864 resultados para Memory in motion pictures
Treball de fi de màster que estudia comparativament les relacions entre la novel·la "Jane Eyre" de Charlotte Brontë i l'adaptació cinematogràfica de la mateixa realitzada pel director Cary Fukunaga.
Vaatimusten määrittelyn tarkoitus on kartoittaa tietojärjestelmän käyttäjien työtehtäviä ja niihin liittyviä järjestelmän toiminnallisia ja ei-toiminnallisia vaatimuksia. Todellinen asiakasnäkökulma tulee esille yrityksen itse käynnistämässä vaatimusten määrittelyssä. Nykytilan selvittäminen ja kriittisten toimintojen havaitseminen käynnistävät kohdeyksikössä käytävän keskinäisen keskustelun, mikä on edellytyksenä järjestelmävaatimusten havaitsemiseen. Tämän työn teoriaosuudessa lähestytään eri näkökulmia vaatimustenmäärittelyyn. Tämän jälkeen esitellään muutamia asiakasyritykselle sopivia määrittelymenetelmiä, joita voidaan hyödyntää valmisohjelmistohankeen määrittelyssä. Työssä esitetään myös toiminnanohjaukseen ja tietovarastointiin tarkoitettujen järjestelmien tapaa kerätä taloudellista informaatiota ja luoda raportteja johdolle päätöksenteon tueksi. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitetään mitkä ovat Lappeenrannan Energia Oy:n asettamat liiketoiminnalliset tarpeet ja vaatimukset uudelle talousohjauksen tietojärjestelmälle.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és explorar el rol del cinema com a generador d’imatge de la destinació turística. El cinema és capaç de promoure, confirmar i reforçar les imatges, les opinions i la identitat d’una destinació de manera molt poderosa
Comparação de duas metodologias de amostragem atmosférica com ferramenta estatística não paramétrica
In atmospheric aerosol sampling, it is inevitable that the air that carries particles is in motion, as a result of both externally driven wind and the sucking action of the sampler itself. High or low air flow sampling speeds may lead to significant particle size bias. The objective of this work is the validation of measurements enabling the comparison of species concentration from both air flow sampling techniques. The presence of several outliers and increase of residuals with concentration becomes obvious, requiring non-parametric methods, recommended for the handling of data which may not be normally distributed. This way, conversion factors are obtained for each of the various species under study using Kendall regression.
En los procesos formativos conviene tener en cuenta la diversidad de métodos y medios de soporte educativos disponiblescon el objetivo de facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión: visuales, sonoros, audiovisuales. Los medios audiovisuales sonlos que presentan un mayor desarrollo y utilización, destacando entre ellos el cine. El cine, como medio de comunicación, nospermite interpretar y descubrir lo que nos quiere comunicar a partir de la narración o historia que plantea, temas que luego lasociedad debate, bien sea presentando hechos que pueden ser reales o ficciones que podrían darse en la realidad. Sepretende asimismo analizar alguna filmografía que en su temática trate aspectos relacionados con la enfermería y la saludmental, tema este último que ha generado grandes películas y que sigue siendo un foco de interés para el público. Por tantola buena o mala utilización marca estereotipos positivos o negativos que pueden llegar a mantenerse en el tiempo. Todo ellopuede permitir con una cierta distancia: . Promover debate y discusión entre profesionales de la salud. . Motivar el análisis ycrítica en estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado. . Facilitar actividades de promoción y educación para la salud en grupos ocomunidades. Para ello utilizaremos una metodología para ir más allá del visionado de la película: . Orientamos un debate,analizando la estructura de la película, su contenido, los personajes y las relaciones que establecen. Es importante identificarlas películas adecuadas que permitan observar, analizar los contenidos que interesen trabajar
Este trabajo recoge la presentación de la comunicación "Música y Sonido en los trailers: estilos y géneros" en el I Congreso de Música y Cultura Audiovisual (Murcia, 2014)
Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor, and also a cytokine, associated with the extracellular matrix, which has recently starting to attract attention as a significant neuromodulator with multiple neuronal functions during development. PTN is expressed in several tissues, where its signals are generally related with cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation by acting through different receptors. In Central Nervous System (CNS), PTN exerts post-developmental neurotrophic and -protective effects, and additionally has been involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neural disorders. Studies in Drosophila shed light on some aspects of the different levels of regulatory control of PTN invertebrate homologs. Specifically in hippocampus, recent evidence from PTN Knock-out (KO) mice involves PTN functioning in learning and memory. In this paper, we summarize, discuss, and contrast the most recent advances and results that lead to proposing a PTN as a neuromodulatory molecule in the CNS, particularly in hippocampus.
