761 resultados para Men who have sex with men and women


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Cathepsin S is a protease important in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen presentation and also in degrading the extracellular matrix. Studies, most of them experimental, have shown that cathepsin S is involved in different pathological conditions such as obesity, inflammation, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer.    The overall hypothesis of this report is that high levels of circulating cathepsin S, is a biomarker that reflects pathology induced by inflammation and obesity. The overall aim of this report was to investigate possible associations between circulating cathepsin S, inflammation, glucometabolic disturbance, and its associated diseases in the community. As cathepsin S appears to be a novel risk marker for several pathological conditions, we also wanted to examine the effect of dietary intervention on circulating cathepsin S concentrations.    This thesis is based on data from three community-based cohorts, the Uppsala longitudinal study of adult men (ULSAM), the prospective investigation of the vasculature in Uppsala seniors (PIVUS), and a post-hoc study from the randomized controlled NORDIET trial.    In the first study, we identified a cross-sectional positive association between serum cathepsin S and two markers of cytokine-mediated inflammation, CRP and IL-6. These associations were similar in non-obese individuals. In longitudinal analyses, higher cathepsin S at baseline was associated with higher CRP and IL-6 levels after six years of follow-up. In the second study, we identified a cross-sectional association between increased serum levels of cathepsin S and reduced insulin sensitivity. These associations were similar in non-obese individuals. No significant association was observed between cathepsin S and insulin secretion. In longitudinal analysis, higher cathepsin S levels were associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes during the six-year follow-up. In the third study, we found that higher serum levels of cathepsin S were associated with increased mortality risk. Moreover, in the ULSAM cohort, serum cathepsin S was independently associated with cause-specific mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. In the fourth study, we identified that adherence to an ad libitum healthy Nordic diet for 6 weeks slightly decreased the levels of plasma cathepsin S in normal or marginally overweight individuals, relative to the control group. Changes in circulating cathepsin S concentrations were correlated with changes in body weight, LDL-C, and total cholesterol.    Conclusion: This thesis shows that circulating cathepsin S is a biomarker that independently reflects inflammation, insulin resistance, the risk of developing diabetes, and mortality risk. Furthermore, a Nordic diet moderately reduced cathepsin S levels in normal-weight and overweight men and women. This effect may be partially mediated by diet-induced weight loss and possibly by reduced LDL-C concentrations. 


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During the latest decade Somali-born women with experiences of long-lasting war followed by migration have increasingly encountered Swedish maternity care, where antenatal care midwives are assigned to ask questions about exposure to violence. The overall aim in this thesis was to gain deeper understanding of Somali-born women’s wellbeing and needs during the parallel transitions of migration to Sweden and childbearing, focusing on maternity healthcare encounters and violence. Data were obtained from medical records (paper I), qualitative interviews with Somali-born women (II, III) and Swedish antenatal care midwives (IV). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. Compared to pregnancies of Swedish-born women, Somali-born women’s pregnancies demonstrated later booking and less visits to antenatal care, more maternal morbidity but less psychiatric treatment, less medical pain relief during delivery and more emergency caesarean sections and small-for-gestational-age infants (I). Political violence with broken societal structures before migration contributed to up-rootedness, limited healthcare and absent state-based support to women subjected to violence, which reinforced reliance on social networks, own endurance and faith in Somalia (II). After migration, sources of wellbeing were a pragmatic “moving-on” approach including faith and motherhood, combined with social coherence. Lawful rights for women were appreciated but could concurrently risk creating power tensions in partner relationships. Generally, the Somali-born women associated the midwife more with providing medical care than with overall wellbeing or concerns about violence, but new societal resources were parallel incorporated with known resources (III). Midwives strived for woman-centered approaches beyond ethnicity and culture in care encounters, with language, social gaps and divergent views on violence as potential barriers in violence inquiry. Somali-born women’s strength and contentment were highlighted, and ongoing violence seldom encountered according to the midwives experiences (IV). Pragmatism including “moving on” combined with support from family and social networks, indicate capability to cope with violence and migration-related stress. However, this must be balanced against potential unspoken needs at individual level in care encounters.With trustful relationships, optimized interaction and networking with local Somali communities and across professions, the antenatal midwife can have a “bridging-function” in balancing between dual societies and contribute to healthy transitions in the new society.


