967 resultados para Metal ions -- Absorption and adsorption


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Measurements a/the Gibbs' energy enthalpy and entrupy vffarmation oj chromites, vanadites and alumlnat.:s 0/ F", Ni. Co'. Mn, Zn Mg and Cd, using solid oxide galvanic cells over a ternperature range extending approximately lOOO°C, have shown that the '~'Ilir"!,,, J'JrIl/iJ~ tion 0/ cubic 2-3 oxide spinel phases (MX!O,), from component oxide (MO) with rock-salt and X.Os whir c(1f'l/!ldwn st!'llt'lw,·. call b,' represented by a semi-empirical correlalion, ~S~ = --LiS + L'i,SM +~S~:"d(±O.3) cal.deg-1 mol-1 where /',.SM Is the entropy 0/calian mixing oillhe tetrahedral alld octahedral sites o/the spinel and Sr:~ is tlie enfropy associaf,'d Wifh Ih,' randomization a/the lahn-Telier distortions. A review a/the methods/or evaluating the cation distriblltion lfl spille!s suggeJ{j' l/r,l! Ihe most promising scheme is based Oil octahedral site preference energies from the crystal field theory for the Iral1silioll IIIl'f"! IlIIL';. For I/""-Irallsifioll melal cal ions site preference energies are derived relative /0 thol'lt fLI, [ransilion metal ions from measured high tClllP('ftJi ure Cal iUlI disll iiJuriol1 in spine! phases thar contail! one IransilioJl metal and another non-transition metal carion. For 2-3 srinds compulatiorrs b,IS"J Oil i.!c[J;' Temkin mixing on each catioll subialtice predici JistributionJ that are In fair agreement with X-ray and 1I1'IIIrOll ditTraction, /IIdg""!ic dll.! electrical propcrries, and spectroscopic measurements. In 2-4 spineis mixing vI ions do not foliow strictly ideal slllIistli:al Jaws, Th,' OIl/up) associated with the randomizalion 0/the Jllhn-Teller dislOriioll" appear to be significant, only ill spinels witll 3d'. 3d', 3d' (ifld~UI' iOtls in tetrahedral and 3d' and 3d9 ions in octahedral positions. Application 0/this structural model for predicting the thermodynamic proputies ofspinel solid .,olutiofl5 or,' illustrated. F,lr complex systems additional contributions arising from strain fields, redox equilibria and off-center ions have to be qllalllififti. The entropy correlation for spinels provides a method for evaluating structure tran:.jormafiofl entropies in silllple o.\id.-s, ["founlllion on the relative stabilities ofoxides in different crystallCtructures is USe/III for computer ea/culaliof! a/phase dfugrullls ofIlIrer,',,1 III (N.lll1ie5 by method, similar to thost: used by Kaufman and Bernstein for refractory alloy systems. Examples oftechnoiogical appliCation tnclude the predictioll ofdeoxidation equilibria in Fe-Mn-AI-O s),slelll at 1600°C duj ,'Ulllpltfalion 0/phase relutions in Fe-Ni-Cr-S system,


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Combination of femtosecond Kerr, two photon absorption, and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of pulse energy and crystal temperature on the generation of coherent polaritons and phonons in 〈110〉 cut ZnTe single crystals of three different resistivities. We demonstrate that the effect of two photon induced free carriers on the creation of both the polaritons and phonons is largest at 4 K where the free carrier lifetime is enhanced. The temperature dependant ISRS on high and low purity ZnTe crystals allows us to unambiguously assign the phonon mode at 3.5 THz to the longitudinal acoustic mode at X-point in the Brillouin zone, LA(X).