En aquest monografic dedicat al cine hem recollit articles de directores de dues generacions perque ens expliquin la seva experiencia de fer pel.licules i també hem convidat a un crític perque ens parli, des de la seva diferencia de ser home, del cinema fet per dones
Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor, and also a cytokine, associated with the extracellular matrix, which has recently starting to attract attention as a significant neuromodulator with multiple neuronal functions during development. PTN is expressed in several tissues, where its signals are generally related with cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation by acting through different receptors. In Central Nervous System (CNS), PTN exerts post-developmental neurotrophic and -protective effects, and additionally has been involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neural disorders. Studies in Drosophila shed light on some aspects of the different levels of regulatory control of PTN invertebrate homologs. Specifically in hippocampus, recent evidence from PTN Knock-out (KO) mice involves PTN functioning in learning and memory. In this paper, we summarize, discuss, and contrast the most recent advances and results that lead to proposing a PTN as a neuromodulatory molecule in the CNS, particularly in hippocampus.
Nykyisessä valmistusteollisuudessa erilaisten robottien ja automatisoitujen tuotantovaiheiden rooli on erittäin merkittävä. Tarkasti suunnitellut liikkeet ja toimintavaiheet voidaan nykyisillä järjestelmillä ajoittaa tarkasti toisiinsa nähden, jolloin erilaisten virhetilanteidenkin sattuessa järjestelmä pystyy toimimaan tilanteen edellyttämällä tavalla. Automatisoinnin etuna on myös tuotannon muokkaaminen erilaisten tuotteiden valmistamiseen pienillä muutoksilla, jolloin tuotantokustannukset pysyvät matalina myös pienten valmistuserien tapauksissa. Usean akselin laitteissa eli niin sanotuissa moniakselikäytöissä laitteen toimintatarkkuus riippuu jokaisen liikeakselin tarkkuudesta. Liikkeenohjauksessa on perinteisesti ollut käytössä myötäkytketty paikkakaskadi, jonka virityksessä otetaan huomioon akselilla olevat erilaiset dynaamiset tilat ja käytettävät referenssit. Monissa nykyisissä hajautetuissa järjestelmissä eli moniakselikäytöissä, joissa jokaiselle akselille on oma ohjauslaite, ei yksittäisen akselin paikkavirhettä huomioida muiden akseleiden ohjauksessa. Työssä tutkitaan erilaisia moniakselijärjestelmien ohjausmenetelmiä ja myötäkytketyn paikkakaskadin toimintaa moniakselikäytössä pyritään parantamaan tuomalla paikkasäätimen rinnalle toinen säädin, jonka tulona on akseleiden välinen paikkaero.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin biomassahydrolysaatilla liattujen ultrasuodatusmembraanien pesua. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään membraanien likaantumista ja pesua, puuperäistä biomassahydrolysaattia sekä biomassahydrolysaatin suodatusta membraaneilla ja membraanien karakterisointia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin pesuaineiden vaikutusta koivuhydrolysaatilla liattujen membraanien peseytyvyyteen. Käytetyt ultrasuodatusmembraanit olivat Alfa Lavalin UFX5 ja ETNA01PP. Membraanien pesussa käytettiin Ecolabin entsymaattisia P3-ultrasil 53 ja P3-ultrasil 67 pesuaineita yhdessä emäksisen P3-ultrasil 69 pesuaineen kanssa sekä hapanta P3-ultrasil 75 pesuainetta. Lisäksi emäksisiä P3-ultrasil 110, P3-ultrasil 112 ja P3-ultrasil 115 pesuaineita. Emäksisten pesujen tehokkuutta vertailtiin pelkällä natriumhydroksidilla tehtyyn pesuun. Membraanien likaantumista arvioitiin mittaamalla puhtaan veden vuota ennen ja jälkeen likaantumissuodatuksen ja laskemalla niiden vuoarvojen erotus. Samalla tavalla arvioitiin pesuaineiden vaikutusta membraanin peseytyvyyteen. Lisäksi peseytyvyyttä arvioitiin FTIR–analyyseillä, kontaktikulmamittauksilla ja membraanin sisältämän ligniinin värjäyksellä. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että koivuhydrolysaatilla liatuille UFX5 membraaneille vesivuon sekä FTIR–spektrin muuttumisen perusteella sopii parhaiten emäksisen ja happaman pesuaineen kaksivaiheinen pesu. Kontaktikulman palautumisen perusteella parhaiten sopi pelkällä emäksisellä P3-Ultrasil 115 tehty pesu. Ligniiniä parhaiten, mikroskooppiin liitetyllä kameralla otettujen kuvien perusteella, poisti entsymaattinen P3-ultrasil 67, mutta tämä samalla modifioi membraanin pintaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että emäksinen ja entsymaattinen pesuaine pesevät melko hyvin koivuhydrolysaatilla liattuja membraaneja. Lisäksi havaittiin, että ligniini tunkeutuu suodatuksissa membraanin sisään, joten pelkkä pesuaineen kierrättäminen laitteistossa ei riitä vaan tarvitaan paineellista pesua.