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BACKGROUND: Increased circulating cathepsin S levels have been linked to increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases and cancer. However, whether cathepsin S is a modifiable risk factor is unclear. We aimed to investigate the effects of a prudent diet on plasma cathepsin S levels in healthy individuals. FINDINGS: Explorative analyses of a randomized study were performed in 88 normal to slightly overweight and hyperlipidemic men and women (aged 25 to 65) that were randomly assigned to ad libitum prudent diet, i.e. healthy Nordic diet (ND) or a control group (habitual Western diet) for 6 weeks. Whereas all foods in the ND were provided, the control group was advised to consume their habitual diet throughout the study. The ND was in line with dietary recommendations, e.g. low in saturated fats, sugars and salt, but high in plant-based foods rich in fibre and unsaturated fats.The ND significantly decreased cathepsin S levels (from 20.1 (+/-4.0 SD) to 19.7 μg/L (+/-4.3 SD)) compared with control group (from 18.2 (+/-2.9 SD) to 19.1 μg/L (+/-3.8 SD)). This difference remained after adjusting for sex and change in insulin sensitivity (P = 0.03), and near significant after adjusting for baseline cathepsin S levels (P = 0.06), but not for change in weight or LDL-C. Changes in cathepsin S levels were directly correlated with change in LDL-C. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with a habitual control diet, a provided ad libitum healthy Nordic diet decreased cathepsin S levels in healthy individuals, possibly mediated by weight loss or lowered LDL-C. These differences between groups in cathepsin S were however not robust and therefore need further investigation.


