet therapy beyond 1 year. It is also recommended postponing elective surgery for 1 year and, if surgery cannot be deferred, considering continuation of acetylsalicylic acid during the perioperative period in high-risk patients with DES.


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Although rare, stent thrombosis remains a severe complication after stent implantation owing to its high morbidity and mortality. Since the introduction of drug-eluting stents (DES), most interventional centers have noted stent thrombosis up to 3 years after implantation, a complication rarely seen with bare-metal stents. Some data from large registries and meta-analyses of randomized trials indicate a higher risk for DES thrombosis, whereas others suggest an absence of such a risk. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of stent thrombosis, including the procedure itself (stent malapposition and/or underexpansion, number of implanted stents, stent length, persistent slow coronary blood flow, and dissections), patient and lesion characteristics, stent design, and premature cessation of antiplatelet drugs. Drugs released from DES exert distinct biological effects, such as activation of signal transduction pathways and inhibition of cell proliferation. As a result, although primarily aimed at preventing vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration (ie, key factors in the development of restenosis), they also impair reendothelialization, which leads to delayed arterial healing, and induce tissue factor expression, which results in a prothrombogenic environment. In the same way, polymers used to load these drugs have been associated with DES thrombosis. Finally, DES impair endothelial function of the coronary artery distal to the stent, which potentially promotes the risk of ischemia and coronary occlusion. Although several reports raise the possibility of a substantially higher risk of stent thrombosis in DES, evidence remains inconclusive; as a consequence, both large-scale and long-term clinical trials, as well as further mechanistic studies, are needed. The present review focuses on the pathophysiological mechanisms and pathological findings of stent thrombosis in DES.


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BACKGROUND: Polymer as carrier substance for drugeluting stents (DES) has been accused of inducing inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions leading to restenosis and stent thrombosis. Thus, a new paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) with aminoparylene as a carrier substance is tested in the present study. METHODS: In 10 pigs, stents were implanted in the epicardial coronary arteries: 1) bare-metal stents (BMS, control stent); 2) cobalt-chromium stents (CCS); and 3) PES. Stent length was 15 mm, and diameter was 3 mm. The animals were restudied after 6 weeks. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed at baseline and follow up. Minimum luminal diameter (MLD) and late loss were calculated in all animals. Histologic vessel lumen, intimal proliferation and restenosis were determined by morphometry. Disruption of the lamina elastica interna (LEI) and inflammatory reactions were assessed by histology. RESULTS: The MLD at baseline was 2.83 +/- 0.28 mm, and at follow up it was 2.29 +/- 0.44 (p < 0.05; n = 30). Late loss and angiographic restenosis were smallest in the CCS and largest in the PES (ns). Neointimal proliferation was similar for all 3 stents, ranging between 1.38 and 1.64 mm(2) (ns). There was a significant correlation between disruption of the LEI and inflammatory reactions. CONCLUSIONS: PTs with aminoparylene as a carrier substance show similar late loss and angiographic restenosis to that of BM and CCS. The incidence of inflammatory reactions (35% of all histologic sections) is similar in all stents, but highest in PES. The mechanism of this reaction is unclear, but may be either due to the drug itself, the disruption of the LEI or to a hypersensitivity reaction.


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OBJECTIVE We investigated clinical outcomes after treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions with second generation drug eluting stents (DES). DESIGN Post hoc analysis of a randomised, multicentre, non-inferiority trial. SETTING Multicentre study. PATIENTS All comers study with minimal exclusion criteria. INTERVENTIONS Patients were treated with either zotarolimus or everolimus eluting stents. The patient population was divided according to treatment of bifurcation or non-bifurcation lesions and clinical outcomes were compared between groups. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES Clinical outcomes within 2-year follow-up. RESULTS A total of 2265 patients were included in the present analysis. Two-year follow-up data were available in 2223 patients: 1838 patients in the non-bifurcation group and 385 patients in the bifurcation group. At 2-year follow-up the bifurcation and the non-bifurcation lesion groups showed no significant differences in terms of cardiac death (2.3 vs 2.1, p=0.273), target lesion failure (9.7% vs 13.8%, p=0.255), major adverse cardiac events (11.5% vs 15.1%, p=0.305), target lesion revascularisation (4.7% vs 6.0%, p=0.569), and definite or probable stent thrombosis (1.6% vs 1.8%, p=0.419). CONCLUSIONS The use of second generation DES for the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions was associated with similar long term mortality and clinical outcomes compared with non-bifurcation lesions.