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Photocatalysis refers to the oxidation and reduction reactions on semiconductor surfaces, mediated by the valence band holes and conduction band electrons, which are generated by the absorption of ultraviolet or visible light radiation. Photocatalysis is widely being practiced for the degradation and mineralization of hazardous organic compounds to CO2 and H2O, reduction of toxic metal ions to their non-toxic states, deactivation and destruction of water borne microorganisms, decomposition of air pollutants like volatile organic compounds, NOx, CO and NH3, degradation of waste plastics and green synthesis of industrially important chemicals. This review attempts to showcase the well established mechanism of photocatalysis, the use of photocatalysts for water and air pollution control,visible light responsive modified-TiO2 and non-TiO2 based materials for environmental and energy applications, and the importance of developing reaction kinetics for a comprehensive understanding and design of the processes.


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Noble metal ions like Pt(IV) and Pd(II) were impregnated on gamma-alumina and aerosol 300 silica surfaces. Reduction of these ions using ammonia borane in the solid state resulted in the formation of the respective metal nanoparticles embedded in BNHx polymer which is dispersed on the oxide support. Removal of the BNH polymer was accomplished by washing the samples repeatedly with methanol. In this process the polymer undergoes solvolysis to release H-2 accompanied by the formation of ammonium methoxy borate salt, which has been removed by repeated methanol washings. As a result, metal nanoparticles well dispersed on gamma-alumina and aerosol 300 silica were obtained. These samples have been characterized by a combination of techniques, including electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy and surface area analyser.


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Ligand-induced stabilization of G-quadruplex structures formed by the human telomeric DNA is an active area of research. The compounds which stabilize the G-quadruplexes often lead to telomerase inhibition. Herein we present the results of interaction of new monomeric and dimeric ligands having 1,3-phenylene-bis(piperazinyl benzimidazole) unit with G-quadruplex DNA (G4DNA) formed by human telomeric repeat d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3)]. These ligands efficiently stabilize the preformed G4DNA in the presence of 100 mM monovalent alkali metal ions. Also, the G4DNA formed in the presence of low concentrations of ligands in 100 mM K+ adopts a highly stable parallel-stranded conformation. The G-quadruplexes formed in the presence of the dimeric compound are more stable than that induced by the corresponding monomeric counterpart. The dimeric ligands having oligo-oxyethylene spacers provide much higher stability to the preformed G4DNA and also exert significantly higher telomerase inhibition activity. Computational aspects have also been discussed.


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In this study we present a colorimetric detection method for Cr (VI) in aqueous solution based on as synthesized silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) without surface functionalization. The method principle involves reduction of Cr (VI) to Cr (III) by excess reductant present in as synthesized Ag NP dispersion, and subsequent aggregation of Ag NPs by Cr (III) leading to red-shift of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak. The UV-vis absorption spectra. Zeta potentials, dynamic light scattering measurements, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed the aggregation of the Ag NPs. Under the optimized conditions, a good linear relationship (correlation coefficient r=0.981) was obtained between the ratio of the absorbance at 550 nm to that at 390 nm (A(550/390)) and the concentration of Cr (VI) over the range of 10(-3)-10(-9) M 50 mg/L to 50 ng/L]. The reported probe has a limit of detection down to 1 nM, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the lowest ever reported for the colorimetric detection of Cr (VI). Furthermore, a remarkable feature of this method is that it involves a simple technique exhibiting high selectivity to Cr (VI) over other tested heavy metal ions. (C) 2012 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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Nano-ceramic phosphor CaSiO 3 doped with Pb and Mn was synthesized by the low temperature solution combustion method. The materials were characterized by Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermo-gravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrum of the investigated sample exhibits a broad resonance signal centered at g=1.994. The number of spins participating in resonance (N) and its paramagnetic susceptibility (�) have been evaluated. Photoluminescence of doped CaSiO 3 was investigated when excited by UV radiation of 256 nm. The phosphor exhibits an emission peak at 353 nm in the UV range due to Pb 2+. Further, a broad emission peak in the visible range 550-625 nm can be attributed to 4T 1� 6A 1 transition of Mn 2+ ions. The investigation reveals that doping perovskite nano-ceramics with transition metal ions leads to excellent phosphor materials for potential applications. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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This work describes the formation of hydrogels from sodium cholate solution in the presence of a variety of metal ions (Ca2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+ and Ag+). Morphological studies of the xerogels by electron microscopy reveal the presence of helical nanofibres. The rigid helical framework in the calcium cholate hydrogel was utilised to synthesize hybrid materials (AuNPs and AgNPs). Doping of transition metal salts into the calcium cholate hydrogel brings out the possibility of synthesising metal sulphide nano-architectures keeping the hydrogel network intact. These novel gel-nanoparticle hybrid materials have encouraging application potentials.