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A entrada da mulher no mercado de trabalho gerou uma série de mudanças nas organizações, entretanto, a carreira da mulher executiva ainda apresenta disparidades em relação à carreira dos seus colegas homens. Essa disparidade pode decorrer da incongruência entre o papel social da mulher e o papel esperado de um líder. No entanto, este fenômeno parece está passando por mudanças, dado o empowerment das mulheres tanto no cenário corporativo como político. Neste sentido, surge a problemática desta pesquisa: qual o real comportamento da mulher ao assumir papeis de liderança? O quadro teórico que cerca esta pesquisa envolve a teoria do papel social (EAGLY, 1987), que postula que cada indivíduo tem um papel socialmente aceito, no qual se inclui o papel de líder, formado através de protótipos de como deve ou deveria se comportar, e também papeis gênero, no qual são definidos os comportamentos socialmente aceitos para homens e para mulheres. Nesta direção, para fazer a comparação dos papeis socialmente esperados de ambos os sexos e os papeis requeridos ao líder é utilizada a teoria de congruência de papeis (EAGLY e KARAU, 2002). Dado este quadro teórico, para atender ao objetivo desta pesquisa, são realizados quatro estudos que utilizam metodologias qualitativas, experimentais e quantitativas. No primeiro estudo, são testadas as relações entre sexo do líder e as dimensões agênticas e comunais do protótipo de liderança por meio de análise de conteúdo de descrições de mulheres e homens líderes. Já no segundo estudo, é testada, por meio de um experimento, a congruência da avaliação de líderes masculino e feminino com o comportamento agêntico e comunal. No terceiro estudo, são examinados quatro perfis de liderança e como estes estão associados entre si a partir de dados coletados por meio de questionários estruturados. São analisadas as características do líder em geral e do líder eficaz com as características do líder masculino e da líder feminina. Estas análises também são realizadas considerando o perfil sexual do respondente (BEM, 1974). Por fim, no quarto estudo são analisadas entrevistas em profundidade a fim de identificar como ocorrem e quais as causas destes acontecimentos supracitados. Os resultados demonstraram que ao assumir um papel de liderança, a mulher tende a assumir características agênticas do protótipo de liderança (como força, masculinidade e tirania), ou seja, tende a masculinizar-se para ser aceita pelas outras pessoas. Os resultados revelam também poucas diferenças entre os líderes homens e mulheres, o que corrobora a primeira conclusão. Por outro lado, as características comunais do líder (como sensibilidade) revelam-se como as mais críticas para a aceitação do líder pelos seus subordinados, mas não para a sua eficácia. Dessa forma, este trabalho busca contribuir para compreender melhor o fenômeno da liderança feminina, lançando luz sobre as eventuais incongruências entre os papeis sociais e gerenciais da mulher na sociedade brasileira contemporânea.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se há ou não congruência entre a ideia de lealdade, manifestada no discurso dos bancos, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, identificando qual o sentido desse constructo nas mensagens das instituições bancárias, além de identificar, também, quais os fatores que levam os clientes a manterem relacionamento duradouro com bancos. O estudo é de caráter exploratório, e foi conduzido com entrevistas individuais com clientes pessoa física e gerentes de bancos públicos e privados de Brasília/DF, com o intuito de explorar o relacionamento entre cliente-banco, para uma melhor orientação na direção das análises dos dados obtidos. Os dados foram coletados junto a 11 entrevistados de ambos os sexos, residentes em Brasília/DF, durante os meses de março e abril de 2011. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa adotado foi qualitativo, com foco no valor informacional da mensagem propriamente dita, das palavras, argumentos e idéias nela expressos, utilizando-se uma forma interpretativa para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram o afastamento conceitual entre a ideia de lealdade dos bancos, definida como algo ligado ao entendimento de que o cliente, confiante em seu banco, está satisfeito e não o deixa, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, que a define como um profundo compromisso do cliente em recomprar um produto/serviço consistentemente no futuro, pois constatou-se que os clientes bancários, independentemente de fatores como o tempo gasto ou o esforço associados à troca de fornecedores, são sensíveis a aumento substancial da tarifação, não tem compromisso de recompra com banco e nem de compra junto a um único banco. Em decorrência, se pode concluir que não são fiéis/leais. Como fatores responsáveis por relacionamento duradouro com bancos, verificou-se, como principais, a qualidade do atendimento prestado pelo banco e a reciprocidade existente no relacionamento, ambos são constituintes dos sentimentos de satisfação e confiança nos clientes bancários. Conclui-se o trabalho, fazendo-se recomendações com a intenção de beneficiar e desenvolver os gestores deste segmento.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo tornar explícita a vivência do sentimento de amor e desamor da díade amorosa de um grupo de pessoas, através de uma abordagem existencial fenômeno lógica. Caracterizou-se por uma pesquisa exploratória de campo que apreendeu os relatos de histórias já vividas por 69 pessoas, mulheres e homens, universitários dos cursos de Educação Física, Engenharia e Filosofia, tendo a maioria a idade de 22 e 23 anos. Com pressupostos da técnica dos Incidentes Críticos norteando uma entrevista, procurou-se captar como as pessoas expressam e percebem o sentimento de amor e desamor em relação ao companheiro(a) da díade amorosa. O sentimento de amor foi expresso por ações tais como "Declarar", "Acarinhar", "Presentear", "Confiar", "Ceder", "Mostrar interesse" através de "ajudar em momentos difíceis", "Apoiar/Preocupar", Acolher", "Procurar o outro" e "Querer estar junto". O sentimento de desamor foi apreendido como “Agredir", "Terminar o relacionamento", "Ser egoísta", "Mostrar desinteresse", através da "Indiferença, mostrar-se frio e distante", "Desatenção/Indelicadeza", "Ter outros interesses em momentos de lazer que não estar com a pessoa", "Interessar-se amorosamente por outra pessoa" e "Mostrar dúvidas". Pela análise efetuada observa-se que homens e mulheres não possuem diferenças significativas no número dos relatos por categorias. No entanto homens apresentaram maior proporção de relatos de amor em "Acarinhar" e "Presentear" e as mulheres em "Confiar" e "Ceder". Foram levantadas também as definições pessoais de amor e desamor e os indícios autoperceptivos do estar amando, encontrando-se alguma correspondência com as categorias vivenciais. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada em termos de proporção e conteúdo entre as pessoas pertencentes aos diversos cursos.