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The H(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha(2) (HKalpha2) gene of the renal collecting duct and distal colon plays a central role in potassium and acid-base homeostasis, yet its transcriptional control remains poorly characterized. We previously demonstrated that the proximal 177 bp of its 5'-flanking region confers basal transcriptional activity in murine inner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD3) cells and that NF-kappaB and CREB-1 bind this region to alter transcription. In the present study, we sought to determine whether the -144/-135 Sp element influences basal HKalpha2 gene transcription in these cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift and supershift assays using probes for -154/-127 revealed Sp1-containing DNA-protein complexes in nuclear extracts of mIMCD3 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays demonstrated that Sp1, but not Sp3, binds to this promoter region of the HKalpha2 gene in mIMCD3 cells in vivo. HKalpha2 minimal promoter-luciferase constructs with point mutations in the -144/-135 Sp element exhibited much lower activity than the wild-type promoter in transient transfection assays. Overexpression of Sp1, but not Sp3, trans-activated an HKalpha2 proximal promoter-luciferase construct in mIMCD3 cells as well as in SL2 insect cells, which lack Sp factors. Conversely, small interfering RNA knockdown of Sp1 inhibited endogenous HKalpha2 mRNA expression, and binding of Sp1 to chromatin associated with the proximal HKalpha2 promoter without altering the binding or regulatory influence of NF-kappaB p65 or CREB-1 on the proximal HKalpha2 promoter. We conclude that Sp1 plays an important and positive role in controlling basal HKalpha2 gene expression in mIMCD3 cells in vivo and in vitro.


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Im Artikel wird die Geschichte des sanktgallischen Schutzaufsichtsvereins für entlassene Sträflinge zwischen 1839 und 1903 aufgearbeitet, wobei der Fokus auf dessen mehrfach ambivalenten Situation als privater Verein mit gesetzlichem Auftrag liegt. Der Schutzaufsichtsverein bewegte sich in seiner Tätigkeit stets zwischen Strafvollzug und Fürsorge und damit zwischen Schutz und Überwachung der Entlassenen. Als privater Verein war er zudem gezwungen, seine Stellung gegenüber den Behörden und innerhalb des sich ausdifferenzierenden Strafvollzugssystems immer wieder neu auszuhandeln. Diese bemerkenswerte Situation der Schutzaufsicht wird durch die Analyse der Zusammenarbeit zwischen privater und staatlicher Seite, der Ziele des Schutzaufsichtsvereins sowie der Mittel zu deren Durchsetzung deutlich gemacht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Schutzaufsicht bis zu einem gewissen Grad als Fortsetzung des staatlichen Strafvollzugs intendiert war, dabei aber an institutionellen Begebenheiten scheiterte.


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Ostracods secrete their valve calcite within a few hours or days, therefore, its isotopic composition records ambient environmental conditions of only a short time span. Hydrographic changes between the calcification of individuals lead to a corresponding range (max.-min.) in the isotope values when measuring several (>=5) single valves from a specific sediment sample. Analyses of living (stained) ostracods from the Kara Sea sediment surface revealed high ranges of >2per mil of d18O and d13C at low absolute levels (d18O: <3per mil, d13C: <-3per mil) near the river estuaries of Ob and Yenisei and low ranges of not, vert, similar1per mil at higher absolute levels (d18O: 2-5.4per mil, d13C: -3 per mil to -1.5per mil) on the shelf and in submarine paleo-river channels. Comparison with a hydrographic data base and isotope measurements of bottom water samples shows that the average and the span of the ostracod-based isotope ranges closely mirror the long-term means and variabilities (standard deviation) of bottom water temperature and salinity. The bottom hydrography in the southern part of the Kara Sea shows strong response to the river discharge and its extreme seasonal and interannual variability. Less variable hydrographic conditions are indicative for deeper shelf areas to the north, but also for areas near the river estuaries along submarine paleo-river channels, which act as corridors for southward flowing cold and saline bottom water. Isotope analyses on up to five single ostracod valves per sample in the lower section (8-7 cal. ka BP) of a sediment core north of Yenisei estuary revealed d18O and d13C values which on average are lower by 0.6? in both, d18O and d13C, than in the upper core section (<5 cal. ka BP). The isotope shifts illustrate the decreasing influence of isotopically light river water at the bottom as a result of the southward retreat of the Yenisei river mouth from the coring site due to global sea level rise. However, the ranges (max.-min.) in the single-valve d18O and d13C data of the individual core samples are similar in the upper and in the lower core section, although a higher hydrographic variability is expected prior to 7 cal. ka BP due to river proximity. This lack of variability indicates the southward flow of cold, saline water along a submarine paleo-river channel, formerly existing at the core location. Despite shallowing of the site due to sediment filling of the channel and isostatic uplift of the area, the hydrographic variability at the core location remained low during the Late Holocene, because the shallowing proceeded synchronously with the retreat of the river mouth due to the global sea level rise