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A porous metalorganic framework, Mn(H3O)(Mn4Cl)(3)(hmtt)(8)] (POST-65), was prepared by the reaction of 5,5',10,10',15,15'-hexamethyltruxene-2,7,12-tricarboxylic acid (H(3)hmtt) with MnCl2 under solvothermal conditions. POST-65(Mn) was subjected to post-synthetic modification with Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu according to an ion-exchange method that resulted in the formation of three isomorphous frameworks, POST-65(Co/Ni/Cu), as well as a new framework, POST-65(Fe). The ion-exchanged samples could not be prepared by regular solvothermal reactions. The complete exchange of the metal ions and retention of the framework structure were verified by inductively coupled plasmaatomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET) surface-area analysis. Single-crystal X-ray diffractions studies revealed a single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SCSC)-transformation nature of the ion-exchange process. Hydrogen-sorption and magnetization measurements showed metal-specific properties of POST-65.


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An in situ seeding growth methodology towards the preparation of core-shell nanoparticles composed of noble metals has been developed by employing trimethylamine borane (TMAB) as the reducing agent. Being a weak reducing agent, TMAB is able to distinguish the smallest reduction potential window of any two metals which renders selective reduction of metal ions thus affording a core-shell architecture of the nanoparticles. A dramatic effect of solvent was noted during the reduction of Ag+ ions: an immediate reduction took place at room temperature when dry THF was used as solvent however, usage of wet THF (THF used directly from the bottle) brings out the reduction only at reflux conditions. In the case of Au and Pd nanoparticles, preparation was found to be independent of the quality of solvent used. Au nanoparticles are realized at room temperature whereas reflux conditions are required in the case of Pd nanoparticles. This difference in behavior of the monometallic nanoparticles was successfully exploited to construct different noble metal nanoparticles with core-shell architectures such as Au@Ag, Ag@Au, and Ag@Pd. Transformation of these core-shell nanoparticles to their thermodynamically stable alloy counterparts is also demonstrated under very mild conditions reported to date.