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No presente trabalho analisamos a eficácia de estratégias de signaling no contexto do relacionamento extra-diádico. Adicionalmente, mensuramos tanto as preferências declaradas quanto as reveladas pelos indivíduos em suas interações no ambiente virtual, comparando gêneros e países. Pesquisas anteriores sobre a temática extra-diádica apoiaram-se excessivamente sobre metodologias com substanciais lacunas: baixo número de observações, universo amostral restrito a estudantes universitários, viéis auto-declaratório comprometendo a correta interpretação da realidade dos fatos, e ausência de comparativos internacionais. Todas essas ponderações foram superadas no presente estudo, no qual analisamos 100 mil indivíduos, sendo 6 mil homens e 4 mil mulheres para cada um dos 10 países da amostra: Argentina, Austrália, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Itália, México, Espanha, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos. Assim, temos um universo amostral plúrimo em termos de nacionalidade e número de observações. As evidências empíricas aqui reveladas mostraram que indivíduos do sexo masculino são mais ativos na conquista extra-conjugal, refutando a sugestão de uma convergência comportamental. Homens contactaram em média per capita 30 mulheres diferentes no horizonte temporal de 3 meses, contra 13 na direção oposta. Em termos de preferências físicas, constatamos que indivíduos de âmbos os gêneros procuram consumar a relação com uma contraparte idealizada. Mulheres mostram interesse por homens altos e experientes. Os homens querem mulheres mais novas e em forma. Homens baixos ou novos, e mulheres altas ou velhas, foram os mais rechaçados da amostra. Com relação às preferências declaradas e reveladas sobre o tipo de encontro extra-diádico almejado, tanto homens quanto mulheres mostraram maior interesse por um “caso rápido”, indicando o intuito de estabelecer um contato pouco aprofundado, casual, de cunho físico-sexual e com baixa vinculação afetiva. A opção menos escolhida foi “um caso virtual”, sugerindo a efetiva intenção de concretizar a infidelidade, e não mantê-la restrita ao ambiente virtual. Por fim, verificamos que as estratégias de signaling analisadas (por meio de foto, feedback e presente virtual) foram fortemente eficazes. Em todos os casos indivíduos que adotaram tais sinalizações obtiveram substancial vantagem competitiva em relação aos demais e passaram a exercer maior atratividade, recebendo elevada parcela de mensagens e contatos.


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Nesta tese, falamos do corpo construído socialmente, vinculado à subjetividade e à identidade do indivíduo e que está impregnado por elementos sociais e culturais. Para Giddens (2009), o controle do corpo é fundamental para que o indivíduo preserve aquilo que o autor chama de segurança ontológica – ou seja, para que ele tenha um sentido pessoal para a vida e pontos de referência que o ajudem a seguir adiante no cotidiano. Na cultura de consumo, sua aparência tende a ser normatizada e o culto ao corpo, entre outros aspectos, tem o apelo de autoindulgência. Nosso objetivo principal é compreender, dentro de um contexto de normatividade estética, o discurso e as práticas de consumo dos indivíduos em relação ao próprio corpo, identificando de que modo isso se conecta à sua segurança ontológica. Para alcançar esse objetivo, procuramos: (a) entender o olhar o indivíduo em relação a seu próprio corpo, avaliando de que forma isso tem relação com sua segurança ontológica; (b) examinar a presença do mercado no tripé indivíduo-corpo-segurança ontológica; (c) identificar e analisar elementos discursivos relacionados à aparência física, procurando entender o papel do consumo nesse contexto e (d) investigar as motivações que levam o indivíduo a agir ou não em conformidade com a norma estética, analisando as práticas de consumo relacionadas ao corpo. A coleta de dados primários foi feita por meio de entrevistas qualitativas. Foram entrevistados homens e mulheres, de atividades profissionais variadas, de 18 a 50 anos, pertencentes às classes A, B e C (ABEP, 2012), todos eles residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Este campo aconteceu no período de outubro de 2012 a julho de 2013. Os dados foram analisados a partir da abordagem de análise do discurso, considerando-se sua linha francesa e, particularmente a visão pecheutiana. Esta pesquisa conclui, em linha com autores como Giddens (2002), Goffman (1978) e Schouten (1991), que o corpo é algo importante na noção do indivíduo sobre si mesmo e faz parte de sua construção identitária. Além disso, a maneira como o sujeito lida com a mensagem normativa do mercado traz indícios sobre sua segurança ontológica. O indivíduo ontologicamente seguro não é aquele que descarta o mercado e cujas práticas de consumo relativas ao corpo fogem à norma estética. O que o diferencia daquele cuja segurança ontológica é frágil é sua motivação para aderir a determinado estímulo e a forma como ele lida com essas escolhas de consumo. Depreendemos que o indivíduo com segurança ontológica tem menos ansiedade em suas opções relativas ao corpo e não tem o olhar do outro como uma sombra quando toma decisões sobre sua própria aparência. Diferentemente, os indivíduos sem segurança ontológica são mais ansiosos diante da mensagem do mercado. Há, em algum grau, sofrimento quando não atendem a norma estética e, portanto, a aparência do corpo ganha um espaço importante em suas vidas.