This Thesis discusses the phenomenology of the dynamics of open quantum systems marked by non-Markovian memory effects. Non-Markovian open quantum systems are the focal point of a flurry of recent research aiming to answer, e.g., the following questions: What is the characteristic trait of non-Markovian dynamical processes that discriminates it from forgetful Markovian dynamics? What is the microscopic origin of memory in quantum dynamics, and how can it be controlled? Does the existence of memory effects open new avenues and enable accomplishments that cannot be achieved with Markovian processes? These questions are addressed in the publications forming the core of this Thesis with case studies of both prototypical and more exotic models of open quantum systems. In the first part of the Thesis several ways of characterizing and quantifying non-Markovian phenomena are introduced. Their differences are then explored using a driven, dissipative qubit model. The second part of the Thesis focuses on the dynamics of a purely dephasing qubit model, which is used to unveil the origin of non-Markovianity for a wide class of dynamical models. The emergence of memory is shown to be strongly intertwined with the structure of the spectral density function, as further demonstrated in a physical realization of the dephasing model using ultracold quantum gases. Finally, as an application of memory effects, it is shown that non- Markovian dynamical processes facilitate a novel phenomenon of timeinvariant discord, where the total quantum correlations of a system are frozen to their initial value. Non-Markovianity can also be exploited in the detection of phase transitions using quantum information probes, as shown using the physically interesting models of the Ising chain in a transverse field and a Coulomb chain undergoing a structural phase transition.
Heat shock factors (HSFs) are an evolutionarily well conserved family of transcription factors that coordinate stress-induced gene expression and direct versatile physiological processes in eukaryote organisms. The essentiality of HSFs for cellular homeostasis has been well demonstrated, mainly through HSF1-induced transcription of heat shock protein (HSP) genes. HSFs are important regulators of many fundamental processes such as gametogenesis, metabolic control and aging, and are involved in pathological conditions including cancer progression and neurodegenerative diseases. In each of the HSF-mediated processes, however, the detailed mechanisms of HSF family members and their complete set of target genes have remained unknown. Recently, rapid advances in chromatin studies have enabled genome-wide characterization of protein binding sites in a high resolution and in an unbiased manner. In this PhD thesis, these novel methods that base on chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) are utilized and the genome-wide target loci for HSF1 and HSF2 are identified in cellular stress responses and in developmental processes. The thesis and its original publications characterize the individual and shared target genes of HSF1 and HSF2, describe HSF1 as a potent transactivator, and discover HSF2 as an epigenetic regulator that coordinates gene expression throughout the cell cycle progression. In male gametogenesis, novel physiological functions for HSF1 and HSF2 are revealed and HSFs are demonstrated to control the expression of X- and Y-chromosomal multicopy genes in a silenced chromatin environment. In stressed human cells, HSF1 and HSF2 are shown to coordinate the expression of a wide variety of genes including genes for chaperone machinery, ubiquitin, regulators of cell cycle progression and signaling. These results highlight the importance of cell type and cell cycle phase in transcriptional responses, reveal the myriad of processes that are adjusted in a stressed cell and describe novel mechanisms that maintain transcriptional memory in mitotic cell division.