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Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) play a major role in carbon cycle and can be utilized as a source of carbon and energy by bacteria. Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase (StTdcD) catalyzes reversible transfer of the gamma-phosphate of ATP to propionate during L-threonine degradation to propionate. Kinetic analysis revealed that StTdcD possesses broad ligand specificity and could be activated by various SCFAs (propionate > acetate approximate to butyrate), nucleotides (ATP approximate to GTP > CTP approximate to TTP; dATP > dGTP > dCTP) and metal ions (Mg2+ approximate to Mn2+ > Co2+). Inhibition of StTdcD by tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates such as citrate, succinate, alpha-ketoglutarate and malate suggests that the enzyme could be under plausible feedback regulation. Crystal structures of StTdcD bound to PO4 (phosphate), AMP, ATP, Ap4 (adenosine tetraphosphate), GMP, GDP, GTP, CMP and CTP revealed that binding of nucleotide mainly involves hydrophobic interactions with the base moiety and could account for the broad biochemical specificity observed between the enzyme and nucleotides. Modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies suggest Ala88 to be an important residue involved in determining the rate of catalysis with SCFA substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations on monomeric and dimeric forms of StTdcD revealed plausible open and closed states, and also suggested role for dimerization in stabilizing segment 235-290 involved in interfacial interactions and ligand binding. Observation of an ethylene glycol molecule bound sufficiently close to the gamma-phosphate in StTdcD complexes with triphosphate nucleotides supports direct in-line phosphoryl transfer. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new rock salt-related oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M=Co, Ni). The M=Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, where sheets of LiO6 and (Co-2/Ru)O-6 octahedra are alternately stacked along the c-direction. The M=Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3, where partial mixing of Li and Ni/Ru atoms lowers the symmetry to monoclinic (C2/c). Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+ (S=0), Co2+ (S=1/2) and Ru4+ (S=1), all of them in low-spin configuration and at 10 K, the material orders antiferromagnetically. Analogous Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behavior with a Curie temperature of 100 K. The differences in the magnetic behavior have been explained in terms of differences in the crystal structure. Electrochemical studies correlate well with both magnetic properties and crystal structure. Li-transition metal intermixing may be at the origin of the more impeded oxidation of Li3Ni2RuO6 when compared to Li3CO2RuO6. Interestingly high first charge capacities (between ca. 160 and 180 mAh g(-1)) corresponding to ca. 2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory enough to consider these materials as alternatives to LiCoO2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Restriction enzyme KpnI is a HNH superfamily endonuclease requiring divalent metal ions for DNA cleavage but not for binding. The active site of KpnI can accommodate metal ions of different atomic radii for DNA cleavage. Although Mg2+ ion higher than 500 mu M mediates promiscuous activity, Ca2+ suppresses the promiscuity and induces high cleavage fidelity. Here, we report that a conservative mutation of the metal-coordinating residue D148 to Glu results in the elimination of the Ca2+-mediated cleavage but imparting high cleavage fidelity with Mg2+. High cleavage fidelity of the mutant D148E is achieved through better discrimination of the target site at the binding and cleavage steps. Biochemical experiments and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the mutation inhibits Ca2+-mediated cleavage activity by altering the geometry of the Ca2+-bound HNH active site. Although the D148E mutant reduces the specific activity of the enzyme, we identified a suppressor mutation that increases the turnover rate to restore the specific activity of the high fidelity mutant to the wild-type level. Our results show that active site plasticity in coordinating different metal ions is related to KpnI promiscuous activity, and tinkering the metal ion coordination is a plausible way to reduce promiscuous activity of metalloenzymes.


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The multi-component nanomaterials combine the individual properties and give rise to emergent phenomenon. Optical excitations in such hybrid nonmaterial's ( for example Exciton in semiconductor quantum dots and Plasmon in Metal nanomaterials) undergo strong weak electromagnetic coupling. Such exciton-plasmon interactions allow design of absorption and emission properties, control of nanoscale energy-transfer processes, and creation of new excitations in the strong coupling regime.This Exciton plasmon interaction in hybrid nanomaterial can lead to both enhancement in the emission as well as quenching. In this work we prepared close-packed hybrid monolayer of thiol capped CdSe and gold nanoparticles. They exhibit both the Quenching and enhancements the in PL emission.The systematic variance of PL from such hybrid nanomaterials monolayer is studied by tuning the Number ratio of Gold per Quantum dots, the surface density of QDs and the spectral overlap of emission spectrum of QD and absorption spectrum of Gold nanoparticles. Role of Localized surface Plasmon which not only leads to quenching but strong enhancements as well, is explored.


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A novel colorimetric probe 1 based on the picolyl moiety has been designed and synthesized. Probe 1 is composed of a pyrene and a bispicolyl amine (BPA) unit, in which the BPA moiety acts as a binding unit and the binding phenomenon is sensed from the changes in the signaling subunit. The probe detects Cu2+ specifically in water and both Cu2+ and Hg2+ efficiently in neutral Brij-58 micellar media. The probe shows a color change visible to the naked eye upon addition of metal ions. Notably, in a micellar medium, probe 1 can detect both the Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions even at parts-per-billion levels. Furthermore, the probe shows ratiometric detection of both the metal ions making the sensing quantitative. The two metal ions could be discriminated both visibly under a UV lamp and with the use of fluorescence spectroscopy. The probe could be also used in biological cell lines for the detection of both Hg2+ and Cu2+ ions.