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A tomada de decisão estratégica é um tema utilizado ao longo dos anos para auxiliar homens e mulheres, principalmente nas organizações, a pensarem de forma estruturada sobre como decidir e quais raciocínios adotarem nestes momentos. Com o ingresso da mulher no mercado de trabalho, a teoria de tomada de decisão se expandiu para analisar não apenas os processos de tomada de decisão em si, mas também comportamentos utilizados por homens e mulheres nestes momentos. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar o que as teorias de tomada de decisão por gênero mencionam e verificar se estas teorias se relacionam com a realidade de homens e mulheres que se encontram em posições de gerência e diretoria e, com base nisto, confrontar se estas teorias se confirmam quando homens e mulheres se encontram em posições de alta gestão. Além disto, buscou-se investigar também se a teoria sobre empowerment possui alguma relação com as teorias de tomada de tomada de decisão por gênero, bem como se o nível de empowerment entregue para gerentes e diretores nas organizações influencia as características de tomada de decisão utilizadas por estes homens e mulheres. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa semiestruturada com vinte e quatro profissionais em posições de gerência e diretoria, de empresas localizadas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Como resultado, a pesquisa concluiu que a maneira como homens e mulheres tomam decisões estratégicas nas organizações não têm relação direta com as teorias de tomada de decisão por gênero quando estes se encontram em posições de gerência e diretoria, todavia, a maneira como homens e mulheres de alta gestão decidem possui uma relação íntima com o nível de empowerment que os mesmos possuem dentro das empresas que atuam.


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Who was the cowboy in Washington? What is the land of sushi? Most people would have answers to these questions readily available,yet, modern search engines, arguably the epitome of technology in finding answers to most questions, are completely unable to do so. It seems that people capture few information items to rapidly converge to a seemingly 'obvious' solution. We will study approaches for this problem, with two additional hard demands that constrain the space of possible theories: the sought model must be both psychologically and neuroscienti cally plausible. Building on top of the mathematical model of memory called Sparse Distributed Memory, we will see how some well-known methods in cryptography can point toward a promising, comprehensive, solution that preserves four crucial properties of human psychology.


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The genital HPV infection is very common between men and women worldwide, affecting particularly young women, constituting a serious public health problem in less developed regions, favored by the poor living conditions of population. The cytology and colposcopy have notorious importance in the diagnosis of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and therefore its prevention. However, even with such diagnostic tools, the number of women who develop cervical cancer is still high. This study aims to assess the prevalence of genital tract infection by HPV in pregnant and nonpregnant women, evaluating the profile of the immune response presented by the women of these two groups in order to establish correlations among profile of immune response, presence of virus and occurrence of lesions of the uterine cervix. We analyzed specimens obtained from the cervix of 221 patients, 91 pregnant and 130 non-pregnant, aged 14-72 years. The women were subjected to colposcopic and cytologic evaluation detect possible changes in the cervix and then samples were collected in order to perform HPV detection by PCR and real-time PCR for detection of mRNA of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In the present study, the overall prevalence of HPV genital infection was 28.1%; of which 31.9% were pregnant patients and 25.4% in non-pregnant women. Young women under 30 years and those with low educational level education showed a higher risk of HPV infection. Colposcopy showed better correlation with detection of HPV DNA by PCR, when compared to cytology. Generally, HPV infected patients, pregnant or not, exhibited reduced mRNA expression of both pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL -10) cytokines, when compared to patients not infected by HPV. Nonpregnant patients infected presented increase mRNA expression of IL-17 in patients without injury, whereas those with lesion showed higher mRNA expression of TGF-β. Pregnant women without injury infected exhibited increased mRNA expression of TGF-β. There was no difference in HPV prevalence between pregnant and nonpregnant women. There was a reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, except IL-17, in all women infected by HPV. Moreover, we observed an increase of TGF-β in HPV-infected women who are pregnant or not. The results suggest that, in women in this study, HPV infection promoted changes in the profile of cytokines necessary for activation of effective immune response, possibly favoring viral persistence