This basic research focuses on the ethos of health and the human being's becoming in health. The theoretical perspective consists of the caring tradition within caring science developed at Åbo Akademy University. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to uncover a new understanding as well as to deepen and attain a more nuanced understanding of the ethos of health, the essence of health, by penetrating to the core of what gives the human being the strength for experiencing a becoming in health. The research questions are as follows: l) What is the human being's source of strength? and 2) What reveals the source of strength so that the human being can perceive it and dedicate its strength in order to experience a becoming in health? The primary methodology used in the dissertation is hermeneutical. The material consists of the work Kärlekens gerningar by Kierkegaard, texts from focused interviews with respondents who have lived through severe personal suffering, as well as the book Det bländande mörkret by Wikström. These texts are interpreted through hermeneutical reading. The new horizon of understanding that emerges is reflected towards Eriksson's caritative theory, towards prior research within the tradition of caring science at Åbo Akademy University and towards previous national and international studies within this field. The new understanding shows that the human being's source of strength is love, the essence and origin of life. The substance of health is love, which, through the trinity of faith, hope and love, also makes possible the existence of the source of strength. Love has a deeper dignity than faith and hope, is connected with eternity and is the uniting link between temporality and eternity. The human being's inner longing entails an ontological attraction towards the source of strength. This source of strength is hidden, which provides and maintains its force, like a mystery connected with the darkness of suffering that hides the secret representing the source of strength, life's mystery, bu t w hi ch is revealed in both the darkness of suffering and in the light of joy. The dedication of strength requires freedom, willingness and courage to see the light, despite awareness of shame and guilt. Creative acts liberate the human being for the dedication of strength, which is preceded by a holy presence where, in solitude, the human being makes sacrifices for the sake of his or her human smallness and weakness, and allows himself or herself to be enclosed by the darkness of suffering to discover the light from the source. This entails being enraptured in a quiet "doing" in order to experience the beauty that bears witness to the holy which creates unity. The source of strength is revealed through beauty. The ethos of the human being and the ethos of health have the same fundamental substance, whilst the ethos of life possesses the deepest dimension and concerns the mysterious and infinite eternity. The ethos of life, eternity, which is a wellspring of strength, is not in itself strength-giving unless it is allied with love. Health can be understood in the light of life, of which death is an inevitable part. Life itself constitutes and creates the source which, through its alliance with eternity' s primordial wellspring of strength, generates strength from which the human being's source of strength, love, receives its eternal fervour. The human being is fundamentally interconnected with an abstract other, the first love, a universal wellspring of strength. Through Communion with this abstract other a dedication of the strength to experience a becoming in health becomes possible. Love for one's neighbour is the fundamental substance in the movement of becoming in health. Becoming in health presupposes a simultaneous movement in which the human being practices the human calling through ethos. As one loves one's neighbour through actions the still forces of eternity are in motion. When life emerges in the foreground and becomes the home of the human being, a dedication of the power of love is possible. Life itself determines the human being's becoming in health. A humble fundamental attitude towards life constitutes the basis for a continuous dedication of vitality from this source.
The economy, under the condition of scarcity is meanwhile aiming at more rational economic activities that are efficient and effective. Companies need to know how to make use of new possibilities towards a more sustainable business. The right balance between risk and opportunity implies a sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Managers need to navigate companies across the globalization, as the global economy is constantly in motion. Further, companies have to face trends since the business world is changing radically. In order to keep up with those changes, companies have to recognize new trends early and respond quickly, efficiently and smart. To gain a competitive edge is without a doubt a critical aspect of a comprehensive value creation economy that withstands the demand for value capture and sustainability. Expectations towards a responsible economy are growing steadily. Therefore, companies have increasingly an obligation to economize more sustainable and to communicate their social and environmental commitment externally. Sustainability can live through the entire structure of value creation of a company. By reducing environmental and social risks companies can create values. This value creation thus represents a proper performance of a company and the accomplished added value through companies’ activities.