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Alcohol is one of the few psychotropic drugs that their consumption has admitted legally and sometimes encouraged by the society. Studies show alcohol as the highest consumption of drugs among young people and society in general, probably because of its availability and easy access. The abuse causes public health problems, which was closely related to the violence, socioeconomic problems and the high number of automobile accidents. Transit is one of the main sectors affected by the effects of alcohol, observing a high incidence in the studies. About half of automobile accidents occurs after the consumption of alcoholic beverage, and the vast majority of cases related to high concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream. The relationship of drunk with traffic accidents is in fact evident everywhere in the world, including Brazil, where studies have shown a high relationship between alcohol consumption and traffic accidents. This study determined the alcohol in fatal victims of traffic accidents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and established the profile of this population compared with those found in Brazil and other countries. Samples of blood of ethanol added to fulfillment of the standardization of chromatographic conditions and procedures for the analysis, being employed in the determination of alcohol in blood samples of 277 victims of traffic accidents, collected at the Institute of Scientific Technical Police of Rio Grande do North (ITEP) in the year 2007. The blood alcohol level was determined in these samples correlated with the sex, age and marital status of the victim and the location, day of week and month when the accident occurred, is doing a statistical analysis and outlining a profile of the victims of an accident at transit in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The parameters of standardization studied ensured the quality of the analytical method and, consequently, to obtain reliable laboratory results. Being given the best temperature for injector (150 ºC), detector (250 ºC) and column (50 ºC) with a flow of gas in the column of 2mL/minutos and analysis of time of 12 minutes. The method was linear in the range of 0.01 to 3.2 g / L (r2 = 0.9989) with average recovery of 100.2% and precision with coefficient of variation less than 15%. The analysis carried out on victims of fatal road traffic accidents, ethanol detected in the blood in 66.43% of the victims and these, 96% showed concentration ≥ 0.2 g / L, 87.73% of victims were male, while 12.27% female. The younger age group (1535 years) was the most involved (52,35%) and most single (55.60%). The accidents occurred with greater prevalence in the day on Monday (27%) followed by Sunday (24,19%) and Saturday (15,52%) and it was found that the prevalence of injuries varied between the different months of the year, and in February (14.4%) and April (10.47%) the months that had a higher number of accidents, however this oscillation showed no statistically significant difference. Also no significant difference was observed between the tracks of concentration found in men and women. The standardized method showed to be efficient, given satisfactorily to the goals of this work, and the high levels of alcohol found in victims of fatal road traffic accidents are consistent with several studies of literature, and the profile of the victim also supported by presenting in its most young adults, male and single


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The dissertation evaluates about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program effectiveness of Western Rio Grande do Norte(2008-2012). Specifically, it has aimed to: 1) Describe about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program characteristics in Western Potiguar Region; 2) Investigate which social economic changes the program has caused in Rural Women s lives from Western Potiguar Region; 3) Evaluate whether women s participation in the feminist social movement has contributed in order to facilitate access to the program; 4) evaluate whether rural women s participation from western Potiguar region in POPMR has provoked some questions in relation to labor sexual division in policy all female users or whether it has amplified their capacities for their economical autonomy conquest. The evaluation has been as reference the development concept as freedom according to Amartya Sen (2000) and labor sex division sustained by separation and hierarchy activities performed by men and women according to Kergoat (2009). The qualitative character investigation was made up by a bibliographical and documental research, semi-structured interviews and focal group. The interviews with female mediator agents and female public managers have demonstrated the paths how to create the program by explaining the difficulties and possibilities. The research was concluded with focal groups that had accessed POPMR in western region. With the methodological instruments used, it was possible to achieve the results: The research data show that POPMR has contributed for the region development specifically by expanding rural women s capacities. However, there are still some difficulties which could be overcome with a state actualization, as policies for home labor and home labor care socialization. In this way, the infrastructure construction for production and reproduction must be based on a kind of legislation for a small production which are indispensable elements for a bigger effective policy for women in a rural environment


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Pythagoras was one of the most important pre-Socratic thinkers, and the movement he founded, Pythagoreanism, influenced a whole thought later in religion and science. Iamblichus, an important Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean philosopher of the third century AD, produced one of the most important biographies of Pythagoras in his work Life of Pythagoras. In it he portrays the life of Pythagoras and provides information on Pythagoreanism, such as the Pythagorean religious community which resembled the cult of mysteries; the Pythagorean involvement in political affairs and in the government in southern Italy, the use of music by the Pythagoreans (means of purification of healing, use of theoretical study), the Pythagorean ethic (Pythagorean friendship and loyalty, temperance, self-control, inner balance); justice; and the attack on the Pythagoreans. Also in this biography, Iamblichus, almost seven hundred years after the termination of the Pythagorean School, established a catalog list with the names of two hundred and eighteen men and sixteen women, supposedly Pythagoreans of different nationalities. Based on this biography, a question was raised: to what extent and in what ways, can the Pythagoreans quoted by Iamblichus really be classified as Pythagoreans? We will take as guiding elements to search for answers to our central problem the following general objectives: to identify, whenever possible, which of the men and women listed in the Iamblichus catalog may be deemed Pythagorean and specific; (a) to describe the mystery religions; (b) to reflect on the similarities between the cult of mysteries and the Pythagorean School; (c) to develop criteria to define what is being a Pythagorean; (d) to define a Pythagorean; (e) to identify, if possible, through names, places of birth, life, thoughts, work, lifestyle, generation, etc.., each of the men and women listed by Iamblichus; (f) to highlight who, in the catalog, could really be considered Pythagorean, or adjusting to one or more criteria established in c, or also to the provisions of item d. To realize these goals, we conducted a literature review based on ancient sources that discuss the Pythagoreanism, especially Iamblichus (1986), Plato (2000), Aristotle (2009), as well as modern scholars of the Pythagorean movement, Cameron (1938), Burnet (1955), Burkert (1972), Barnes (1997), Gorman (n.d.), Guthrie (1988), Khan (1999), Mattéi (2000), Kirk, Raven and Shofield (2005), Fossa and Gorman (n.d.) (2010). The results of our survey show that, despite little or no availability of information on the names of alleged Pythagoreans listed by Iamblichus, if we apply the criteria and the definition set by us of what comes to be a Pythagorean to some names for which we have evidence, it is possible to assume that Iamblichus produced a list which included some Pythagoreans


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In recent decades, humanity has become increasingly concerned with environmental problems. Proofs of this are increasing initiatives in civil society organizations, private institutions and government actions, either local, state or national actions to promote environmental protection. The goal of this research is to contribute to the formation of citizens more aware of their responsibilities to sustainable development issues, simultaneously to their learning of physics in the secondary school. Thus, we have designed a research project that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the adoption of the concept of sustainable development as a central theme in physics classes in high school. From this goal, we designed, implemented and evaluate lesson plans that aim not only to construct and apply the concept of energy, but also to understand their transformations and conservation law, as well as their processes of production, distribution and consume in the context of physical laws in which it is involved. Then, it was deliberately provided to students, during classes, to read, interpret and produce texts, by this way being able to think and start to have a critical view of the world around him, as well as absorb the energy concept and understand his occurrence in phenomena of nature and in technologies. The approach used for this was that constraining science, technology, society and environment - STSE. This teaching methodology has been applied in the IFRN Ipanguaçu campus, for students of two classes of first year of high school integrated course in agroecology and in technical computing. The survey results show the effectiveness of both methods with respect to the viewpoints of students in relation to the guidelines of sustainable development and the learning of physics content proposed. It is hoped with this dissertation to contribute to the formation of future men and women as citizens environmentally friendly, but also as a source of inspiration for teachers who wish to foster in its students such a critical position about civic education, from their classes